Chapter 12........

The journey...



I arrived at my parents house and immediately ran inside to hug Nana. She's the only thing that makes me sane and thankful. Without her, I'm not sure where'd I be. I held on because I was trying to make it work, for all of us. I just couldn't anymore. After hugging Nana, my mom pulled me aside to talk. 


"What's going on?" She asked in English. 


"Problems. Lots of problems, mom. I'm defeated." I replied in English. 


"It's life, Haru." 


"Mom, I wished you told me about love." 


"I wish I did too. I hate seeing you like this, baby." 


"I'm tired, I'm defeated, and I'm broken, mom. I love him, but I can't keep doing this." 


"What happened? What made you decide that enough was finally enough?" 


"He has a son with Ji Eun." I mumbled as I hugged my mom tightly. 


"Aish. That girl.." 


"I know." 


"Are you going to go back to him?" 


"I don't know. I'm confused about it all. I don't mind that he has a son, but Ji Eun was what made me say that enough was enough. It felt like being stabbed repeatedly with no end in sight, mom. It was the worst feeling in the world. When I left the house, he was crying, but I wasn't. This wasn't how it was supposed to end up, but it has."              


"Why'd you stay with him for this long?" 


"Because I'm a fool, because I love him, because of Nana, because love makes us blind, mom." 


"Silly." She laughed as she patted my head. 


"I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Nana, but someone's gotta give." I mumbled. 


"You know, you're dad's going to ask all about this and I'll have to tell him." 


"I know." I replied uninterested. 


"You don't really care, do you?" 


"Not anymore. I use to care so much about what you guys would say, but, I just really don't anymore. Whatever he has to say, I'll listen to it all." 


"Haru-ah, I hate seeing you like this." 


"Sorry, mom." I replied as I got off of her and headed upstairs towards my room. 


"Mommy! Where are you going?" Nana yelled from downstairs. 


"Mommy's not feeling well, so she's going to sleep, okay, Nana?" My mom spoke. 


I bitterly smiled as I entered into my old room. Nothing's changed, nor has anything been moved. My room was still my room, though a bit outdated, it was still my room. I placed the luggages in the corner and headed straight towards my bed. I got into it and pulled the blankets over me and cuddled myself to sleep. Sleep was my only escape from reality. Sometimes it was just better not to wake up, because my reality was killing me. I stayed depressed for a few days and then decided enough was enough. I had to take Nana to Woohyun's today, so I got her ready and we headed to the house together. I entered the house and to my surprise, the members were over. 


"Hey, Haru." Sunggyu spoke. 


"Hey guys." I mumbled. 


"Oh. You're here already?" Woohyun spoke in surprise. 


"Yeah. Just dropping her off." I mumbled 


"You're not staying?" Dongwoo eyed me. 


"No. I've got somewhere I need to be." I replied. 


"Where?" Woohyun quickly asked. 


"Just somewhere." 


"Haru, I'm sorry." Woohyun spoke in complete sincerity. 


"Take care of her for me, huh? I'll come and get her before 8:00 tonight." I replied as I quickly made my way towards the door. 


"Mommy! I don't get a kiss?" Nana nagged. 


"Ah." I replied as I kneeled down to kiss Nana. 


"Be good, okay?" 


"Okay, mommy. I love you!" 


"I love you too, my Nana banana." I stated as I got back up and headed towards the door. 


"Wait. Daddy doesn't get a kiss too?" 


Everyone stared at me waiting for my reply. Obviously, I'm not going to show Nana that her dad and I aren't on good terms, so I gave him a kiss on the cheek and everyone sat in awe. I finally got out of that place and made my way to the mall. I just needed some time for myself.


"Wait. Aren't you Infinite's Woohyun's girlfriend?" A girl asked.


"Ah. You must've mistaken me for her. Sorry, but I'm not her." I lied as I walked away and into a different store. 


"Omo! Infinite's Nam Woohyun's girlfriend!?" All the girls in the store mumbled and began taking photos. 


There was no way I'd get out of this, so I ended up skipping the mall entirely after those two incidents and made my way to a random cafe. I ordered a cup of hot chocolate and made my way to a table window. Outside was quite chilly, but almost perfect. I sat there staring endlessly outside looking at everyone passing by, nothing was interesting anymore. 


"Excuse me, but is this seat taken?" A voice spoke. 


"No, it's not." I replied without an interest. 


"I'm quite surprised you haven't even bothered to look at me." 


"Not interested." I spoke. 


"Wow. First time I've been rejected." He chuckled. 


"Okay. What gives." I finally spoke as I looked at him. 


"I'm Luhan. It's nice to meet you." He smiled. 


"As in EXO's Luhan? Sorry, but I think it's best if I just stay away from you." I replied. 




"I know what your fans are like, what they're capable of. Crazy, to be exact." 


"I know." He chuckled. 


"You look cute when you smile. You must smile a lot because of your eye smile lines." 


"Ehh. Something in that sort." 


"What is an idol like you doing here?" 


"Just to have some coffee and time away from idol life, per say." 


"I see." 


"Your Infinite sunbae's girlfriend, right?" 


"I suppose that's what everyone labels me as." 


"I'd love to meet your daughter someday. She's very cute." He smiled. 


"Thank you." I replied. 


"If I had to guess, you're not really his girlfriend anymore, are you?" 


"You're good." 


"I've been through break ups myself. I know how they feel, especially if you've been dating that person for a long time." 


"Yeah." I mumbled. 


"I may be jumping the gun on this, but do you care to play some basketball?" 


"Basketball? Ha. I haven't played that in years. Sure, let's go." I chuckled. 


As we headed towards the basketball court, I couldn't help but notice how different this guy was from Woohyun. He was sweet, kind, gentle, understanding, athletic, and just overall perfect. Woohyun was like that to some extent, but Luhan... He was different. His doe eyed eyes, and innocent, but young looking face.... There was something about him. We began playing basketball and I never really realized how much I missed it. I really did give up my entire life to live Woohyun's life. The more I stared into Luhan's eyes, the more I want to know more about him. I mean, his eyes are so captivating. We finished our game of basketball and sat down on the bench. 




"What are you laughing at?" I asked him. 


"Nothing.. Other than the fact that I nearly almost lost to a woman." He laughed.


"Shouldn't you be going back to your members?" 


"No, we're not doing anything today anyways. Besides, shouldn't you get going? Unless you want to get into a scandal with me." He joked. 


"You mean, you getting into a scandal with me." I corrected. 


"I wouldn't mind, though I'd be the bad guy here though." 




"Because, afterall... You are known as an idol's girlfriend already. And on top of that, an idol's child's mother." 


"What the public doesn't know won't kill them." 


"That's true." He smiled. 


"Yah, you need to stop smiling." 


"Why? Is it melting you?" He joked. 


"Something like that." 


"You know, you're an interesting girl." 




"I don't know. Just thought you were going to be one of those rich girls again." 


"Ah.. The one where you get into their pants easily?" I joked. 


"Ehhh.. What are you talking about?" He blushed. 


"Who would've thought EXO's Luhan was like this?" I began laughing hysterically. 


"Hey! I never said anything about that!" He protested. 


"Sure, sure." I replied. 


"You should smile and laugh more often. It suits you." 


"Awww, shucks. Thank you." I smiled. 


"I don't ask this question often, but how old are you?" 


"Ehhh... You don't ask a woman about her age." I joked. 


"Come on." He pouted. 






"Yup!" I replied. 


"Call me oppa then." 


"What?" I asked in disbelief. 


"I'm older than you, so you should call me oppa." 


"Are you being serious right now?" 




"Okay then, oppa... How old are you?" 






"Yup. By the way, I never got your name." 


"Haru Lee." 


"Ah. Nice to meet you, Haru." He smiled. 


"Your Korean's good." 


"Practice makes perfect, right?" 


"I suppose." 


"Do you perhaps know how to speak mandarian?" 


"No, maybe you could teach me sometime." I joked. 


"I'd love to." He replied without hesitation. 


"I was just joking, you know?" 


"I know, but I wasn't." 


"You're really something." I chuckled softly. 


"What's your native language?" 


"Mine? Mmmm... Korean? English? Both, I suppose." I shrugged. 


"Ah! You and Kris would get along well!" He smiled. 


"Because he speaks English, and well, other languages too?" I eyed him. 


"Okay, okay. I'm just kidding. Don't take it too seriously." He shrugged. 


"I was just joking. You take a lot of things seriously, don't you?" 


"Well, yeah.. I suppose." 


"Ehh.. Thought you enjoyed joking, no?" 


"Not when it comes to girl's... Because well... Girl's don't enjoy jokes." 


"I suppose that's true to some extent." I shrugged. 


"It's getting late. We should get going." He suggested. 


"Yeah." I mumbled. 


I looked at my phone and it was already 7:00 in the evening. Time passed by quickly with him. It was utterly strange and fun all in one. Because his dorm was on the way to Woohyun's house, I sent him back to s safely and then headed to get Nana. She was fast asleep in Woohyun's embrace by the time I got there. Woohyun sat on the couch just staring at me. He didn't move or say anything, he just stared at me with his lost and longing eyes. His ring sparkled in the light, but I didn't care for it much. It was a ring that use to mean something, but all I felt towards him was coldness. I suppose after you've been broken over and over again, you're feelings fade much faster than expected. I picked Nana up and off the couch and carried her, along with her bag. I bid Woohyun goodbye and placed Nana in the car and headed back home. I suppose now that I'm living with my parents, everything's been calm and perfect. They enjoy seeing their granddaughter everyday and they also enjoy being able to spend time with her. It's a win-win for all. The next morning, I woke up to tons of articles regarding Luhan and I. 



"Haru, what is this?" Both my parents asked. 


"We just played basketball together." I shrugged. 


"Basketball? It seems more like you guys are dating. You don't just smile like this around strangers, Haru-ah." My dad scolded. 


"It's true. We really just played basketball, dad. It was really fun. I never really realized how much I've missed it until I played it with him." I smiled. 


"Haru, who is he to you?" My mom eyed me. 


"Mmmm.. A friend? An oppa, I suppose. There's nothing going on." I shrugged. 


"Are you sure?" You're smiling like a little kid again." My mom laughed. 


"Omo!" I covered my mouth. 


"Are you willing to marry him, Haru?" My dad asked suddenly. 


"W... What!?" I stuttered as my eyes bulged.


"You seem happy with him. Why not marry him? You're not getting any younger." 


"Ehhh, dad... You want to get rid of me now?" I stared at my dad. 


"I've just never seen you smile like this before." 


"I've always smiled." I retorted. 


"Not this kind of a smile." 


"Dad, we can't just begin talking about marriage. I have a daughter I have to talk and explain to, and I also have her dad to explain to."   


"Does this guy mean something to you?" He asked as he pointed to Luhan's photo. 


I mean... How am I supposed to answer this!? I just met this guy yesterday! Sure, he's fun to be with, sure his laughing and smiling is somewhat cute and sure he's "perfect", but what does this have to do with it!?


"I mean..... He's a friend, sure. But that's all there is to it." 


"Really?" My dad smirked. 


"DAD!" I eyed him. He always had a way in making me confess. 


"Haru, just tell me the truth." 


"Dad... Okay.." I sighed in defeat. 


"He's perfect. Whenever he smiles or laughs, it makes me want to do it too. He's sweet, kind, gentle, caring, and understanding. His doe eyes are to die for. He's innocent looking, yet mature. Athletic.. He's very good in basketball too!" I smiled without realizing. 


"Aigoo! My Haru!" My dad began smiling widely. 


"Dad... Just friends." 


"I think he's say something differently though, Haru." My dad eyed me. 


"You're friends with SM's CEO, aren't you, dad!?" I yelled. 


"That's what you forgot all about, huh?" 


"Oh come on... Let me go on this, just this once, dad." 


"But Haru, I haven't said a thing." He shrugged his shoulders. 


"But you are." 




"Marry him? Date him? I don't know." 


"You should at least give him a chance." My dad suggested. 


"Not for business." 




"Maybe. I'll think about it." I replied. 


"Dad, did you set this up?" 


"If I knew how to set up fate and destiny, then you would've been married by now." 


"You and marriage, dad." I nagged him. 


"And you and love, Haru. Find it, love it, and keep it. Don't let it find you, keep you, and torture you." He spoke as he was referring to Woohyun. 


"I know dad. I know." 


"Contact him or something. I'm sure when you find the right kind of love, you'll be able to tell Nana. I'm sure she'll understand too." 


"What if she doesn't dad? I don't want her to grow up in a broken family. I mean.. You know.. Of course things between her father and I won't work out anymore, but what if when she grows up, she feels as if it was her fault for it? And if he and I both move on, which we will eventually, she'll have both a step-mom and step-dad. Isn't that bad enough?" 


"Haru-ah... The worst possible thing you can ever show Nana is that love doesn't exist. Just because it didn't work out between you and her father, doesn't mean that love has ended. Sometimes, when we think of something or someone as love, it's just really lust. I know you've loved that boy with all your heart, but you deserve better. I also know that you're slowly letting him go, because of the way you described Luhan to me." My dad smiled. 


"I feel like a teenager all over again, dad." 


"That's where we all went wrong, so let's make it right this time, Haru-ah." 


I nodded and smiled. Though it seems like my parents were against Woohyun and I's relationship, they weren't. I do have to say that they had a grudge of some sort on him because of the things he's done to me, emotionally, but they're also slowly letting go, just like I am. Guess this is the part in life where it's a "we live and we learn" moment. Whether it really was love that he showed me or not, I'm not really into all of that now. We've all got to move on with our own lives and forget about what's already been done. 

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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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