What is going on, Leo?

His name is Leo

Days go on fast with Leo’s presence.

I have classes, tutor classes, day outs, and Leo would be there to welcome me. He still disappears on mornings just a few more times though, but then afterwards, he’s always there. We eat together, we cook, we play a lot with kittens, and I watch as Leo tries every single day to learn to talk. Of course, he chooses the words that he needs most in living with me. He can barely make out audible mutters of ‘hungry’, ‘cold’, ‘sweets’, and ‘darky’. I taught him the names of the two other kittens, Snowball and Woolly, but he insists on saying calling out only to Darky.

Leo had also learned to change his own clothes, take care of the kittens, eating with proper utensils, and even turning the radio on and off. He dislikes the TV, though. He dislikes seeing the people, so I don’t watch TV often anymore.

I also don’t care about school anymore. Bad things happened a lot to me, like they always do, and I’ll always fight them. But then I came home later on, and seeing Leo’s happy smile as we eat together or play together, I know things are going to get better.

Then one day, problems stop appearing. I don’t even care why or how, they just did. No one touch me in the locker room anymore, Mark and his crew poof out into thin air, the pretty and popular girls at school never even appear in my sight anymore. Everyone seems to decide they don’t want to mess with me anymore, and that is great!

So just like a lot of other days, today I walk home with a smile on my face and a box of cake in my hand. Walking in the house, just like any other day, I see Leo crouching on that same corner, cooing and playing with the kittens. He still cradle up Darky a lot, but he instantly put down his beloved kitten and walk up to me to greet me with his smile as soon as he realize my presence.

“Hello, Leo. Here is today’s cake,” I hand him the box of cake and he took it, a smile widespread on his face as he opened the box in his hands. “Did you take care of the kittens well today?” he nodded excitedly and points at the playing kittens, eager to show me. “Go on and have some cake, Leo. I’ll go shower and catch up with you. Don’t mess the cream too much okay? Leave some for me.” I told him as I ruffle his hair. He went to the kitchen and I followed him, wanting to make sure he didn’t drop the cake or do something really clumsy like himself.

As we walk in the dining room, I noticed a small metallic camera on the dining table. It’s the one I bought for Leo. He usually put it somewhere I didn’t see, maybe in his room or somewhere. But I taught him to charge and replace batteries and everything, so I never see it as a problem. Maybe he had just taken pictures of the kitten, that’s why the camera is here. After all, Leo is not Leo if he doesn’t lose focus of the things he does and put time to time.

I reached out to the camera and turn it on, waiting as it shows a load screen. I never see the pictures he took, ever since I bought the camera for him I had been preoccupied with myself, I forgot that I bought him the camera so that I can see whatever it is the things he does while he is away from me. Take pictures of what matters most, and take pictures of those you love most, that’s what I told him.

First few pictures, are the pictures we took in the house on the day I bought Leo the camera. Next there are a few pictures of myself in the house, myself cooking… oh Leo.

Then, the next pictures. Pictures of food, chocolate cookies, brownies. He must’ve took them while I’m out for school.

Then there are pictures of… the street. Streets. I know that neighborhood. It’s my old house, my dad’s house. Then there are a few blurry, blurry pictures that seemed like a darkened room. What’s scary is, there are a lot of dark red splatter around the wall that looks like blood. Then I scroll and scroll, wanting to see more faces. There are familiar faces…. Mark, his crew, his girlfriend, my old ballet teacher….

“Leo, what are these pictures?” I bite my lips as I showed him the camera; I knew there have to be an explanation of all these gory pictures. Sadly, he set his spoon down, ceased eating and took my hand. His hand is stiff and cold; and he lead me outside the house, to my backyard.

What is going on, Leo? Tell me….

I know you won’t hurt me….

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goodness, the typos in chapter 20.


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LuYeon #1
I like this so much that i came every year to reread it, hoping for an update since forever ! 💛🤌
HomeHam #2
when will you update im still sobbing
Chapter 38: /sobs. im biasing human leo more than demon leo
maybe because human leo was closer to jungtaekwoon that i knew irl in front of camera orz

where can i find this story on wattpad?
Maan2442 #4
Chapter 38: Leo and '???' souls should join together one day!! please update again soon!!
Chapter 38: leo come back!!!
Chapter 24: omg omg omg
Chapter 38: This is very interesting and Leo is super adorable and now everything makes more sense xD and whoever th demon is, as long as he has a heart xD
red_knight #8
Chapter 38: I love this story!! Keep it up, Authornim!!