Meet Minwoo

I wish I was her

-Your POV-

I was bored at home and my mind was wondering where could Jonghyun be. I look out from my window and noticed he still hasn’t come home yet.

‘Urgh! This dude’ I said in my mind frustrated. ‘He must have forgot. Aish chincha!’

I slept early that night right after I finished my homework and as I walked over to my bed I saw the big teddy bear that Jonghyun and Taemin got me. I smiled and decided to hug it to sleep.

I know I’m crazy right? I’m confused too. I mean I like Jonghyun, no, no, I love Jonghyun, but at the same time I like Minho too. He’s nice to me. He gave me those sweet yet seductive vibes.

Well one, mostly because he’s cute. Two, he’s hot. Three, his smile just melts my poor chocolate heart. Four, I don’t know what he has done but I’m falling for him little by little.

I took my phone and viewed the pictures I took with Minho. Ok I took a lot of pictures with the others MOSTLY MY UMMA and baby Tae but there are few pictures of me and Minho I mean just us two. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the pictures and smiled.


I woke up to the buzzing noise of my phone. ‘when did I fell asleep?’ I groaned and looked at who it was from.

Unknown Number : I finally found you my missing puzzle piece.

I looked at it with a blank expression and my mind literally goes WHAT THE HECK?! WHO THE F*** IS THIS PERSON?!

I took my shower, did my daily routine and ate my breakfast. “Unnie! I’m going! ANNYEONG!” I was practically shouting as I ran out of the house.

I saw Jonghyun was about to leave too. “Min Jee~ Lets go.” He offered. I looked away and stuck my tongue out and went in my car and drove pass him ignoring the pain that I started to feel.


I parked my car next to a familiar car. ‘Where have I seen this car before?’ I wondered. Then the person rolled down his window as I locked my car.

“Hey y ~” My jaw literally dropped open! HOW RUDE! I spun around and I wanted to slap the sh*t out of him when he hugged me.

“GET OFF ME! HELP! HARASSMENT!” I shouted from the top of my lung and to my luck Minho and the others except Jonghyun were there they rushed over and helped me.

Minho punched his face and beat the crap out of him as Onew and Taemin backed him up while Key was hugging me. “Are you hurt? Did he hurt you? What did he do baby? Did he touch anywhere?” He was worrying sick!

“STOP! SALLY! IT’S ME!” He spoke and tried to shield himself. ‘Sally?! I haven’t heard someone called me by my British name yet again I never mentioned anyone my that name.’

“Stop!” I demanded. I took a step closer to see who it was. They stopped and the boy was sprawling on the floor.

“Min Jee. Waeyo? Who’s Sally?” Minho asked as he hugged me from behind as I got close. I swore my heart was happily playing fireworks inside.

“Wow, Min Jee’s your Korean name now huh? And from the looks of it you already replaced me.” He said wiping the blood from his mouth with his thumb in a oh-so-y way.

I jerked when I saw his necklace. “JEREMY?!” I shouted making the boys confused. “Oh My Sh*t! Jeremy!” I ran to him and helped him up. “WHY THE SH*T DID YOU SCARED ME LIKE THAT?! Serves you right, douche!” I said again and giggled.

The boys went speechless. Stunned as I helped the boy who they assumed had harassed me, in a way. “Uh. Noona~” Taemin said and raised his hand as I completely forgot about them.

“Oh Ne~ guys, this is Jeremy. He’s my ex-boyfriend way back in London and he’s my best friend too.” I said smiling happily.

“How can your ex-boyfriend be your best friend?” Key asked and clearly he was as confused as Onew, Taemin and Minho.

“Since we realized we loved each other only as friends.” Jeremy said sticking out his hand. “Please call me Minwoo.” He said and shook hands with all 4 of them. [Minwoo from ZE:A If you guys want to imagine how he looks like :p]

“Minwoo is your Korean name now?” I asked.

“And Min Jee is yours?” He said and we giggled. I rolled my eyes and smack his arm. “OUCH! God that hurts! HELLO I JUST GOT BEATEN FOR FAKE HARASSMENT HERE!” He shouted.

I shrugged, “Serves you right! Why didn’t you freakin call me?! I could’ve picked you up from airport or at least know you’re here, !” I punched him again on the arm.

“OUCH! How many times do I have to tell you? It H-U-R-T!” He shouted. “And I did texted you this morning. Plus I thought you’d recognize my car.”

“Oh please, please don’t tell me you’re the one who sent that cheesy text that I received from an unknown number.” I said, completely forgotten about my heroes

“EHEM!” Onew faked a coughed which brought me and Minwoo back to reality.

“EHE! Sorry guys. I just haven’t seen him for a quite long time and if you’re wondering about the text which I can tell Key umma is dying to know, here.” I hand in my phone to Key.

“Umma?” Minwoo questioned. “Did you just call him Umma?” he looked confused.

“Ne~ because he cared for me like I’m his daughter.” I said calmly and smiled when they read the text.

“So this tall dude is your boyfriend huh? Damn son you always go for the hot ones.” He said eyeing Minho from top to bottom. “Let me guess he’s a jock?”

“How can you tell? Oh I’m Taemin by the way the maknae. This is Onew-hyung, Key-hyung/Umma and this tall dude is Minho-hyung.” Taemin said introducing everyone to Minwoo, they waved as their names were mentioned.

“Cause her taste is always on jocks she’ll drool if she saw dude play football, basketball or any kind of sport and even those athlete. She’ll swoon over him in no time!” Minwoo explained.

The boys had a big wide grin plastered across their face as I blushed pretty much like a tomato. “Oh! I better get going. I’m starting school tomorrow! THANK GOD I DON’T START TODAY IF NOT I’M HUMILIATED!” He said and eyed me.

“Sorry.” I mumbled. “Oh lets meet up after school. You, Me and them. At the Emporium Hall Café.” I said.

“Cool! I’ll meet you guys here. I don’t know the place yet so I’ll follow you guys from the back then.” He said and I waved him goodbye as he drove off.

“You didn’t protest.” Onew said to me as he giggled. I stared at him blankly.

“Eh?” I manage to let out. I gave him a blanked and confused expression.

“He kept on saying Minho-hyung as your boyfriend. He’d probably thought you two are together.” Taemin said giggling.

“Ne~ what is this?” Umma said giving me that oh-you-like-him-don’t-you look.

“Umma! Ani. I.. um..” I looked around hoping something falls from the sky.

“Save it noona~” Taemin sang and skipped towards Sulli who just arrived. The others giggled while I blushed. Then without me knowing Minho held my hand.

“Eh?” I said and looked up at him who looked flushed in embarrassment.

“What? You don’t like it?” He said smiling nervously.

“Um.” I didn’t answer I let go of his hand and ran towards Umma. and went to class.

‘Why is my heart beating faster? Don’t I like Jonghyun instead of Minho? I mean. I like Minho but.. Jonghyun is my long lost lover. But argh! I’m confused.’

I sank back in my seat as my mind kept repeating the same question over and over again. Song Hwa saw me and nudge. “You ok?” she said in a low voice so the teacher won’t spot us talking.

“Frustrated.” I said and sighed. “Confused by my heart that can’t seem to make up its mind.” I murmured.

“Yah. About my boyfriend. I’ll take you to see him later.”


*> How does this end up? She’ll be meeting him. Kim Jonghyun only to know it is THE Kim Jonghyun. <*

*> Sorry for the late update I'm caught up with school work and I'm so tired. Hope this chapter is ok. <*

*> Drop the comment bomb people and I'll burst in happiness <3 HEHEHE <*

always-you [ LOVE SARANGHAE ] <*



always-you - Aww.. heheh I hope you like the story so far HEHEHE.. and your welcome ^^

Sameaknaaa - OMO! Don't faint I have more chapters to come LOL <3

Mistswirl - Oh Yes way that Dino dino dino LOL.. Aww thank you >///< I know you can do it too. if you do make a fan fic do tell me I'll read them for sure~ <3 <3

RAWRRitsasma - I know right that slick Dino. EHE.. Ah well.. Just wait and see..

SundayLightForest - cause they don't want to be the heartbreaker :( AND I am so not sneaky *wink HELLO SUNDAY <3


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daebak #1
cute <3 I love it !
i love you. you always complete your FF. <br />
I'm reading your FFs forever. :)
JonghyunLove #3
I wove this story! Wright the sequel soon Please? =^.^=
Yay..loves the sweet..hehe~ well,looking up for your new fanfics now.. ^^ keep on writing~~
I love you!!! We will wait for the sequel love...<br />
I'm being patient. HAHAHA!<br />
<br />
Stop pretending Your Buterflyy... That's right with double Y.<br />
hahaha! =P
Awww awsome story! Sequel pleaseee????<br />
aww. It's finished??? will you make a sequel???<br />
Pls make a sequel :))