The full truth behind the flashback. Well almost full.

I wish I was her

“Ne Key-oppa~ it’s me Sulli. I’m glad that you remembered.” She said and waved. She turned to me and smiled. “You must be Min Jee. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She said and stretched out her hand towards me.

I shook hands with her and smile, “Ne~ I see Song Hwa-shi has been talking bout me.” I teased while Song Hwa and the rest giggled.

“Yah~ you’re just too cute to forget.” She stuck out her tongue and laughed. Minho stood next to me and made Song Hwa raised her eyebrow. “Oh? I’m gone for two weeks and I see someone is making his move.” She said teasing Minho.

“Yah! Song Hwa-ah. Am not!” Minho denied which made Key and Taemin chuckled. Song Hwa too but then she stopped and raised her eyebrows shocked.

“I didn’t say you’re making a move on anyone. I was talking to Ming there.” She point to Ming who was flirting with Taeyon. Ming smiled at Song Hwa and winked. Song Hwa giggled and Minho’s face turned tomato red!

“Yah~ Song Hwa-unnie you shouldn’t have been so mean to Minho-oppa~” Sulli said giggling along with Key and Taemin. Song Hwa was laughing her head off looking again and again at embarrassed Minho.

“Ne Song Hwa-shi. You’re so mean~” I hit her lightly and she wiped her tears that was flowing due to laughing too hard. “Oppa~ don’t be so sulky~ smile~” I gave him my aegyo trying to cheer him up which succeed as his face finally lit up and smiled immediately.

“Aigo~ I can’t stay sulky to that face.” He said happily as he pinched my cheeks. I scrunched up my face and groan in pain as Minho pinched my cheeks. The rest laughed and as we were enjoying our time it comes to an end when the teacher arrived.

“Class please give a warm welcome to Ms. Sulli. Welcome back Sulli.” We clapped our hand as she smiled oh-so-cutely. “Oh and Ms. Park you’re missing a few lesson, you’ll be having extra tuition starting today so you will have to stay back after school”

Song Hwa whined as she mumbled to herself. “Uh! I was just gonna met my boyfriend.” She said and heaved a sigh. “I guess he can wait.” She said again. She whipped out her phone out and texted away.

We paid attention in class and in no time school ends. ‘FINALLY!’ I let out a loud sigh. Minho walked up to me and walked out together with Key, Taemin and Sulli.

Sulli and Taemin were holding hand and it surprised me a little. “Sulli and Taemin..” Before I could finish Key nod his head and smiled. I turned to Minho and he did the same.

“They’ve been dating for weeks now. You didn’t notice Taemin’s been looking at his phone lately?” Minho asked and I just shook my head. To be honest I didn’t actually paid attention due to the amount of attention I’m getting from Minho and Jonghyun.

Although I’ve been getting a lot of attention from both of them my heart are uneasy at the fact that they both might actually like me. I mean how can I choose between them?

Can you? When two dude, no correction, TWO HOT PRINCES, who have been best friend since forever and you came along getting attention from both of them. How can you actually pick one of them?

First is Minho, who is a warm loving guy with a cute laugh and oh so charming, heart-melting smile. Who on earth wouldn’t fall for him? Come on? It’s insane right?

While Jonghyun? Oh don’t get me started with him. He’s so perfect. I feel close to him even when the first time we met come to think of it his name does sound familiar. OH could he be Kim Jonghyun? THE Kim Jonghyun the one next to me in the picture?

My eyes widen at my new discovery. “Oh! I have to go now. I forgot I have something important to do. See you guys tomorrow!” I waved them goodbye and ran off before they could even asked further.


I got home but no one was there. ‘Good!’ I thought out loud I ran upstairs and search for the box I found the first day I got here. “FOUND IT!” I said and dust off the dust it was collecting. I looked closely at the boy next to me and gasped.

-Flash back-

“Min Jee. You know we’re still young. But I really like you.”

“Jonghyun. I like you too. But I’m just a kid.”

“I’ll wait for the day when we can legally date each other.”

“My My. My baby Jongie is growing up too fast. You’re 6 and already thinking of the future?”

“Yah umma! There’s no harm right?”

“No but aren’t you too young to propose little Min Jee?”

“I know umma, but we’ll wait.”

-End of flashback-

Jongie, is it really you? Kim Jonghyun that I once like. I can’t believe I’m meeting you again. But still why did we separate our family seems close. My sisters seems nice to you but.. huh. I still can’t remember why but all I know you are my Jonghyun. My long lost friend.

I didn’t realize I cried crying while hugging my childhood picture.


“Jongie. You promise.”

“I do. If I don’t why would I gave you the ring. And that’s Oppa to you, you little Min Jee.”

“Oppsie~ Mianhae ne oppa”

“Aww Kiawa~”

“Heh Heh. Oppa.”

“Oppa will start school soon.”

“Chincha? But then who will play with me?”

“Don’t worry Min Jee-ah. Oppa will come home and play with you afterwards.”

-End of flashback-

I cried my heart out knowing that what I felt was real. I looked back in the box and saw more of our photos. I saw a note in a heart shape. ‘Get well soon, don’t you stay sick too long. Oppa doesn’t have anyone to play with.’ Then my door swung open. It’s my unnie. “Min Jee-ah! What’s wrong?!”

She saw my eyes were red and puffy from crying. “Unnie, Kim Jonghyun and I were that close is it?” I asked her between sobs. My heart was aching how could I not remember? How is that possible?

“Ne~ You two were like brothers and sisters but in a more higher level. Umma approves you two being together and approves you two if you ever grow up being his lover.” She said and tears slowly fall down her cheeks.
“You guys never let each other go till that one day. Everything went wrong. No one can predict it.” Sang Hee unnie said finally.

“What happened to me and Jonghyun-oppa Unnie?” I asked crying like a little baby.

“Umma said not to tell you until it’s really is time. We promised umma Min Jee please understand.” She said sobbing like I was.

“Umma? How come I never heard anything about Umma when we were at London?” I finally asked. Then we were joined by Mi Sun-Unnie and froze there as she heard my question.

“Unnie~ What happened to Umma? Appa?” I asked still sobbing, couldn’t help the feeling of curiosity, eager to know more about my missing past. They didn’t respond. No one talked.

“Umma passed away baby girl and Appa just left us one day after Umma passed away” Mi Sun-unnie finally said running to me and gave me a big warm hug. Sang Hee-Unnie joined in and hugged me and Mi Sun-unnie.

“It’s complicated baby. Please don’t think about it too much. Your head will hurt and that could affect your studies. Just remember this, Umma once told us she wants to see you graduate with flying colors even if she’s not around she’ll always watch you from above.” Sang Hee-unnie’s words made my heart stop beating made me drown with my emotions.

I cried a river and didn’t bother about anything. I let it all out. “I will unnie. I’ll make her proud to have a daughter like us.” I said and they sobbed like I am now not caring about anything. We sat on the floor hugging each other crying our heart out.


*> Why they parted? Well stay tuned <3 Saranghae <*

*> It's Baby Gongchan's Birthday!! Oh I'm Going for a double update today ^^ Just for baby channie. <*

*> So what do you guys think of this chapter? <*

*> Blast me away with your comments It truely made me smile :D <*

*> NEW SUBSCRIBER ALERT! <3 : OnlyForU and candyaggie [ SARANGHAE!! <3 ] <*




OnlyForU - I Know right! I wish I was her too >.<

SundayLightForest - The King of skinship is back! HEHEHE.. ;)

Sameaknaaa - go go give him a hug.. HEHEHE.. I want to hug him too~ :D Flaming charisma MINHO!

Mistswirl - UPDATED! ^^ I know i pity Minho the most i guess.. HAHAHA..

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daebak #1
cute <3 I love it !
i love you. you always complete your FF. <br />
I'm reading your FFs forever. :)
JonghyunLove #3
I wove this story! Wright the sequel soon Please? =^.^=
Yay..loves the sweet..hehe~ well,looking up for your new fanfics now.. ^^ keep on writing~~
I love you!!! We will wait for the sequel love...<br />
I'm being patient. HAHAHA!<br />
<br />
Stop pretending Your Buterflyy... That's right with double Y.<br />
hahaha! =P
Awww awsome story! Sequel pleaseee????<br />
aww. It's finished??? will you make a sequel???<br />
Pls make a sequel :))