Confession after confession

I wish I was her

-Your POV-

“Park..” My eyes widen hoping that it’s Song Hwa the drum roll was plugging my nerves and killing each of my insides as they churn and twist.

“Park Jiyeon!” I literally died inside. Vanish cause I know there is no other way to snatch the tiara from her. She’ll own the stage and her name will be called to claim the 1st place.

“And now, the 1st place goes to..” Again with the sick drum roll I was practically breathing hard holding onto Minho’s hand as tight as possible. “IT’S A TIE!” Everyone in the god freaking place gasp! “Never in history there’s a tie but for the first time ever a tie between Park Song Hwa and Yie Min Jee.”

I dropped to my knees when Minho let go of me. I was dying of nervousness. Minho quickly grabbed me and helped me up and I walked to claim my price with Song Hwa. “Second round let’s make sure you lose.” Song Hwa hissed.

I backed away a little and gulped as she smirked. ‘This is something and some side of her I haven’t seen.’ I said to myself while smiling at the flashing light of the camera.

“Now for the couple category 3rd place goes to..” The names of the couples were announced and now the drum rolls for the second place. My heart was throbbing madly I cling on to Minho’s hand and pray for our victory.

And to our surprise “2nd place goes to Park Song Hwa and Kim Jong Hyun!” the MC literally paused and glanced back at the paper. Even the MC himself didn’t expect that, he looked back to the crowd which was hoping that it was a mistake. “It really is Park Song Hwa and Kim Jong Hyun.” He said again only this time slower.

My eyes grew wide and I feel tenser waiting for them to announce the 1st place. “Astonishingly we have a new couple that has grabbed the crown. Give a round of applause to Choi Minho and Yie Min Jee!” People cheered and applauded. Me and Minho happily took our prizes.

I took the microphone from the MC which made him backed off a little surprised by the sudden act. “Hey guys, I know this is unexpected but I think Kim Jonghyun have something that he would like to say.” I turned to Jonghyun who was looking hurt and literally looked at me with his puppy eyes.

He walked over and grabbed the microphone. “I’m sorry Min Jee.” He said little that he knows the microphone was on. Everyone gasped. Shocked at what they just heard. Jonghyun turned to Song Hwa.

“Yeobo, I’m sorry. I’ve kept this away from you. Min Jee is my long lost childhood friend.” He said and motioned his hands towards me. I gave her a warm smile while she looked at me utterly stunned. Jonghyun sighed and continued.

“Worse we were childhood lovers. I kinda have my love feelings back for her.” Song Hwa jaws dropped open and I moved closer towards Jonghyun. I took the microphone and looked at Jonghyun.

“But I was a fool to fall back for you when you were the real major cause that made me lose my memories.” I said coldly. “I didn’t even remember when my umma passed away, when my appa left me and why. All due to my memory lost!” I said more towards shouting. "And it's all because of you!!" I beamed.

Song Hwa walked towards us. I was expecting a stinging slap on my cheek but now the slap was for Jonghyun. “What exactly did I do wrong to deserve this?” she shouted out of anger. The place was like a dead place no one said a word. I walked to Song Hwa and bowed.

“I’m sorry.” I said quickly, I wasn’t sure why but I just feel like doing it. I kinda feel sad for her. I looked at her tears was flowing down her cheeks like an open faucet dripping down to the ground.

-Jonghyun’s POV-

Song Hwa was about to leave after she slapped me I wanted to grab her wrist but Min Jee stepped forward and bowed at her. I was clueless but Song Hwa stopped. Min Jee then said she was sorry. ‘What?! What is wrong with her? I’m supposed to do that not her!’

“Song Hwa, listen to me.” I said switching off the microphone and slowly walked towards her. She backed away every time I took a step. My hand was trembling and I feel light headed. My heart burns with pain but I tried to ignore it. I haven’t been properly sleeping since the day Min Jee knew everything.

‘You’re backing away from me, your voice seems to fade slowly.’ Scars that I felt suddenly became deeper, wounding me more and more.

“Curse me for letting go, curse me. But please don’t leave me and my already shattered heart. Just don’t leave me alone.” I cried and letting the tears flow. I looked at her and stepped forward and like there was a repulsion Song Hwa backed away.

“I want you like crazy but I know you don’t love me for treating you this way.” I said to Song Hwa then I looked at Min Jee head down tears slowly dropped from her angelic face down to the ground. People were frozen around us. It was only the 3 of us, me, Min Jee and Song Hwa standing in the middle of the stage.

I walked towards Min Jee and lifted her chin up. I look at her in the eyes, “Min Jee, I promised myself to give you my never ending love when we were a child. I never knew that you would come back and my love would eventually strangle you.” I said and wiped the tears that fell.

“All those days I was torn up from my wounded heart, when you left me, my love that has lost its way and I finally met Song Hwa. I realized now I’m a different person after you were gone.” I was sobbing now not just me but the two girls that I truly loved.

-Song Hwa’s POV-

After what Jonghyun said I looked at him. I was blinded by the tears. I breathed in and out and slowly walked towards him. “Although you are the reason that I become unhappy, the reason that my heart is crushed into millions of pieces.” I said slowly. “But I knew my heart still yearns for you after being with you for so long.”

I hugged him and embraced him in my arms. “How did we ever come to this? I never thought you’d be someone I had to miss. And there I was caught in your game, needing answers that never came.” Min Jee started saying. She was facing the ground tear drops fell one after another.

“I thought I was strong enough but I was wrong. Now I’m blinded by the tears.” I said and turned towards Min Jee. She sniffed and let out a weak smile.

“If you looking for forgiveness you won’t find that here.” We both said I backed away a little letting Jonghyun go. Jonghyun looked at us both. I looked at Min Jee as she wiped her tears away. “Cause you lied your way to heartbreak now it’s all too clear. That you will never be..”

We smiled at each other knowing that we always clicked ever since we met. Min Jee stepped closer to Jonghyun and placed her right hand on Jonghyun’s left shoulder. “Looking back it was so damn easy, I hope you know you’re my last mistake. Don’t come around and say you need me, I won’t stay.”

I walked towards him too and placed my left hand on Jonghyun right shoulder, “Now I know that you were so deceiving, was it fun for you get to her? I hope you made the right decision cause I too won’t stay.” Both of us let go of Jonghyun’s shoulder and I held Min Jee’s hand.

“Min Jee, what did Jonghyun actually do to you?” I questioned her she kept quiet. “It’s ok. I’ll kick this if he ever made a move on you before this.”

“As much as I hate him right now, I wouldn’t dare to tell you. I know how much you love him. Sulli told me if you’re wondering. I just couldn’t dare.” She said softly and let out a sigh. “Song Hwa. Forget this. I’m sorry that everything happens because of I’m back here. I'm backing away from Jonghyun.”

We kinda worked it out but leaving Jonghyun behind. People were gawking at us two then we looked back at Jonghyun. “Jonghyun-oppa!” we called out in unison and walked towards him. “We’re kidding! We knew your scheme earlier before you even confess!” Me and Min Jee were giggling. “Well actually Sulli told us and we talked it out.” We were laughing now hands still linked together. "How was our little act?" We both said.

“BWOAH?!” Jonghyun jaws dropped and looked at us puzzled. “Wha-what do you mean?” He looked at both us with disbelieving what he just heard.

“Yah! Oppa, don’t you think that it’s weird we’re not fighting the crap out of each other?” Min Jee asked. Me and Min Jee still linked arm and smirked at Jonghyun mentally defeated by us. We hi-fived each other and Sulli joined us.

The boys were utterly shocked as well. “So wait! Umma is confused you two planned this?!” Key said stepping into the middle. Me, Min Jee and Sulli giggled and mimicked their expressions.

“Clearly it was all for show. Ehem Umma three of us planned this” Sulli said smiling innocently. We saw Jonghyun, Taemin and Minho moved closer to us.

"You lied to us?!" The three of them said. "We worked hard and even fight for nothing?!" Our eyes got bigger I held on to Sulli and Min Jee’s hand and quickly ran for our dearly life!

“KYAAAAAAAA!!!!!” We let out a scream as the three boys chased us around the place “Oppa!! We’re so, so, so, so, sorry!! SORRY!!!” We yelled out not long afterwards Onew, Key and Minwoo stood in front of us and grabbed hold of us.


*> ENDING SO SOON TnT But I’ll be starting a new fic :D <*

*> So What do you think of this chapter? DId you guys see that coming? HEHEHE I hate sad endings so yeaa..~ ;) <*

*> HEHE Sorry for the cliffhanger ;) HAHAHAHA!! <*




I Love you too <3 HAHAHA.. Here's the continuation ;) No your puppy eyes won't work. Sorry. :p HEHEHE.

LOL I'm sorry, Here's the continuation HEHEHE..

HAHAHA WOOHOO For weekends ;) LOL Here's your update my lovely ;)


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daebak #1
cute <3 I love it !
i love you. you always complete your FF. <br />
I'm reading your FFs forever. :)
JonghyunLove #3
I wove this story! Wright the sequel soon Please? =^.^=
Yay..loves the sweet..hehe~ well,looking up for your new fanfics now.. ^^ keep on writing~~
I love you!!! We will wait for the sequel love...<br />
I'm being patient. HAHAHA!<br />
<br />
Stop pretending Your Buterflyy... That's right with double Y.<br />
hahaha! =P
Awww awsome story! Sequel pleaseee????<br />
aww. It's finished??? will you make a sequel???<br />
Pls make a sequel :))