Those Eyes ;)

I wish I was her

-Jonghyun’s POV-

It was early morning and as usual I was getting ready for morning exercise. I put on my tracksuit and went outside. I looked at her house. ‘Morning Min Jee.’ I said in my thoughts. Then I smiled and started to jog.

I heard someone calling me as I was jogging towards the nearby park. I stopped and turned around. I saw a kid. I looked at the swing and saw a little boy pushing a little girl on the swing set.

“Oppa! Push me higher!” she said. I looked at her as the boy slowly pushes her a bit higher this time. “Wee~ Oppa! Higher!” She said in excitement.

“Ani dongsaeng. Later you’ll get hurt. Come lets go home.” He said as he slowly stopped pushing her. I sigh remembering how it used to be me and her. How I never listen. I didn’t realize tears roll down my cheeks.

“Hyung! Are you alright?!” I looked at who it was and saw Taemin. “Hyung?!” he said shaking me. I quickly wiped my tears away and nodded.

“Ne Taemin, I’m fine.” I said slowly and looked up to the sky. “I’m going to Key’s house you coming?” I said inviting him along and smiled. I can see Taemin was worried but he nodded and tagged along.

“I’ll ring Key-hyung telling him we’re almost there.” Taemin said as we jog to Key’s house. Yes, all 5 of us live nearby not far from each other. We get to know each other during elementary school and became the best of friends ever since. We hang out daily and would sleepover alternatively during summer vacation.

I’m closest with Key and would share some things to him rather than to others. Maybe it’s because I met him first and he made me feel better once I lost Min Jee. I swore that day if I met Min Jee again I’d tell her everything, my feelings towards her, my life, everything! But I didn’t imagine it would be like this.

I lost her while she lost me forever in terms of memories. We finally arrived at Key’s place and rang the door. Key opens it immediately. I saw him in his apron. ‘Cooking again I see.’ I said to myself.

“Annyeong Hyung!” Taemin said wrapping his hand around Key’s waist. Key hugged back and waved at me. I waved back. “Hyung, I think you should talk to Jonghyun Hyung. I think he was crying just now at the park” I heard him whisper to Key as he walks in.

“What’s wrong Jongie?” Key asked. I sighed and walked towards him. “Min Jee trouble again?” I nodded and slouched on the couch. “Ok now talk!” he ordered. I sighed.

“I saw me and her as a child again, Key.” Key dropped next to me and slid his arms on my shoulder. “I wanted to do something so she could remember again Key. That would make it easier.” I said.

“Jonghyun!” He narrow his eyes at me, looking directly at me. “You have a girlfriend remember that.” He reminded me. ‘Key you know how many years I’ve waited for her. I’m keeping my promise.’ I sigh to my thoughts and nodded.

“Umma! Is Min Jee-Noona feeling well already? I feel like buying her something just to say get well soon!” Taemin let out his cutest giggle which made me chuckled. He got a point there though so I agree with him and drove off to the mall picking up Onew and Minho along the way.

“We came here on the right time!” Key said smiling evilly. “Now Min Jee looks like a pretty girl which usually wear fashionable clothes.” He said. Shopping is always Key favorite thing to do and the most regretful thing for us.

He’ll surely shop till his knees can’t handle it anymore and yes you can guess we’ll be the ones carrying his bags and stuff. We went up and down the escalator looking at practically everything a girl would dream of having, from bags and shoes to make ups and accessories.

I bought a big teddy bear, oh wait no me and Taemin bought her a big fluffy teddy bear. I remember as a kid she used to window shop whenever me and my umma brought her along shopping and she would point at every dolls she sees.

We finally decided to split since Key still haven’t know what to buy for Min Jee and for us we already bought some for her. Minho bought her a pair of earrings which Key chose for him. Onew bought her a cute T-shirt and again Key picked it for him.

But still Key hasn’t got any gift for her. So Onew, Minho and Taemin decided to head back to their house cause of too tired to follow Key around. I wanted to take a break also worn out from all the walking around and headed to the nearest small café there.

After the waitress took our order I saw a sight of an angel. Ok I’m exaggerating but it is true. She looks like an angel, she’s pretty, lushes lips, perfect jaw line, those cheekbones of hers, her twinkling eyes. WAIT THOSE EYES! It’s Min Jee! I snapped out and tapped the table to get Key’s attention.

“Key! Turn around and tell me if that girl is the girl I have in mind.” I said to Key he lazily turned around.

“Oh. Min Jee.” He said and back to his phone, then he stopped and snapped his head backwards again and back at me. “MIN JEE!” He finally snapped realizing who she was. “Damn she’s fiiiiine~” he said rolling his tongue.

I smirked at Key and stood up then sat back down. “Should I head over there Key?” I asked being cautious. “What if she thought I’m stalking her?” I asked again as Key was about to say something.

“Just go. Talked to her, you are close with her sisters so that won’t be a problem right.” He said making a point. I hesitate. “Go! Or you want me to go there with you?” he said, I nodded and he shrugs.

We walk over to Min Jee’s table. She saw us and slowly looked down. “Hey Min Jee. Noona.” I said waving at Mi Sun-Noona and Sang Hee-Noona then giving a warm smile to Min Jee. “How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Fi-Fine.” She answered. I can sense she was nervous. Key butted in and said hi. He asked if we could talk with Min Jee for a while. “Um, Is it ok Unnie?” She asked her face was lit up looking at her sister doing aegyo.

I swear my heart sank watching her do her aegyo. So cute! Without me realizing I was staring at her as she did her aegyo. She looked at me and blushed. I quickly look away and pretend I didn’t see anything.

“Ok. You may go. We’ll leave her to you two ok. Get her home by 3.” Mi Sun-noona told us as she stood up grabbing her stuff and theirs. She left us three and we sat down chatting.

“Min Jee. I never knew you can see without your glasses. You look beautiful, are you wearing contact lenses?”  Key asked. “Why don’t you justbe like this t school?”

“She wore glasses? I thought she doesn’t. And you have seen her without glasses at my place.” I said to him.

“She wore glasses to school. Which by the way make you look nerdy, no hard feelings.” He said smiling at Min Jee. “Althought if you make it thin frame and change the color from black to any cute color that would be better.” He added

She giggled, “I don’t wear glasses. I just don’t want to you know to be judged by looks.” She grinned and god knows how pretty she looks. I never felt like this when I’m with my girlfriend. I sigh in my head and smiled outside.

“Why would people judge you by your looks?” I asked. She smirked and I knew my heart was stabbed by and arrow of love. I’m falling for her. Yie Min Jee, my long lost childhood crush.

She then rolled her eyes. “Please. I’m a smart let people put in their mind that way.” She stick out her tongue smiling sweetly, Key was laughing at her action amused as he saw me jerked a little shocked.

"A smart nerdy girl? Really?" Key said before laughing his off. "Come on girl you can be both pretty and smart at the same time you know."

‘Yie Min Jee. You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you to come back. But it seems like not the right time. I’m with her instead of you.’ I said to myself admiring her beauty.


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daebak #1
cute <3 I love it !
i love you. you always complete your FF. <br />
I'm reading your FFs forever. :)
JonghyunLove #3
I wove this story! Wright the sequel soon Please? =^.^=
Yay..loves the sweet..hehe~ well,looking up for your new fanfics now.. ^^ keep on writing~~
I love you!!! We will wait for the sequel love...<br />
I'm being patient. HAHAHA!<br />
<br />
Stop pretending Your Buterflyy... That's right with double Y.<br />
hahaha! =P
Awww awsome story! Sequel pleaseee????<br />
aww. It's finished??? will you make a sequel???<br />
Pls make a sequel :))