Chapter Fourteen

Aerok Chronicles : Arise Exoplanet

One month later.

Capital of Brish (The Fortress of Health)


“It was a very unpleasant dream Claudia.” As I stirred my tea. It has been a month and still, Ive got no knowledge about what it is. Its also been a month, since I got here. I dont know what happened to me, but it seems that all my memories have been erased. From time to time, I experience these dreamsthat were actually nightmares of their own.


“They will keep on lingering inside your head Travis. We need to do something. I will, try my best to find those lost memories of yours. They’ll surely get back to you. I promise.”


Her words were firm yet soft and soothing to the ears. I held her hands tightly and gave her my deepest smile. She planted a sweet kiss on my forehead.


“Thank you so much Claudia. Without you, I dont know where I could be now. Probably dead, eaten up by some norcas or somethi-“


“Hush now.. Shh.. Dont say that. Its the will of the destiny that led us to each other.”


Now I love her more than my life. I love her more than anything in this world. Aerok is changing over time and if there is something to stop the darkness from conquering Aerok, then it must be love.


Its been weeks, and Claudia have been telling me all about Aerok. And now that I am regaining my strength back, I might as well regain my memory back. I need to know because I can sense soemthing deep inside me. Telling me that I need to know who I am from the past. And tonight, Claudia will perform the oremus. A certain spell that only Oracles can do.


I need her.

“I need you Claudia. I cant do this on my own.” I went over her and kissed her on the lips.



It was already the night that we’ve been waiting for. Its the time that I should know my past.

I went inside Claudia’s room and immedaitely saw her standing in front of a huge ball of water hovering amidst the air. She’s holding a huge book on her right hand, and slowly spells out the oremus.


The ball started shining in different colors of ray. And a visible scene slowly forms on the surface of the water sphere.


I walked towards her and drew closer to the sphere.


“The Oremus is done. Let’s wait and see who are you.” Her eyes were like of those creatures on the forest. Very fierce, yet so admirable. We looked at the ball and noticed more and more scenes lighting up towards the surface. I neared my face on the ball and saw myself.


There I am, standing in front of many people. Talking about freedom and shouting about salvation. In another scene, I was in front of Aerok’s leaders telling them to ammend the old laws and make better Aerok. All I was before,.. It was right here.


My childhood, My parents, my family. My work.

And Grand Elder..


My mission...


I saw myself staring blankly at Claudia. Even her,she couldnt speak any words.

We both cant utter a thing.


“I-I.. I nev-never really tho-thought anything about my past. I never had a clue that I was once that man.. Its just.. hh..m..”


I cant think of anything. My mind was just so full of.. full of memory. It was me back there. It was me.

I bowed my head in speechlessness. I went for the chair next to me and sat quietly.


I look up and saw Claudia’s arms reaching to embraace me. I never said anything.


“Its okay.. Its okay..”As she tries to settle me down. I gave back a warm hug. She silently caressed my hair to trying to calm my heart down.


“So you see.. Destiny brought us together. Well your mission is about the guardians?.. Well here I am. Now I know my purpose in life. Destiny brought us to each other because it knows one day, we will need each other.” as she continued speaking.


I just hugged her tight and stared at the wooden floor.


“You need an oracle? Well let me introduce myself. Again.” she smiled and pulled away from me. She went to grab a chair and sat down in front.


She starts to read the book she got from the far table behind.

She stared at me and gazed closely.


I went for her same glance and stared at her brown eyes.

Very beautiful.


But awkward as it seems, she smiled and started to read the words.

“After when the moon started to glow blue, and after it is when signified that the darkness has awaken. Thopse times of peril, will a team of guardians born to defeat thy enemy. One of each from the three northern warringtribes, Pyrah, Frostalia and Aguadon. Another one will arise from the kingdom of Voltarium, and another one from the land of Terra. Yet also one in the Loues where light reflects the wholeness of Aerok.. ugh.. uhm.. The other pages where missing!..”


“WHHATT?? How come? I thought you’ve kept this book safely?”

“Yea I know, I know.. but the problem her is that It was just given to me the Priestess of all the Oracles.She gave this to me when she knew I was the Oracle left behind.”


“Well then, let’s find her!”


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chen12 #1
I hope you could publish this!.
This is trully awesome dude! :D