Unexpected Guests

Just Not You

One Week Before Vogue Awards

  • ding dong ding dong “ eerrr….Siwon…go….door…”

“ Its…your turn…”

*ding ding

“ Go…Siwon….door…bell….”

*ding Dong

“ You  go….i want sleep….

*Ding dong ding dong ding dong

“ Oh Jesus! Fine I’m coming! I’m coming!” I get up and yell at whoever the bloody is on the other side of the door. I look at the bedside clock it says 5.30 am. “ Argh!” I throw my head in frustration.

“ Stop screaming Dara.” Siwon mumbles and when I see him he has his head sandwiched between two pillows.

I literally kick him on the and get off the bed. *ding dong ding dong. Ok this person is pissing me off first thing in the morning. I pick up my robe and rush to the door. 8ding dong ding dong.

“ Jesus im getting the door.” I yell and open the house door- I am frozen, my heart shoots up and back down and my eyes start to cloud with imaginations. Unbelievable moment. !

“ SURPRISE!” oh my god! Its Nancy and Ethan!! “ AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” we both scream together at the doorstep.

“ Surprise!” I hear Siwon from behind me lazily walking toward us in his tracks.

“ You did this, didn’t you?” he devilishly nods. “ Hey man!” Siwon greets Ethan.

“ So can we come in or are you girls going to stand here screaming and disturb all the lovely residents?” Ethan asks me as I still stare at Nancy in disbelief. I really cant believe she is here! In Seoul! In our apartment!

“ Oh god how rude of me. Come in! Please!!” I invite them in.

“ So Dara, do I not get a hug?” Ethan asks me as he shrugs off his jacket? I give him a tight bear hug. “ Hey, off my man! And give me one too!” Nancy says and with the hugest grin I could ever have, I hug her and she hugs me with all the love and the missed moments during these past few months.

“ Hey Nancy!” Siwon hugs Nancy and gives a cute peck on the cheek. I look at Siwon and mouth “ I hate surprises” to which he responds inaudible, “ I know” and gives me a wink which of course make me blush and go all pink and red.

Nancy turns to me, “ is my school going, big girl Sasi sleeping?”

“ Yup she is!” I tell her.

“ You look dreadful… go brush up and come, lets have breakfast. I brought some on the way. Also do you have a spare we can use as well?”

I guide them to Sasi’s bedroom where she is peacefully sleeping without knowing that her aunty Nancy has come to visit as a surprise. I pick her up and give some privacy to Nancy and Ethan. I bring her to our bedroom and lay her down. Siwon tucks her in and go fresh up before Siown does.

After about 30 minutes or so, Nancy and me are in the kitchen getting the kettle to boil and toasts on the plates and warming up the muffins she had brought.

By that time the boys join us. “ I had no idea you would be coming. I mean seriously! If I had known I would have prepared Sasi’s room for you.”

“ Well, you lover there” Nancy pointed to Siown who was looking at us ladies over the counter, “ said he wanted to surprise his ‘ladylove’” she made the quotation action, which in turn made me laugh. “ I have no idea why he calls you that. I mean its so ancient and cheezy.” She gives a playful nasty look.

“ Why? I like it. It’s very y.”

“ Seriously Dara? Lady love?” she has a ‘are you kidding me’ look on her face.

“ Fine, what does Ethan call you?” I ask “ Well I cant really reveal the names he calls me in bed, but in public, he calls me tiger. Now that’s y.” She looks over at Ethan who gleaming with joy.

“ Its 6.15 in the morning and I cant believe we have already headed off to the y talk. Gosh I missed you girlfriend!” I say with glee.

“ Me too girlfriend.” Nancy says and hugs me tight.

“ Its such a y moment to watch women , wont you agree Ethan?” Siwon drops a comment.

“ Hey no on my breakfast table! In an hour or so my daughter will wake up, so all of you behave.” I scolded the adults in the room. “ You girls started it!” the boys protest.

 Our breakfast time is filled with updates and gossip and girl talk and a little bit of boy talk too. We really miss such moments both of us have been into work for so long, that we forgot that beyond the corporate walls exists such a beautiful world.

“ So…” Nancy puts her tea mug down and shyly smiles at Ethan. “ I’ve got news…no, we’ve got news actually.” She says and looks at me. I have butterflies in my stomach which can be easily translated into excitement, because the way Nancy is smiling, I know its going to be an exciting news. “ i….ummm..ii…..”

“ oh spit it out!” I push her.

“ I’m pregnant!” she says. I go silent for a minute to take the over thrilling news.

“ OH MY GOD! IM GONNA BE AN AUNTY!!” I scream and hug Nancy tightly! I can’t contain my smile and my tears. They just start flowing down my cheeks. Siwon is already hugging, fist bumping and doing all those boyish congratulatory thing with Ethan.

“ And you Mr. Warwick! Congratulations!! I can’t believe you guys are going to become parents!!” I hug Ethan.

“ I spoke to you the other day Nancy, and you did not tell me!” I scold her.

“ Well yeah..i got it confirmed just last week and I got to know we will be flying to Seoul…I waited to tell you in person.” She says and I just hug her more.

After a while Sasi is up and she was super excited to meet Aunty Nancy and Uncle Ethan. Nancy took the trouble to dress her up for school, like the many times she has been doing in Dubai. We got ready to get to the work and at the same time Nancy and Ethan got ready as well. They are checking into the hotel nearby but my dear friend wanted to see me the first thing she landed in Seoul.

By 10.30am, we were in the car and Sasi took Nancy’s lap. As Siwon drove the Aston Martin into the main road, I had the unstoppable urge to tell Nancy a full description of what happened in the backseat of the very same car. Well, she is one person I can be shameless with and she would just not judge me.

After we dropped Sasi in her school, we start off to drop Ethan and Nancy at their hotel. I turn to Nancy in the back seat and give her a ‘wicked’ smile that only she would understand. I pull up my finger and indicate two. She looks at me for a minute or so and then realization hits her. “ Oh god, please tell me this car went for a thorough wash.” I laugh at how my friend hits the bulls eye in understanding my silent information.

“ It did Nancy, no worries and guess what? it was in public!” Siwon supplies more information. Nancy’s mouth drops and Ethan pats on Siwon’s shoulders from behind.

“ How did you manage that?” Nancy tries her best in not branding us the crazy, stupid, outrageous couple.

Late night- long drive- beach- private cove- Aston Martin- Siwon and Dara.” Is all I say.

“ Babes we should try that. Dara give me the route to this private cove!” Ethan joins in.

“ Don’t. Even. Think. About. It!” Nancy spells it out.

“ Awwww, cut the man some slack Nancy.” I teasingly support Ethan.

“ Well darling, I’m pregnant because I cut him a lot of slack!” she counters. We have a riotous laugh.

After about a 30 minute drive in the morning rush of Seoul, we reach the Radisson hotel Seoul, where Nancy and Ethan have a reservation.

“ I’ll give you a call tonight, we can have dinner and tell me about your plans.” I say as the two check in.

“ Sure Dara.” Nancy says and I turn to head back to the car. I take a few steps, but I stop and go back to Nancy and give her a tight bear hug. “ I’m so happy that you are here. I really am.” I say. I’m almost in the verge of crying.

“ Me too babes.” She replies. “ Now go ahead. You are already late to work. The Dara I know would have gone mad If she was even a minute late.” Nancy says and pushes me. I head back to the car where Siwon is waiting for me.

I get in and he says, “ ready to go?”

“ You know I hate surprises and yet you go ahead and do it?” I ask.

“ Did you not like this surprise then?”

“ I love it! I mean its great, wonderful. But it would have been nice, if you had told me about whatever you are going to do. I want you to discuss things with me Siwon.”

“ I will on any matter Dara, but there are somethings that I would like to do for you, see you excited and surprise you. Those I cant discuss.” He replies. I just shake my head. There are something, that you just can’t change about Siwon. I understand that he does things with his best intensions, but I really do hate surprises. It would be really great if he could just say something, rather than having me stop dead on the spot or frozen.


Choi House: 8.30 pm.

 Siwon’s parents have been desperate to meet Nancy and Ethan. Nancy is the person who stood by me during difficult times and Ethan, for Siwon. He gave him a life in a land Siwon did not know.  So they thought it would only be appropriate to treat the couple to a heartfelt dinner.

“ Why are you staying at the hotel Nancy? We have such a big house and it’s the two of us. You should stay with us.” Siown’s mom coos to Nancy.

“ Thank you so much for invitation, but the hotel is absolutely fine with us.” Nancy says.

“ Ah, you think why you want stay with two old people…. we could be fun. You may never know.” Siwon’s mom winks at me.

“ Mama and fun go hand to hand Nancy.” I support to which Sasi shouts her support.

“ See even Sasi approves.” I say with a laugh.

“ I understand, but really thanks. We came here mainly for the award function and there is still a week. So Ethan and me were thinking to take a trip up to Jeju and then return to the city a day before the function or something. So hotel would be appropriate.” Nancy spells out her plan.

“ hmmm….that sounds ok too…then you should stay at out guest house in Jeju.” Siwon’s dad offers. “ I hope you have not booked a room there. If you have, cancel it. There is a wonderful cook there who can made Korean and international food and a housekeeper too. I can inform them that you would be arriving.” Nancy looks at me with awe. I smile at her and think that I have the most wonderful in laws in the world. That thought suddenly takes me to think about my parents. But the horrid memories of my dad makes me push that away.

“ Thank you so much. We will do that.” Ethan says.

“ Brilliant.” Siwon’s dad says.

“ Ok so then tomorrow breakfast have it with us and then you two can leave to Jeju in the afternoon flight or something.” Siwon’s mother suggests. I look at him and he nods. I give them our yes and so does Nancy.


Next Day: Siwon- Dara Residence 7.45 am

“ Siwon can you get Sasi?” I say as I pull my shirt on.

“ Sure…” he says and leaves the room to find Sasi. After a couple of minutes, both father and daughter enter the room. Siwon has dressed Sasi in a green dress and for some reason she looks like a broccoli. I laugh.

“ Why are you laughing mama?” Sasi asks me in her angelic voice and Siwon turns to pull his jacket on. Our plan is to have breakfast and leave for wok.

“ Because darling, you dad has managed to dress you up like a broccoli.” I state.

Sasi did not smile or laugh. “ Is Sisi my daddy?” Sasi shocks me. my mouth goes dry with words stuck somewhere inside my body.

Oh dear lord…reality hits me very hard. I mean yes, Siwon is her biological father and we both love each other like there is no tomorrow. But after the two years of getting back together, he has not asked me to marry him. It really did not bother me, but when Sasi asked me such a question, I don’t know what to answer her. I may not care naming our relationship as husband and wife, but for my daughter, she needs a father.

“ Uummm…i….”

“ Sasi” Siwon calls out to her.

“ Go get your bag and choose your shoe… I’ll come and put it on. Go on now.” he tells her. I have no words. I chock on my own breath. I’m confused. I’m sad. I thought Siwon would say something like, ‘ call me dad Sasi’ or ‘ yes Sasi I’m your dad’ or anything like that. But no he just let the situation go… does he never want to marry me? Will I ever be Mrs. Siwon Choi?

“ Siwon…i…” I whisper.

He turns around and smiles as though nothing happened and said, “ come on baby, we’re getting late.” He says and walks out. It was a bit like a dagger poking me right in the heart to create pain, but not slashing to fully kill me.

Our drive to Siwon’s parents house was very silent. I did not know what to say or what not to say. There were too many emotions in me. This is an important issue that both of us ignore or did not want to address and our daughter brought it right into spotlight.

“ Wait, I’ll get the door.” Siwon says as he gets off the car. This is Siwon…this caring man who holds me in the middle of his palm, yet…

He comes around and opens the door for me. After I get out he carries Sasi on his shoulders.

“ Hey!!!” I hear Nancy from the doorstep of the house. Ethan and Nancy have arrived before us. They seem really happy. Behind them Siown’s mother joins them. “ Hurry up you three!” she scolds us. I try to push the confusion and my issue to the back of my mind and give them a fake plastic smile.

As I enter Nancy hugs me and we do the usual greetings.

We settle at the breakfast table and a glorious feast is presented in front of us. “ Wow this is..wow.” I say.

“ Its nothing darling…come on eat up.” Siwon’s mother says. Sasi has already jumped on Siwon’s mother’s lap for those extra chocolate chip pancakes. Siwon settles next to me and beside him, Ethan. Nancy takes a seat next to me. The room fills with conversation and I try my best to not show my ‘situation’.

Nancy turns to me, “ what happened?” she asks.

“ hhmmm what?”

“ Dara don’t play. I know you better than you know yourself. What happened? Did you guys fight even thought I know its highly impossible.”

“ Nothing Nancy… lets just leave it?” because im trying my best to delete that morning episode.

Come on..i did not fly all the way here to see you plaster a fake smile.” She rebels and I do need someone to rant this out. If I keep this in, I may just burst it.

“ Its just…today morning Sasi asked Siwon if he is her dad and he did not respond anything.”

After a minute of taking the information she says, “ Have you both talked about this issue?”

“ No…we did not really have the time and it did not really get to us till Sasi asked today.”

“ See this is the problem with both of you. You guys don’t think about yourselves and then all of a sudden you are all over each.”

“ I know…” I bow my head because honestly I don’t know what else to say.

Don’t worry. Im sure he wants you as his wife, I mean we know what that man went through for you. If signing a few papers will make you happy, im sure he would do it. Do you want me to talk to him?”

“ No… no please don’t do that. Im sure he…..” I breath in and breath out with hope, “ I’m sure he will come around.” I say with a smile.

“ Cheer up” she says and right then we hear the door bell ring.

“ Are you expecting someone?” I ask Siwon’s mother as she gets up to greet the people who have come. Everyone stills and looks at me and then at Siwon’s mother. What is happening?

“ I’ll go get them” she whispers and leaves us. It’s so silent and I’m looking around like a very disturbed chicken. I look at Siwon and he has his eyes straining into his plate. It makes me frown.

“ Dara…” I hear a voice. That voice… it sends an ice blade right through my spine and a thorn ball right into my stomach at the same time. It is the voice I will never forget my entire life. It’s the voice of my father. I go pale and cold.

On hearing Dara’s dad, she has become pale as a ghost. I have seen her pale and felt her cold, but now, she is… I can’t even find the right word to describe how disturbed she is and its not a good kind of disturbed. Yes, I invited them here. I think it is time, both of them talk their problems out and she gets her parents back.

She turns around and I do with her. She gets up on her feet and her mother, Ann and her dad Steven stare us down.

I stand with her and try to hold her from falling because the way she looks she could faint or do something stupid.

She opens and searches for words. but she is unable to get them out. She searches for someone to say something...but none of us say anything.

“ What… what are you doing here?” Dara finally speaks looking down at the floor. I wrap my hands around her wait and hold her tightly.

“ How are you darling?” Ann comes forward and immediate like a reflex Dara shifts back.

“ Dara please… baby doll…please don’t do this.”

“ Don’t do this? Don’t do this?” Dara’s voice rose so high that even I could not recognize her. I know this going to get nasty. I look Nancy, telling her to take Sasi to one of our rooms.

“ What do you mean don’t do this? Where were you all these days? Where were you when I needed someone to stand by me during my hard times, during my happy times…oh, oh…yeah, you were with your husband.” She screamed.

“ Dara…” her father finally spoke and Dara’s fist rolled into a tight ball.

“ Please…stop… don’t even thing about it.” Dara said sternly.

“ Who asked you to come here? How did you even know I was here?” she asked as she looked at her own parents and without a word, they looked at me.

Dara’s head immediate flung towards me and I had to accept what I did, because I did it with my purest intentions.

“ Siwon…you?” she whispered. I tightened my hold on her. I nodded.

“ Let go of me.” she said. “ No…”

“ Siwon just let me go. I cant believe you did this to me…how could you? You know the entire story, yet you go ahead and do this?”

“ Dara, I know you are shocked, but I think it is time you…”

“ I what Siwon? I what? Get all happy and squishy with my parents? It’s a story that’s never going to happen and you know this. Now just let me go.” She says.

“ Baby, give them a chance to explain.”

“ Why should i? They just let me go…on my own Siwon, when I wanted their protection and craved them to hug me when I was scared and tell me there is no monster under the bed when I was 22, when actually there were monsters I was facing and fighting everyday alone! I just cant…”

“ I understand Dara…I really do…. but just hear them out…hear your dad out.”

“ WHY? Why the f*** should I do that?”

“ Because Dara everyone requires a chance to explain themselves. You gave me a chance to explain myself. If you had not given me that, we would not be here.” she struggles from my hold and gets out.

“ I wish I had not given you that chance Siwon. We would not be here.” she whispers and walks upstairs.

We are at square one and no moves made. I am mentally exhausted and I knew this is not going to be easy. I wanted them here so that they reconcile with Dara. If not at least make Dara understand that they are sorry for what they did. I mean otherwise they would not be here.

I understand Dara’ s point of view too. She hates her dad for just letting her go because she made a choice of her own. He should have protected her. But then she did accept her mother. But after she went back, and things changed. that’s when Dara lost me too. I knew she must have contacted her mother to at least to seek her advice, but her mother did not talk to her. Dara hated her mother more then.

After all this, she became completely independent, hating everyone except a few.

Now, it’s really time that they talk things through.

“ Please come, have a seat and drink some coffee or tea.” My dad breaks the silence.

“ No…I think it would be appropriate for us to leave. Ann come on.”

“ No please…come have breakfast…” my mother insists. I turn to look at her and mentally ask her where Dara is. She looks at me and tell everyone, “ Dara is in Siwon’s room with Sasi..she just needs some rest. Siwon, just let her take the day off and may be you could stay with her?”

“ Yes ma...i will.”

“ Ethan you guys carry on… thank you for being here when all this happened.” I thank Nancy and Ethan who knew all this would happen. I had told them to be here for this and more.

“ Are you sure Siwon? Because Dara does not seem really well as we thought. We could go even tomorrow or just roam around Seoul you know.” Ethan offers.

“ No..no…you guys carry on. Besides, Dara needs some time alone and she is strong girl. I can handle her. I’ll update you.” I say and turn to Nancy. “ Can you just talk to her before you leave…just say a soft bye or something?” I ask Nancy. I know Dara will take Nancy’s advice seriously.

“ Sure thing.” She says and walks upstairs. “ Hey Nancy.” I call out. “ Can you bring Sasi with you when you come down? May be Ann and Mr. Day would like to meet their granddaughter.” I say. Nancy nods and continues her walk.

“ Please come have some coffee.” My dad says and my mother serves us coffee and tea.

“ I…i…” Mr. Day starts. “ I don’t even know how to thank you for taking care of my little girl. Seeing her today I realize what a stupid mistake I have made letting her go alone. But destiny has brought her to you and Siwon. Thank you. Thank you so much.” he says with a tear tricking down his eyes. Ann has already started sobbing into her hand kerchief. My mother goes to console her.

“ Mr. Day, you have no idea how strong Dara is. She is beyond words. You have a brave girl who can fight her battles and win them all.” My dad says.

“ I just wish Mr.Choi, that I was with her… supporting her.” he says.

We have a very silent, emotional conversation as we talk about Dara, me and us. Correctly at that time Nancy comes down with Sasi. Sasi, as the shy girl she is hides behind Nancy.

“ Come here Sasi…I want you to meet your grandparents.” I say and hold my hand out. Sasi takes me and holds me tight.

“ This is Sasi…my daughter.” I say looking at them. Ann and Steven have happy tears. It their first time they are meeting their granddaughter and I understand their emotions right now.

Steven gets down on his knees “ come here baby.” He calls out for Sasi. Sasi loos up at me and I mouth her to go. She takes a few shy steps and Steven pulls her into a tight hug.

“ Oh god…oh god…” he cries into Sasi’s shoulder. Just watching this makes me so emotional and I can feel a few tears in my eyes.


Its almost lunchtime and Dara has not made her way back down. Ethan and Nancy have taken off to Jeju and have promised to return rightly on time fro the awards.

Our guest room is occupied by Dara’s parents and I go to check on Dara. I open the door to see her rolled up not a ball under the quilt. I know she has sobbed her heart out.

“ Baby?” I call out. There is no answer. I go around the bed and sit by her side and move the quilt and her messy hair from her face. She opens her eyes, “ hey darling.” I say with a smile and she does not return it.

“ Its almost lunch time, let me feed you…”

“ I’m not hungry.” She says and closes her eyes.

“ Yes you are, now come on.”

“ Stop it Siwon.” she says and sits up. “ Why did you do this?” she asks.

“ Because its time you patch up with your parents Dara and they meet Sasi.”

“ You have no rights to do that.”

“ Do what, play the neutral problem solver or introduce them to Sasi?”

“ Both!”

“ I have all the rights. They are my parents in law so I invited the, and I am Sasi’s dad. So yes I will do everything I can to make sure you are happy and Sasi gets everything.”

“ But I am not happy. I am not happy to see them.”

“ Give them a chance Dara. Let them explain. You dad has apologized to us more than it is required and he wants to do the same to you. Your mother has not stopped crying since she came here.”

“ And you know the number of days and nights I have cried.”

“ I know darling…but be rational to at least hear them out. After you have heard them and if you still don’t want to do anything with them, its your choice and I will support you.” I say and kiss he on her swollen lips. It saddens me.

I don’t want to see you like this Dara. I don’t want o see your eyes this red and your lips this swollen. You eyes should be dancing with happiness always and your lips should be swollen because of my kiss. I hate to see you like this baby. It kills me.” I say.


Its late evening and both of us are still in our work clothes. I did not want to leave Dara alone when she is this vulnerable even to go pick up some change of clothes.

I go up to my room to ask Dara if she wants anything to eat or drink, because that woman has not eaten anything since morning. Well at least she spoke to me. When I open the door, I don’t find her. I go rushing to my parents room, but it seems to be empty. I make my way to the kitchen, but I only see our housekeeper. As I turn to rush to the living room, I run into my mom. “ Watch where you are going Siwon.” my mum says.

“ Where is Dara?” I ask in panic. I can’t let her out of my sight. My mum looks at me for a few seconds. “ Mum! Have you seen Dara? I can’t find her in my room. Have you seen her?”

“ Look at you all worried!”

“ Yes mum she is my…” I stop myself from saying it. I don’t want to say it, right now.

“ What Siown, what is she?” my mum pushes. I don’t want to deal with her now, with this issue. I’ve had enough of drama for the day.

“ Where is she mum?”

“ In the garden.”

“ Jeez thanks for making a man wait for so long!” I say with sarcasm and run into our garden. There amongst the bushes I see Dara walking slowly with her hands folded across her chest as though hugging her. Its seriously cold and she did not bother bringing any jacket with her. I hurry towards her and wrap my jacket over her shoulders. She stops and looks up at me.

“ You should have brought your jacket if you are going out.” I scold her. She smiles and nods. Then slowly she starts her walk. I walk beside her, just feeling the coldness and the chirps of the insects. Suddenly, Dara stops and hugs me. It was as thought she wants someone to hold her. Hold her to give her strength, hold her to say, ‘its ok, there are no monsters under your bed.’ I hold her with all I’ve got.

“ I’m ready to listen to my parents Siwon.” she whispers.

I lift her chin to see her face. Its still sad, its still confused and its sill swollen. “ Ok.” I say and pull her towards the houses. “ Here.” she says. Here in the cold?

“ In the garden?”

“ Yes”

I nod and call up our housekeeper to ask Dara’s parents to come to the garden.

She hesitantly walks in circles and when she spot her dad and mum walk towards us, she holds my hands tightly.

“ Hello Mr. Day, Hello Ann.” I greet them.

“ You can call me Steven, son.” He says and I my very much delighted. I think I need to give Dara and her parents some privacy, I decide to go. But Dara’s soft, cold hands pull me back and when I look at her, I can see that she is begging me to stand with her. I do.

“ You daughter, Steven would like to listen to you… if you want me to leave and give you all some privacy, id be happy to do so.” I say. I need to respect my father-in-law’s privacy too.

“ Siwon is not going anywhere, if you need to say anything, its happening in front of us.” Dara says sternly and its tone, I don’t want to argue against.

“ Not a problem Siwon, you are my son now… its fine.” Steven says.

“ Dara, darling. You have no idea how happy I am to see you living such a happy life. I really am happy. I know you must be really angry with me…” Dara scoffs in sarcasm and I hold her palms tightly indicating to her not to be rude.

“ But Dara, I have never stopped loving you. I know I made a mistake to just let you go, but I always prayed and knew you will be successful. What I did is something any father would not do and I apologize. I missed so many memories of you and missed celebrating so many instances with you. I regret them all. Really Doll. Im very sorry to have put you through this misery and making you fight battles on your own. I am really very sorry Dara.”

Dara did not say anything but just stare at her dad’s face. After a few seconds, she says, “ Do you remember the evening I told you I want to study fashion? Do you remember how our conversation went? I have not forgotten even a single word of what you told me!” Dara scoots closer to me. “ You told me I will not stand a chance in the world alone. I will die the minute I step foot outside and I am dead to you if I go out the door. But guess what, you are wrong! I stepped out of your house, made it big in the industry, worked for some amazing companies, established my own company and most of all, met the most amazing man any girl would kill for and have an adorable baby. I think my life is pretty amazing. Your apology is not going to do anything to change it or change my mind. I would however feel relieved if you could take the next flight back to your home.” She stressed on your.

“ Will you not even let me in?” Dara’s mother asked.

“ I did ma! I did! I told you everything. You met with Siwon and you knew exactly how important Siwon is to me. When my life was in crumbles, I called you! I called you more than 20 times a day for 5 months and not once ma! Not once you picked up the damn phone to say hello. I craved to hear your voice and think you were there holding me. But no. All I got was the cold unending rings.” Dara replies. My god, I never thought Dara had gone though so much mental pain. Yes, I had pain too, which as physical, and it will fade away, but this…

“ That was my mistake.” Her dad adds. “ I asked her not to attend to you calls.”

“ Really ma? Even after you knew it was me you did not even have the heart to call me just once?”

“ Oh Dara” her mother starts to cry on hearing the harsh words of Dara.

“ Answer me ma. What you are feeling is nothing compared to what I felt when you never picked up the phone.”

“ Dara, don’t blame her…”

“ Oh stop it! Don’t even try. Please.” Dara was in the verge of crying and I could see tears pool in her eyes.

“ You know how much I wanted….ah…I don’t want to say something we have passed. The time has gone and I’ve lost any feelings I had for you. The only two people I love the most, who I would even give my life for blindly is this man holding me tight against him and the little life he gave me. There is nothing more and I don’t want anything more. He asked me dearly to listen to you, so I did. Now please just go.” She says. I have no words to express what I feel for this woman right now, because she just said her most raw feelings for me.

“ I know doll and we are very happy that you have met such a wonderful man. I am sure he will take care of you with everything he has got. We… we will leave tomorrow morning.” Steven says. “ Dara we bought some gifts for Sasi… please accept them.” Dara does not say anything.

“ Sure Ann. She would be delighted to have them and Sasi will love your gifts” I say to support my parents in law.

 Right when Steven and Ann turn around to go into the house, I stop them. This is not correct. This is not how I thought it should be done. Nothing has progressed. “ Give me and Dara a minute please?” I ask and they nod and take the bench by the fountain. Steven holds Ann as she sobs In his shoulder.

Dara what you said was not correct baby.”

“ Siwon, please don’t start with it.”

“ Listen, im not going to argue with your decision, its your choice, but you will have to take into consideration Sasi. She needs her grandparents.”

“ Your mum and dad are great grand parents for her.”

“ Yes they are but she need another two and they are your parents Dara.” She breathes in and out heavily and falls into my chest.

“ What do you want me to do Siwon?” she has really given up and is truly frustrated.

“ Forgive them… forgive them for Sasi.”

“ I…I cant Siwon….i…”

“ You can baby.” She looks up at me and she is honestly tired. After a few minutes, She nods her head and holds me tightly. We walk towards her parents to tell them whatever decision Dara has taken. I give her full freedom on this.

We stand in front of them; “ I have no feeling for you anymore. I just can’t get myself to love you. But I don’t want my daughter to loose anything in her life. she has not made any mistake. She is pure and innocent. I will do anything to give my daughter everything to make her life perfect. So for her sake, and just for her, I want you to be her grandparents.” Immediately her parents face glow in delight.

“ But… but this does not give you any right to enter into my life. I will not forget or forgive. This is just a business deal for me and nothing more.” She says.

“ Whatever it is Dara, we are happy. Thank you doll and I am honestly very, very sorry.”

“ Please stop apologizing. Its…”

“ Good, Dara you did great. Come on in, lets go in...its getting a bit chilly.” I say and push her parents in. good then, I had not exactly thought this issue to turn out like this, but some good has happened. Dara has pulled her wall down, I’m sure she will slowly pull it further and let her parents in. she is undeniably hurt by them and I am giving her space to deal with her wounds. Whatever it may be, I will always stand by her.

We walk behind her parents, and as soon as I notice her parents have gone inside, I pull Dara into a ‘I love you’ kiss. “ You did well baby. I’m proud of you” I whisper and kiss her again.

“ I did it for you… you are my everything Siwon.” she breathes.


Why are they coming back?

I dont want things to change...


Hey guys,

Am emotional update for you...

The next one is going to be an exciting one... promise.

I have a question for you,

If i started a Twitter A/C, for the stories i write, would you guys follow?

I mean, its just a thought...i will update about the books i read, some ideas and stuff...

Let me know :)


To Be



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Yoongi1230 #1
Chapter 54: Omg girl I seriously did not expect all that drama and craziness!!! But omg a bommmmmmb story!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
atoeva #2
amaaaazing perfect wooow woooow woooooow...words can't describe your story...Just OMG really wooow
assuma #3
I can't really describe your story OMG !!! it's beyond words *_____* Thank you author nim thank youuu and please read my email that I've sent to you because I want the book so badly please . Keep Going , Fighting author nim :) :) :)
shahnazsheikh #4
Chapter 55: one of the best ones i have read so far...! Keep writing...! You have a flair for it!
shahnazsheikh #5
Chapter 33: i love the story! I want the book!
Chapter 55: Thankyou so much authour-nim :):):) I love your story, keep writing :):):) I waiting your next story
fastaday #7
I've never read a fanfic that can get me addicted to it and this is the first fic that drown me into it! Omg idk what to do anymore without anymore of this. But anyway, 6 stars for you and this fic! Hope to read more of your fics! ^_^
biancsnool #8
Chapter 55: This is the best story that i read so farrrrr.....I going to read this again. Two thumbs up for you unnie! And i'm going to miss chatting with you :(. And congrats! Annyeong unnie :) saranghaeee
mrvnrky #9
Chapter 55: Thank you for this great story I think I'm going to read it again (sleepless nights are waiting for me) :)