Chapter Five

Aerok Chronicles : Arise Exoplanet

“Oh my! oh my popsie!.. what will happen next? Is there anything we could do?

“Calm down.. now dear. Now there was once a naerok that stayed up on the Northern hemisphere of Aerok. In the massive mountainous areas of the north, where the temperature is freezing and the place overflowing with white glowing snow. There lived an ancient race of Aerokii. The frostmen. For long time ago, their ancestors dignified their city as the city of Evergreen, but it come such time that their frost beam of the tower was stolen by a pack of norcas.

The guards there couldnt do anything since the creatures diffused a sleeping spell that took the men down. It was a disgrace to the city of Frostalia, but they have lately discovered that they are vulnerable to spells and potions. That’s why they have created a way on how to protect themselves by creating their own defensive potions, since they cannot cast spells.”


But the frostmen where ones of the strongest Aerokii on their world. They have the abilities to tame a blizzard. They can control snowflakes. And they can freeze you in just one hand. They are the most marvelous aerokiis but they seem to have lost control of their powers. And last time, an old man was hit on the chest by a sharp long icicle spire.

Many people saw what happened. They said that a boy was playing with his powers and accidentally pushed the old man as he were using it on his hand. Some people too said that the boy just got stucked his feet on a piece of log and then accidentally wavered his hand to the direction of the old man. Because of that, the officials of the Frostalia decided to create a law “that only when a child becomes 18, then that’s the time he/she could able to assess his/her powers.

The children of Frostalia ages 1-17 should keep their powers until the right time. And if anyone is caught by the law, they shall join the city’s force and will become a palace guard.” From then on, the people paid tribute to respect to the city’s laws and have kept their children’s powers by putting on the specialized gloves made to order by the king. And no one dared to take out the gloves as they knew that they will become a palace guard if they’d do it. Everyone knows how dangerous being a palace guard is.

So the parents of Frostalia kept their children’s powers as they dont want to let their child go walk into an unsure journey. So city of Frostalia became peaceful again.


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In the outskirts of Frostalia, [ Beam Tower ]


“This is absurd. How can they keep up so long. Its been hours since they left.!. What could be wrong?” as I went outside the cabin to check the situation of the tower. It was quiet. I went for the scope and manuevered it towards the towers entrance.


“It’s open!!” !


Oh no.. Oh no. This is serious. It was just 20 meters away. I will not make it.


“Yes you can make it.” there’s that voice again. Since I was young, Ive been hearing voices up in the snowy mountains of Frostalia. Istill dont know who ,or what it is. But it surely takes me out of trouble. I need to go.


“Its freezing time!” as I paved my way iced the snowy plains. I glided and went for the entrance. I ran towards the stairs and up the main cell. There I saw Chad and Ruki fast asleep. There was no Norcas around.


“The beam Xiu! The beam!” Oh right! the beam. I climb up the ladders as fast as I could. And there was two ugly norcas trying to break the seal of the beam.


“Hey you cant do that.” as I shouted to the other one. The beam’s seal is made of freezing forstglass, so there’s no way they’re gonna steal. The one I called charged at me with a dagger on his right hand. But sudddenly, my powers went activated and the blood of being a frostmen palaceguard ran into my deepest veins. We both charged at each other and I went to hold his hand to freeze it. His ugly feet stomped mine. “Hey! I dont like that!. Here you go.” as I froze his whole body into an icecube norcas.

I went for the other one, but I lost track of him. He’s gone. I went for the window and saw him just near the entrance.


“Oh well. that’s a long way down!..” I jumped down from the tower’s window. But I used my hands and fired snowballs at my spot to slowly lower me down.


“The norcas is getting away!”


“Oh no you cant.” as I was gonna fire snowball on him, the voice said. “Try to use your new ability.”


“Wait.. what?..”as I chased the norcas. “Your new trick?. the icycle spire.”


The icycle spire THe icycle spire The icycle spire

The icycle spire The icycle spire THe icycle spire


And boom. that memory flashed back again.


We were near the icycle forest that time. As i was walking near a bunch of berry bushes, I saw an old man. His right foot got stucked on a big branch of a pine tree. Its berry season at the time, and many people have came to the forest to gather some blueberries. But it was also the time where the pine tress gets gloomy and tries to scar off their branches one at time, til one last branch touches the ground. I tried to help the old man but he suffered such great pain that he drove me away.


“Dont help me! Leave me alone.!.. Arrghh..” as he cries in pain. He tried to fire some snowballs on the log but its still very heavy. He’s kinda weak now and so obsolete. Some people were busy picking up the berries and no one dared to help the old man. I tried to issued help to him but he refused and told me to care my own busines.. But then I just grabbed the courage to take out his burden. I fired icycle spire on the log and it broke apart in two. Behind the scene, I noticed a young child, same age as me, trying to emit the icycle spire that I let out. The man laughed and thanked me for the help, but as I was gonna help him stand up.

The boy accidentally emitted an almost perfectly done spire but it pricked into the old man at the his back. I saw what had happened, I felt sticky liquid on my hands, as I was holding the old man. My eyes earched the boy but he was gone. Then people came to checked out the scene. Friends of the old man came and tried to check the body it was still alive. But No. I just stood at a distance near a bush berry. Then, everyone looked at me. I felt nervous and very worried. I thought I was gonna explain, but they blamed me for the accident. No one saw us. I tried to convince myself to stayput and be relaxed.

Then the boy came back running towards the crowd. Oh thank God. As I stood at the distance, the boy explained everything and was felt sorry, but I just thought of it since I cant hear them besides their actions. I told myself that its gonna be okay. But after the boy have explained, the crowd went for me with their upset eyes and gnawing eyes.


“How could you do that?..”

“What a shame to the city!”

“This must be reported.”


“What..? N-no.. I-I di-dint kill hi-him.” As i got confused on what to say. I looked around and it was very awful. Their eyes were very black,. my eyes.. they’re crying. I looked at the boy behind and I saw him smiling at me. It was a very dark smile. I couldnt hear more voices. People are gathering up the place. I cant look at their eyes anymore. Til I decided to ran away from them. Sister Cecilia’s eyes were in pain. I looked at my friends’ eyes. I will never go back to the monastery again. No more Sister’s. No more praying, no more evil friends. I willsearch my place at the mountains where its quiet and where I can speak to God myself, and ask me this questions.


Where is my mother? Where is my father? Do I have many cousins like Eli and Ella? Will I ever go back to school again?

Many questions. So little answers. Then I went to live at the top of the mountain with Uncle Louie. He’s the one who raised me up and taught me more than school. He taught me how to fight and how to be brave.

THen I grew up here. Uncle Louie was a palaceguard and so he recruited me in. His son died years ago, and his wife left him for another man. But he did understand. He told me one day that everything is undercontrol by God.

And that everything happens for a reason.

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chen12 #1
I hope you could publish this!.
This is trully awesome dude! :D