No More Love To Give

Just Not You


I walked into the lonely, cold house I bought for Dara. The large house looks so dull and out of life. If fate had not played its vicious game, Dara would have been my wife and I would have come to a warm home, to a loving wife. But now, I’m coming back to an unloving home.

Since the day I last saw her, I’ve not slept, I’ve not eaten, I’ve done nothing, than submit myself to Ga In and cry my heart out in this study room, looking at the painting of Dara’s face on the wall and smelling her clothes. They make me feel as thought she is next to me, hugging me, helping me, strengthening me.

Max, really did hold a grudge against me. He had his fill and she just watched him punch his anger out on me. But I could not do anything, she has Dara in her hands and I don’t want to hurt her. I just don’t know what to do. I only want Dara right now. I walk around the study and see nothing but that painting of her. I fell like she is standing right there in front of me. I pick up that blue- black shimmering dress she wore on the Pre Launch party night, the night I last touched her, the last night I was with her, the last night, we were together. I smelled it; I visualize a smiling Dara with her arms open for me. I want to run into her embrace and cry into her chest. Apologize till I drop. I just want her. I sit on the floor staring at the painting and holding her dress close to me.

“ I’m Sorry Dara. I’m really sorry.” The tears I’ve been holding back, start flowing out.

“ I just want you. Right now, I just want to be with you. I want to cry in your arms, eat what you feed, sleep in your warmth, smile looking into your eyes and most of all, fall at your feet and apologize. Nothing more Dara. But ive been such a moron. Im sorry.” I sob my tears out holding her dress closer to me.

“ I’m sorry…I’m sorry Dara.” I cry my heart and as I fall on to the floor, two hands hold me from hitting the floor. I look up, it’s my mother, who is in tears as well. She is shocked.

“ Oh baby, who hit you? Who hit my baby? You’ve got such a bad blue eye.”

“ Ma….i want Dara to be safe ma, I want Dara….” I sob into her arms.

“ I’m sure darling, she is safe. You’re going through so much for her and for your father. Good times will return. You have a good heart and you loved her with a pure heart, times will change Siwon, time will change.” She cradled me in her chest as I cried and held Dara’s dress closer.

After my eyes are out of water to spill, I lift my head off her and ask her where my dad is.

“ He is in the living room darling. He could not see you cry like this.” My mother said as she wiped the non-stopping tears from her eyes.

“ Have you eaten anything Siwon? You look so ill. Come, I’ve brought you some food.” We both make our way down to the living room, where my dad is in his wheelchair staring out the window. Once the man was like a giant, terrific, so arrogant, so dynamic, now is confined to his wheelchair like a prune. His words are not taken into consideration by the board in the company. Well, the board is just Ga In and her right hand that bloody Yan Suk.

“ Dad” I slowly call out for my father.

“ Ah, yes, Siwon. Come.” he says as he as he turns around in his wheelchair.

“ Did you eat something, Siwon? You look very frail.”

“ Dad….” I walk and hug him

“ Its ok son.”

“ No Dad, im sorry…” I say as I fight my tears.

“ No son, I’m sorry…if I had been carful with that document, you would not be in such a position.”

“ No Dad, it’s…it’s…..”

“ I’m Sorry Siwon. it just I don’t know she would lay hands on such an important document. It was kept in the safe and yet she got hold of it. You have to understand, everyone does business like what I did when they start the business. Yes, when I bought a few companies, I did bribe a few officials and bought the companies at a much cheaper price that what’s written on the papers. But that was all mutual. Everyone agreed to such mis doings and everything was settled. But now she is bringing it up and wants to report to the court. It was all very mutual and now she is threatening everyone involved and turning them against me. That girl, once, I thought she will make a good daughter-in-law, but now she is such a monster. And that poor girl Dara…”

“ Dad please”

“ No Siwon, im a reason for spoiling your life. Because of me, you are caught up in her trap and you cant go in search of Dara. I know how much you loved her. im sorry son.”

“ Dad…its fine. as long as im with Ga In, I know Dara, will be safe…..somewhere.”

“ But what about your happiness?”

“ That is gone when Dara walked out of my office. She took my soul, my happiness, my everything with her that night. I’m just walking around because I have this thing called life in me which I ask god to take away from me.”

“ Siwon…please.” My dad holds my hand as my fight back tears.

“ Darling, Siwon, come eat. Lets try to be happy in the little time we have together.” My mother calls for us from the entrance of the living. I know she has been standing there watching us talk.

After our very quiet meal and some time around, Dad and mother, leave.

“ Siwon, baby, come with us. Why are you here alone? Come live with us.” My mother caresses my face, as she is about to get into the car.

“ No ma….this is the place I wanted to live my life with Dara, in this house. Now I just have her picture and my dream to live with her here. So I will be here with just my dream.” I say as I life off my mother’s hand.


Choi International: Ga In’s Office

“ Yes Mr. Wood, I will transfer the money to you by tomorrow and we have a done deal. I will not let this go…….ok…..fine ……….good…….see you soon then.” I slam the phone down. That bloody Samule Wood wants me to come all the way to Dubai and sing the bloody contract. Why can’t he come here? Who does he think he is talking to? I will find some dirt on him and make him pay for all his dirty acts.

“ Yan Suk! Come in here!” I call out for my what I call my minion. He does everything I want, all the dirty work. All he wants is just money. World would be so easily mine if everyone was like Yan Suk rather than Siwon who all like love, passion and Dara- Always.

“ Yes Madam.”

“ So I want you to go to Dubai in the next flight, sign the contract with Samule Wood and dig up some dirt on that fellow. I want him at my feet. My feet!”

“ I can do the digging up, but I don’t think I can go Dubai. Im flying to Paris for the concealing the deal on the villa you wanted. Why not you go?”

“ I have to deal with a few legal stuff here.  I can’t really move. Damn it.” I need to think. I can’t miss out on the villa. It sits on the Seine River and I had to work tricks with the crazy hot French real estate agent and the house for me. Damn he was hot and rough! He told me there were quiet a few bidders. So I need it. I can’t let this go. The legal work is annoying me here. Why cant people take the bloody bribe and sign the damn papers? Morons! Anytime, anything will change and I will have to find loopholes. So that’s there. So who will go to Dubai?

“ Siwon.” I whisper.

“ Are you sure? You really want to send Siwon to Dubai. You know who is in Dubai.”

“ Of course I know who is in Dubai. Who is keeping an eye on her? Steven right? Ask him to increase eyes on the when he is there. it’s a big city, so im sure, nothing will happen. But lets keep plan B.” I instruct Yan Suk.

“ You should have let me kill her that night. She was so annoying. Always do this, do that and she never paid me enough. Damn it”

“ Don’t worry Yan Suk, you will get your time” I console my minion.




“ So I told them Design and Clothes are very different things and they had to work from scratch if they want this ‘one of a kind thing’. Kids these days think, if they assemble a few things together it’s a design. While I support recycling fashion, but it is important what you recycle and how you assemble it. Simply putting things together will not work.” Nancy explained her recent attendance speech at an university in Seoul. It was so funny listening to her talk about the things kids thinks what fashion is. She has come along with Mark for a few days to visit me, Arata and Sasi. oh how I missed these two.

“ So how is Bioze Mark?” I ask the very quiet Mark who is sitting next to me.

“ Boize, is doing mighty fine well Dara. He is just awesome. I’m just missing him a lot.”

“ Ok…Ok, Mark, lets not get you all emotional here. You two love birds kept snogging each other at the breakfast table and I was feeling so awkward!”

“ Then you should have asked that American guy who was lingering around you to take you out or something!” Mark yelled.

“ Oh that guy was creepy and he was not good looking too.”

“ Ok this woman is blind! Blind I tell you!” Mark lifted his hands as though in he is resting a case. “ He was freaking hot! I would have definitely had some action, if I was single!” Mark winked.

“ Well he is Mark approved. You should have ask him out for some tea at least Nancy.”

“ Tea? really Eve? I’m looking for someone more exotic.”

“ Exotic? Huh?” I make a funny sarcastic face.

“ Gah, I cant believe you two are grown up and one is actually a mother.” Arata commented.

“ You have no idea how kiddish we can be Mr. Tachibabna.” I commented back.

“ kiddish really? You know what guys, I’ve never seen Eve be very kiddish, so I’m going make her squeal like one.” Arata comes with a sly smile towards me making me shiver out of excitement and fear. I know what he is going to do. Mark and Nancy have their wide do-it-now grin on. He is going to tickle me! I go mad when people tickle me.

“ No Arata, you are not going to do what you are thinking.” I say and slowly climb up the soft couch. I see Arata flexing his fingers.

“ Oh I’m so going to get you.” he screams and I jump up from the couch screaming and squealing!

“ No Arata. Don’t run behind me! don’t!!” I scream as I run around the living room.

“ Get her Arata!” Nancy screams too. I run and dodge behind the show table. But he comes running.

But Arata is fast. He grabs me and corners me by the wall and starts to tickle me. I’m jumping and squealing like a schoolgirl. I feel so ticklish, that I’m laughing so loudly and I shut my eyes tightly. I’m literally laughing, jumping, squealing and screaming, all at the same time. I dont know how I can do it, but I’m doing it. I hear Nancy and Mark laughing like crazy people and Arata is laughing as madly as me as he continues to tickle me.

“ Siwon stop it!! Siwon, please!! Stop!!” suddenly Arata stops to tickle and the room goes dead silent. Realization dawns on me. I just said Siwon. The name- Siwon just came out of mouth. After these three years, I’ve said his name. Oh god. What is this? I look up and Arata is staring at me with his emotionless eyes. Nancy and Mark, have a very concerned look on their face. I need to get away from the audience I have.

“ Oh well, its time to eat. Ill heat up the food guys.” I put up a fake smile and rush to the kitchen. I run to the microwave and pop in the chicken curry into it and turn the timer on. As I wait, I rethink. How can i? I have forgotten Siwon. Yes I have forgotten that I know- knew a man named Siwon. Why am I saying the one name I really want to forget? Why? Out of everyone in the room and the people I’ve got to know these three years, why his name? Why did I say the name I hate the most? The microwave beeps diverting me from my angry thoughts.

I put the hot curry on the table and cut up some bread and get the salad out from the fridge.  “ Guys, come, dinner is ready.” I call out. Nancy comes to the kitchen to help me. “ Sasi is not eating?” she asks me about my daughter.

“ She had her dinner and she is sleeping. No worries.” I tell and pull her towards the dinning room. “ Come on everyone, dive in. lets eat.” I put up a very fake enthusiasm and serve myself. We have a rather silent dinner. All because of the stupid name I uttered. That name never brings happiness. I hate that name. After we finish, Arata helps me clean up the place. Nancy and Mark take the balcony opening towards the beach with their wine glasses.

A few minutes later, Arata and me join my friends with a glass of wine. “ You ok?” Mark asks me breaking the silence.

“ I’m fine. Why would I not be?” I give a very fake, shaky answer.

“ Eve, please, please talk about it.” Nancy urges me.

“ Ill go check on Sasi.” Arata excuses himself and exists the balcony and I know exactly why.

After he has disappeared, I take a deep breath and ask her, “ What do you want me to talk about Nancy?”

“ About what you said earlier.”

“ What is there to talk about? I was on my third glass of wine and I just said it. Can we leave it at it?”

“ No Dara, I can’t leave it at it, we can’t leave it at it. We need to talk this through sometime or the other.”

“ Baby please.” Mark pleads.

“ Its been three years Nancy and I’ve really forgotten about….about…”

“ Siwon?” Nancy says his name and I have tears in my eyes already.

“ Yes Swion. I hate him. I f***ing hate him.”

“ Eve, we hate him too. I just can’t stand what he did to you. I understand. But if you hate him so much and if you have forgotten him, why don’t you live your life happily here?”

“ What do you mean?  I am living my life happily here.”

“ Really? You putting on a damn show with Arata! That man loves you. Cant you see that? Why don’t you make a life for yourself? Why don’t you let yourself love him?”

“ Come on Nancy! Arata is a friend and you think I don’t know he loves me? I know the way he looks at me. But I just cant see him that way. I fell in love once and I fell hard and my love for that man was true. Sasi is the fruit of my love for him. He did not love me. He was the wrong person. I was stupid to not see that. But now I have Sasi. She is my world now and I have no one. I have forgotten Siwon. I don’t have anymore love to give anyone.”

“ What? You’ve forgotten Siwon? You have no more love to give? Are you kidding me Eve? The fruit of your love, Sasi, you think we all don’t know? You named her with your name and Siwon’s name together. SAndara and SIwon. Then the company you started? SImple WONders. It right there, SIWON right there. And this house? When I showed you all those luxurious apartments in Downtown Dubai, you opted for this beach side villa, why? You wanted to contain the memories you had with him in Boracay. Who are you kidding saying that you forgot him? You go to a place that has his name everyday and you come back to a daughter who has his name and a place, which is almost the same like the place you spent  your most special time with him. You… changed your name too damn it!…to Evelyn why? You did not want anyone to call you Dara, because you want only Siwon to call you that way. We never said anything, to all this, because all of us wanted you to win again. So stop faking yourself and get over him completely and find a life for yourself.  Siwon is a scumbag and he hurt you. But you are the only one still clinging on to him. I bet he is now married to that’s and is f***ing her. Oh wait, he already did that!”

“ Nancy, please…..what do you want me to do Nancy?” I cant hold my tears again as Nancy brutally points out the truth. Mark comes to hold.

“ We just want you to get over him and love the man you married Eve.”

“ I dint ask him to marry me. He did it with his full conscious and I totally appreciate it. I mean I owe my life to what he has done. But he had a choice and he chose to marry me, despite the fact that he knew there was going to be no future between us.”

“ Don’t you dare say there is no future between you. Its been three year Eve, you have to let go of Siwon. He is just not meant for you. Arata is. Sasi loves him, he knows about you and you trust him. Why don’t you love him?”

“ Because Nancy, I don’t have anymore love to give. I never fell in love, then I met Siwon, I fell head over heels for him. I gave him everything, I gave him myself. Then one day he dint want me. But my love for him was true. I just can’t think of a life with anyone else Nancy. He was my life, my soul, my everything. My day started and ended with him. but now I hate him. hate him fro what he did to me. I trusted him with all I had” I drop on the floor as Mark holds me. I have flashes of all the sweet memories I shared with Siwon. How could he have done this to me? Mark cradles me in his arms.

“ Nancy, I’m sorry….I’m really sorry, I just cant love anyone anymore. I don’t have my heart with me. “ I sob into Mark’s arms.

“ Oh baby…” Nancy kneels near me. “ We want what is best for you and Sasi. Arata loves you Eve. I just hope and wish you would give him a chance.” She hugs me.

“ I wish Dara would give me chance. Dara, I love you. I love you more than anything. Please…. please let me protect you. I will never hurt you. Please be my wife with your heart and soul.” I say as I hear her cry all the pain her heart.



Dubai International Airport: 9.30 PM

“ Mr. Choi, welcome to Dubai.” A middle-aged Arab man welcomes me as I step into the arrivals area of the mega airport. Lets see what Dubai brings me.


It is really sad to see how both are suffering from thier ends.

Only time can heal them- or will it?


Hello everyone,

Here is a new chapter for you all.

Hope you like it.

Plase do comment and let me know your thoughts.


To Be






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Yoongi1230 #1
Chapter 54: Omg girl I seriously did not expect all that drama and craziness!!! But omg a bommmmmmb story!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
atoeva #2
amaaaazing perfect wooow woooow woooooow...words can't describe your story...Just OMG really wooow
assuma #3
I can't really describe your story OMG !!! it's beyond words *_____* Thank you author nim thank youuu and please read my email that I've sent to you because I want the book so badly please . Keep Going , Fighting author nim :) :) :)
shahnazsheikh #4
Chapter 55: one of the best ones i have read so far...! Keep writing...! You have a flair for it!
shahnazsheikh #5
Chapter 33: i love the story! I want the book!
Chapter 55: Thankyou so much authour-nim :):):) I love your story, keep writing :):):) I waiting your next story
fastaday #7
I've never read a fanfic that can get me addicted to it and this is the first fic that drown me into it! Omg idk what to do anymore without anymore of this. But anyway, 6 stars for you and this fic! Hope to read more of your fics! ^_^
biancsnool #8
Chapter 55: This is the best story that i read so farrrrr.....I going to read this again. Two thumbs up for you unnie! And i'm going to miss chatting with you :(. And congrats! Annyeong unnie :) saranghaeee
mrvnrky #9
Chapter 55: Thank you for this great story I think I'm going to read it again (sleepless nights are waiting for me) :)