Chapter 4....

The journey...



She said goodnight, but I had other things in mind. The one thing I was dead curious about was why she didn't want to have another kid. I mean, if our daughter wants a sibling, she should get a sibling, right? Alright, I admit... I can cause lady's to be insecure, sure, but Meilin's different. It's like.. She doesn't feel insecure around me or with me. I act like a total player because I love my fans a ton and I go on and on about them, but my heart can really only belong to one lucky lady, not all 5,000+ fans I probably do have. After the sudden engagement to my daughter and Meilin, I felt like my life was practically complete. Sure, I felt like a horrible dad and boyfriend for not proposing sooner, but every time I wanted to propose to Meilin, I always second guessed myself. What if someday she's had enough of me? What if she just decides to leave with my daughter and never come back while I'm busy with my idol schedule? I don't know. There's a lot of things that run through my mind and marriage was ALWAYS one of them. Every day, every second, and every minute, it was on my mind. They both mean the world to me and the thought of losing them....... Well, I'll just say that I never want that to happen... I was always told that the matter of years we've known each other doesn't matter, but rather the moments we spend together does. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish the years matter, because in truth, it does.. At least to me.




The sun slowly started shining in through the bedroom window and I couldn't help but smile. I turned to my right and Meilin was still fast asleep. She looked absolutely beautiful as always. Her bare body against mine just made me melt. The things she's sacrificed for Nana and I are some of the things I probably would never do. She gave up her life to live our life and I honestly have to give her all the credits in raising our daughter into the person she is today. I'll be cheesy just this one time, but Meilin is seriously the jelly to my peanut butter. Without her, it just wouldn't be the same anymore. 


"Good morning, oppa." She smiled. 


"Good morning, love." I placed a kiss on her cheek. 


"You can let me go now." She stated as she pushed me away. 


"What are you most scared of in this world?" I asked suddenly. 


"Mmmm.. Dying?" She chuckled as she got up. 


"I think we all are. You're not scared of anything else?" 


"Not that I know of... What are you scared of oppa?" She asked curiously as she went to get ready. 


"You want the truth?" 


"Of course!" She stated and smiled. 


"The thing that I'm most scared of in this world would be losing you and Nana." I stated as I got up and got ready. 


"Really!?" She questioned me. 


"Really." I whispered into her ear as I back hugged her. 


The door suddenly opened.


"Mommy! Daddy!" Nana stated cheerfully. 


"Oh. Good morning, my daughter." Meilin kneeled down and gave her a big hug. 


"Good morning, mommy! Did you sleep good!?" 


"Of course I did. I have my Nana here, don't I?" She chuckled. 


"Hey, don't I get a hug too!?" I butted in. 


"Of course, daddy!" She stated as she hugged me tightly. 


"So, what are you guys planning to do today?" I asked them curiously. 


"I'll probably just finish up some work and then probably go out with Nana or something. Why?" 


"Ah. Nothing. Just curious. You've got to be careful, alright?" 


"Ha. I know, oppa." 


"Oh! Daddy!! I want you to take these to Uncles!" She stated as she ran back into her room. 


"Here daddy. Take these to them." She handed me a bag. 


"What's in here?" I asked.




I sat down on the floor and opened the bags. There were 7 different domos. I couldn't help but smile. 



"Nana, did you choose these all by yourself?" 


"Of course daddy! You've got to give it to uncles!" She exclaimed. 


"Which one goes to which uncle?" 


"Nerd one in the outfit goes to Uncle Sungjong, the one with the bow goes to Uncle Myungsoo, the one with the mustache goes to Uncle Kyu, D goes to Uncle Dongwoo, Superman goes to Uncle Hoya, Batman goes to Uncle Sungyeol, and then the last one goes to you, Daddy!" She cheerfully stated. 


"I get the pink one? Really?" I asked in disbelief. 


"Of course! Why? You don't like it?" Nana asked curiously. 


"No, I do.. I just thought I'd get superman or batman." I shrugged. 


"Oh... But you're neither." 


"WOW!!! Really!?" I laughed in complete disbelief. 


"Nana.... Why are you being rude?" Her mom eyed her. 


"I'm not, mommy.. Daddy gets the pink one with the heart because he's a heart machine, and because he has my heart along with many others.." She stated cheesily. 


"Aigoo!!!" Meilin cringed. 


"You're pretty smart, my dear." I hugged her tightly. 


"Of course." She giggled. 


"Okay. Let's go downstairs and fix breakfast for daddy, Nana." Meilin stated as she intertwined her hands with Nana's. 


"Let's go!" Nana giggled. 


I stood back up and got ready for my day. Though it was 4 in the morning, they both seemed pretty happy. After finishing up, I went downstairs and had breakfast with my ladies and then headed out the house after kissing them both goodbye. Saying goodbye to them every day never gets easy, but I manage.. I met up with the members and gave them their domo's. 


"D for Dongwoo hyung, Superman for Hoya-shi, Batman for Sungyeol-shi, Nerd one in outfit goes to Sungjongie, Bow one goes to Myungsoo-shi, and Mustache one goes to Sunggyu hyung." I stated as I handed them each to them. 


"Superman for me!?" Hoya asked confused. 


"Yeah." I mumbled. I still wasn't over the fact that Nana gave him Superman. Thought I was her superman. 


"This is so cute, hyung! Tell our Nana that I love it!" Sungjong exclaimed. 


"But hyung, your daughter rejected you as both Superman and Batman?" Myungsoo chuckled. 


"Because I'm the heart machine, I was rejected." I stated as I took my domo out. 


"Hyung!!! Really!?" Myungsoo laughed. 


"You guys are lucky.. I get a pink domo with a heart because of my heart machine name. Aigoo.. I wanted to be her superman." I pouted. 


"Ha! Stinks to be you, hyung! Looks like I'm Nana's superman!" Hoya teased. 


"Yeah, yeah, yeah...." I said annoyed. 


"Hyung, don't worry. We all love you. Our heart machine." Sungjong stated as he patted my shoulder. 


"Hyung, any news on another baby yet? Myungsoo asked. 


"You guys, why don't you guys have kids!?" I asked annnoyed. 


"Because.. We don't have a love life like you do. I mean.. Hell, you've been with Meilin ever since you were 15 years old. We're not like that." Hoya replied. 


"So, because I have a fiance whom I've known ever since my teen years, you guys want me to do the work in getting her knocked up, again and then the outcome is another Nam?" I asked confused. 


"Yeah!" Sungjong shouted. 


"You guys are killing me. Forget it. You all go and have your own kids. I'm not the only fertile one here." I said annoyed. 


"But.. We want to see another Nam! Nana is just so cute!" Dongwoo said exciedtely. 


"Hyung, you should be telling Myungsoo to go and have a kid. That guy.. He's perfect.. His kid is going to come out looking perfect." I mumbled. 


"Thank you for the compliment, but I think I'll skip out for now." Myungsoo laughed loudly. 


"How is Nana so well behaved?" Sungkyu asked. 


"Beats me.. That's something you have to ask Meilin." I shrugged my shoulders. 


"I'm pretty jealous of you, hyung. You have the perfect family and life. A wonderful fiance with a stable job, a beautiful daughter, a singing career, and I mean... Well, you have everything. The riches, fame, and love. This isn't fair." Myungsoo pouted. 


"Okay, lover boy. So, you all think I have the perfect life, huh?"  I smirked. 


"No duh! Only someone blind enough wouldn't be able to see! I mean, no lady is going to propose to her weakling boyfriend, unless she really wants to marry him and plus! Proposing is a guy's job!" Hoya nagged. 


"You'd be a fool to let her go." Sungkyu quietly stated. 


"Never said I was, hyung." I replied. 


"Then marry her already! Waiting 9 years!? I would've married her within 5!" Sungkyu yelled. 


"Really, hyung? I think you'd wait as long as I would too.. I mean, you're really not one to settle down. 


"Aish.. Get lost." He mumbled. 


I sat there laughing at myself. My members were right and everything they said was true.. I do have the perfect life, with a perfect child and fiance. I have a career I love, and Meilin has a career she loves. We make more than enough for ourselves, and it's hard work payed off, sure, but there's one thing missing, and that's another little Namu. I was never crazy about kids until our Nana came into our lives, and now that she's slowly growing up, I think it's time for another one. Of course, it's more work on Meilin, but I mean.. I do all the work, no? Haha.. 

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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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