Chapter 6......

The journey...



It was time to get up and get our day started. There wasn't anything interesting or fun about this morning though, as it was quite cold. I had some work to finish up, so after dropping Haru off at her home school tutor/teacher, I began working. You're probably curious as to what I do do, right? Well...... I'm the CFO to Lee Co.. Nothing new, right? Ha. I just avoid talking about my work, as it's nothing special. The good thing about it is that I can do all my work from home without missing a thing! Any who, enough with my work.... I finished up what I needed to finish up and made my way to pick Nana up from her home schooling teacher's place. You might be asking why she's home schooled instead of being in a public school.. There's a lot of reasons why she's not in a public school, but it's not because of her making friend's or anything in that criteria, it's just something Oppa and I felt most comfortable with, so that's why she is where she is right now. I picked Nana up and we were on our way back home. 


"Mom, how long have you and dad been together?" Nana spoke in English. 


"Such a strange question... Mmmm.. How long do you think?" 


"6 years?" 








"Then.. How long?" 


"9, almost 10." 


"Years!?" She yelled in amazement. 


"Yeah. Years." 


"Wow. Amazing!"


"I know." I shrugged. 


"We talked about you and daddy today." 


"Oh. Why?" 


"I told Mrs. Kim that I wanted to become just like daddy and then she asked about you guys." 


"Ah. I see." 


"She says you're pretty, kind, and someon everyone should be jealous of." 




"Because.... Well... Mommy, you're perfect. The definition of perfect."


"Ehhh. Not to that extent. We all have our flaws. No one is ever perfect, Nana. We can only try to be perfect." 


"If we all have flaws, then what's yours, mommy? I'm curious!" She smiled. 


"Let's see... Mmmmm... I'm selfish sometimes, I get mad easily, I don't like a lot of things, and lastly, I'm not nice." I chuckled. 


"Sure you aren't, mommy." Nana joked. 


"Mommy, I want to be just like you and daddy when I grow up." 




"Because... You guys are perfect." 


"All right then.. Go and find your prince charming, Nana. Make sure you also fight for him too." I replied knowing that we weren't really "perfect." 


"Fight for him?" 


"Yeah, just like how he'd fight for you." I replied as I choked on my spit. I knew I was lying... Big Time.. 


"Did daddy fight for you." 


"Uh.. Yeah." I lied again. 


"Really!? Ah! Indeed, daddy's the best!" She cheerfully spoke. 


"Yeah, he is...." I mumbled. It was half true and half false. 




"Daddy!! Guess what!?" Nana yelled as she heard the front door opening. 


"Ah. Caught me. What is it Nana." Woohyun chuckled. 


"I'm going to find a guy just like you, Daddy! Because you and mommy are perfect together, so I too want to be the perfect couple too!" 


"Ah... I see." 


"Daddy..... Mommy said you fought for her.... Did you?" 


"Well..." Woohyun began thinking as he rubbed the back of his neck. 


"Well what, daddy?" 


"Yeah, I am." Woohyun spoke as he stared at me. 


"You are?" 


"Yeah, I'm fighting for her right now." He replied as he stared into my eyes. 


"Huh?" Nana scratched her head in confusion. 


"Huh?" I asked in confusion. What is he up to? 


"Haru-ah." He spoke as he stood in front of me. 


"Yeah?" I eyed him. 


He reached into his pant pocket and pulled out a box. I laughed almost instantly at how cheesy he was. He held it out to me and all Nana could do was smile. 


"What is this?" I asked him. 


"A gift." 


I opened the box up and inside was a ring. An aquarmarine ring with small diamonds around it and around the band. 




"Seriously?" I laughed. 


"It's just a gift." 


"I got it." I replied as I set it aside. 


"Aren't you going to wear it!?" He asked me in disbelief. 


"What for? I like keeping my gifts in their original containers." 


"Because it's a ring... And ring's are made for wearing." 


"Daddy, are you proposing to mommy?" Nana giggled. 


"No, it's nothing like that, Nana-ah. Daddy's too much into his own world to do that." I joked. 


"Hey!" Woohyun yelled. 


"Any who, thank you, oppa." I spoke as I gave him a kiss. 


"That's all I get?" 


"What do you mean that's all you get?" I eyed him.


"No little Nam?" 


"For this ring!?" I couldn't stop laughing. This Namu was so strange! 


"No. For this ring." He spoke as he took the ring out of his pocket and placed it on my left ring finger.. 



"Is this some kind of a joke?" I stared at him. 


"No. You're officially my fiance now." He smiled. 


"What kind of an engagement is this?" I laughed hysterically. 


"Yay!!!!" Nana cheered. 


"Thank you for keeping your mom company today, Nana." He spoke as he kissed Nana on the cheek. 


"Seriously, Namu. What is this?" 


"Gifts." He shrugged. 


"I thought we always talked about this, Nam. Why'd you get such a big diamond?" 


"It's only 7ct." 


"7!? Aigoo........." I sighed. It wasn't the amount of money that it cost that bothered me, as we had way more than enough, but it was the size in itself. 


"I'm supposed to wear this? All day, everyday?" I eyed him. 


"Yeah." He replied nonchalantly. 


"You just enjoy tortoring me in every way you can, right?" 


"Something like that." He smiled. 


"I'm not going to be wearing this ring all the time." I stated firmly. 


"Why not?" 


"It's just... Too much." 


"Actually, you have to. You have no choice. My fans already know." 


"NAM WOOHYUN!!!" I yelled. 


"I love you too, Haru." He replied as he quickly picked Nana up and ran up the stairs. 


Am I surprised? Well, yeah. I'm a lot of things right now about this incident. This was by far the most hilarious "proposal" I've ever seen. It was just so... It wasn't even a proposal. It was a, "I stick this ring on your finger without asking you anything and then I call you my fiance." kind of proposal. I suppose it's because I already did the original proposal with Nana, but the least he could've done was try. As to why I received two rings? That, I am not sure of. Though, since blue is my favorite color...... That aquamarine one might have a playing part into why it's that color. Any who, being with Woohyun for this long has been a rollercoaster ride. There's never ever a dull moment, ever. He's just........ So himself...... So Nam Woohyun. 

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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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