Chapter 10.....

The journey...



If someone asked me if I were afraid to love, I'd tell them yes. If someone asked me what love was, I'd tell them Nam Woohyun. If someone asked me how it feels to love or be loved by one guy, I'd say it feels like falling off your bike, scraping your knee, and doing the process all over again once the wound has healed. Those who don't know love, are sometimes better off without it until they truly are ready for it. My love started when I was a teenager. Head over heels for this guy, yet he didn't seem to really care much. Infidelity got the best of him. I'll be quite honest, I lost my ity to this guy. He was handsome, his body was toned and fit, his never ending grease... Oh man... He was "the best package", as one would say. And no, I'm not talking ually or anything in that sort, I'm talking about how he was "the best package" for me. He had his flaws and I had mine. When we're together, we naturally pick up each other's missing parts. We're the oppisites of one another and we all know that oppisites attract. Any who, point being is that this guy was the one guy who meant the world to me. Even though he's broken my heart and trust in many ways, I'm still with him. We have a wonderful daughter together and she's a whole lot like the both of us. I'd say that if it wasn't for my greed of wanting him, I would've left when I had a chance. There was just something about him that kept me staying. I can't say that I don't love this guy, because in truth, I love him probably a bit too much. I just don't say those three words because of an incident that happened between him and I. These 9, close to 10 years with him have been a roller coaster ride, but I'd have to say that it's been an enjoyable one. Through the ups and downs, we both stayed by each other's side whether we knew it or not. Though Woohyun had his little cheating scandals and such, he was always by my side when I needed him and it was the same for me. I may be a fool for staying with a guy who cheated on me with other woman, but I guess this is what love does to you. It makes you a fool. It's a game that one has to be willing to play and it's also one that has no end. There's no winning nor losing in this game, there's just an "I do" or an "I don't." Marrying Woohyun..... That was a long time dream of mine when we were in our 3rd year of dating. I've since forgotten all about that dream and have focused my attention on our daughter, Nana. When Woohyun place an engagement ring on my finger without saying a word, I was quite shocked. This Nam Woohyun is a different kind of Nam Woohyun. Never in my life would I have ever thought he'd buy me a ring, yet alone fully commit himself to me. It was quite bittersweet. The sun finally peeked in through the window and it was time to wake up. This Valentine's Day is a day I'm willing to spend by myself. Nana will be with my parents and Woohyun will be busy with his own schedule, along with visiting his parents. Though I felt pretty crappy waking up, I had to get Nana ready. 


"Nana?" I spoke as I peeked into her room. 


"Good morning, Mommy!" She yelled as she jumped off the bed and ran towards her bedroom door to greet me. 


"Ah. Good morning, baby." I smiled. 


"What are we doing today, mommy?" 


"Well.... You, missy, are going to spend time with grandma and grandpa." 


"Awww.. But it's Valentine's Day! I wanted to spend it with you and daddy." 


"Mommy's not feeling to good today, so you have to be good with grandma and grandpa, okay?" I mumbled. 


"You're not feeling well? Why? Where do you hurt, mommy?" Nana asked concerned. 


"Don't worry about it, baby. Just a stomach bug, that's all." 


"You're going to get better, right?" 


"Of course!" 


"Mommy, will you be fine by yourself?" 


"I have to be, don't I?" 


"Not when you have me." 


"Ehh. Wouldn't want to ruin your day, Nana banana. Go and have fun with grandma and grandpa today, okay?" 


"Okay mommy." 


After Nana was done getting ready, we both went downstairs and had breakfast together. Though my stomach was churning and I felt like puking at any given moment, I held it in. My parents soon came and took her with them. After sending her off, I went back inside the house and headed back upstairs and into the room. Today was just one of those days where staying in bed was best. Work definitely wasn't in the question. I was going to avoid it at all costs today, even though I was on my computer for a while just roaming around the web until I came across an Infinite forum regarding 'This Is Infinite's' next episode with a lady. I laughed once I read all the fans reactions, as they were all pretty jealous and upset. I should be the one who's in that position, but for some reason, I just didn't care. Some of the fans also wondered how I'd feel about it and I felt like making myself an account to answer, but that'd be crossing the line a bit. Business is business and personal life is personal life. I closed my laptop and fell fast asleep. 



"Haru-ah." Someone nudged me. 


"Mmmm?" I mumbled. 


"Why didn't you pick up your phone today? I was dead worried that something happened to you." 


"Sorry. I must've been in a deep sleep." 


"Are you okay?" 


"Yeah." I spoke as I rubbed my eyes. 


"How long have you been sleeping for?" 


"What time is it right now?"


"5:00 in the evening." 


"What!?" I asked in shock. 




"I've never slept so good before in my life, oppa." I stated as I got off the bed. 




"Yeah. It was a peaceful sleep." 


"That's good." 


"Why are you home so early?" 


"To spend time with you, what else?" 


"And your parents?" 


"Spent the whole day with them." 


"You didn't have a schedule?" 


"Nope. That's why I left a bit later than usual today." 


"Ah. I see." I replied as I headed downstairs. 


"So, what should we do tonight?" 


"You're asking me!?" I asked in disbelief. 


"Yeah. You're the lady." 


"I'm not the romantic one in this relationship." I uttered as I sat down on the couch and a drama. 


"You couldn't at least try? Just for tonight?" 


"Ha! Okay. You want me to be the romantic one tonight? Well then.... Join me right here and let's watch a drama together." I spoke as I eyed him and patted the spot right next to me. 


"Ehhh... This is no fun." He shrugged. 


"Hey..... You're killing the atmosphere with your negativity, Mr." 


"Sorry. Just thought we'd have a fun Valentine's day." 


"We are!" I laughed. 


"This isn't fun. At least not for me." 


"Then go find something that's fun for you." I mumbled as I focused my attention back onto the TV screen. 


"Hey!!! I didn't mean it in that way! Why aren't you looking at me now?" He complained. 


"I offered you a spot on the couch and you didn't take it. You said this wasn't fun, so I offered you to go and find something fun to do." I replied. 


"Killing the mood, Haru." 


"I guess." I shrugged as I paid no attention to him. 


"You know, you've been distant from me lately. I don't like it, at all." 


"I have?" I questioned him as I focused my attention on him. 


"Yeah.... It's like.... I don't know. I just don't like it." He shrugged. 


"Aigoo. You're just thinking too much, oppa." 


"Maybe. I don't know." 


"You're scared that I'll leave you, huh?" I smiled. 


"Something like that." 


"You really think I'd leave you?"


"Yeah. You have every reason to, and plus... What if you're already planning to take revenge on me? I mean.... You now have the power to hurt me twice as much with Nana in the picture." 


"Nam... What are you talking about!?" I laughed hysterically. 


"Now's not the time to laugh, Haru." 


"It's just so funny. Sorry." I quieted down. 


"You're not planning to leave me, are you?" 


"You're so insecure, oppa." 


"It's just...... I don't want to lose you, Haru. No, wait... I can't lose you." 


"Chill, oppa. Chill. I'm going nowhere. I'm still here, alive and doing well." 


"Do you promise?" He spoke as he held out his pinky finger and his thumb. 


"Promise for what? Seriously, oppa. You're over-reacting about this. Did someone tell you they were going to take me away from you? Or did someone threaten to take you away from me? Or did someone say one of us were going to get killed? I mean... What's going on, seriously." 


"I'm just scared, that's all." 


"You fool." I stated as I got up and off the couch. 


"Hey, that's not nice." 


"You're the one who's over-reacting about all of this. If you really think I'd leave you after 9 years, close to 10, then you're really a fool. Better yet, if you think I'd take Nana and leave you, you're the biggest fool in this entire world." I spoke as I stood right in front of him. 


"You might change your mind someday." 


"Nam, you're killing me." 


"Then just promise me, huh?" He looked at me with his ever so worrisome eyes. 


"Aigoo. I don't make promises, you know that." 




"Nam Woohyun, I love you. I don't planning on leaving you anytime soon, nor do I have any other plans. Just.. Stop talking about this, will you? It's annoying." I spoke as I held onto his face and kissed him. 


"You what?" He smiled cheesily. 


"I love you, you fool." 


"I love you too." 


"You planned this, didn't you?" 




"No point in lying.. We already know that's what you're worst at." 


"Okay, so what if I planned it? Makes no difference. It's how I feel." 


"Didn't say I had a problem with you planning this." I shrugged and walked away. 


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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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