Leo & 'Leo' - A day out with Ai!

His name is Leo

Someone disturbed Ai.

Leo saw it, but Leo pretends not to. Leo doesn’t want to get angry right here and right now.

That person…

That person touched Ai. No.


                                                                                *             *             *

Leo is angry.

I am, too. Which is why I pretend to be Leo, eating cotton candy innocently as these… underlings approached me and try to make fun of myself as I eat something the lady call ‘cotton candy’. They didn’t dare to step closer for the slightest bit, though. I planted fear in their mind which prevents them from laying their nasty fingers on me.

However, that one over there. He’s too far. I can’t plant fear as fast as I do the people nearby me. So those are the people that made the lady sad earlier while we were having lunch. Those are the people that clouded her mind since earlier.

I don’t like entering the lady’s mind, really.

Aside than keeping her privacy intact, her mind is someplace very… deep. My own is stained in black and red, but the lady’s mind seemed to have no color. It’s just plain… dark and deep. It’s blank. It’s like a point when something couldn’t hold pressures for a moment longer, that it destroys itself? Yes. That is Aileen’s mind.

I entered her mind the first day I met her, and it’s blank.

But these days… there is Leo in it. Not me, but Leo. The Leo who eats and dislikes darkness. Leo who hold her hand because it’s warm. Not me…

I don’t like seeing those filthy fingers touch my lady, but my lady will not like the ruckus I created if I lash out in here. When finally the fear I plant everywhere reaches that ‘Mark’ mind, he backed off. But Aileen is shaking in fear as she hold back her tears and get back to our seat with drinks, asking if Leo was okay. Time for me to go….

                                                                                *             *             *

Leo doesn’t remember much, again. But those nasty humans are gone and Ai is next to Leo. Ai brought drinks too, and Ai told Leo to take whichever one Leo liked, and the bitter one is very delicious. It gives Leo some more… energy? Ai said the drink’s name is coffee.

Ai thought Leo doesn’t see her sadness, but Leo actually did…

Leo doesn’t want to disappoint Ai, though. So Leo pretended to not see, and stayed happy for Ai.

                                                                                *             *             *

Ai doesn’t go home directly after the ‘amusement park’. After all the ‘Haunted House’ with no real ghost at all and Ai hiding behind Leo’s arm—which makes Leo proud and happy—then we got to a ‘Merry-go-Round’, and then on to the ‘Ferris wheel’! Leo likes the ‘Ferris wheel’ a lot, but since Ai is not happy, Leo can’t be perfectly happy.

Ai, why can’t Leo make you happy?

Instead, when we walked home as the sky is dark, Ai brought Leo to a place brightly lit and filled with fresh scent. A scent similar to Ai’s scent, but of course Leo liked Ai’s scent more. It smells like freshly plucked flowers, and sweet bread.

Ai told Leo that we’re having dinner, and told Leo to have a seat by the window. Leo liked this seat. Leo could see the lights outside, and there is a freshly plucked flower in a vase on the table. It’s still blooming, and Ai must’ve liked it! Leo will have to make Ai happy tonight, in return.

Ai brought two portions of food. It’s square and it looks weird to Leo, and it’s very hot too. Ai said the food’s name is ‘La-sag-na’. Ai taught Leo a lot of things in one day. How could anyone know so many things?

Ai know an amazing food called ‘cotton candy’ which doesn’t look like food but looks like fur, but tastes very sweet, like a ‘lollipop’!

Ai made Leo eat slowly because it’s hot, and Ai managed to eat a few bites too. Finally! Ai had to eat. Leo feels tired and sick when not given food, Leo is sure Ai would feel tired too if Ai did not eat now, too. Don’t worry, okay Ai? Leo will protect Ai. Ai just have to be alright, please?

                                                                                *             *             *

Ai had this blank look on Ai’s face, even after dinner as we drink more ‘coffee’ and eat sweet cakes. Ai brought Leo home after that, and as we got home Ai helped Leo undo all the clothes and gave Leo another set of pants and sweaters to put on. Ai didn’t tuck Leo in to bed the way Ai did every day, but instead Ai sat on the terrace, a dark cloud on her mind.

No….. Leo doesn’t like this.

When Ai finally tucked Leo in to bed, Ai still seemed out of this world and into her own. Ai seemed so sad…

Before she could exit Leo’s room, Leo hurried to get out of bed and hold Ai’s hand, in the dark.

Ai suddenly burst down into tears as she stood there in the dark, and Ai is sobbing and sniffling as Leo tried to get Ai seated on the bed.

What should Leo do? What should Leo do?

Ai sat with Leo on the bed. Ai cried loudly, and Ai hid her face in her hands.

No, Ai… please stop crying. Please! Leo will make him suffer! Leo will make sure he regrets making Ai cry!

Just please, Ai… stop crying. Leo will make him cry, so please?


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goodness, the typos in chapter 20.


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LuYeon #1
I like this so much that i came every year to reread it, hoping for an update since forever ! 💛🤌
HomeHam #2
when will you update im still sobbing
Chapter 38: /sobs. im biasing human leo more than demon leo
maybe because human leo was closer to jungtaekwoon that i knew irl in front of camera orz

where can i find this story on wattpad?
Maan2442 #4
Chapter 38: Leo and '???' souls should join together one day!! please update again soon!!
Chapter 38: leo come back!!!
Chapter 24: omg omg omg
Chapter 38: This is very interesting and Leo is super adorable and now everything makes more sense xD and whoever th demon is, as long as he has a heart xD
red_knight #8
Chapter 38: I love this story!! Keep it up, Authornim!!