Chapter 11....

The journey...



Asa!!! Haru said those three words!!! Of course, it wasn't until after I began annoying her with my worries. They truly are my worries, though it seems like I'm not a person who worries at all, I do. When it comes down to my little family, I worry about even the smallest things in life. I was able to spend time with my parents today all thanks to Haru. She reminded me of how important it was to spend time with your parents, despite your own hectic schedule. I fell asleep embracing her that night and it felt like my whole world was complete. The house was sound silent, as Nana was at her grandparent's house, and Haru was fast asleep in my embrace. A small smiled formed on my face because this was happiness. This was my happiness. Though it took me a while to figure it out, Haru was my happiness. Nana was my shining star, always so bright. Together, they're my everything. 



I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating. Without checking the number, I picked it up. 


"Hello?" I mumbled sleepily. 


"Hey." A girl's voice came through. 


"Who is this?" I spoke as my eyes widened. 


"How long has it been, oppa?" 


"Who is this?" I asked firmly. 


"The girl you had a wonderful night with." 


"Look, I don't know who you are, so if you don't tell me, I'm going to hang up." 


"Ji Eun. Kim Ji Eun." 


My heart froze. My past is coming back to haunt me. This was the one girl I cheated with on Haru during several occasions. Other girls were a one time thing, but this girl wasn't. The happiness I felt last night all came crumbling down. 


"What do you want?" I replied coldly. 


"Can't my kid see his dad?" 


"K...Kid?" I stuttered. 


"Yeah. He's the same age as your lovely daughter. I'm sure they'd be best friends." 


As I laid in bed, I stared at Haru. She looked so peaceful and I honestly didn't want her to wake up. Not now, not tomorrow, not never. I'd rather have her by my side, breathing, and asleep, than to have her by my side, breathing, and awake, because if she's awake, she'll be hurt. It's something I don't want to see. I don't want to see her crying, not this time. I've done enough damage to her. 


"Don't bring my daughter into this conversation. Just state what you want." I replied. 


"You think that just because you're rich, you can buy a person off? Ha. Should've guessed this was how you were before I slept with you on several occasions, Woohyun." 


"Knowing you, you'd choose money over your dignity any day." 


"This isn't for me. This is for my son. He wants to see his dad, and that's what I'm going to give him." 


"How do I know for sure he's my son?" 


"You really think I'd go around? Sorry, but that's not what I do. What I did with you happened on several occasions because I felt something towards you. Almost like a lust." 


"You never know girls now and days." I scoffed. 


"Yeah. Speaking of girls, is that Haru girl still with you? Ha. She's a big fool to be staying with such an unfaithful guy who cheated on her several times, along with making one of them pregnant." 


"Leave Haru out of this." 


"Why? Is it hurting you, Nam? Do you feel guilty for the things you've done in the past?" 


"Where'd you want to meet?" 


"Your house." 


"No way." I replied firmly. 


"Why? You don't want Haru to know about your other child?" 


"I don't want her to get hurt. I've done enough." 


"Sorry Nam, but she deserves to know that you have a son. I don't want my kid being left out." 


"Just.... Please don't do this." I begged. 


"Love hearing you beg, Nam, but it's not going to work because I'm already here." She spoke and the door bell ringed. 


Haru quickly got up and out of bed and rand downstairs to open the door. I followed after her, but before I could explain.... 


"Good morning, Haru, Nam." Ji Eun greeted us. 


"Good morning. You are?" Haru asked. 


"Oh. Sorry about that. I'm the girl Woohyun cheated on you with. And this, this is his son. Nam Woo Soo." 


"You even used my last name and first name!!?" I yelled in disbelief. 


"Woohyun, don't yell in front of a kid." Haru spoke. 


"Come in." Haru replied. 


We all sat down in the living room. Haru was busy making breakfast for us all as I busy comprehending everything. Woo Soo looked more like his mother than he did me, but his personality was so much like mine. Haru soon served breakfast and we all sat down to eat. Afterwards, we spent "time" with one another. 


 (Ji Eun)  (Woo Soo) 



"He's cute." Haru spoke. 


"Thank you." Ji Eun replied. 


"Haru-ah, I can explain." I finally uttered. 


"There's no need to." She replied coldly. 


"Where's your daughter? She was the talk of the town for some time." 


"Ah. She's at her grandparents." Haru replied. 


"I see." 


"Well, I'm going to leave you two to talk." Haru spoke as she got up to head upstairs. 


"Don't." I replied as I held onto her wrist and stared into her emotionless eyes. 


"Spend time with him, Nam." Haru replied as she flung my arm off her wrist. 


I spent time with Woo Soo, just as Haru asked. After a few hours, they both decided to leave and I felt relief that they did. Haru never came back downstairs, so after they left, I went upstairs to see what she was up to. She wasn't upstairs. I went downstairs and into her office, and sure enough, she was in there. Staring blankly into her computer screen and surrounded by emptiness. As soon as she heard me come in, her head darted up and her eyes stared into mine. This wasn't the Haru from yesterday, this was the Haru from a few years back. The Haru who's become emotionless and distant. The Haru I was afraid she'd become. No tears fell from those eyes of hers. None. 


"I tried, Nam. I tried." She replied in defeat. 


"I'm trying, Haru. I really am." 


"Nam, I've cried too many times to keep on crying for you. Every single time I utter those three words, nothing good ever happens. Nothing. I feel like I'm always being stabbed repeatedly. Maybe now's the time I leave you, Nam. I can't do this anymore. I'm defeated, I'm tired, I'm broken, and lastly, I'm done trying." She spoke as she got up and off her office chair and placed the engagement ring down on the table. 


I had nothing to say to her. I have to rights to chase after her anymore, because she uttered all those words I've been afraid of hearing. She's broken, tired, defeated, and she's done trying......... All because of me..... All because of the mistakes I've made and all because of my stupidity. I slowly walked into the room and saw Haru packing up her things. I can't stop her from leaving me anymore. 


"I'm not taking Nana away from you. I'll bring her to visit you when your free." She spoke with no hesitation. 


"Why now?" 


"Because that was the last stab I could take, Nam." 


"And you think what you're doing right now isn't stabbing me!?" I yelled in frustration. 


"I know it is, but not as much as how much I've had to endure during these 9 years." 


"Haru, please.... Don't go." I begged as tears rolled down my cheek. 


"It's not the fact that you have another kid that bothers me.... It's that out of all the girls you've mentioned you cheated on me with, you failed to mention her. Do you know who she use to be to me, oppa?" 


"She use to be your close friend." I mumbled. 


"Exactly. For you to sleep with someone I use to be close friends with and to get her pregnant... I just can't. I don't like sharing my guys with people I use to know. I feel sick now that I know of this." 


"Why are you only mentioning it to me now?" 


"So that you can feel guilty and so that you can reflect on your actions." 


"Would you ever come back and stay by my side again?" 


"I really don't know, Nam. I just don't." 


"Can I contact you whenever I want?" 


"I'll always be here for you, Nam. As a friend. Just like how we've always been." She replied as she began heading downstairs with her luggage, along with Nana's.  


"Where are you going to be staying?" I asked her. 


"Only place I have left. Goodbye Nam." She spoke as she walked out the door. 


My once perfect life shattered. Shattered into millions of pieces, pieces that can't be put back. Haru let our 9 years go, just like that. No arguement, nothing. There was nothing left to hold onto, nothing left to be happy about, nothing. My life that was once filled with everything, now is filled with emptiness. Not a single ounce of happiness left. The one person I never wanted to walk out of my life, has finally done so. My baby girl is caught in this mess, and will know nothing about it because it's just better that way. The ring Nana proposed with is still on my finger. I don't have the guts nor the energy to take it off. My life is basically gone all because of the stupid things I've done in the past. There's nothing to fight for anymore. Nothing to try for anymore. It's done, Nam Woohyun. The end. 

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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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