[FINAL]: Chapter 15......

The journey...



Luhan and Haru continued dating for 3 years, and finally decided to tie the knot in October of that year. Though her past and present consists of Woohyun, Luhan just couldn't deny his feelings towards Haru. Everytime he was with her and with Nana, he felt complete. It was a feeling he's never had before and he always asked himself what he'd do without her. There was no answer, because he wouldn't go on without her. He truly loved her. He loved the way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she hid her emotions well, the way she was just herself. He just loved everything about her. She was somewhat of a tomboy, wanting to play basketball when she can, but Luhan could care less. He loved a lady who enjoyed doing "guy" things. She'd go running with him, play basketball with him, help him with his dances, she just did everything he thought a CFO of Lee Corporations would never do. She was rich, he was an idol, but together, they were happy. In the eyes of the media, they were the perfect couple, in the eyes of their parents, and EXO members, they were beyond happy, and in the eyes of themselves, they were complete. For once, Haru was experiencing the love she so much longed for. There were no regrets. 




Few years later...........


After being married for two years to the wonderful Luhan, I received news I didn't expect... We were going to have a baby. Luhan was beyong thrilled about becoming a dad, again. He considers Nana his daughter, which is cute and all, but ehh.. I'll let him have it his way. Our baby boy was born exactly on Luhan birthday, April 20th. It was quite strange how it came to be, but I guess it's just the way things work out. Now, as our baby boy was growing up, I found something strange.... He was the little boy I dreamed I had with Woohyun. Maybe I was in a haze or something, but now that I think back to that dream, it was Luhan. It wasn't Woohyun. I guess I substituted Woohyun's face in front of Luhan's, but the one in my dream was definitely Luhan.


Now, there were two doe eyed boys in the household, along with my ever so growing, Nana. If you asked me if I'd change anything in my life right now, or anything in the past, I'd say no... Not because there's not things in the past that I don't want to change, but because there is, that's why I'd much rather just stay in the present. Could Woohyun and I have worked out? Probably not because of the things that have happened in the past. I was just never able to get over them, though it seemed like I did. Was our love real? That, I really don't know. All I do know is that the love I have with Luhan right now, is the best kind of love any lady could ever have. Waking up to him everyday and seeing his smile and his smile lines just make everything feel so right. So in place. Nothing's changed since our dating days, and that's what makes our relationship strong. We're straightforward with one another and we tell each other what exactly is going on or what's bugging us. There's no secrets in the Lu family.





If you're curious about the Nam family, I'll fill you in. Woohyun has since met and married one of his long time fans, one whom he actually loves, seriously. This guy never acted the way he does with her when he was with me and it's just so strange seeing this new side to him, but I'm glad he found his happiness. It was to be expected from this "fan lover." He also welcomed fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, a year before we had our son, so there's that. Nana has since become an older sister to 3 siblings. She still calls Luhan, "Daddy Luhan" and as for Woohyun's wife, she's slowly warming up to her. I've met his wife before and she's someone I could never be. She's what Woohyun needs in his life. Woohyun also met Luhan, and he wasn't too fond of him, but when he heard Nana call him "Daddy Luhan", I suppose that's when he knew he couldn't hate him, because his daughter has since come to love this guy as much as she loves him. The 7ct ring Woohyun stuck on my left ring finger in the past, has since been stuck onto his wife's finger. My left ring fnger has since been stuck with two wedding bands and a diamond ring. Woohyun's has since been replaced with a silver wedding band, and Luhan's has since been placed with a silver wedding band with a diamond in the middle of it. Two wedding bands on my finger, because one represents the past, and one represents the future. It was a gesture Luhan did during the wedding ceremony. It was to let me know that he accepts my past and that he's going to accept our future. 





I've since also returned the aquamarine ring back to Woohyun. I'm not sure what he did with it, but it's not my business. Overall, both our lives have changed for the better. We're both happy with where we are in life and Nana's also happy with our decision. The fans, well... I can't say that they've all agreed on our decisions, but they're slowly accepting it. The EXO members and I have since formed a close bond. The Infinite members and I still keep in contact, but have since grown apart a little. They'll always have a part in my heart, as they were a part of my rollercoaster ride, but for now, I'm willing to let them go so that they can find their own happiness. With my story ending, I hope you too, find someone who makes you happy. Someone who's going to be there for you whenever time allows, someone who'll accept you for who you are today and for who you were in the past, and lastly, someone who'll accept your kid as theirs. It's not always an easy thing to do, but with the right person, it will be. Remember to smile often, laugh when you can, and lastly, enjoy every moment you're given with whoever you love. We live and we learn and although this story couldn't be a happily ever after Nam story, it is a happily every after Lu, and Nam story. We both found our happiness and we're giving you the key now to find yours. Goodluck, and enjoy the roller coaster ride there. It may not be easy, but it's worth it. Happiness and love is worth it. Be a fool, live life, and learn. That's what it's all about. Enjoy the moments when you can.~~~~~ 



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Chapters will be released once writing has been completed and once grammatical and spelling errors have been fixed. Next project will be L's.


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