Red eyes

His name is Leo

I woke up just 5 minutes before my alarm ring. Turning off the blue clock before its ring struck my head, I went to the room next to mine, Leo’s room. I left the lights on, so I simply make my way inside knowing he won’t be disturbed by me. Only to found the guy isn’t here. Panicked, I checked the windows, but there is no sign of it being pried open. Maybe he came back to where he came from, but that sounds impossible. He seemed so scared…

Reluctant, I kept him in my mind as I went downstairs to make coffee and have a little breakfast. Leo’s presence changes so many things in the house, although he was only here for a few hours.

After brewing coffee, I held the mug in one hand and open my terrace glass door, just like yesterday. As the warmth of the mug seeps into my cold hands, I look around.

Then there is Leo. Sitting on his hideout corner, asleep curled up. He must be cold… how long have he been staying there? I smiled, and just like yesterday, I pulled him inside.

                                                                                *             *             *

I gave Leo stern words to stay inside his room at all cost. I’m just going to go to school for a few hours, so I suppose he would be fine. I left him platefuls of sweet breads, drinks and even a jar full of candies to distract him while I’m gone. I managed to get him to change his clothes to a warmer set of trainers and sweater, but I still leave the warmer in his room on. Toilets and the kitchen are okay, but I don’t want him to wander off anywhere else while I’m gone. I’m afraid he might hurt himself; I even keep sharp household utensils inside the drawers.

I told him I would lock the house from outside, and he seemed okay with it. As I run to the bus stop, I called my housekeeper to let her know that today is a day off. I don’t need my housemaid screaming on top of her lungs to a guy inside my house. Moreover, all the gossips that comes from it. Let’s just hope Leo is doing fine while I’m out.

                                                                                *             *             *


This place used to be so horribly scary for me, after all the scandals that follows my family. But, after a while, all the loud talk turns into whispers and the whispers turns into barely audible exchange of gazes. I walk in a hasty pace to my classroom, not wanting to be late. As I pace up in the corridors, a girl smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

She is the only person that wants to share a study group with me. I suppose, it’s not because she pitied me, but more because she doesn’t really care about a scandalous girl. Celena is pretty quiet, she used to be deaf but a surgery gave her an ability to hear.

Both of us are outcasts. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t bother staying nearby me.

A few seconds after I enter class, the teacher came in and we start the morning assembly.


                                                                                *             *             *

When the last bell rang and it signals us to go home, I ran as fast as I could out of school, not wanting to keep Leo waiting any second longer. He must be pretty hungry by now. Oh dear, what if all the food I left him isn’t enough? Leo ate lots, and it’s already freaking 3 P.M., I bet he must be hungry. Oh stupid me, why do I only left him sweet breads and cookies? Of course those are not enough for such a big eater, you idiot. How could I forget that yesterday he ate two large portions of fettuccine, all by himself? And let’s not forget that he emptied one whole canister of chocolate brownie after that meal.

When I spot my favorite bakery, I decided to stop by for a while, picking out freshly baked sweet treats for Leo. Let’s just hope that these are enough to keep him distracted as I cook him a nice lunch. After paying, I ran home with a bag full of pastry.

Unlocking the door, I barge in and call for Leo. When there is no answer, I went upstairs to check his room, and he’s there still, sitting by his bed in the same position as I left him this morning. The only thing that had changed is that the plate is now empty and pristine clean, so is the candy jar, as well as his drinks. He’s asleep, too. Maybe he had been waiting for me. I feel sorry for him. Why does he always follow orders like he’s bound to it? Why can’t he break any rules?

I sat in front of him after clearing my way, and patted his head gently as he suddenly open his eyes wide in panic, before recognizing my features. “You’re being a good one, aren’t you Leo?” he nodded and his lips curve upwards a bit, to something resembling a smile. He leaned his head more to my touch, and I gave him just that. “I’m so sorry I kept you waiting for so long… I brought more food home, are you hungry?” I reached a hand to the paper bag and take out a muffin. His nose crinkles and sniffs to the scent of the freshly baked treat, and he looked up to me as he reaches out his hand. Laughing heartily, I peel out the paper that wraps the chocolate flavored treat before handing it to him, watching him munching it down in delight. When that one is gone as fast, I gave him more. On and on just like that, until one bread is left inside the bag. I fished it out and again make sure it’s free of anything inedible before giving it to Leo. Leo looked at it intensely as if trying to get in the milk flavored bread’s mind, but he simply blink and hand it back to me. “Leo doesn’t want this?” I quirked my brow, questioning. It’s not like Leo to reject food. I hand it back to him and he hid his hands behind his back in a childish act, refusing it. “Leo doesn’t like milk bread?” he shook his head eagerly, wanting to show his disapproval of my statement. Means he likes it…… so why—oh.

“Is this one for me?” he vigorously nodded his head, and his lips curved upwards again. My heart suddenly feels unknowingly fuzzy and warm, so I shift to sit next to him as I whispered him my gratitude. Chewing on the small sweet treat, I don’t remember ever feeling happier than being next to this…. Creature. This creature who his fingers clean of jam and chocolate after eating a dozen bread.

This creature whose eyes glow red in fear when I woke him up.

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goodness, the typos in chapter 20.


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LuYeon #1
I like this so much that i came every year to reread it, hoping for an update since forever ! 💛🤌
HomeHam #2
when will you update im still sobbing
Chapter 38: /sobs. im biasing human leo more than demon leo
maybe because human leo was closer to jungtaekwoon that i knew irl in front of camera orz

where can i find this story on wattpad?
Maan2442 #4
Chapter 38: Leo and '???' souls should join together one day!! please update again soon!!
Chapter 38: leo come back!!!
Chapter 24: omg omg omg
Chapter 38: This is very interesting and Leo is super adorable and now everything makes more sense xD and whoever th demon is, as long as he has a heart xD
red_knight #8
Chapter 38: I love this story!! Keep it up, Authornim!!