1st ever flashback!

I wish I was her

No Choi Minho! No! You can’t possibly fell in love with her don’t you? Don’t you?! OMO!

I realized she was facing me now. Oh shoot did she saw me blush shoot! I quickly look away and think of something. Right! The seating arrangement, somewhere next or near to me. Bingo!

“Ok, class, please take good care of her and Ms Yie, you may go to the empty seat next to Song Hwa there.” I pointed at the empty seat next to Song Hwa.

She nodded and went there immediately. Soon class started and I was trying hard to concentrate but my mind keeps on thinking of her. I tried to restrain myself from looking at her but I failed. I end up staring at her smiling as I locked my sight on her.

-Your POV-

It was in the middle of the period and I sense someone was staring at me. I suddenly felt uneasy. Song Hwa probably noticed it, “You ok Min Jie? Oh is that ok if I call you that?” she said.

“Oh. Sure it’s ok Song Hwa-shi. Um it’s nothing I just felt someone is staring at me.” I told her she turned he head to the back and saw Minho was staring at me.

She chuckled and nudged me. “Turn around.” She whispered I did and I saw Minho staring right at me, smiling. Our eyes met and locked for a second then I broke the gazed and blushed. She giggled.

“1st day and the class president is already hitting on you. How lucky can you be?” She said giggling loud enough till the teacher shushed us off.

“Yah, you should be quiet.” I whispered trying not getting caught by the teacher again. She was holding her laughter throughout the period.

Lunch finally came and my tummy was complaining since the 4th period. Song Hwa and I get along fine we both headed to the cafeteria.

“OMO! SHINee boys are coming!” I heard some of the girls said as they gathered up in front of the door.

“Shiny boys?” I asked Song Hwa. She giggled and nodded.

“Neh, SHINee boys. The amazing 5.” She said grabbing the tray and some foods. “You wanted to know them?” She asked me as I grabbed some food too and followed her.

“Them? Uh? Sure?” I said shyly. She nodded and we sat at a table where Minho was. I blushed slightly as I saw him. “Are we allowed here?” I whispered to Song Hwa.

“Of course you girls are. Plus Song Hwa is close to us” A blonde dude said as he stuck out his hand. “Hi! I’m Key. Annyeong!” we shook hands and I sat next to him.

“This is Taemin,” He said pointing at another blonde dude.

“Annyeong! We’re in the same class earlier.” He said smiling from ear to ear.

“This is our leader, Onew.” Key points to a dude who was greedily munching on some chicken.

“I’d shake your hand right now but my hands are full.” He said as he swallowed the chicken in his mouth. The rest laughed hard.

“Whatever he does is Onew Sangtae.” They sang waving their hands in the air and end it by clapping their hands 3 times.

“And as you met him earlier in class, Minho!” finished off by dusting his hand.

“Annyeong~” I said and looked at my food and blush.

“EHE! You’ve been like that even in class.” Song Hwa teased. I give her oh-no-you-didn’t look. She just shrugs while the rest gasp.

“I. um. Nevermind.” I finally said and ate my salad. “Oh speaking of it, you mentioned 5 amazing boys? There’s only er 4?” I said as I faced Song Hwa, trying to make a conversation.

“Oh! One of them is in the drama tour.” She answered smiling.

“He’s the best singer here. Song Hwa too but she didn’t get picked. Onew is pro in piano, Taemin in dancing, Minho anything to do with sports and where as for me fashion design and part time cook.” Key explained, I nodded at him and smiled.


Class finally had ended. I packed my stuff and went outside and saw my sister.

“Hurry up! Parli!” She said as I hopped in and drove off. I saw SHINee standing by the gate and waved at them and they waved back.

“New friends already, Min Jee?” She asked. I smirked and nodded. “Glasses no glasses not much difference huh?” I sighed at her comment as she chuckled.

“Here wear this.” She threw a piece of clothes over my head and tied it a little too tight for me and by that I was completely blind. Then the car stopped. “Ok now you can open the blindfold.” She said I did what she told me and gasp.

“CHINCHA?!” I rubbed my eyes checking if I am imagining things or not. “For me?”

“Neh~ You’re 19 here in Korea so we thought that we should get you one.” Sang Hee said as she stepped out of my brand new car. “Go and give it a spin around town!” She threw the key and grabbed them and drove off.

As I drove pass the park I stopped and stared at the huge tree. Then all of a sudden a face of a little boy appeared in my mind.


“Min Jee wants to play on the swing. Oppa push me.”

“Oh. Neh come sit here I’ll push you.” The little girl sat on the swing and her oppa pushed her higher and higher they went.

“Jonghyun! Don’t push her to high!!” said an old lady running towards us.


I closed my eyes as pain jolt up and I rubbed my temple. I slowly drove back home.

“UNNIE!” I called out as I placed my keys in my pocket. “UNNIE! Where are you?!” I yelled even louder.

“Kitchen baby. Waeyo?!” Mi Sun answered. Sang Hee walked up to me as I flopped on the couch rubbing my temples.

“Head ache?” Sang Hee asked. I nodded and she asked me to lay on her lap so she could massage my head. “How come? Stressed?” she asked.

“Ani. I got a vision? Flash back? Basically I saw me as a kid being pushed on the swing by another kid named Jonghyun and then some old lady warned us. Then tada Headache!” I said I looked at her, her expression changed immediately.

“Oh. You must have been stressed out huh?” She asked. I raised my eyebrows then relaxed it back. “Mi Sun-Unnie! Come here parli!”

“I’m cooking what’s wrong?” She said as she appeared with her pink apron on. “Are you ok Min Jee?” She asked as she saw me lying down on Sang Hee-Unnie’s lap.

“She got flashbacks Unnie on the thing that happened.” Sang Hee told her and same goes to Mi Sun unnie her smile faded leaving a slight frown on her face.

“Are you ok? What did you remember?” She looked worried and she sighed. “You don’t have to answer. Now go get some rest before dinner.” She said.


It was finally dinner time. I thought about the matter while I was pampering myself with hot bath. I cleared my throat, “Unnie, I’m old enough to know about my past so can you please tell me before I’m dying.” I said as I used the fork to play with my food.

“Well, we aren’t ready to tell you just YET.” Mi Sun said as she looked at you straight in the eyes. “And how many times do I have to tell you, DON’T PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD! EAT!” She scolded I followed what she said and ate my dinner.

I kept on thinking of it in my mind. Wondering what happened in the past? How did I end up not remembering anything? I’m good in memorizing but somehow I lost my childhood memories right from when I was born up till when I was 4 years old.


*> Shazaaam! 3rd chapter ^^ Hope you readers like it. :D <*


*> tralalaHaeRa bluesaphire0513 randomauthor Primrose0930 Keyoungminwoonew SundayLightForest <*

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daebak #1
cute <3 I love it !
i love you. you always complete your FF. <br />
I'm reading your FFs forever. :)
JonghyunLove #3
I wove this story! Wright the sequel soon Please? =^.^=
Yay..loves the ending..so sweet..hehe~ well,looking up for your new fanfics now.. ^^ keep on writing~~
I love you!!! We will wait for the sequel love...<br />
I'm being patient. HAHAHA!<br />
<br />
Stop pretending Your Buterflyy... That's right with double Y.<br />
hahaha! =P
Awww awsome story! Sequel pleaseee????<br />
aww. It's finished??? will you make a sequel???<br />
Pls make a sequel :))