Sent Her Away

Just Not You

A Book for you all and IT'S FREE!!

There is still a long way to go in the story, 

However, I wanted to let you all know that i'm making a book (PDF) of my story.

If anyone is interested in saving it, i will be very happy to send it to you the e-book Via emial.

All you have to do is, just PM me your email address and i will acknowldge.

Once the story is over, i will make a proper e-book, with the pictures and stuff and send it.


so, If any of you are interested, PM me! :)

Your details will be very safe with me and WILL NOT be misused.


She entered the room with an explicit statement aimed at my Dara, was trembling in the room with angry and fear. I did know why. She had me, everyone she loved in the same room, and most of all, our daughter

“ Look who we have here” she stalked slowly towards me like a hyena.

“ Ga In” I whispered.

“ Do you think I’m stupid Siwon?” he raised her voice as she bend down to look at my eyes. She had coldness and revenge- a lot of revenge.

“ Excuse me, But this is a hospital and you need to take what ever this is outside please. We have a patients her.” Dr. Amal said.

“ Oh, I will. But this is something that needs to be cleared right here, right now. So shut up and sit there doctor. You open your moth and I will put a bullet through your throat. we don’t want that do we now?”

“ Excuse me!” Dr. Amal Yelled at Ga In.

I fury, Ga In stood up and with in a second, she pulled out a pistol and pointed straight at Dr. Amal. She was terrified. “ You thought I was joking? Shut up and sit there before I pull that trigger and blow your brains out.” Dr. Amal sat quietly. I could hear soft gasps from around the room and Dara’s tensing heart beat.

“ Good.” she said sarcastically and turned to me.

“ Answer me Siwon, do you think I’m stupid?” she asked me again with her furious eyes on me.

i did not answer her. I don’t know what state of mind she is in. I cant take chances with her, her pistol and all the people I care about.

She closed her eyes, breath in a gulp of air and stood straight. “ Lets do this again and you better open that precious mouth of yours. You’ve opened it before, to taste me…” she said in the most disgusting way and looked at Dara. “ Now, do you think im stupid Siown? Answer me correctly now.” she yelled on top of her voice.

I saw Nancy, tuck away Sasi in her long dress and Dara was terrified.

“ Do you think I’m stupid enough to let you snoop around my house late at night, let you ding into my computer and actually let you walk away with information with that I protected for so long? So No Siwon I’m not stupid. I waited for the right moment and like a sissy you came right where I knew you would come.”

“ The minute I saw you snoop around, I knew exactly what you would do. I waited or you to make you move and..” she said again and made the tsk..tsk..tsk..noise with her tongue “ you made the bloody mistake and fell into my trap again. So who is stupid siwon? me or you?”

“ You knew I was up the other night? You knew I was checking out your computer?”

“ I know each and every step of you. I watch you. You think I will let a person like you into my house with out being watched? I have CCTV cameras all over. I knew exactly what time you got up, what time saw the information and every reaction when you found this .” She turned to Dara.

“ Hello Dara….long time no see.” She said and stalked towards her and Nancy did not move a muscle.

“ Oh who do we have here?” Ga In turned to Nancy and Sasi.

“ Lets see, it’s the little .” She said in a devilish tone.

“Stay away from my daughter.” Dara threatened with fear in her voice.

“ Ga In….stop. You want me, you found me. Now whatever it is, just take it out on me. Leave them alone.”

She gave out a the most satanic laughter. “ You, Siwon, are of no use to me now. Well lets see, you may be. But I may just need you to satisfy me in bed.”  Ga In said these words without taking her cold eyes form Dara’s. I felt Dara’s face harden.

“ But you know, I should have finished you that night itself, but I just let you go. Then I tired to kill you gain the same country you live, and this moron Siwon had to save you again. But now, I will not let you now. You are a huge pain in arse for me. You need to be deleted and killed.” She pulled the gun up at Dara and Dara did nothing than just close her eyes. Thats when I realized that the truck was all set up by Ga In.

“ Ga In, please, leave her alone. You found me. I promise, I will not leave you again. Please leave her alone.”

“ Shut up Siown. I don’t need her! I want her dead.” She said.

“ Ga IN.” I yelled. Dr. Amal did not know what to do. We had a devilishly insane person in the room with everyone I love. Most of all, my Lady Love and my Angel.

“ Goodbye Dara. “ she whispered. It was cold, eerie and at that moment, I could not do anything to save my family. Oh god! Im just helpless! That moment of silence was like a decade in hell for me.

I could hear Ga In’s greedy breath, Dara’s fearful breath and the tick tock of the clock. I had to do something…anything, to save Dara. I cant let this happen. She pulled the trigger and I before I knew it, i leaped forward in front of Dara and pushed her to the ground. The bullet hit me on the back of my shoulder and searing pain hit me. I was getting dizzy. I lay on top of Dara, with my mind slipping of my body.

“ Put that gun down!” a few men burst into the room, dressed in suits, guns and badges. There were many and all were holding guns.

I tried to move Siwon who was bleeding all over. The blood that oozed out from his shoulder, was drenching my palms. Please save him lord, I said a silent prayed. I looked up at the men and they were all still pointing their guns at Ga In.  she was still and lost. I don’t know how many of them were there in the room. I could just hear a lot of noise and gasps. Dr. Amal, immediately came to help me and Siwon on out feet. Siwon’s head dropped as the doctor lifted him off me.  Nurse Julie came into the rrom and took Siwon for first aid and a man in suit came to help me up. I stood there with blood all over my hands and body. I looked up at Nancy and she was escorted by an other man in a suit. Who are these people? why are they here? why did they save us? Before I know, I hit the ground the ground and I could only see darkness.



“ Mrs. Tachibana? Mrs. Tachibana?” I heard a voice at a distance. I woke up with struggle ad I saw the same man I saw a few minutes ago standing next to me.

“ Yes?” I whispered.

“ Can you speak?” he asked.

“ Yeah sure..i need…some water.” I stammered.

Immediately I was served water by  nurse Julie. I smiled at her.

“ Mrs. Tachibana, my name is Ahmed Torson and im the head of UAE Intelligence Bureau.”

Oh ok..Intelligence Bureau? This is getting weird.

“ Why are you here? How did you come there? save us…where is Sasi Julie? Where is Nancy? Where….” My mind went for a spin.

“ Mrs. Tachibana, we need you to calm down please. I will tell you everything. Please calm down.” Ahmed Torson said .

“ ok…” I whispered.

I gulped in some air with difficulty and embraced myself to what has to come. But before that I need to know if my daughter, husband and friends are all right.

Is my husband, daughter and friend all right? Are they safe? Please tell me.” I asked

“ They are safe and under protection. No worries.” Mr. Ahmed saw me physically relax in my bed.

 “ We have been keeping an eye out for Miss Ga In for a few months now.” I frown at his statement.

“ Right, lets do this from the beginning. The Seoul Business Intelligence (SBI), one of our branch dealing with illegal practices in business; have been noticing a few discrepancies in the business she runs. We know that in the papers the company is registered under the name of Mr. Choi. But, Choi International being one the top companies in Korea, SBI noticed a lot of insider trading and grey market trading too, which has not been the case with Mr. Choi. But this is pretty common in the business fields and they did not interfere. However, a week back, Mr. Choi himself came up to the Intelligence and surrendered himself for doing some off the book business during his time and produced some very sensitive documents about Ga In and her manipulating ways. By the time we got he information and we could dig some more fundamental evidence and confirmation; she left to Uganda for procuring diamonds illegally. Once we got all her actions confirmed, we tracked her and got to know she is heading straight to Dubai. We got to know that she tried to kill you in Seoul and now here too. We have been tapping her phone, personal, home and work and found out about a guy named Teddy Ruble. When we checked our records, in regards to the name, we did not find anyone of that name. We think she might be linked to this guy and many behind him and used their services for many other unwanted actions.” Mr. Ahmed explained. It took me a while for this information to sink in.

“ So how did you come here?” still trying to understand.

“ As we told you, we were tipped off by our colleagues in Seoul. We tracked Ga In since she arrived in Dubai. She had no idea she was being followed. But sorry we could not save you earlier. We should have acted faster.” Ahmed said in an apologetic tone.

It took me a while to process all that dirty information that Mr. Torson was giving me. What the hell was happening around me? When did my life come to this?

After a beat I asked him, “ how… Mr and Mrs Choi? Have you taken them under custody?” I asked. Whatever it is, I still had respect for them. For their son being an arsehole, they should not be blamed.

“ Yes mam, we have them under custody, but under any changes, but under protection.”

“Under protection?”

“ Yes as, Mr. Choi has honestly come forward and confessed all that he did during his early days of business. But, after the company came to good position, he gave all that money back to the society and helped develop the nation. On that good note, the Government of Korea, did not press any charges an decided to in fact to help our Agency capturing Ga in and her unethical business.”

“ So they are safe?”

“ Yes mam. They are.”

“ Thank you Mr. Torson. I have a lot of respect for them and I cant believe what they have been through for me. thank you.”

“ Sure mam. We will let them know.”

“ Now what happens Ga In?” I asked. I don’t want her to come into my life again. I need to protect my family.

“ Well, ma’m, she is under strict supervision in the local office. She will be sent back to Seoul and the case will run. Don’t worry Mrs. Tachibana, she will be behind bars, your family will be safe.” He assured me and his heels and walked towards the door.

“ Mrs. Tachibana.” He called out. “ yes” I answered

He walked back to my bed and stood close. He turned around to his colleagues and said, “ boys, give us a minute.” they exited the room immediately .

He turned back to me. “ Mrs. Tachibana, im now not talking to you as an agent of the bureau, but as a friend if you may will.” I frowned at his statement.

“ Yes…go on Mr. Torson.” He took a breath.

“ Mrs. Tachibana, Mr. Siwon Choi has gone though a lot of things unimaginable…”

“ Mr. Torson, I’m not in a mood to know about Siwon. He is like a plague to my family. I just don’t want to talk about him. Please.”

“ Mrs. Tachibana, you will have to listen to me. This is crucial.”

“ Crucial Is it?”

“ Yes, please.” He said. For some reason I did not protest.

“ That woman, has put Mr. Siwon under so much torture, that if this had continued he would have ended up at a rehab center for the mentally challenged. He was under her control for a long time and I don’t know why. But all I know is he is a good man Mrs. Tachibana. “

“ Thank you for the information. From now onward, please don’t bother me with news about Siwon. I don’t care if he even dies. All I worry about is my husband and my daughter. That’s all.”

He sighed heavily. “ Mam, we have got seized some vides form Miss Ga In’s place. It is very disturbing and it has……. Siwon in them. When you have the right frame of mind, you may want to watch them. I assure you it will change your mind.”

I could feel my heart break into pieces as he said these word, but my mind only the scene where he said those harsh words, that night.

“ When I want to, I will see them.” I said coldly.

After he left, nurse Julie came to tuck me in. I definitely lost all my sleep. I mean how can I sleep with all that information, after knowing Ga In was the one who tried to kill me, not once, but twice. I need to protect my family.

“ Mrs. Tachibana, the doctor wanted to let you know that your husband, is doing well. But Mr. Siwon, is in a bad condition. He has a seriously injured his shoulders.” She informed me. one part of my heart was happy that Arata is doing well. He is out of the critical situation. But then the other part of my heart does not know what to do or say.

“ He has been visiting you everyday….your husband. He is worried. But he is worried about Siwon too. He has been visiting him too. “ she continued.

“ He has been visiting me?” I asked surprised.

“ Well, yes.”

“ How long have I been out?” I asked.

“ Well for about four days.” She said. Four full days I have been out and I have the man I married visiting me, the man I once loved critically injured and a lady who wants to kill me under police supervision. Oh dear Lord!


She has now been takne away,

But will Dara have her peaceful life again?

However, she has to now fight her Love, whihc she thought she lost.

But, she is married.


Hello everyone!

First of, i wanted to wish all my wonderful Subscribers and readers a very wonderful Eid Al Fitr.

May God bless you all on this beautiful festive season.

Here is an update for you all.

Ga In has been removed from Dara's life,

But will that give peace for her?


A Book for you all and IT'S FREE!!

There is still a long way to go in the story, 

However, I wanted to let you all know that i'm making a book (PDF) of my story.

If anyone is interested in saving it, i will be very happy to send it to you the e-book Via emial.

All you have to do is, just PM me your email address and i will acknowldge.

Once the story is over, i will make a proper e-book, with the pictures and stuff and send it.


so, If any of you are interested, PM me! :)

Your details will be very safe with me and WILL NOT be misused.

To Be
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Yoongi1230 #1
Chapter 54: Omg girl I seriously did not expect all that drama and craziness!!! But omg a bommmmmmb story!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
atoeva #2
amaaaazing perfect wooow woooow woooooow...words can't describe your story...Just OMG really wooow
assuma #3
I can't really describe your story OMG !!! it's beyond words *_____* Thank you author nim thank youuu and please read my email that I've sent to you because I want the book so badly please . Keep Going , Fighting author nim :) :) :)
shahnazsheikh #4
Chapter 55: one of the best ones i have read so far...! Keep writing...! You have a flair for it!
shahnazsheikh #5
Chapter 33: i love the story! I want the book!
Chapter 55: Thankyou so much authour-nim :):):) I love your story, keep writing :):):) I waiting your next story
fastaday #7
I've never read a fanfic that can get me addicted to it and this is the first fic that drown me into it! Omg idk what to do anymore without anymore of this. But anyway, 6 stars for you and this fic! Hope to read more of your fics! ^_^
biancsnool #8
Chapter 55: This is the best story that i read so farrrrr.....I going to read this again. Two thumbs up for you unnie! And i'm going to miss chatting with you :(. And congrats! Annyeong unnie :) saranghaeee
mrvnrky #9
Chapter 55: Thank you for this great story I think I'm going to read it again (sleepless nights are waiting for me) :)