Chapter 17

Twinkling Hearts 반짝 하트

SoYeon's POV


After I left the fanmeeting.. I just realized.. where in the world am I?.. oh! good thing I brought my phone.. I looked for my phone in my bag.. phew~ I took it and tried to call my mom..

ringing... ringing... -- "user cannot be reached, please try again later" aish.. I'm super dead.. wait.. oh great.. I'm sure my mom turned her phone off.. T___T try dad.. ringing.. ringing... ringing.. tut...tut... T__T what a luck! why did he hung up?!.. it tried to call again... and hung up again T_T wa.. T__T great.. at times like this my sister is using my dad's phone.. playing games .. argh! what a luck..

I don't know anyone here in Seoul.. If only HyoRi is here.. 

I ended up.. waiting for my sister to finish playing games on my dad's phone.. after a while, I tried to call dad again..


NO! his battery is dead! curse my sister..

now what am I going to do.. I'm lost in this strange place.. I wish I didn't went here.. it was not worth it anyways..

I looked back and the fanmeeting was still going on.. aish.. I don't even know my grandpa's address.. I can't ask for Jinyoung's help.. he's famous.. if he'll help me I'm sure netizens will go crazy about it.. I need to find my way back.. the question is.. how?

I saw a park on the other street side.. I went there and sat on the swing.. I slowly pushed myself on the swing while looking at my phone..

It's already been hours.. then I saw b1a4 going to their van as the fans were shouting.. I stood up from the swing.. and just looked at the scene.. Jinyoung is just meters away but.. it feels like he's a million miles away.. I sighed as I looked at the van leave.. I sat back on the swing when my mom called,

"Where are you? Why didn't you call?" my mom asked worriedly,

"mom, I've been trying to call you for the past hours but your phone was dead.." I said,

"oh.. I'm sorry.. where are you? we'll pick you up.." I asked, "I don't know where I am.." I said, "oh wait! I'm at a park!" I added,

"SoYeon.. there are a lot of parks in this city.." she said, "I think this is a children's park.." I said, "oh! wait.. I think I know where that is.." she said, "We'll come pick you up.. just wait there ok?" she ordered, "arasseo.." I said as she hung up..




I waited... and waited... a van caught my attention.. o.O? that's b1a4's van right?.. I saw Jinyoung went out and went back to the fanmeeting venue.. I left the park, and followed him.. I  hid behind a post and I saw him looking for something..

oh.., he left something.. I thought it was something else...

I slowly left the venue when somebody grabbed my wrist.. I got scared and looked back.. O_O! my eyes widened when I saw a figure infront of me..

It's J..Jinyoung.... my whole world stopped.. I can only hear his breath and my heart beating so fast! my vocal chords feels stucked in my throat.. my face feels so hot.. I feel like dying.. "SoYeon-ah.." he said.. "so it's really you.." he added, he didn't let go of my wrist.. "Do you still recognize me?" he asked, as he pulled me closer to him, he stared at me and I felt worse..

"" I said, but I heard someone calling my name "SoYeon-ah?!" I heard my mom shouting as she got out from the car.. "eomma.." I said, I was about to run to my mom but Jinyoung didn't let go of my wrist.. he suddenly placed something on my palm and closed my hand with his hands.. I looked at him with shock..

Luckily, a few people was around the place.. and nobody recognized Jinyoung except me.. My eyes rounded as I looked at him.. I held my chest.. I can't barely breath..

"SoYeon-ah? who's this?-- oh! you're Jinyoung right? are you 2 secretly dating?" my mom asked, "huh?! aniyo!" me and Jinyoung simultaneously said as Jinyoung let go of my rist.. "oh.. ok then.. I'll need to take my SoYeon.." my mom said, "oh.. ne.." Jinyoung said, "well.. if I'm not bothering you 2." mom added, "ani.. it's fine.." Jinyoung said as he looked at me. His stare vibrated my nerves..

I opened my palm and I saw a necklace with a with my name written O_O.. "I made something like this to you.." I whispered to myself.. but Jinyoung heard it.. "yes you did.. and I want to give you one back.." he also whispered, my mom didn't heard our small conversation, "let's go" my mom said, "oh! ne.." I said.. as I walked to our car, I looked at Jinyoung.. then a word suddenly uttered my mouth.. 

"annyeong oppa!" O_O! what the >.< that was embarassing.. I stopped walking and covered my mouth.. I looked back at him.. he just smiled.. then I ran to the car and hurriedly closed the door..


Jinyoung's POV


I met her again.. but.. it's impossible for me to meet her everyday since.. we already have different lives.. I hope she didn't came to like me just because I became a celebrity.. 

I felt happy when she called me oppa.. I really missed her so much-- "argh!! damn it!! I wasn't able to ask her phone number again.. argh!!!" I shouted as I kicked to stone in front of me, "ow.." that hurts.. Jinyoung.. you blew it again.. 

"Jinyoung-ah! hurry up!" my manager shouted from our van, "ne!" I said as I run to the van..

"I thought I said to you not to interact with fans!" manager got angry, "ani! she's not a fan.. she was.. b..bling girl.." I said, our manager's eyes widened.. "oh.. but still! she's a fan of yours, I'm sure.." 

"well.. I trust her.. she won't do anything to ruin our image.. she's a nice girl.. manager.. just trust me in this.." I said, "fine, but if something happens just because of what happened earlier.. your dead (chuckles)" ... "ne!" I said.

when we arrived at our dorm manager remembered something, "oh! I remebered.. since b1a4 has fans from overseas.. you should try twitter.. it's a way to lighten up your fans around the world.." 

"oh! really? ne.. I'll try that.." I said,

"and don't forget to tell the other members" 



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charleneshii #1
this story made me cry :) i love this story so much <3<3
JinyoungsBlingGirl #2
Ah can i request? for the first time I read this I really want it now I ended it XD (it takes me a long time to read this cos' I do imagine I'm Soyeon) XD can you continue this story :D I'm like crazy visiting this site again and again just for more chapters :( please. JEBAL! can you add more long chapters? please ^^
melon_dew #3
damn!i can imagine Jinyoung said Bling Girl~n i was like dying..ahha
melon_dew #4
i did put intention to wrap up my comment till i read all the chapters..but in chapter 4 i suddenly burst into tears~huhu..i never know how my crush felt towards me..cause last year...i was really close to him..n feel like we were couple..huhu..ur story really nice n the main character Jinyoung just make this story turns to reality to me..hehe :)
melon_dew #5
oh my!i've just read chapter one..n you know what this story resemble mine a lot...hehe..but the marker part isnt mine..hehe...really love ur story... :)
lol,, its funny how the first chapter sort of describe how I react when I saw my crush,, I like your story eventhough im only in Chapter 1. :D
lemonylimes #7
Cute ~~
What a cute oneshot! haha Kya~ my heart beating fast~ Lolz i'm new here! so this is my first time commenting :) i luv ur stories! Please make a sequel~
Sequel Please :)