Chapter 2...

The journey...



"Mommy?" Nana spoke softly as she came inside the bedroom. 

"Yeah, Nana?"

"I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's fine, baby. I'm sorry too. I'm just a bit out of it." I stated as I turned around to face her. 

"You don't want me to be an idol, do you, mommy?"

"Nana-ah, I don't want to be the reason why you never reached your dreams, so if it's what you want to do, then I'll support you 100%." I said as I kneeled down in front of her. 

"Why don't you want me to do it?"

"It's just.. You're still young and if you do it, I won't be able to see you often, and I won't get to see you grow up or anything. And it's tough."

"I know mommy. I know. I'll miss you too."

"So... How about you just stay home with me and we'll achieve your dream together?"

"You're tricky, mommy!" She giggled. 

"I thought I'd get away with it." I smiled. 

"It'll be fine mommy." She spoke as she hugged me.

"I hope so." I hugged her tightly.

"If you're going to miss me so much, why don't you have another baby?!"

"Nice try little Banana, but it's already enough with you."

"But.. I heard daddy wants a son, does he not?" 

"Oh. He does? Since when? How come I don't know about it?"

"Daddy talked about it to the Uncle's a while ago." 

"Ah, I see."

"Mommy, do you know why I want to become an idol?"


"Because of seeing Uncle's and daddy on the stage. They look so cool!"

"That's all?"

"No... The truth is that I want to do it, because I want to see Uncle Hoya proud of me." She smiled. 

"But he is proud of you, baby. He's very proud of you."

"Mommy, when I see him, it makes me sad, that's why I love him the most." 

"Why does it make you sad?"

"Well, he told me his story and it was sad.. He said grandpa didn't support his idol dream, but he did it anyways and he didn't finish high school either. But when I see him on the stage, I don't see anything wrong with him. He looks happy. Very."

"Grandpa? Wow. My Nana has grown up so much, hasn't she! That is a sad story, so what about your story? Is it going to be sad too?"

"No! Never! I'm going to become the youngest idol and finish school! I'm going to finish high school for Uncle Hoya!" She smiled and jumped up.

"My caring and loving Nana. You make me a proud mom." I smiled.  

"Mommy, let's go shopping!" She spoke in English.

"Daddy would kill us if we spoke English in front of him. Glad he's not here." I laughed. 


"He doesn't know English, so I had to learn Korean."

"You did it for love, mommy!" 

"I guess I did." I spoke as I finished getting ready. 

Nana: Are you ready to go?! 

"You just go and get ready."

"Okay, mommy! I'll wait for you downstairs!"


"That was fast!" Nana spoke in surprise. 

"I couldn't take forever." 

"I'm glad you stay at home, mommy." 

"I am too, Nana. I get to spend more time with you!"

"That's right! Nana Banana and Mommy!" She stated as she got into her booster seat.  

"Ah. Do you have everything, Nana?" I asked her before getting into the car. 

"As soon as you sit down, then yes."

"Okay, let's go!"

"Let's go!" 

* You and Nana get to the mall and there's tons of people. Most of them realize that it's Nana and they come up and greet the both of you. It stops your shopping a bit, but with a positive attitude, everything works fine.*. 

"Wow.. Nana-ah, it seems like you're pretty popular now. What do I do?"

"Mommy, you don't have to do anything. You're my number one fan and supporter!" She stated as she began swinging my arm playfully. 

"Of course!" I chuckled. 

"Let's go into this one and buy daddy something!" She pointed to a Domo Kun shop.

"What should we buy him?" 

"Mmmm.. I don't know. We'll have to look!"

"Hello! Would you guys happen to need any help today?" The employee spoke. 

"No, thank you though!" Nana replied as she pulled me along. 

"What are you looking for, Nana?"

"Ah! These!" She spoke as she pointed to the domo's.  

"Domo's? Why?" 

"To give to Infinite. They remind me of Domo! Scary on the outside, but sweet and kind on the inside!"

"Okay then. Would you like to choose 7 of them or should I?" I smiled. 

"Mmm.. I'll choose!"

* Nana ends up choosing 7 different Domo's*. 


"That's Infinite?" I asked as I stared at what she picked out. 

"Of course!"

"Okay, let's go and check out, shall we?" 

"Let's go!"


We arrived at home with plenty of time to spare, so we just lounged around in the living room watching some kid shows and of course, some dramas. Woohyun finally came back home around 9:30 at night and our Nana was fast asleep. 


"My lovely two ladies!" Woohyun yelled as he walked inside the house. 

"Daddy!" Nana yelled as she woke up from her slumber. 

"Hi Oppa." 

"Fans at the fan meeting told me they saw you guys today at the store."

"Yeah.. It was a bit too much, Oppa."

"Nana, what'd you do to mommy?!"

"Nothing, I promise! There were just a lot of fans! A lot!"

"Seems like our Nana is finally grown up." Woohyun chuckled. 

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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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