Chapter 9.....

The journey...



I whispered "I love you" into Haru's ear, hoping she'll say it back, but of course, she didn't. I wouldn't blame her though. She's afraid of saying those words to me because I was the one who made those words turn into nothing for her. The last time she said it to me was when we were teenagers. Way before Nana was in the picture. She said it, I replied, and then I cheated. That's how it was, at least. She slept in her same sleeping position. Always sleeping in her little fetal position. If she wasn't sleeping in that position, she'd sleep on her stomach with her arms underneath her head and her leg a bit stretched out. When she was pregnant with Nana, she'd sleep in the weirdest positions ever. She couldn't sleep on her stomach, which annoyed her, and it didn't feel comfortable to sleep in her fetal position, because of her ever so growing stomach. She gave up and just slept in whatever position her body felt comfortable in. Most of the time, it was falling asleep in my embrace. I do have to admit, I miss those days. She'd stay up and wait for me, then as soon as I was in bed, she lunged at me with her hugs. She wrapped her arms around me tightly as she placed her head on my chest and within a matter of minutes, she was fast asleep. As I laid down in bed, I couldn't help but stare at her. The thoughts of not having her by my side always go through my mind whenever I see her like this. I think about how things could've drastically changed if I would've chosen a different path with a different girl. Would I have a family like I have today with Haru? Would she understand me like how Haru does? Would we be living the life I have now with Haru? I don't know. There's just so many what if's that sometimes I wished I didn't do what I did do to Haru. She deserves a better guy, but I'm glad she decided to stay with me. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tightly. This lady that I'm holding, she's mine. All mine. 



I woke up to an empty bed and sudden vomitting sounds coming from our bathroom. I threw the sheets off and ran towards the bathroom to only find Haru on her knees and hunched over the toilet. I sat next to her as I rubbed her back. She looked completely drained. 


"How long have you been here?" I asked worringly. 


"Not long." She mumbled. 


"Why didn't you wake me up?" 


"For what?" 


"I don't know... I just don't like seeing you sick." 


"Obviously." She replied. 


"What's wrong? Are you sick? Do you hurt anywhere?" 


"Nothing too serious. Probably just ate some bad food." She spoke as she got up and headed to the sink. 


"Will you be okay today?" 


"Yeah, I can manage." She mumbled as she brushed her teeth. 


"Maybe I should stay with you today." I suggested. 


"No way. You have to go to work. Your members and fans are waiting for you. Go do what you love, oppa. I'll be fine." She firmly replied as she got into bed. 


"What about Nana? Should I take her with me?" 


"No, I'll contact my parents." She mumbled as she called her mom. 


I sat up with my back against the wall as I stared at Haru while she was laying in bed on the phone with her mom. Her parents would do anything for her in a heartbeat, and my parents would too, but the kind of love Haru gets from her parents is one that's truly irreplaceable. Though all of us our busy living our own lives, we forget that as we grow up, our parents also do too. They get older as the years pass by and sometimes, we just forget to stop and think about them. I'll be honest, Infinite has taken most of my time, and my remaining time, I spend it with my little family. I forget about my parents and only visit them when I actually do have time, but just hearing Haru on the phone with her mom, made me want to contact my mom. It was 3:00 in the morning and I definitely wasn't going to call her at this time. But, I missed her. As soon as Haru got off the phone, I immediately embraced her. 


"Is something wrong, oppa?" 


"No. Just miss you, that's all." I joked. 


"Ehh." She mumbled. 


"Are your parents going to watch Nana?" 


"Yeah. They'll come and pick her up later." 


"And you'll stay home by yourself?" I eyed her. 


"Yeah. Kind of just want to rest today." She mumbled. 


"It's valentine's day, you know, right?" 


"I know." 


"So.... You're just going to leave me?" 


"Never said I was leaving you, and plus, it's okay if we don't celebrate today together, because I know you have somewhere you want to be with someone you deeply love." 


"Huh? Who?" 


"Your mom. Spend tonight with her, or when you have time today. I'm sure she'd appreciate it." 


"But I want to spend it with you." I nagged. 


"Nam Woohyun." She spoke firmly as she turned around to face me. 


"Give me one good reason why." 


"Because she's your mom. If that's not a good enough reason, then there's something wrong with you." 


"If I do go and spend time with her, do I get a present from you?" I joked. 


"A present? Mmmmm... No, because you visiting your parents should be a daily thing." 


"Says the one who hardly ever visits hers." 


"Hey! I do contact them almost everyday. I just don't want to visit them because they're going to nag about everything. It's already enough hearing it through the phone." 


"But I still deserve a gift." I nagged. 


"What do you want?" She eyed me. 




"Nam." She spoke firmly and seriously. 


"Okay... I'll go and visit my parents today." I said in defeat. 


"Thank you, oppa." 


"What should I get for mom?" 


"I don't know. Rose, chocolates, and jewelry of some sort?" Haru replied unsure. 


"Let's put it this way, what would you like? Since mom likes your style and all." 


"Mmmm.... Personally, if I were your mom, I'd already have the best gift in the world." 


"Which is?" 


"You. Nam Woohyun. Born on February 8th, just in time for Valentine's Day, right? Even if you don't show up with anything, I know she'll be glad to see you." 


"I suppose." I shrugged. 


"You better go and visit her, Nam. This isn't a joke." She spoke firmly. 


"I know. I know." I mumbled. 


"Why don't we just wait till you're better to go and visit my parents together with Nana?" I suggested. 


"Woohyun, that could be any day of the year. Valentine's day only comes once a year. Spend it with your parents, or at least your mom." 


"Ehhhh." I shrugged. 


"You make things way more complicated than it should be, you know?" 


"I know." 


"You know oppa, I've always been curious as to why you decided to stay with me." She uttered randomly. 


"And I've always been curious as to why you decided to stay, too." I replied. 


"Ehhh... Why are you making me answer my own statement when I asked you first?" 


"Just kidding, Haru-ah." I joked as I pulled her closer to me. 


"You're awfully clingy right now, Nam." 


"I can't be?" 


"I don't know why you are though." 


"Just because..." 




"Because I miss you." 


"Ehhh... Missing me when you see me everyday you come home and every morning? Such a joke, Nam." 


"I'm being serious, Haru." 


"Alright then. Goodnight oppa." She mumbled as she closed her eyes. 


"I love you, Haru. Never ever forget that." I whispered into her ear and then kissed her forehead. 


The night ended just like that. There wasn't anything "special" about it nor "fun". It was just a night where we talked, just like any other night. I suppose talking is what Haru and I do best when we're around each other. There's just no other way I'd like to spend an early morning. Reason as to why I hugged her tightly and closely to me..? Well, I'll be honest.... I'm afraid of losing her. It may sound completly silly, as I was always the one cheating and leaving her, but this time, for once, I'm afraid to lose the woman I love. I don't know why I'm acting like this, yet alone what triggered it, but maybe it's because Haru just seems so distant lately. Like she's keeping a secret of some sort. This feeling that I get when I think about her leaving me, just makes me feel utterly sick. My stomach churns and my heart begins hurting. Just.. A lot of crazy things happen when I think about it. I tell her I love her, because I truly do. I just need her to accept it and begin opening up to me again with her "I love you's." And, not being able to spend Valentine's Day with her makes it that much harder, since Valentine's Day is all about chocolates and love. Maybe I'm just hoping that Valentine's Day makes Haru realize that she's surrounded with love each and everyday. I don't know. Maybe I'm just speaking nonsense. Valentine's Day is just another day. 

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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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