Making Plans

Just Not You

Six Months later:

I was helping Sasi with her coloring in the living room. I have to say my daughter is a real artist. She perfectly colors the cartoon character outside the drawing lines. When I ask her why, she says, she does not like to color inside the line. Well, that’s Dara right there. I laugh.

Dara pours us some wine and makes Sasi milk as she watches us coordinate coloring and I try to reason with Sasi to atleast color within the lines of one cartoon character.

The past six months has been nothing but just happiness. I got the hang of being a father and I have to say it was tough, yet, it was fun. Sasi has been an angel and I have learned many things about her. When ever she wants a candy to be stolen away without her mother knowing she has a way with me and we both become partners in crime. I play with her and tell her bedtime stories. When she sleeps, I really wished I was there when she came into this world.

Dara and me on the other hand, are truly happy. I cant explain our lives right now, than saying it pure happiness. We have become totally honest about each other. for example, the one time after a long day at work, Dara came home and crashed even without even eating. That night, she lightly snored and farted too. It was so cute. I mean she would never do something like that if she was conscious, but when she is totally worn out, she just like anyone else. That morning; “ WHAT! I never snore, nor fart! Girls don’t fart!” she squealed at me when I told her.

“ Yeah, sure ofcourse, girls don’t fart. But I have to say, it was cute” I accepted with a good laugh. I truly embarrassed Dara.

We made love on various occasions and various places.  I think now, our home has no surface where we have not made love on. we also made passionate love outside our home. When I was working on a difficult clients project, late night, I was truly exhausted, but I had to finish the work. That night, Dara surprised me at work, in nothing but corset, her very high heeled boots and a trench coat cover her partially.  Watching her walk through my office door, with her trench coat giving me partial views of what lay beneath and her heels clicking, was beyond words. That night, we made rough love on my office desk.

After that night, I never saw my desk the same way. the energy and the boost Dara gave me, resulted in the success of the project.  

Sending Dara flowers and occasional gifts made my beautiful woman happy and I loved to see smile. Such small things makes my lady love smile and I would do anything to see that genuine, lovely smile on her till the day I die.

My therapy with Dr. Mathew gradually reduced to once a month. Both of us made a trip to Dr. Amal’s office to get Dara her birth control shot and revived her other medications. It was really awkward and Dara was so shy to answer the very direct questions of Dr. Amal.

“ Listen to him Sasi!” Dara shouts from the kitchen counter.

“ No!” Sasi shouts back without taking her eyes from her master piece.

Like father, like daughter.” Dara huffs.

“ Well, that’s my girl.” I shuffle Sasi’s hair and she squeals. Dara brings my wine and we settle around Sasi. We watch as out little angel tries her best to color whatever that was.

“ What is that?” Dara asks.

“ It apple.”

“Its AN apple… why is it purple?” Sasi does not answer, but laughs. I hug my daughter. We keep quit with piano music filling the room. as proud parents, we watch Sasi.

“ Mummy can apple pie” Sasi asks Dara.

“ Sure sweety. But pack up all you stuff you can eat in our balcony.” She tells Sasi and she squeals that blurs our ears.

“ Can I have one too mommy?” I tease Dara with my cuteness. She looks at me with ridiculousness and Sasi giggles as she throws all her art stuff into her Barbie bag.

“ Why is daddy acting like this?” Dara folds her arms across her chest and asks looking at me.

“ Because daddy wants some pie.’ I say and wink at her. She knows that the pie I ‘really’ want, only she can serve me.

“ God, you are incorrigible.” She huffs and gets up on her feet and walks to the kitchen.

“ Now both of you, clean the mess up and set the balcony table” she instructs us as she pulls the frozen slices from the freezer.

Before she reaches the kitchen, Dara turns around and asks me, “ Siwon do you…have you…..i mean….do you still paint? Do you do it?” that’s a surprising question. I don’t know why she asked me that, but that is definitely surprising. Her question took me to the time when I brought Dara to the house I bought for her and the study room where I hand painted Dara’s laughing face. It was the dream house I bought for a her and a place I wished to live my life with Dara forever.

“ Wow, umm…Dara…well, I have not really had the time since…you know her.” just the little mention of ‘her’ pales Dara’s face.

“ Oh ok.” she answers sharply and moves on to the kitchen. I stop and I know I need to stop.

After a few minutes, Dara comes to the balcony with a tray with our apple pie and cream, where Sasi tries to hand wrestles me and I loose to her small petite hands fort he 4th time.

“ Here you go.” She serves us and takes her place right next to me facing the ocean.

Sasi keeps looking at her pie and then uses both her hands trying to eat her sweet treat and then wipes her sweet liquid filled hands on her dress.

“ Oh god, Sasi. Don’t spoil your dress.” Dara makes her way to Sasi. “ Come here young lady.” She says and picks up Sasi and puts her on her lap and starts feeding her the apple pie. Sasi has got apple and sugar syrup all over and has managed to get it on Dara’s tee shirt too. It was so funny looking at both of them, wrestling their way. It’s just so loveable and it reminds me of my mum too. I push such a thought away and just enjoy my view of the mother and daughter as they scold each other and then cuddle.

Siwon keeps staring at Sasi and me. I know he loves his daughter, but he should really try feeding Sasi something slurpy like an apple pie to Sasi. That’s a real test, not feeding her boiled broccoli.

“ What?” I ask him and he nods a no.

After Sasi has finished her apple pie, I eat mine.

“ What happened Siwon? Tell me.”

“ No nothing…it’s just looking at you both like, its like a dream.” He bows his head down. Oh my love, my vulnerable, softhearted lover. I caress his cheek and say, “ its not a dream baby, this is your reality, my reality , our reality.”

“Thank you baby.” He says and kisses the inside of  my palm. But I know in that look there is something brewing something behind. May be he does not want to talk about it in front of Sasi? Well, I’ll talk to him later.

We enjoy our apple pie and Sasi tries to wipe her sugary hands all over Dara.

“ Young lady, let me please my pie in peace.” I scold Sasi and she immediately jumps to Siwon. “ You have spoilt her mister.” I scold him too. “ Oh look momma is scolding me.” Siwon grip Sasi and both of them become partners against me. we all have a laugh.


We brush out teeth in silence. I’m in my night gown, something Siwon picked up for me- just like the way he likes it. A half white satin, knee length gown, which has spaghetti lace straps and a low neck beautifully, piped with lace. It’s just him. if you ask me, I would go with my cotton knickers and an old tee shirt. Siwon is in his beanie and his black track pants.

I finish my brushing and cleansing. “ I’ll go check on Sasi.” I say and leave Siwon to do his nightly duties.

After a few minutes, I return to our bedroom where Siwon has pulled the quilt and is in the process of fluffing my pillow. I get into the warmed up bed and get comfy under the nook of Siown’s shoulder. I draw small, soft circles in ribs with my thumb. He seems to be busy checking s few mails on iPhone.

“ What is it Siwon?” I ask, making him look at me from his phone.

“ Hmm?”

“ What were you thinking? Before, in the balcony?”

“ I was just admiring my two wonderful ladies.”

“ I know, but tell me what you really were thinking.”

Siwon puts his phone his bedside table and pulls me close. “ I was…. Was…mmm….just…”

I cup his cheeks, “ Siwon whatever it is, just tell me, just spit it out. Its better than keeping it within.” I assure him with a soft peck on his lips. He smiles back.

“ I was just thinking, may be we should make a trip to Seoul.” Siwon drops the bomb. I mean, I did not even think about going to Seoul all these years or even when Siwon and me reconciled. But now with Siwon saying such a thing, I feel… I don’t know. I sit up.

“ You want to go to Seoul?”

“ Yeah…. Don’t panic. Its just a thought. Ive been talking to mum and dad, well they miss Sasi and you more than me.” another bomb dropped.

“ You have been talking to your mum and dad?” I ask him wide eyed.

“ Umm, yeah….they…..i…..Dara….we…..”

“ Siwon, why did you not tell me? yes, its partly my fault that I did not ask to talk to them, but you have been talking and why did you not ask me to talk to them. I would have loved it and I miss them too. Like more than anything Siwon. “ I sit straight trying to ruffle my hair our of my face.

Siwon holds my shoulder in a massaging way and coos, “ I thought you were not ready. I mean I saw what you went through when I showed up. I did not want to hurt you more. When you are ready, I was sure, you would ask.”

“ Baby, listen.” I turn to him, “ the ultimate was you showing up, and yes it was difficult seeing you after everything….” There is bang in my heart, “ but then, it became fine. This is now my heaven.” I point to his heart.

“ Your mum and dad, were much supportive and caring than I ever thought. Even when I hated you, I loved them. They were just great. I know the whole Seoul thing and talking to your parents will rush memories back and most of all, nightmares. I have to take that risk. Besides, I want to talk to your parents. I only have good memories with them. You mother, damn it gave me your family brooch.” I sighed.

“ We will talk to them tomorrow.” He whispered into my ears.

“ I’m sorry, I did not ask to talk to them before. I bet they really miss Sasi.” I fall on his chest.

He caresses my cheeks and says, “ They miss you baby.” After a minute, he asks me again, “ Are you ready to come to Seoul then?”

I take a deep breath, “ I know I have to take the risk of going back to the past… but Seoul, is a big step. Just give me some time.” I ask.

“ Sure baby. Take all the time you need.” He says and with that he kisses me, which led to a passion filled night.



The next day, after work I did make that call to mum and dad. I was very surprised that Dara would be so willing to talk to them. She is just filled with so much sparkle and nervousness. As I made the call, she stood beside me with her hands folded. Her face is pale and her hands are cold.

After a couple of rings, my mother picks up the call. “ Hello ma,” I say.

“ Siwon, how are you? How is Dara and Sasi?” she asks me.

“ Why don’t you ask her?” there is silence. “ Mum, are you three?”

“ Ye…yes…” she answers and I get to know she has already teared. I hand over the phone to Dara, who is really numb now. I hold her for support.

After taking a deep breath, she speaks, “ he…helloo..”

I finally speak to her… my mother-in-law…well technically future…I hope.

She starts to cry, which makes me tear up. I sit on the chair and Siwon kneels next to me.

“ How are you mama?” I ask.

“ Oh Dara! Dara! Im sorry…im really sorry.” My tears start flowing.

“ Mama, please, if it is someone who should apologies, it should be me. I am very sorry; I did not contact you for so long. I am truly very sorry.” I shed my tears.

“ Dara, you have been through something that no girl should endure. But you did it. We should have kept track of you.”

“ Mama please. I just went out, without talking to you. I should have taken your advice, or at least just talked to you both. I was selfish. I’m really sorry.” I plead. I would beg to that woman, If that’s what she wants.

“ Dara…. please don’t, darling you are not selfish. You are our gift. You gave us a beautiful granddaughter. You gave our family the next generation.”

“ Mama…” is all I can say.

“ Can I talk to her?” I hear a voice from behind-  a male voice. its Siwon’s  dad!! Mr. Choi.

“ Dara?” he whispers on the phone.

“ Sir.” I whisper back.

“ Oh thank god, it is really you.”  He says with his voice breaking.

“ Oh God.” I hand over the phone to Siwon as I sob. I cant handle it. This is just too much.

“ Dad.” Siwon says. He replies with just a ‘hmm’ and nothing more.

After noticing that I have sobered down from my tears, he hands me the phone. “ hel…hello…” I stammer.

Darling, Dara…” its his mother again.

“ Mama…” I say. “ Can I talk to our grand daughter?” she request.

“ Sure…sure….” I confirm. I call out for Sasi and Jillian brings her to us. Siwon tells her that she is about to talk to her grand parents. But Sasi stands shyly.

“I’m giving the phone to her.” I tell and hand Sasi the phone. Siwon hugs me for the effort I made and kisses my forehead. We watch Sasi shyly talk to her grandmother for the first time.

“ Hello.” Sasi says on the phone in her angelic little voice.

“ Hello” She says again. “ My name is Sasi” she says again and looks at us with her Bambi eyes. I turn into Siwon’s chest and cry. He soothes me.

“ Ok.” she says and hands the phone to Siwon and runs away with her dolly.

“ Ma, you..ok…bye” and hands me the phone.

“ Mama…” I ask.

“ Come home Dara…come to us.” She asks. I go silent. It’s such a genuine request.

“ I will.” I whisper. On that we finish our call. I just sob my heart out and I have Siown to hold me as long I want.


SImple WONders: Nancy’s office

“ So we all good with magazine shot of the new fashion bloggers?” Nancy confirms with me.

“ Yup, its confirmed. I will anyway go to the studio of Cosmo, tomorrow to make sure they have the branding all correct.”

“ Brilliant.”

“ Is there anything we need to discuss Dara?”

“ hmm…yeah actually.” Nancy flips thought he pages just to make sure she has everything in line and then opens a fresh blank page to take down notes.

“ Well, its kind of personal.” She closes the notebook and gives me her attention.

“ I….we…..i spoke to Siwon’s parents yesterday….last night.”

“ Oh” he says  and that’s it. I was expecting a series of questions to be bombarded.

“ Nancy…they wanted me to come to Seoul….all of us.” Nancy leans back into her chair and after a minute she spoke, “ when are you going?” I gasp.

“ Nancy I’ve not decided yet. I mean that’s why I want to talk to you about it. Its not like I can do anything I wish for just like that. I have SImple WONders and you and ….” Nancy cuts me…

“ Well Dara, after Siown showed up at your door step, things have been very different and im really happy for you. But just remember, this is your company. You built it. I am your friend Dara. Don’t just abandon me. I need you as my strong pillar, my business partner.” She bursts. That was something I did not expect.

“ Nancy, I would never do that. I know this is something I built from scratch and most of all, you and Mark were the ones who kept me breathing when each time I drowned myself. You guys saved me. How can you think I would abandon you- I would never.”

“ Then what is this sudden moving to Seoul thing Dara? Why are you bored of Dubai? Are you bored of me and my company?”

“ Nancy, calm down. Its nothing like that. It was an emotional phone call and Siwon’s mother cried and I cried and things just got messy. Its not like I booked a ticket, packed my bag and then im telling you this stuff.”

“ You might as well, do that Dara.”

“ Nancy what is your problem. I am here to ask for your opinion- what you thought. But you are acting all stuck up.”

“ I am acting all stuck up? Dara look at you. You are an emotional mess right now. Okay, I did see you go through hell and I honestly with all my heart prayed that you get a good life and be as successful in your personal life as you are in your professional life. Then when Siwon showed up, I was the happiest person. I saw you smile and laugh Dara. But now this? You are just leaving…just like that for one person? Dara, you be rational and think about it.” Nancy completed.

I stood silent thinking about what she just said. Yes, as a friend she did have her genuine heart pray for my well-being and happiness. But when it suddenly came to flying to Seoul, she is panicking. Nancy Rawaq is panicking. I also understand her point of view; she has her personal life too and I don’t intend to just throw the entire burden of SImple WONders on her. I will make a plan to work with her side by side. This trip is just going to be for a few days. It’s not like im going to move my entire life there… so soon.

I’m just going for a few days. We will make a plan and I will work with you” I said under my breath.

“ Fine! You have decided. I don’t care how long you go. When anything happens here, don’t blame me, but yourself.”

“ Nancy…” I tired to calm her down.

“ Don’t Dara. I’m going out.” She picked up her bag and left.



Dara’s Residence: 7.30 pm.

“ Nancy did not come in the entire day after our argument.” Dara explained me her little quarrel between her and Nancy

“ I’m sure, she was just over taken with everything happening in your life right now.”

“ Yeah…but that does not mean you yell and storm out.”

“ Well, just talk to her. Tell her this is not going to happen immediate…but its like a month away and things like that.”

“ Yeah I will…” Dara sighs and cuddles with me on the couch as Sasi plays with her dolls and the TV is bombarding entertainment news.

Right on that minute, we hear the door bell. “ I’ll get it.” i heads towards the door.

“ Hey Nancy, come in…” oh Dara’s friend is here. Dara gives Nancy a ‘please-talk’to-me-my-friend’ smile. “ Aunty Nancy!!” Sasi squeals. Nancy picks her up.

“ Sit Nancy. Do you girls want anything to drink?” I ask as the air is filled with unspoken hugs. Sasi plays with Nancy’s glitters on her dress.

“ No… Siwon, can you please sit with us?” Nancy asks. I look at Dara. She gives me a knowing smile and nods.

“ Dara, the reason I came here was to say sorry fro my childish behavior today. I don’t know why I was acting like that, but I did and im very sorry. “

“ Nancy, don’t be sorry. I understand where you came from.”

“ Thanks…. I just want you to know, I will and can take care of things here, while you visit Seoul. Its just I will miss you. SImple WONders will not be the same without you.”

“ Nancy, its just a few days, besides, we have not even decided when we are going. It may even take a month.”

“ Whatever it may be…just know that I’m really happy for you that things are working out.”

“ Thanks Nancy!” oh thanks the mighty god, the awkwardness has gone.

“ Siwon, you too….i am very happy for you. I know and I did also see the things you went through for Dara. I should not be selfish and keep Dara all to myself. But you know she is my friend and….”

“ Nancy I understand. I wont take your friend away from you. dont worry.” I assure Nancy.

We end our day with a simple Chinese take out and the ladies of the house teased me… as usual. I still cant believe Sasi called me a tomato!

Guess the next step would be to plan our trip to Seoul. I hope it will not open up some boxed up demons again. It’s a risk, not just Dara is taking, but me too.


Making plans have never been on my agenda

But, i think, now it is.


Hi everyone,

Here is an update for you all.

Do you think it will be a good idea for Siwon and Dara to go back to Seoul?

Let me know!!


To Be



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Yoongi1230 #1
Chapter 54: Omg girl I seriously did not expect all that drama and craziness!!! But omg a bommmmmmb story!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
atoeva #2
amaaaazing perfect wooow woooow woooooow...words can't describe your story...Just OMG really wooow
assuma #3
I can't really describe your story OMG !!! it's beyond words *_____* Thank you author nim thank youuu and please read my email that I've sent to you because I want the book so badly please . Keep Going , Fighting author nim :) :) :)
shahnazsheikh #4
Chapter 55: one of the best ones i have read so far...! Keep writing...! You have a flair for it!
shahnazsheikh #5
Chapter 33: i love the story! I want the book!
Chapter 55: Thankyou so much authour-nim :):):) I love your story, keep writing :):):) I waiting your next story
fastaday #7
I've never read a fanfic that can get me addicted to it and this is the first fic that drown me into it! Omg idk what to do anymore without anymore of this. But anyway, 6 stars for you and this fic! Hope to read more of your fics! ^_^
biancsnool #8
Chapter 55: This is the best story that i read so farrrrr.....I going to read this again. Two thumbs up for you unnie! And i'm going to miss chatting with you :(. And congrats! Annyeong unnie :) saranghaeee
mrvnrky #9
Chapter 55: Thank you for this great story I think I'm going to read it again (sleepless nights are waiting for me) :)