Chapter Three

Aerok Chronicles : Arise Exoplanet

“Are you sure?..”I went to my table and looked for my past papers. Whew. its been days I havent checked out my files... but Soo grabbed the papers from my hand. Huh. bad girl.


“hmm... what do we see.. hm.. farmer, picker, breeder, planter, tender, juicer, gardener, greenier, botanist, ..hmm.. what else do we have here.. Oh! fruit vendor, palace guard, fertilizer, groome-“


“Wait, wait.. what did you say?..”

“What? groomer?..”

“No.. the other one!.” “Oh.. fertilizer?..” “Of course not that!.. before that one.”

“Oh.. you mean this one. Palace gua- Wait what!?.. are you out of your mind?”Soo dumps the paper.


“..haha.. that’s the one Ive been looking for. Let’s pack up for tomorrow.”II grabed by bag and went to the closet. “Wait.. wh-what.. No.. Kyung.. You are not going to do this. Understand?..” as she tries to grab every t-shirtI put in my bag. “Hey! leave me alone.!..” I shouted. Ugh, im not insane. I wanted to do this. Im not gonna stay here and do nothing.


“Here!.. want this?. Go!, get them all.. get everything and put them inside your bag.” Soo grabs the clothes and put them back inside bag. He then stucked a group and throws at the bag.”


“Hey! what’s wrong with you?” As I try to push her small arms away. “No! you wanted help. Here.. Here’s your help.” Soo stand up and kicked the bag forcefully and threw it to the wall. The clothes were scattered everywhere.


“What is wrong with yo-..”


“What is wrong here??..”Grandpa came inside. Soo quickly rushed towards grandpa and hid behind.

“Its all his fault grandpa.. huhuhu..”Soo mumbled.

“What!?.. no grandpa.. its not true. Soo kicked the bag and threw the clothes out thats why it scattered all over the place.” As i picked the clothes one by one.

“Is that true Soo?..”grandpa bent down and faced Soo. Soo silently nodded. “Why did you do that?”


“Because Kyung was gonna leave me. He says he wants to be a a palace guard.”Soo said. Grandpa looked at me with confusion in his eyes. “Is this true.. Kyung?”


“uh..”I sighed. “..Yes.. grandpa.”I bowed my head down. I dont wanna hear him scolding me for my decision. I turned and faced the window. I felt grandpa’s palms silently rests at my shoulders. I started to cry.


“Kyung.. I know its hard... but Yes. you can go.”Grandpa patted my shoulders. Hearing those words, my heart felt sudden joy and hapiness! And then I found myself wiping away my tears as I ran to grandpa to give him my deepest hug. But that’s not it yet.


Soo. I know she’d become histerical. I saw her ran to the corridor and went outside the garden. Awww... Soo.

Grandpa may have saw my eyes and so he told me to run after Soo.


I went to the garden and saw Soo sitting at a bench near the pavilion. I felt sorry for her, she must’ve been hurt when she realized I wasnt going with me anymore. Poor Soo. I silently walked towards her and sit right next to her. She moved inches away from me. I dont how to start but I just cant draw my words.. Seconds.. and minutes passed by. Hey! I need to say something. Just then suddenly, Soo seems to have wiped her last tears, he motioned to stand up but I drew a lot of courage that I hekld her hands very tightly.

She stopped for a moment. I maneuvered her to sit right beside me and she didnt react. I looked at her face. THose face looks like the angel that Ive known before. Her green eyes, brown curly hairs.. Well, she’s beautiful. And she’s been on my side everytime I get hooked up tih my troubles at work.

SHe’s always there man. And now, I couldnt find a way to tell her how sorry I am. Her tears started to fall, I went for it and wiped each teardrop away.


“Look Soo,.. I cant live my life like this anymore. You know me, I get bored easily, I tend to be so very unpredictable, and I like adventures, and other stuffs. Its just I dont want to be like that anymore. I want a new life. A worthy life, .. somehow.” Oh dude, there I said it.


“And so, you’re gonna leave me. Alone. Here.”HEr words were cold.

“Uh.. its not like that. Look.. Im sorry, okay?.. I d-dont... want to leave you.. You are my angel everytime I get into trouble, and you know that..You ever since.” I dont how I did it but I just felt the urge to hug her and yes I did. I really hugged her. I’ve never felt this way before. I just feel it, I dont want to leave her.

She cried again, as I was tapping her back. oh.. poor girl. I need to do something. I need to think of a way.

“Soo.. its okay. I’ll be here twice a month, how bout that?..” She sobbed and slowly rests her head on my shoulders. “Oh..dear. Dont worry, I will be safe there. I will train myself so hard and I will become the best palace guard in the whole land of Aerok, ever!. You want that?..” I looked to her but to my amusement, she fell fast asleep. I grinned. I remember the days when she reads a story to me every bedtime and I just fell asleep even before she starts the story. And then she tells me in the morning that Im so unfair, and grandpa would just laugh at us. Oh.. those were the days.


“Kyung.. you can bring her if you wanted to..”I never noticed grandpa behind!. I looked back and saw grandpa smiling at me as he made his way towards where Im standing. Im carrying Soo on my back now. She’s so heavy.Ugh~

“What do you mean you can b-bring her grandpa?”

“Being a palace guard, you need a messenger. That could be as fast as the Rabbits to deliver instant messages around the palace. Every palace guard owns a kind of creature that would help them fight against the Norcas.”

“The norcas?.. what do you mean the norcas?..”

“The norcas are those evil creatures that spawn during noontime beside the barracks of the palace. The rule of the palace guard is to protect the palace from the norcas.”


“You mean the ones who destroyed our crops long ago?”I remember that time when an a strong shaking of the ground woke me up. I dont if it was an earthquake but our city is not of earthquake-type. I heared Grandpa and our neighbors of men taking something at our kitchen. It was then I realized that our house is the main armory section of our vast farm. I felt the ground shaking again and it was nearer and nearer. I quickly ran towards the window and saw the first Norcas in my whole life.

It was the size of a guitar, with a fat stompy body and an ugly-looking face with big nose and ears, and wrinkles all over its skin. Its teeth were big and some were even protruding outside its mouth.


“Popsie.. wait.. you mean like a goblin or something?..”

“Oh yes.. yes like that one. SO may I continue the story?”

“Of course!.”


Very verocious. And it destroyed the crops. Then I saw some palace guards all over the place. Trying to do as they could and kill the Norca. My grandpa and his team went outside too and drove the Norcas away until the guards killed the evil invader. It was my first time of seeing a bloody scene like that.


“Yes.. that one.”Grandpa raised his head towards the moon. I also looked at it. Its very beautiful. It’s blue astonishing light ravishes and enlightens the farm field as if telling them to sleep peacefully.


“You will be trained very hard. Before you would become the guard you want to be. But take Soo with you. Im old now to play with her interests and hobbies. All i want to do now is rest and take care of our farm.”



“Yes. Yes. You dont have to worry. Im always here.” and he gave me that certain smile that calms my fears away. It was a gentle calming smile. “but how bout Soo?.. I mean she could get into trouble.”


Grandpa’s face turned even serious. “She’s strong and I know it. She can protect herself and even you.” I was confused at what grandpa said.. ”What do you mean grandpa?”

“Kyung, Soo has a unique ability. Not like any of the Rabbits in the forest. You see, Soo is the princess of the Rabbits. If you are a princess, you can be able to transfrom into a human just like us. But normal Rabbits cannot transfrom just like Soo.”


“But how come you didnt tell me that?.” I looked at him and then at Soo.

“Its somehow an old agreement with the Queen of the Rabbits, to keep it as a secret.”

“Why did they need to keep it a secret?”as I stared at grandpa’s eyes. He took a deep breath.

“Soo, has supernatural powers and skills just like us.”

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chen12 #1
I hope you could publish this!.
This is trully awesome dude! :D