Chapter 3....

The journey...



"I am indeed." Nana noted. 


"What are we supposed to do when our only baby is grown up?" Woohyun pouted. 


"Have another one, right mommy!?" Nana stared at me. 


"I think you're enough." I mumbled. 


"Maybe we should think about having another one." Woohyun stated. 


"So, we should start talking about entertainment companies." I stated as I soon got uncomfortable with the whole baby talk. 


"Mommy... Don't change the subject." Nana smiled innocently. 


"Why? Do you really want to have a younger sibling?" I asked curiously, but seriously. 


"Of course! It gets boring being the only child!" She exclaimed. 


"But... You still have your uncles. They still need to have kids, right, oppa?" 


"Ah. Actually, Dongwoo hyung and his wife just had their kid, and well... Sunggyu hyung is just himself.. Hoya's in the process of getting married... Sungyeol is thinking about marriage.. Myungsoo.. Well, that photo obsessed boy is still photo obsessed.. And our youngest, Sungjongie... He's still enjoying life, so yeah.. We'll have to wait a while before Nana can actually play with someone." 


"But mommy.. That's not fair.. I don't want uncles' kids... I want a sibling." 


"Aigoo.. Our little Nana.. I think you're enough.. Don't you see how tired mommy gets from taking care of you?" Woohyun pouted. 


"Nana-ah, do you still want to be an idol? Really?" I questioned her. 


"Yep! I already told you why, mommy." She smiled. 


"I know." 


"What!? Why does our daughter want to be an idol?" Woohyun stared at me. 


"Ask her." I nudged him. 


"But I don't want to. I want to ask you." 


"Nana, tell your dad why." 


"Ah! I'm going to go upstairs to play! Bye mommy! Bye daddy!" Nana stated as she quickly ran up the stairs and into her room. 


"So, what's the reason?" Woohyun sat there looking impatient. 


"She said she wanted to become one to make her Uncle Hoya proud of her. She said his life story is sad because he didn't get his high school dimploma and his dad didn't support his idol career, but uetwhen he's on stage, it doesn't seem like anything's wrong with him because he seems happy. Very.. She wants to do it because of him." 


"I see my members have since had an effect on our daughter." 


"Yeah, something like that." 


"About the whole having another kid thing.... I really think we should think about it. I mean, Nana wants a sibling and I want another kid.." 


"Ehh.. I don't know oppa. We'll see." 


"Why are you so hesitant?" 


"It's just.. I mean... Well, you're an idol.. We're not married.. We have Nana.. And the fact that you've been away from the spotlight for a while just means that you're not ready. We're not ready for another kid and I don't think we ever will be. I think Nana's enough." I hestitantly stated. 


"I think you're just not ready. We can get married, I mean.. I'm already engaged to you guys.. Any who, point is, everyone knows about us and it's only a matter of time before they start asking about us having another kid." He bluntly stated. 


"Out of the 9 years we've been together, this is actually the first time you've talked about kids." I stared at him. 


"And? Is there a problem?" He questioned me. 


"No... It's just strange, per say." I mumbled. 


"How about we start now?" He mumbled through the kisses. 


"Na... Na!" I mumbled through the kisses. 


"She's not going to come down, sweetie."  he smirked devilishly. 


Little footsteps came down the stairs. Quietly enough to not be noticed, then there was a sudden flash. 


"Hi mommy! Hi daddy!" She giggled. 


"Nana!" I yelled as I pushed Woohyun off. 


"Yes, mommy?" She asked playfully. 


"Give me the camera." I demanded. 


"No way! This photo is mine. I took it." 


"Nam Nana Adriana!" I yelled. 


"Yes, mommy!?" She giggled. 


"I'm going to count to three... 1.... 2....." 


"3!" Nana yelled and sat next to Woohyun.


"Oppa, could you please tell your daughter to give me the camera?"  I pouted. 


"No way! I want to see the photo." Woohyun smiled. 


"Aigoo.... I'm not going to even going to argue...." I mumbled and headed upstairs to get ready for bed. 


Woohyun and Nana stayed downstairs and laughed together practically all night long. I tossed and the bed trying to go to sleep, but there was just so much on my mind. I laid there staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything. The room door suddenly opened and closed. Woohyun was soon in bed with his arms around me. 


"I know you're not asleep yet." He whispered. 


"Had fun with Nana?" 


"Of course." 


"You know, you kept her up way past her bedtime, right?" 


"Yeah, and?" He mumbled. 


"And she's going to complain about being tired tomorrow." 


"Just like how you will?" He chuckled. 


"Yah. This isn't funny!" I slapped his chest. 


"That hurt."  He laughed. 


"Remember the time when we found out we were pregnant?" He asked. 


"Yeah... I was a horrible mess." 


"You were." He joked. 


"That was seven years ago. Time sure flies by." 


"We're getting old." 


"Yah! That's not nice. We're still young." 


"Young? You call me being 24 years old young?" He questioned. 


"Yeah... You are young." 


"I'm just now realizing how young we were when we had Nana." 


"And how young we still are." I smiled. 


"Well... Yeah, I guess. But tell me, why don't you want to have another kid?" 


"Oppa, how long are you going to stay on this topic? Can't we just not talk about it?" 


"I just want to know why." 


"I don't know..." I shrugged. 


"Be honest with me. I know you're lying right now Mrs. Nam Meilin." 


"Truth?" I asked hesitantly. 


"Yeah, what is it?" He mumbled. 


"I'm already pregnant." I laughed. 


"You're not lying, are you?" He asked seriously. 


"What do you think?" 


"Aish! Don't play with me like that." 


"Goodnight oppa." I gently pecked his lip. 


"You can't just go to sleep like this! Let's make a baby!" He stated as he began kissing me deeply. 


God. His kisses were so addicting. Wait. He was addicting. That sounds completly too ual, but everything about him was just..... With the nine years we've been together, he always finds a way to make me fall for him more and more each and every day. Not because he's the father to Nana, but because of the things he does. He may have a lot of grease and care a whole lot about his fans, but it's just him. He cares, probably a bit too much, but it makes him that much more lovable. He's a geniunely sweet guy and I'm glad I get to call him mine. 

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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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