Chapter 8.....

The journey...



I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of his cologne. It was a fancy type of cologne, a name I didn't bother to care for. It was a scent that lingered, but it wasn't strong. It was almost a fresh and fruity kind of cologne, yet again it wasn't. I'm not sure how to describe other than the fact that I love the smell of it, but that's what I love waking up to. The smell of his cologne and the giggles coming from downstairs. I slowly made my way downstairs and when the giggles became much more apparant, I hid myself behind the wall and peeked to see what was going on. Sure enough, there was Woohyun and Nana fooling around on our couch. He was hugging her and tickling her while she squirmed around like a little worm. It was nice to see the both of them together.



I made my way to our ever so high tech kitchen and began preparing breakfast. I just didn't feel right, but despite not feeling right, I finished up breakfast and we sat down to eat. Both Nana and Woohyun were full of giggles and smiles. There was nothing better than spending time with my own little family on the weekends. We all finished up breakfast and went out own ways. I went to work on a few things in my ever so colorful home office, while Woohyun took care of Nana. Did normal finacial stuff for the company and all those things everyone would call boring, but I enjoyed doing it. It was interesting, at least to me. An hour of staring at the company and doing work related things on the computer was enough for me. I was completely drained, so I got up and out of my chair and made my way to the couch I had in my office. That thing was my second bed. So comfortable and fluffy! I laid down and placed myself in fetal position with one arm under my head and the other under my arm with my hand loosely out while draping Nana's blue Hello Kitty fleece throw over me. It felt so comfortable and perfect. I doze off with ease and went into dream land. 




**DREAM 1** 


"Mommy! What's wrong with you?" Nana yelled. 


"Nothing, why?" 


"You're bleeding, mommy!" 


I looked down at my legs and my jeans were filled with blood. Sudden cramping made me close to immobile. 


"Daddy!!!!!" Nana cried out. 


"What is it, Nana?" Woohyun came rushing in the room. 


"Mommy!!! We need to take her to the hospital!" Nana tugged Woohyun. 


Woohyun quickly ran to my side and carried me to the car. Nana ran alongside and stayed with me throughout the whole car ride to the emergency room. Once we arrive, I was put on a gourney and admitted in, immediately. I was examined by the doctor and he didn't seem too happy about what was wrong with me. I was too worried about other things to worry about myself. The company was having finacial problems because of hidden transactions and my mind was focusing solely on that. The doctor left after examing me. Before I knew it, Woohyun rushed into the room and held me tightly. 


"What's wrong, oppa?"


"There's no easy way to tell you this, but you miscarried." 


"Huh?" I sat there in utter shock. 


"We'll get through this, together." He spoke as he held my hand tightly. 


"I mean..... How? When? What...." I spoke in utter confusion. I had no clue I was even pregnant. 


"The doctor said it because of your high stress and because of you not taking care of yourself properly." 


"Ah. I see." I spoke and dazed out.


**DREAM 2**


"Mommy!" An unfamilar voiced yelled. 


"Huh?" I spoke as I turned around to face the person with the voice. 


"Mommy! Nana and I want to play over there, can we!?" He asked as he pointed to the park


I stood there staring at him as he hugged my leg while staring up at me. Who was this little boy? 



"I guess?" I spoke hesitantly. 


"Thank you, mommy!" He spoke as he dashed away while holding hands with Nana. 


"What was that?" I scratched my head as I sat down on the park bench. 


"You don't remember him, do you?" Woohyun spoke as he sat down next to me. 


"Am I supposed to?" I questioned him. 


"Yeah. He's our son.... The one you gave birth to." 


"Huh?" I turned to look at him. 


"Thought you'd react this way." 


"What do you mean?" 


"You were in a car accident and you had some brain trauma and such... Our little Nam was born prematurely and you were in a coma." Woohyun explained. 


"Is that so?" 


"Yeah. Any who, he's grown up to be just like you... I think we both know who's gene's are most dominant between us." 


"Mine, of course." 


"Just a little." He chuckled. 


"I always get asked if they really are my kids, you know?" He joked. 


"Thinking I cheated on you with some other very very handsome guy?" I laughed. 


"It's possible. I mean... You didn't remember me for a good few months." 


"How'd I come back to remember you?" 


"Music.... Piano, to be exact." 




"Yeah... I played it for Nana and our little Nam and you ended up remembering the day after." 


"What was the song? Man In Love? Beautiful? Paradise? Julia? BTD?" 


"Nope. None of those." 


"What song then?" 






"It's a song we did with Samsung as a CF." 


"Ah. I see." I replied. 


"You never did listen to it. I'm not sure why it was the song that brought back your memories." 


"What if it was a different song?" 


"I didn't play any other songs." 


"What's his name?" I asked as I refering to our son. 


"What do you think it is?" 


"Knowing you, you'd go with a full Korean name.... So, I don't know." I shrugged. 


"But I didn't."


"What do you mean you didn't?" 


"I just didn't." 


"What's his name then?" 




"Guess!? What is this, oppa!?" I asked in disbelief. 


"Just guess... It's a name you adore." 


"A name I adore? Nana? Woohyun? Infinite?" 


"Not those, silly!" 


"But... You really gave him an american name?" 


"Yeah.. Just like Nana's." 


"But, Nana could be for both. Adrianna is full american." 


"Nana is pretty american to me." He replied. 


"What's his name, oppa? Just tell me." I nagged. 


"Nam Daniel Luke." 


"Daniel!? Why?" 


"You always talked about that name and how if we had a son, we should name him that but I always disagreed so you never brought it up again." He spoke. 


"Ah. I see." 


"Mom, Dad!!!!" Nana yelled. 


"What is it, Nana?" Woohyun asked worringly. 


"Nothing. Just felt like yelling." She chuckled. 


"Please don't do that again, Nana-ah." I requested. 


"Sorry, mom." 


"Mommy, I love you." Daniel spoke as he hugged my leg tightly. 


"I do too, I replied." 




I heard someone say my name along with intertwining their hand with my hand. 


"Haru-ah, wake up and go sleep in the room." 


"In a little bit." I mumbled. 


"Come on.. You already know the rule." He nudged me. 


"Just break it." 


"No way." He whispered as he began to carry me. 


"Oppa, do we have a son?" I mumbled as he carried me. 


"No, not yet." He replied. 


"I had a dream we did. He was very cute. Ulzzang like. He reminded me of you. Very very cute." 


"Is that so?" He spoke as he placed me down on the bed and tucked me in.


"Mmmmm..." I mumbled as I began falling back asleep. 


"Maybe we should have one then?" He hesitantly asked. 


"Maybe." I mumbled as my eyelids grew heavy. 


"I love you, Haru." He whispered into my ear. 


"Mmmmmm.." I replied as I dozed off. 


I love you too, Nam Woohyun. The words I'm afraid of saying because I don't know what the future holds nor do I worry about it. Though I never say it, I know you know. I stayed and fought because of it. Because of love. 



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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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