I Could Care Less About Anything Else

His name is Leo

I haven’t had any dreams in a while, but I dreamt of Leo tonight….

I dreamt that he entered my room to kiss my cheek, and he says something—which is pretty much impossible. He said something like a goodnight….

The weird thing is, his eyes glows bright red in my dream. Is that really Leo?

                                                                                *             *             *

I woke up to the ring of my alarm clock. Turning off the blue article, I went to Leo’s room hastily to check. He’s gone. As fast as I gain my thoughts, I ran downstairs to check on the terrace, hoping he would be there, curled up asleep.

He is. He’s there, curled up in the same corner. I sat in front of him and patted his head, waiting for him to wake up… but he doesn’t. He only nuzzled against my touch but he sleeps still, hugging his knees. “Leo?” I called to him and he doesn’t respond. Is he okay? I leaned in to whisper to his ear, calling his name. Only by then he opened his eyes, slacked and half lidded.

“Are you okay?” he nodded, leaning forward to rest his forehead on my shoulder. My eyes widen in surprise, slightly taken aback. But I patted his head, ensuring him that it’s alright. But still…. This guy is heavy…..

“Leo? Can you please wake up? You have to move to your room if you want some sleep…” I whispered in his ear, hoping he would move. He doesn’t respond straight away, but I knew he heard me.

He forced himself up, hoisting his own weight using his arms before standing up weakly. I hurriedly follow, holding his arm to make sure he doesn’t fall on his own build. We walked slowly to the sofa, since I figured he won’t have any energy to go upstairs judging his state right now. I ordered him to lie down on the sofa and he doesn’t even hesitate for a second before following it, resting on his side.

I ran upstairs and took a few thick blankets and a change of clothes for Leo. It took me a while to persuade him to let me change his sweater, and he fall right back asleep when I was done. Leo’s body is as cold as ice. I covered him with thick blankets and turn the room’s heater on, letting him rest.

                                                                                *             *             *


I have to wake Leo up a few hours later to feed him something. We’re lucky it’s Saturday and I don’t have classes, so I could take care of him. At first he seemed to dislike being woken up, but when he smells food he forced his eyes open as much as he could. I feed him chicken soup, the only thing that is on my mind that could warm him up. I made him finish two bowls, and a glass of hot milk. As always, he devours everything on sight and delightedly takes my offer of chocolate cookie.

As he munch it down, I held his free hand in mine. It’s still cold, but at least it’s warmer than before. I ordered him to sleep some more and he agrees, after finishing his chocolate cookie. I was about to let go of his hand and leave, when he protested—in his own way of inaudible protest—my leave. He held my hand still, tightly.

“What is it? I’m just going to go for a bit, Leo.” He shook his head to my words, on and on with a sad look on his eyes. “You…. Want me to stay?” blinking as he digests the words, he nodded repeatedly. “Until you fall asleep?” again he shook his head. What do you want, Leo? “Should I stay here until you wake up again?” he nods, now more excited than before. You just want to be taken care of huh, Leo?

I complied and sits on the carpet by the sofa, making sure Leo could see me as I sit next to his vision range. “Go sleep, Leo,” I ordered him sternly. He nodded and slowly shut his eyes, making sure I stayed where I am as he drifts off to sleep.

I can’t resist….

I can’t resist the urge to sing him a lullaby…

                                                                                *             *             *

Without knowing, I fell asleep resting my head on my arms just inches away from Leo’s face. Woken up to his faint breathing sound, I found him awake, and watching me sleep silently. I blinked to clear my gaze and returns his stare, whispering: “Have you been awake for long?” he shook his head. “Good…. Are you hungry?” He nodded his head. “You always are. Are you okay now?” Hurriedly, he nods. To make sure, I reached my fingers to touch his forehead, and he’s right. He didn’t lie. His body temperature had rose up to normal again.

Getting myself to sit, I rub my eyes to wake myself. “What happened to you, Leo?” he sat himself up and whimpered, his gaze looking sorry. “Did you get into trouble?” he shook his head slowly. “Did anyone hurt you?” he looked up to me confused before shaking his head fast, a sorry look in his face. “Alright, alright. That’s alright. You’re home now, so it’s alright,” I smiled and patted his head, trying to convince him he did nothing wrong… probably.

All I care is for him to be fine anyway.

I could care less about anything else.

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goodness, the typos in chapter 20.


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LuYeon #1
I like this so much that i came every year to reread it, hoping for an update since forever ! 💛🤌
HomeHam #2
when will you update im still sobbing
Chapter 38: /sobs. im biasing human leo more than demon leo
maybe because human leo was closer to jungtaekwoon that i knew irl in front of camera orz

where can i find this story on wattpad?
Maan2442 #4
Chapter 38: Leo and '???' souls should join together one day!! please update again soon!!
Chapter 38: leo come back!!!
Chapter 24: omg omg omg
Chapter 38: This is very interesting and Leo is super adorable and now everything makes more sense xD and whoever th demon is, as long as he has a heart xD
red_knight #8
Chapter 38: I love this story!! Keep it up, Authornim!!