Chapter Eight

Aerok Chronicles : Arise Exoplanet

Somehow. I felt so relieved, felt so accomplished, felt so alive. I know what I am supposed to do. I came here all the way from my insecurities, but now. They’re no more. Just part of my past nightmare.


Each step I took, bolts of electricity came out from my body. I gathered up all the electricity, and stored it in my hands. It glowed intensely as it recieves the voltages from my body. Then I closed my eyes and folded my hands in front of me. Then I let out a big surge of energy from my gut towards the electricity from my hands and transfered into my palms. I griited my teeth in pain as the current burned my gloves off. Now my hands are bare and extremely exposed. But I formed it the way I wanted it to be. A long staff made of live voltages and circuits. Its electrons drew apart from each other and showed a dramatic effect of a light beam surrounding the whole staff. Even I, I didnt expected it to happen. But wait no more, for I shall kill the beast my own.

The revenge Ive waited for many years.


The beast let out its best beam and charged at me. But I was too fast. And I have escaped its beam. I became torrid and encircled it. Playing with it. Teasing with it as I slowly penetrate the staff into its body. It roared in pain. It shaked my off but I jumped and went to the ground. As it turned to face me. I quickly slashed two of its feet until it stumbled down. The pain made a greenish sticky fluid out from the beast. But it was eager for more,. Until suddenly. An unexpected thing happened. It shrugged of two huge humps from its back and began to form its wings. Everyone dropped their jaws at the scene. Even the king itself couldnt believe this is happening.


I thought this would be the end of it but I was wrong. It started to fly above the ground and lushes of green blood scaterred the whole arena. Everyone looked up at the sight. The beast then, was a dragon.


Well, dragon or not. I’ll kill you for sure. As I ran towards its position and threw a lightning blast from staff. It hitted the Zebull’s eyes and paralyzed one of its wings. It fell down harshly on the ground, and an earthquake was felt. I manuevered my staff towards the foggish arena once again to lighten up the whole place.


I saw it lying on my right. It tries to push hard its wings to balance him up again but I threw another paralyzing shock on its other wing.


The crowd shouted to kill it. The audience became noisy once again and begged to kill the monster. I gazed at the king who was probably in awe of the moment. He got my gaze and smiled at me. As if he was saying “great job young man. Great job.”


I looked at the weak beast and approached towards its head. Stared at its big slurpy eyes, and inserted my staff hardly on its skull. Until it hitted the brain and the beast turned into ashes.


The stadium uproared. Everyone started going to down towards me. I turned around and looked at the face of the audience. It was such a great feeling. I looked at Frddy who was still awed by what happened. I hugged him tight and we both cried.


Yes. We have done it. We have done it! We became both teary-eyed as we laughed at each other. Some of our friends have came down to us and showed their biggest thanks to us. They gave us a hug and their sweetest smiles. I suddenly remembered of Volta’s team and searched for them. They’re on the aid station. Volta saw my gaze and waved his hand. As he motioned “Thank you” on his lips. I waved back and smiled at him. I replied at him by shouting, “It was a great fight.!”. As the nursing aid started to roll him over the curtain. I stepped back to see the dead beast when I noticed the King and his officials walking towards us. His face was silent. But with honor. He went closer to me with his firm look that I almost tripped off my balance.


“You were such a great man. Just like your father. I know you are his son. You got his eyes. Oh im wrong, not just the eyes, but the strength and the courage. I never thought you are more stronger than your father.”


Since my father died. The King have invited very often in the palace. They are such good friends with my father. And because of what happened to my father, he decided to take care of me. But I refused. He keep on insisting so we have made a deal. I live on my own, but the King still supplied me with a lot. Bought me these, and that. But I never really took advantage on his riches. Then we became in good terms too, until such time that I ask advices from him. The strength to carry the burdens, the courage to fight and the knowledge to handle power.

Without him, I couldnt have beaten that monster.


“Thank you so much master.”as I bowed my head down. He held my chin up. as he showed me that smile. He suddenly bowed down at me, which made me shock.


“No, thank you.” as the officials at the back bowed their too. Freddy bowed too, and then my friends. I looked around and saw everyone doing the same thing. I felt so honored.


“Thank you..”I couldnt say a thing. Its just very overwhelming. I bowed to them again, many times. I smiled, and laughed.. Like nothing happened.


The king invited us for a dinner at his palace. All agreed.


                                      *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~  *


It was such a wonderful night. As I watched the beautiful moon above.

“Yeah right.” Freddy. I just smirked and looked down.

“You were so cool back there Chen. I, thank you again.” as he sat beside me.

“Its nothing man. What friends are for, when they dont want you alive? Right?” I laughed and picked a piece of leaf from a nearby bush.

“Haha. yeah man. Friends.”as he looked at me and displayed his hand in the air, asking for a shake. I just grabbed mine and shake his. “Friends.” We smiled again.


I never thought it would end up like this. Everything was so fast and overwhelming that remembering each move was very hard. Even until now, I cant speak a word about my powers. Its just, I dont know if it was me. Well, its me, but wow. Such power Ive got. Then I remembered the king’s words earlier at the dinner.


“You will soon use it to protect our naerok, or even the whole planet of Aerok.”

My father was a palace guard before. And he never told me about that. I just knew it from the king, right after my dad’s burial. I know this should be a legacy not to be taken granted of.


“But am I worthy?..”


“Of course you are. You got the abilities Chen?, so why worry?..”


“I dont know.. Its just, what if I couldnt control my powers?.. What if I use it to evil?” I looked down.


“Well.. in that case, you need to train harder. Right?”


Well he’s right. I could train harder so I could control my powers well.


“I’d be the best palace guard ever.” I stood up and stared at the moon for the last time.

“You’re a crazy man.” as Fred stands too and head off towards the entrance of the terrace.


“Oops! I almost forgot! Chen, can you please tell the King if I could stay here like for a month?”He yelled.


“And why is that?” I shouted from outside. Yeah i know, its like livin in a paradise. Free food, service and drinks.


“Shutup. You know what I mean!. Bye. I’ll sleep now.” and he marched off.


I just stared blankly at the moon. What’s with you moon? Are you sick or something? Your glow is weaker from the past few days? Why is that?.. As I mimic Freddy’s childish habit. Are you si-


Wait. Im insane. I need to rest now. I crampled the leaf, and threw it away.

I went inside and closed the panes. Whew! what a day.


                                      *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~  *

[The Wile / North Dome Isle]



“The moon has began changing its atittudes..”young calm voice.

“Yes. It is time.”old rusty voice.

“What time did you mean?”


“The shifting of Aerok’s destiny has begun.”

“You mean, the rebirth of the darkness?”


“Yes. And the birth of the guardians.”as he silently rub his white and long goathair.



Moon’s light fades into view as a group of cloud passed by.


“Soon, my child. You will join the others, for your final purpose.”another man but this time, a very calm voice.

The two remained quiet and still.

“Soon enough. When the time comes when it is right.”he continues.


“Then you shall be ready. And be prepared, so as you shall guide them guardians into their real journey.”the old man.


“Yes, masters.”young voice.


Yes masters. I WILL.


The two old man vanishes as they left the young man infront of shining Lobe.

“When the time is right, I shall seek thy purpose.” as he stares at his reflection on the water.


“Then we shall have peace.” a he silently looks up to view the remaining side of the moon, until it was quickly coverd by the clouds.


Young man vanishes.

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chen12 #1
I hope you could publish this!.
This is trully awesome dude! :D