Chapter 5......

The journey...



I got back home from my schedule around midnight and both of my ladies were fast asleep, in each other's embrace, that is. I felt a bit jealous as I never did get a chance to just snuggle with my little Nana and now that she's growing, my days of doing so are slowly disappearing. I took a photo of them and then carried Nana up to her room and kissed her goodnight and tucked her in. I went back downstairs and Haru was still fast asleep. I don't ever mind carrying her, but this time, she looked so peaceful to the point where I was a bit scared to wake her up yet alone move her. 


"Haru-ah?" I whispered lightly. 


"Mmmm?" She mumbled. 


"Let's go to sleep." 


"Oppa, just for tonight, let me sleep down here." 


We hardly ever sleep downstairs just because it's kind of a "house rule" per say. The only ones able to sleep downstairs are our guests, and usually when we do have guests over, it's mostly the members. They each have their own "spot" that they claim. Silly them! 


"Come on. I'll carry you." I spoke lightly as I began picking her up. 


"Oppa, how was your day?" She mumbled. 


"It was good, I suppose." I chuckled a little. 


"That's good. How are the members?" 


"They're good." 


"What'd you do today?" 


"Sing, perform, see our fans? Silly." I laughed as I placed her on the bed. 


"Ah... Yeah... You are an Idol... Any who, speaking of Idol.... We need to talk about Nana and her "idol" career, oppa." She spoke as she woke up in bed. 


"Do we have to talk about it right now?" 


"Of course! Otherwise I'm going to forget." 


"Okay, so.... What's there to talk about?" 


"Which company?" She sat up and stared at me. 


"What do you mean which company?" I replied as I began undressing. 


"Which company is best? Don't you dare say Woollim otherwise I'm going to kill you." She joked. 


"Ehh.. Woollim's good. I mean, Woollim's Infinite's company. We made it into what it is today. That's how good we are together." 


"Cube." She mumbled. 


"You want her in that company?" 


"I mean.... Why not? There's B2st, Apink, G.NA, BTOB, and much more... They're all shining, no? I think Cube's a good company." 


"No other companies?" I questioned her. 


"No.?" She answered unsure. 


"How about SM? YG? JYP?" 


"NO WAY, OPPA!" She exclaimed. 


"Is that a "no way" as in no way she's never going in there, or..." 


"It's a NO WAY she's going in either of those companies." 


"But I belong to SM." 


"No, you belong to Woollim. SM is just a subsidary. Though you guys are somewhat included in what they do do, that doesn't meant a thing." 


"Aigoo! What am I suppose to do with you?" I questioned her as I placed a kiss on her forehead. 


"Oppa...." She said sternly. 


"Okay, I got it. I won't talk about those companies anymore." I mumbled in defeat. 


"Thank you, oppa." 


"Why are you so moody lately?" 


"I've just had a lot of things to do and deal with." 


"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" I eyed her. 


"I'm sure." She responded nonchalantly. 


"You're not lying to me, are you?" 


"I have no reason to." She shrugged. 


"Have you had your monthly cycle yet?" 


"Ehhh.. Oppa! That's my business!" 


"Just answer." 


"Yeah. Like 2 weeks ago." 


"That was before we... You know." I joked. 


"Don't you even!" She glared at me. 


"Why?" I shrugged. 


"Because, I'm not." 


"You know, stays in your body for a few days after ." 


"Oh please. I know that, Namu." She mumbled. 


"It's only a matter of time before the meets the egg." I eyed her. 


"Would you stop joking. I'm not up for it." She grumbled


"Why not? Can't we have another kid?" 




"Why? Why, why, why?" I pouted. 


"Because I'm being selfish." She mumbled. 


"And you only want to think about yourself....." I replied to finish her sentence. 




"I hate it when you do this, you know." I grumbled. 


"Is it bad that I'm only thinking about us and Nana?" She asked. 


"Well, no... But, it'd be nice if you also thought about us having another child." 


"You don't think I have?" 


"Well.... No.?" I replied unsure. 


"See, you only think about yourself."


"But you haven't. I know you, Haru." 


"Okay, alright. I'll admit it this time. I haven't." She mumbled softly. 


"See." I laughed. 


"Think about it right now." I replied. 


"Our life with another Nam?" She asked confused. 




"Another Nana? I think I'm good on that part." 


"I wasn't saying another Nana... I was saying, another Nam." 


"And when you say that, you just mean another Nam. Aish! Oppa!" 


"I can't state the gender because that just wouldn't be right. I'll be happy with either." 


"I know you want a boy." She eyed me. 




"A little birdie told me." 


"Nana, huh?" 


"Possibly." She smiled. 


"Fool... No point in trying to lie when you know you can't." I laughed. 




"You know, the members tell me that I have the "perfect life."


"Why? I mean, how?" 


"Because I have a fiance I've been with ever since my teenage years, she has a good and stable job, I do too. We earn more than enough, and because we have a daughter who's growing up well. Good manners, and all." 


"How is that a perfect life?" 


"Because.. I don't know... We've lasted so long together, I guess." 


"Yeah.. With several occassions." 


"Okay, yeah. Those occassions were my fault, sure... But, you're still here with me." I spoke as I thought back to the time when I cheated on Haru. 


"We should go to sleep now." She spoke as she cuddled herself into bed. 


"We should." I replied as I wrapped my arms around her tightly. 


"Nine years with you, Namu... Going on 10 this year... Unbelievable." She muttered. 


"It's quite believable. I love you too, Haru." I spoke as I kissed her goodnight. 


There were so many reasons as to why she could've left me. She's had several chances to leave and never look back, but she just never did. She stayed and fought, no matter what the obstacle was. Now, if she would've left... Well... I'd probably be dating some random girl or breaking up with one. Who knows where I could've been if it wasn't for Haru. I'd still be an Idol, that I'm sure of, but as for my personal life..... Only time would've told. Haru to me is more than just a girlfriend, fiance, wife, and mother to my child, she's my everything. She's showed me that some things in life are worth fighting for, and our relationship was one of them. She's shown me courage like no other woman, and she's been the best mother to Nana that any guy can ask for. She gave up her life to live ours and it's clearly shown. I may have a perfect life like what everyone says I do, but it didn't come without its challenges. I almost lost Haru on several occassions because of my own greed and stupidity, but this time.... There is no more messing up. Even before Haru had Nana, our relationship was perfectly fine. Most would think that having Nana sealed our rockiness, but it didn't. Nana didn't come into this world to be used as glue to our relationship, but Nana came into this world out of full love. I stopped my knick knacking after a while and before Nana was "made." They're my everything, and if something were to ever happen to them, I don't think I'd be able to live. They're what makes up the Nam family, my Nam family. 



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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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