
Just Not You

(Jwelery and Picture credit:

What is my dad doing here? Oh god!

“ Hi dad.”

“Hi Siwon.” He peeks and greets Dara who is as frozen as me.

“ Hello Dara.” Her face is pale as ever. But she manages to greet back with a very stammering hello. Suddenly my dad’s face goes serious again.

“ Fine, since you are busy now, I want both of you at our home in 30 minutes. 30 minutes is 30 minutes. Get there fast.” He says in his ever so stern voice and leaves.

I shut the door and look at Dara, who seems to have lost all sort of feelings on her face stands there still.

“ Dara! Dara!” I shake her. She looks up at me and all I see is fear in her eyes.

“ Why are you so scared?”

“ Why would I not be? I just……your dad…………God” she covered her face.

“ Its fine. Lets just get ready and get to my home and we’ll talk things through.” I encourage her.

“ Ok, can you drop me at my place?”

“ Why?”

“ Because I have to change. I can’t come to meet your parents in the ball gown. Besides where is it?”

“ Its in my closet and you think I would not have your clothes here?”

“ You have my clothes here?’

“ Well ……they are new…I bought them for you.”

“ When did you do that?”

“ Well, whenever I could.” She has a proud smile, I can tell. Yet she tries to cover it up.

“ Fine, can I see them?”

“ Sure.” I lead her into my walk-in closet and I show her the entire right side filled with her clothes.

“ This. Is. All. Mine?”

“ Yes.”

“ Are you mad?”

“ Yes, for you, on you”

She turns around and gives me a playful slap on my cheek. I laugh.

We get ready and Dara keep appreciating my choice of her wardrobe. I liked buying clothes for her, despite the fact that the sales women in the lingerie store gave me a ‘nasty’ look. With just another 20 minutes; left, we started our dive to my parents place. Dara came in silence.

“ Hey don’t worry. Everything will be ok.” I squeeze her knee in support. She gives me a pale smile.

“ Dara, listen, I am there for you. So just don’t worry.”

“ I know Siwon, but it’s just that, I don’t know what kind of impression I have made on you dad. He must be thinking so badly of me.”

“ They love you.”

“ They?”

“ My mother too.”

“  But your mother has not seen me.”

“ Yes, but she knows about you. ive told her.”

“ Really?” she whispers and there is worry in her voice.

“ Of course. So don’t worry baby.”

She gives me bit of relieved smile, yet there was some fear in it.

“ Uummmm Dara, I have something to tell you.”

“ Yeah?”

“ Well yesterday……last night, or today as a matter of fact, I did not use protection.” I say with a very guilty feeling. I had to claim her the minute I saw that guy Yunho kiss her. She is mine and how dare he kiss her. Besides, I’ve not touched her, felt her, held her in my arms for more than 4 days. I could not wait. She was irresistible for me.

“ Yeah I know.”

“ And you are not upset or worried? Why dint you stop me?” I asked surprised or shocked. I thought she would jump up and down in anger or frustration.

“ Why would I be and why would I stop you?”

“ Because....because……..” god this woman is shocking me at every turn.

“ Siwon, I’m more than happy to bear any consequences our night may give. I’ll be a very lucky woman.” She says under her breath.

“ Dara……….im……im the lucky one. I love you more than you will ever know.” I said with a smile on my face. I could not believe what she just said. She is ready to have my baby, have a family with me. the very woman who I once though is a very arrogant, independent , workaholic, Is ready to have a family with me. I could do anything for this woman.

On that note, we arrive at my parents place. I park the car and I see a could of fear on Dara’s sweet, sweet eyes. I get off and come around to open the door for my lady love.

She slides as elegantly as ever. I grab her palm and assure her,“ you are very beautiful Dara and don’t worry.” I kiss the backside of her palm.

I knock on the door holding Dara’s hand tightly on the other.

“ Siwon dear! Welcome.” My mother greets me with a tight hug.

“ Mum this is Dara.”

“ Its Sandara, hello madame”

“ Madam? What is this Dara! You should not call me madam. you should call me mama.”

“ Really?” she asks surprised at my mother’s straight forward greet. Actually, even I’m surprised. I’ve not told my mother or my father about our relationship, then my mum goes all ‘mama’ on Dara! What are they up to?

“ Look at me, talking to you both at the door. Come in.” she pulls Dara by her hand inside. Dara gives me a helpless look and I return her with a warm smile.

We walk in and dad is sitting at the dinner table.

“ Ah, yes Siwon. Dara, welcome. I would like to tlak to you both in the study. Please come. Honey, join us.” He says in a commanding voice and leaves. I can see Dara’s face going pale.

I lead Dara by her hand into the study. I know has already gone parched. I get a glass of water. She gulps it down and gives me a ’thank you’ stare.

We take our places in dad’s study. I sit beside Dara and mum and daa opposite us.

“ So Dara, first off, welcome to our home. I hope you like it.”

“ its..its…lovely sir.” She whispers not looking at my dad.

“ Dara, we are not going to bite. Please, sit and speak comfortably.”

She looks up and adjusts herself to a comfortable position. There is an awkward silence between the four of us. I have anticipation of what this morning may bring. My dad just saw me with a girl for the first time. Dara, undoubtedly has fear in her. But my mum and dad, I cant figure out. After a few minutes, I notice my mum nodding her head to my dad.

“ Dara,” he calls softly. “I would also like to welcome you to our family.”

 Dara looks up at my dad with her wide eyes in disbelief.

“ You know Sir?”

“ Of course I do. When my son is suddenly being very regular to work ad is achieving tasks that I never thought he could, working so hard, I know Dara, there must be something behind this radical change in him. So I kept an eye on him for a while and I found you were the reason.”

“ Dara, darling.” My mother called out to her. “ You have no idea how cold and how much my son has suffered. But when we saw him smile for the first time after those horrible times, I wanted to thank the heavens for bringing my son back. I guess the heavens sent you to him. Thank you for being with my son. Thank you for bringing back to his own self.”

“ Madam, no..please, I did not do anything”

“ No darling, you did everything. Look at him. Look at his face. He is beaming with positivity. We have never seen his like this.”

Dara gives me a wondrous look in which I can melt in.

“ Besides Dara, we know when Siwon suddenly goes on a spending spree on cars and vintage rings. He is boy who does not really buy things for himself.” My dad joined the conversation.

“ Yes, I’ve always told him I wanted to check out his financials.” Dara joked.

“ Don’t worry child, you will very soon.” On hearing that Dara blushed like I’ve never seen her before.

“ Come on honey don’t embarrass her.!” my mum teased my dad.

“ So Dara, welcome to the Choi family- again.” My dad welcomes her again.

“ Please take care of my son. He sometime may be really silly and stupid, but he is a good person. He has a good heart. Please just be there for him Dara.” He whispered.

Dara held my hands in an assuring way and said, “ Mr. Choi, when I came to this country, my only motive was to work hard, get Neon Lights up and leave for my next challenge. I never knew I would meet a person like Siwon. He has changed my world, in a way I never imagined. he has become my world now. I cannot think of a moment without him. I cannot explain in words how much I love him. He is mine and I love every bit of him” there is a tear in her eye, which she wipes away with the intention of not being noticed by my parents nor me. But we all did see her tears…….her tears for me.

“ Thank you” my mother whispers with tears in her eyes.

“ Ok that’s enough waterworks for the morning. Lets eat?”

“ Sure” my mother wiped her tears, blew her nose and got to her feet.

“ Can I help you with something madam?”

“ When you call me Mama, then you can help”

Dara looked at me for with a questioning look. I gave her an approving nod.

“ Mama, can I help you with something?” and she giggled.

“ You a have a lovely smile darling. Sure come on you can help me.”

I see Dara and my mum leave the study and go to the kitchen.

In 40 minutes, the two ladies of our house call out for us. The table is well laid and waiting. “That smells lovely!”  my dad says approvingly.

“ Yup, Dara did most of the work”

“ No..come on mama, I just helped.” She teased my mom. It was so happy to see her bled with my family like this.

We all sit to eat. Dara takes a place near me and my parent, opposite us. This moment was just perfect. My perfect family. I wish I could just freeze this moment.

“ So Siwon, you are travelling to Italy tonight right?”

Suddenly I have a pang of disappointment in me. I will leave Dara for an entre week. Full 7 days. I will miss her loads.

“ Yes dad.”

“ You have all materials ready?”

“ Yes, Dara has seen them too”  I look at her and she blushes back at me. I know she remembers the things I did to her when she was ‘revising’ my documents.

“ Good. Have a safe trip and remember to get Lucio Rosa at any cost.”

“ Don’t worry Mr. Choi he will get him” Dara assures my work to my dad. My dad gives her a proud smile.



“ Come darling, I want to show you something” my mother calls out for Dara s soon as she finishes her food.  Dara gives me an excited look and leaves with my mum. I see them heading towards the master bedroom.


“ So Dara, this is the master bedroom.”

“ Its lovely Mama.”

“ Thanks. Come this way” Siwon’s mother calls me towards a walk in closet.

“ Do you wear dresses Dara?”

“ I do, but only for occasions. Other wise, I’m generally in my formal wear.”

“ Ah, really? Then you will have to buy many dresses. You will have lots of events to attend to later. We can go shopping! Im already excited. We can do many things together. I want o dress you uo in all silk and satin and buy you diamonds.”  I smile at her excitement.

I blush at her too. she means after I get married to Siwon, after I become a Choi too. Wow!

I gaze around the walk in closet as Siwon’s mother fiddles around into a cabin or something that looks like a mini vault.

“ So was he too rough with you yesterday?”

Gasp! Did she just ask me what I think she asked me?

“ Im…im sorry.”

“ Was Siwon too rough on you last night?”

“ eerrmm….” I bow my head in embarrassment. She is exactly asking me what I think she is asking me.

“ Don’t be embarrassed darling. Im just like your mother. You would answer her right? You are now a part of our family. So it’s ok. If you still feel shy, then its ok.” She gives me warm smile. Well true. If my mum or my close friend; if I had any, asked me such a question, I would have answered. She is just like my mother and will soon be my mother in law, so I guess I don’t have to be shy with her. she is going to be my family.

“ well……he was.” I whisper my answer.

“ Oh don’t worry. All the Choi men are like that. They very wild sometimes. You have no idea how many times I had my mother come home to take care of me because I could not feel my legs. It’s the blood darling.” I giggle at her explanation.

“ But how did you find out? Did Mr. Choi tell you anything- about this morning?”

“ Well, he did tell me that he saw you with Siwon in his place, in his shirt. But I found that you had a rough night after I saw you and Siwon walk around in the most difficult and funny way possible. He really had you huh?” I cover my face in my palms.

“ Oh sweety!!” we both have a good laugh.

“ I hope you both are being careful with what you are doing. But I don’t really mind becoming a grandmother before the wedding. Its your choice really.” I just dig my face into my palms.

“ Dara! I was just joking! You are really shy! Choi women don’t get shy!!” we have a laugh again.

“ Ok so there is something I want to show you” she turns around to the little vault like cabin and picks out a small red velvet box.

“ What is this mama?”

“ Its something, my mother in law gave me.”

I open the box and I find this eye blinding shine from diamonds, in differnt colors collected together in a  brooch.  It takes the shape of a peacock  and the stones fit perfectly at every part. the deep blue pear shaped diamond that takes the center spot is the star. 

“ Wow, this is so beautiful”

“ it is……it is said that the stones in this brooch are hand picked and have been blessed by the highest priests from many centuries ago. It is considered that the family who has this are blessed by the gods themselves. This has been in the Choi family for years. Its is handed down for generations.”

“ Wow.” Im lost in the beauty of the brooch.

Now I want you to have it.” I gasp!

“ im sorry, What? This is too much! No, no I cant have it!” I push the glorious piece of jewelry into her hand

“ Dara, here. Take it. Even I felt like you when my mother in law gave it to me. but then it is the responsibility of the women in the Choi family to take care of such an important family property. It’s a treasure and I want you to now take it from me and keep it safe.

“ But mama….mama…..I’ve not………..answered or married Siwon yet.”

“ You don’t need to answer Siwon darling. He knows, you know. Marriage is just a legal and an excuse to spend money.”

“ Yes……but im not a Choi family woman yet. This is too much.”

“ No Dara, Its not. If its not today, you become a Choi woman, tomorrow. Actually, if you think about it, you have already become one. All we have to do is get it legally registered. That’s all.”

I can’t contain the tears in my eyes. They just start rolling down my cheeks before I even know it. Why does this family need to be so good and kind to me? What have I don’t to them? All I did was love Siwon and his entire family is celebrating me, trusting me.

“Oh baby, don’t cry.” She gives me a motherly hug. Just the same hug my mother gave me.

“ Just do one thing for me Dara, take care of my baby. He loves you more than anything in this world. I can tell. Please accept this.” She emotionally says and hands me the velvet red box with the immaculate piece of jewelry.

“ I don’t know how I can re pay you for all this.” I sob

“ Love my son. That’s all you have to do.”

“ I love your son more than I love myself.”

“ I know sweetheart.” She hugs me again.

“ He proposed to me.”

“ I know.”

“ But I’ve not given him answer.”

“ Yes, You have in many other ways.”

“ True, but he earns to hear a ‘yes’ from me and ive not told him that.”

“ Say it when you feel like it Dara. You are already his wife in his heart and mind and he is determined to make that happen for real.”

I give a silly giggle on hearing such promising words. “ I want to give him the answer after the launch of Neon Light. He has worked so hard on it. if I tell him my answer now, he may go off track and loose focus. Besides, the launch date falls exactly on his birthday. So as a birthday gift, I want to answer him.”

“ Wow! You really are something.”  She caresses my pink cheek.

“ Its such an important answer that any girl would want to answer right away. But here you are thinking about Siwon’s decisions, focus and success. I’m proud of you. Siwon is a very lucky boy!”

“ No mama, im the lucky one.” I hug her.

*Knock knock we hear on the bedroom door. “ Some one is here” Siwon’s mother whispers to me and wraps the box into my hands tightly which I accept with gratitude, grace, happiness, warmth, promise and all my love.

“ Mum!” we hear Siwon’s voice outside the closet.

“ Yes baby, we are here.”

“ Mum, how many times have I told you not to call me baby?” Siwon whines as he reaches the closet and stands shocked looking at both of us wipe away tears.

“ But I call you baby all the time.” I tease in my after sobbing voice.

“ Yeah..but that different.” He teases back.

“ You boy, will always be my baby, even after you have a baby! So don’t you dare argue with me.”

“ fine mother! Can I take Dara now…..that is if , you have both finished crying about something?”

“ Siwon!” I playfully scold.

“ Sure son. Take her.” his mother gives permission. I gracefully bow to her and take Siwon’s arm and leave with him.


“ I wanted to show you my room. Its filled with my childhood memories. Ive never brought a girl in here before. You are the first.”

“ Not even your previous girlfriends?”

“ I’ve never really had girlfriends Dara. Well except for you know……….. but she did not come in here. She was more concerned about other things. I thought you may enjoy see this part of me.”

I cup his face in my hands and say, “ I will enjoy every part of you life Siwon, no matter if its good or bad.” He pulls my wrists immediately and takes me to the first floor of the house.

We walk a little in the corridor and on the right, is a wooden double door. Siwon opens its and a large room enfolds inform of me. It is typically a boy’s room, filled with toys, skate board, basket ball, blue wall color, posters of action movies and wrestlers. I see a study table just by the window and it has a small pin board which hosts some picture. I go see the pictures and see a few school pictures and university pictures.

“ Is that you right there?” I point at a tall boy with straight hair look as adorably lost as ever.

“ Yeah…” he says shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

“ You look cute….adorable actually.” He laughs to my comment.

“ There is something I want to show you actually.”

“ Hmm? What is it?” I ask.

He reaches to he bottom of the mattress of the bed and pulls out an old file like item. It’s brown and thick with a pink ribbon around it.

“ I want you to see this.” He hands me the album.

We sit on the edge of the bed.

“ It’s a photo album……..”

“ Yes………something I made actually.”

“ You made?”

“ Yes……for Ga In.”

oh God what is this? Why is he showing me this now? He made an entire album for Ga In?

“ I know this is a stupid step I’m taking, but I think you should know and see everything about me. so go on see those pictures.”

I don’t say a word. Honestly I don’t know what to say. I’m speech less. I suddenly feel thirsty and my throat is dry.

With all my strength, I open the album. The first picture hits me on my face. It’s a picture of Siwon kissing Ga In on her lips in a park I think. A self-picture taken of the two kissing, by Siwon. His hand is extended and the angle of the picture says it all. I turn the page and I see the second picture of  Swion rubbing pastry cream off Ga In’s nose. Then the third, she posing with dresses in hands with a confused look. The keep turning the pages and every page has different pictures of her in every mood and in every state. When she is sleeping, when she is casual, when she is studying, when she is driving. Everything about her is in here. I feel disappointed that Siwon has not done anything for me like that. I mean yes, he is in love with me more than anything in this world, but such small things always makes me happy especially when something is hand done by the man I love. With utmost difficulty, I finish the album and return it to him. He takes it from my hand and gives me an honest earning look.

“ You’ve captured the memories of Ga In very prettily.”

He just gives me a nod.

“ She is very pretty.” I state with a lot of disappointment in me and in my voice.

“ I loved her Dara.” He finally speaks up. I nod looking down at my fingers.

“ But she just stabbed it and threw it into trash.”

“ I understand.” I whisper under my breath.

“ I just wanted to be frank with you on everything……….i wanted you to know everything about me. I love you Dara. That’s it.” he says with the most honest eyes ever.

“ I know. I’m happy that you showed me this. It just proves how strong our relationship is.  Every successful relationship starts with honesty Siwon. I’m happy you are honest with me and trust me.”

He gives me a relaxed smile. Something I saw only today morning and after all these hours, im seeing it again.

“ Come I want to show you something else.”

“ Can we stay here for a bit longer?”

“ Sure what do you want to do?”

“ Just lay down on your bed.”

He smiles at my innocent request and nods his head. I slowly move back and tuck my legs into the warm duvet and turn to the my right side. Wow, Siwon and Ga In have done soo much together and what have I done with him? for him? I’ve just always nagged him to work and nothing more. I feel guilty. Ive not properly cooked for him, went shopping with him, or even asked him what his favorite movie is. What am I doing? I have a tear falling down my cheek and immediately I have Siwon’s hands tangle around my waist.

“ You are everything I want Dara. You are just perfect. I don’t want to ever see you cry. Please don’t cry” He whispered into my ears.

I turn to face him, laying on my back and his hand still wrapped around my waist. “ but Siwon, ive done nothing with you. I mean, I don’t even know your favorite movie or what you like to eat or anything of that sort.”

“ You do know my favorite movie Dara. Its Jurassic Park. It’s the movie I saw it with you. food,  I love chocolate cakes…….but these are not important Dara. What is important is I love you and you are my world.” He kisses my forehead.

“ Thank you.” I bury my head into his warm chest and we lay like that for I don’t know how long. I could just stay like this forever, breathing and being in his warmth.

“ Come I want to show you something else. Get up.” He says in a soft voice. I am immediately off the bed and on my feet. “ This will take about 30 minutes drive.”

“ Drive?”

“ Yup, come” he hold out his hand.

Without hesitation, I take his hand and we walk down to the living room where Mr and Mrs. Choi are discussing something important- animatedly. I cant seem to understand their Korean. Its very complicated and fast for me.

“ Dad, mum we will be leaving now.”

“ Sure darling.” His mother stands up and greets us again. Mr. Choi on the other hand seems very confused and angry to an extent.

“ Mr. Choi, is everything ok?” I ask looking at him.

“ Of course he is. Just some business stuff. Look at you, already taking care of the Choi men.” His mother teases me and nudges my hand.

“ Now go on you two.”

“ Yes, Dara. You carry on. I’ll see you at the airport.” He says in a frustrated tone.

I look at Siwon and he has the same confused expression as me. But we leave.

I stop before we step out. “ Mr. Choi, are you sure there is nothing to worry about. If there is any emergency, we can stay or if its anything personal, I can leave and let Siwon be here.”

Mr. and Mrs. Choi look at each other in surprise and shock. Siwon who is beside me gives me a proud grin, which I catch from the corner of my eye.

“ Darling Dara, you are such a fine human being. Wow. We are so happy that Siwon has finally found you. God bless you my child.” Mr. Choi says as he cups my face.

“ Thank you.” I shy fully blush.

I also pat my purse which slings on my right side shoulder to indicate to Mrs. Choi that I have put the gorgeous piece of jewelry she gifted me, safety. We then leave. But somewhere deep in my heart, I feel something is not right.

We get into the car and I started driving. I don’t know if Dara will be impressed with my gift I’m going to give her. I hope she likes it. I’m more nervous now than I was during my high school exams. I see her anticipating face. Full of hope and happiness. I hope she will like it.

After about 25 minutes we reach an estate like place and in front of us stands a tall metal gate. With some magical gadget, Siwon opens the gate and we drive in. as the gate opens, right in front of us stands a large house in typical old Victorian style. Wow!. It’s so beautiful. Its like I’m transported to old England. On the side the pavement is decorated with colorful flowers. It’s just like paradise. On hearing the engine roar of the car an old Korean man in an typical butler suit comes running out to greet us.

“ Whose place is this?” I ask as I still take in the beauty of the place.

Siwon does not answer me, but he just gives me that smile I know. He opens the door and I step out.

“ Hello Mr. Heo.” Siwon greets the old Korean man in butler suit.

“ Hello sir and hello Ms. Day.”

“ oh you know me?”

“ Well sir told us that you would be coming here today.”

“ Really? He did?”

“ Yes I did.” He whispered into my ear and kissed my hair.

We walk in and wow. Give me a minute to drink in the beauty of the house. A full, white marbled house. So clean and slick.  As we open the main door, the living enfolds in front of us. It as large as a football field. Well, its technically not, but for me its looks like it. We walk forward and on to the right, there is a grand dinning room which skillfully looks into the kitchen and on the left it opens out into the garden. The garden, I’ll comes to that later. Right opposite us is a staircase that swirls to the first floor.  The walls are in beige with little patchwork here and there- showing that work is still in progress.

“ Do you like it?” Siwon asks me breaking me away from my observation.

“ Whose place is this Siwon?” I ask again.

he gives me smile, removes something from his pocket.

“ Its your baby.” And presents me a key.

“ wh…what?”

“ Its your house baby. “

“ wh….what?”

“ First tell me, you like it or not?’

“ Its…wow….its beautiful. But what do you mean its my house?”

“ Well, I bought it for you…….a wedding gift….a thank you gift….whatever you may call it. a signature from you is all you need to do and then its legally yours.”

“ Whoa! Whoa! Hold on! You can’t do this to me Siwon.”

“ What buy you a gift?”

“ A gift is considered a gift when its fits in your hand and not something where you can get into the gift itself.”

“ Dara….Dara….i don’t do small gift. I want you to have everything. If I could buy the entire world, I would. Trust me very soon I will do that too.”

“ Siwon…this….this… too  much. Oh God.” I can feel the tears form in my eyes again. Ive been tearing up a lot today.

“ oh baby, don’t cry, I want you to be happy. That’s all. Do you like it?”

I don’t know what to say. Im totally out of words for this crazy man. Not even my sweetest dreams ive dreamt of such things to happen. This is beyond my imagination. I hug him. I hug MY Siwon.

“ Wait, the surprise is not over yet. Come.” He pulls me by my wrist again. The surprise is not over yet? What doe she have now? A spaceship?”

We climb the stars and walk to the right and there is a large white door. He opens it slowly. I peek in and I see it’s a study.  I walk in slowly. On the right there is a huge wall shelf that extends from the roof to the floor. Its still empty and waiting to be filled with all the awesome book. Just next to the wall bookshelf is a French window looking out into the beautiful garden. It is again from roof to floor. In front of the French window is beautifully carved large Teak study table. The design on it so well done that I feel like its been directly imported form Narnia. I browse through the room and GASP!!

On the wall right opposite the Bookshelf, on the plain wall there is a wall mural of ME- laughing my heart out. Its like a picture poster of me, painted on a larger wall. My face right there on the wall, in paint.

“ Siwon what is this?” I ask as I still have my eyes stuck on the painting of my face on the wall.

“ Wait,” he goes towards the wall and moves the table that’s on the corner of the wall. There is see a small signature of Siwon. That’s when it hits me. He has painted this wall mural. He is painted me. He has painted my face when I am my happiest. HE- MY Siwon!

“ Siwon.” I call out for him

“ Surprise.” He whispers back.

I can’t do this anymore. He has really given me everything in the world. Just seeing the painting of my face on the wall, which was completely done by Siwon I cant, compare anything more in this world that such a feeling I have right now. I don’t even know what I feel. Happy? Excited? Emotional? Love? What is this feeling I have? I heart is beating fast and my heart is so happy that it could burst. I have tears rolling down my eyes. Seeing me, Siwon opens his arms for me. I cant take it anymore. I cant think of another minute without him. I run into his arms, into his embrace- crying.

“ Shhuuu…” he cradles me in his warm chest in his tight arms.

“ Siwon…..i..i….”

“ Shhuu…its ok baby…..”

I sob and sob in the same spot till my tear ducks are out of water and I’ve made Siwon shirt completely wet.

Still being in his arms, I ask, “ When did you do this? All of this?”

After a beat he answers, “ I bought it the third time I saw you and I started painting it after our trip from Jeju. When you seclude yourself and went for therapy.”

“ You bought it so long ago? Why did you not tell me?”

“ Because I knew you are my future the minute I saw you and I waited for the right moment.”

“ Oh God!.” I start sobbing in his shirt again.

And I was so stupid to feel sad and jealous about the album you made for Ga in.”

I hear a small chuckle form him. He cradles me till I’m out of tears again. He pulls me towards the table and rest himself on it. he holds me tighter.

“ You know I can’t wait to christen this table.”

“ Yeah…I cant wait to work on it. I think i will do all my designs here.”

“ Dara, I don’t think the kind of work I want to do is same as what you want to do.” I look up at him and his eyes that are ever so mesmerizing and I understand why- Crazy, stupid guy! I give him a playful slap on his chest.

“ Come I want to show you the bedroom” he says and pulls me excitedly.

Wow! What a man is he? So understanding and does thing I don’t even imagine. He really is my knight in shining armor.


Dara has been accepted by Siwpn's fmaily adn Siwon has been accpeted by Dar's mother.

There is nothing that can come inbetween them.

Or is there something?


Dear readers, here is an uopdate. this took a while longer....sorry work.

i hope you like this cute chapter.

Also, i write another story on my own blog. its a love story with interesting twists and turns. 

if you are interested, please do read it. 

Here is the link:

I hope you will read it and like it.:)


To Be 



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Yoongi1230 #1
Chapter 54: Omg girl I seriously did not expect all that drama and craziness!!! But omg a bommmmmmb story!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
atoeva #2
amaaaazing perfect wooow woooow woooooow...words can't describe your story...Just OMG really wooow
assuma #3
I can't really describe your story OMG !!! it's beyond words *_____* Thank you author nim thank youuu and please read my email that I've sent to you because I want the book so badly please . Keep Going , Fighting author nim :) :) :)
shahnazsheikh #4
Chapter 55: one of the best ones i have read so far...! Keep writing...! You have a flair for it!
shahnazsheikh #5
Chapter 33: i love the story! I want the book!
Chapter 55: Thankyou so much authour-nim :):):) I love your story, keep writing :):):) I waiting your next story
fastaday #7
I've never read a fanfic that can get me addicted to it and this is the first fic that drown me into it! Omg idk what to do anymore without anymore of this. But anyway, 6 stars for you and this fic! Hope to read more of your fics! ^_^
biancsnool #8
Chapter 55: This is the best story that i read so farrrrr.....I going to read this again. Two thumbs up for you unnie! And i'm going to miss chatting with you :(. And congrats! Annyeong unnie :) saranghaeee
mrvnrky #9
Chapter 55: Thank you for this great story I think I'm going to read it again (sleepless nights are waiting for me) :)