Chapter Eleven

Aerok Chronicles : Arise Exoplanet



Yelling at the waters, they all started to move and rose. My eyes turned bluer and bluer, it glazed with anger that it lightened up the whole place.. The water became one huge pile of fall. Then as I motioned my hands to grab Jay from the choking monster, another norcas came into the scene and squirted its acid on my right. With the left hand holding Jet’s body, my right hand quickly shields the sudden liquid away, and it was threwn back to the norcas face. It cried and screamed noisily as his own acid burns up its ugly face.


My head looked at the norcas who was still trapped in the waterpile. It saw my glance and hissed, displaying its snakey tongue. My eyebrows raised in anguish.


“Well, now you’re hissing..”

Let’s see if you can still hiss at me as I smash your sticky tongue out of your stupid mouth.

I dropped the unconsious Jay from behind, as moved the water aside to clear my step. The waters are no masters at all. They’re all like servants waiting for my command. With one hand, I motioned my hands to half itself into two, so I could finish this monster’s life off. I made a rope made of water and tied it directly to the norcas’ neck. It tried to get it off by scratching the water. Of course, it failed.


“Poor you. Now let’s get your hissy thing off your bad mouth.” It started to wriggle, as if trying to escape my powers. I drew more closer to it. Closer and Closer.


It struggled in my presence as my right hand motioned the water to tie the irritating hands off. It did and quickly rushed to tie its hands.


I smirked. Haha. I smiled at it as I smelled success on my ego. With my both hands, I grabbed its mouth and pulled out its hissing tongue. It squeeked in silence. Poor creature.


With all my might, I pulled the tongue out. Blood started to gush out from its mouth. I threw it away. Its eyes rolled in silence, in disagreement.


My heart still pounding so hard. Beating so loudly. My eyes, glowing in despair and desire.

To kill, and kill.


I grabbed his body out of the body of water and smashed it forcefully on the floor. The water became its burial place. The blood diffused on the blue waters. Thou shall not hiss at me, and Ill mark it off your thing.


It turned into ashes.


Then, I suddenly turned to face the second norcas. It tried to ran when it saw my raging face. Like a baby dolphin searching for its lost mom. It looked at me with sorrow in the eyes.


But I dont know now what that word means. All I know is grief. Is pain, is suffering, is judgement.

It tried to run from my waters, but they captured the weak creature and imprisoned it on a cylindrical body of water. It moved, It shouted, it sqealed. But no one seems to hear it. I stared it for a long time. I approached it slowly and slowly.


It was seemed so tired trying to get rid of my waters. Until it saw my gaze and stared on my eyes for a long time. Then without hesitation, it squirted that s**t acid out of its mouth, but he forgot I was the STRONGER one. The yellowish green liquid almost burned my face off but unfortunately it didnt. I wavered my hand to stop the s***y acid out of my view. Instead, I formed it into a ball and let it flew up beside me.


The look on the norcas’ face was so funny that I almost laughed. But still, it had no effect on me now. Once youve turned me into a monster, no one’s going back now. There’s no backing out.


I stared at the creature’s eyes, and made a keenly observation. It was ugly. It was stupid.

“How do you want some of your saliva thrown off into your burned face?” I was like asking a kid if it likes ice cream or not. Its eyes dilated is disagreement.


“Or how about I just pull out your tongue like what I did to your friend?” The creature’s eyes grew bigger and quickly shuts its mouth.


“Oh.. so you’re my servant now?. How about I just kill you by getting this acid inside your brain, how’s that sound?” I laughed evil-ly. I gritted my teeth in excitement.


I cant control it now. Im sorry coz Im like this. And thanks to my parents who made me this way. Thanks to them. “


Thanks to them that you will realize the agony I felt before.”

I controlled the acid to get inside his nostrils. The norcas wriggled in response, maybe seemed delighted for his death. The acid just went through the nostrils with a quick sip. The moment it went inside, the creature burned itself, it danced on the waters.


White gas started to come out from its nostrils and long sneaky ears. Some on its shutted mouth. Its eyes went up, down, side to side. Like dancing piranhas in a seafort.


Up. Down. Right. Left. I followed the movement of its eyes.

What a poor and weakling stupid fellow.


Seconds later and, the water became grey.

Its ashes seeping through the waters.


With one mightly blow, I commanded the water to move out of the room. The pressure was too strong outside, and I had a great hard time pressing it outwards. It was just too great. I cant handle it.


Then lets just lock this room up.

I turned around and saw Jay’s body. I grabbed his coat and carry him at my shoulders.


I went outside and locked the kitchenroom. Since the door was metal and water-proof, I just locked it up by turning the locker.


I walked around towards the exit. Then I saw my teammates corpses lying wetflat on the floor. The water seems to dry up a little while. The door can hold still. Luckily the government have built these kind of doors for preventing waterflow whenever the glass seal surrounding the whole kingdom breaks in water.


I saw more dead bodies as I closed the cabin door. My eyes glowed in anger.

I will not let this happen again, as I carry Jay’s body on my broad shoulders.


With the determination of avenging my lossess, I walked towards the dead bodies around and followed their tracks towards the source tower.


Its blue light shone beneath the calm waters beyond the glass. It shone brightly, tempting me to come nearby.

No, telling me to save her.

I looked at Jay’s body and it went back to its original form. I noticed some scratches on his both arms and some bruises on his nec. He must’ve struggled for so long.


But that’s not going to happen AGAIN.

I paved my way around the dead bodies and went towards my destination.


I looked up again and saw the blue light shining brightly.

I hasten my steps towards the beamtower.

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chen12 #1
I hope you could publish this!.
This is trully awesome dude! :D