Surprises, Shocks and Gifts

Just Not You


It was a silent drive though the traffic of Seoul. I sat beside Siwon who was so majestically driving his new Aston Martin DB9 Carbon Edition. It is my dream car. I have been eyeing an Aston Martin since my teenage years and since I have a good work position at The Choi International, I was seriously considering to buy it. But I guess the company bought another car. I don’t think Siwon is of Aston Martin type, he s more of a Bentley guy.  

I comforted myself on the passenger seat, laid my head on the head rest and watched the tall buildings passing me by. I could not think of anything than the time we both had in the Island, the work that has piled up on my table, the fear of time we will now have apart, the fear of both of us getting involved too much in work and most of all, his question; Miss Sandara Eveline Day will you do the honor of spending the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me?

 His voice is echoing in my head. My head and heart is in a turmoil. My mind was not in a stable mood. After a vacation, I should feel relaxed, but I have a heavy mind, a heavy heart and for some reason a queasy stomach too.

“ You are very silent.” Siwon brought me out of my confused state.

I in hailed a large amount of cold air condition air and said with a smile, “ well…nothing.”

“ No there is something. Tell me what is it? what is bothering my lady love?”

I blush at his description. I am in love with this crazy dork and he is in love with this lunatic. My heart said that we will find a way to see each other. The only thing now is my answer, my decision to his question.

“ Nothing……I was just wondering when the company bought this car? How much did they pay for it? as I said before, I am one day or the other going to check your  financials.”

Siwon literally laughed out loud. He laughed so loud that it filled the car. I was so amused to hear him laugh.  I wish I could hear him laugh like this for the rest of my life; I head my heart and mind say in unison, which jolted me for a second.

“ Why? What’s so funny?” I asked him.

“ Your questions always amuse me. Its just cute.”

“ Cute?”

“ Yes cute.”

“ Fine, you still have not answered me.”

“ Ok missy. I should have put you in charge of my financials as well.I can be in charge of your personal financials. I heard my heart and mind say again.

“ I heard you talk to Yan Suk about this car, Aston Martin DB9 Carbon edition. I got to know it is your favorite car and you were considering to buy it.”

“ Yes…” I stuttered.

“ So I bought it……………..for you.” he said with a glorious smile.

“ You what?” I raised both my eyebrow in disbelief at the ridiculous action of the crazy man im in love with.

“ I bought my lady love the car she likes.” He said so confidently.

“ Are you nuts?”

“ uuuummmmmm……I am, for you.”

“ Siwon stop it. I….i did not expect this. I mean……what is wrong with you? I like this car yes, its gorgeous, but I wanted to buy it….with my money.” I said in a loud voice.

“ Our money Dara.” Siwon said under his breath.

I knew exactly what he meant. It immediately made me silent. i know what he means exactly.

“ Did you really buy this?” I asked softly after a minute.

“ yes baby.”

“ How much is it? I will buy it from you.”

Siwon turned his head towards me almost instantaneously.

Ok……so that’s how you are going to play with me? Fine………this is a nice and a strong car Dara, I would love to and trust me when I say this, I would love to take you on in the back seat of this very car. How is that for a price?”

“ Siwon stop it!”

“ Well you asked me for a price.”

“ Yes, monetary mister.”

“ Dara, don’t be ridiculous. I bought it for you. its my gift. I have not bought you anything till now but, you have gone to the extent of giving yourself to me. Do you know what an honor it is for me. I don’t know what else I can give you for the trust and belief you have in me. So I bought you this which I comparison to the love and trust you have for me is of atom size. So shut up and just take the car.” Siwon poured his heart out.

I could not do anything than just smile on the outside and jump in joy inside. At that moment I felt like the luckiest woman in the entire world. I wanted to hold him…hold him tightly in my arms and bury my head in his warm chest and cry, just cry.

Siwon noticed me staring at him with my eyes wide. “ What?”

I shake my head and keep my smile on, “ So…………..when do you plan to take me on in this car?” I with a seductive smile.

“ And this is why baby, I love you.”

and on that note, we arrive at my apartment. He parks the car beautifully at the apartment basement. I get off and go fetch my suitcase from the boot. Siwon comes to help me out.

We head towards the elevator and wait for it to arrive.

“ I know I really surprised you with the car, but there is another surprise. Don’t throw me out after it. ok?!”

I widen my eyes, “ you really are on a roll huh? What are you up to now?”

“ You’ll know.” He winks at me- so beautifully, so seductive.

We head towards my flat. “ Tell me what it is?”

“ Patience woman.”

He keys in my door password and opens the door. I stand behind him with a lost face and mind. He gestures his hand inside my flat. I was wondering why is he acting so differently today. I look at his face still very lost. “What?” and I walk in.

“ Hello sweety.”

I froze, my mind froze, my body froze. The voice of the person I love, I miss, my role model. The person who made my lunch for school, the person who braided my hair, the person who kissed my little boo boos, the person who bought me lollipop when I got 10 out of 10 in spelling tests……my mother was standing right there in the center of my flat.

“ Mama.”

She opened her arms to me and smiled. Without knowing tears started flowing down my eyes. I was sobbing and I did not know it. I missed my mother soo much.  I had not seen her for the past 7 years, have not eaten her food for the past 7 years. Not a single email, not a single telephone call, no communication at all. I did not even know how she was. Despite my every effort to find out about her and her well being, I was always cut off by my father or things just did not work out. But today, she was here, in my flat, right In front of my eyes, so elegantly dressed and so beautiful. She looks  happy and healthy. I run into her arms and weep on her shoulder. Weep till my eyes get swollen and red. She holds me as tightly as possible and I could feel her tears fall on my back. She holds me so tenderly and so warmly.

She pulls me and kisses me on my forehead and I hug her again. I could not contain my tears that are flowing out of my eyes with out control. She cups my now reddened face and asks, “ how you doing darling?”

“ Fine mama. But….who…who….how..?”

“ Sshhhuuu….Siwon brought me here.”

“ What?” she nods her head in agreement.

I turn to him. Siwon is standing by the couch watching a mother and daughter meet after 7 years and cry on each other shoulders.

“ How….when…when did you do this?” I stutter my word in-between tears, surprised and shocked.

“ well, it was technically Min Jin who did this.  We were in Boracay when I made the initial contact with your parents and she went and brought them here. She tells me your father was a tough one and did not agree to see you. im sorry.” Siwon said with compassion.

Still unable to comprehend what was happening, I look at my mother who knew exactly how and what I was feeling.

“ Darling,” she pushes my hair and wipes my tears away in a very ‘mommy’ style. “ one day I get this peculiar phone call from a young gentleman, who told me how this young lady he loves was missing her mother. After a few more follow up phone calls, I spoke to the same young man through video chat and he suggested that I come and visit you. I said yes immediately. I was worried about your father though. “ my mother wipes her own tears and continues, “He confirmed everything and on a fine morning, this beautiful Korean lady shows up at my front door and brought me here. That young man who made all the effort of contacting me, convincing me, bringing me and taking care of me was this man right here. Thank you Siwon!”

Siwon simply smiles,“ it’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Day. My apologies for not welcoming you properly. Please allow me to take you out for dinner sometime.” He said to my mother. Oh the gentleman Siwon, I just love him.

“ huh?” I said again.

“ She is in too much shock and fatigue Mrs. Day. I already surprised her enough for the day. Let her sleep well. I will see you tomorrow at work Dara.” Siwon says with his mesmerizing smile and walks to the flat’s door.

I couldn’t control smiling proudly at this genuine man. I see him walk out the door.

“ He is such a fine man Dara.”

“ yes mama, I know.” And he is all mine. I say to myself without taking my eyes of the door.


It’s a busy morning at The Choi International- for me. I go to my room and see the piled up files and the 300 plus emails in my mail box. I sigh and start with my week and half lagged work. Yan Suk has literally shifted his work palace to my room. We discuss and complete work after work, project after project. We keep re filling ourselves with tea, coffee and biscuits, which out coffee boy was very grateful to fill our plate and cups every time it was empty. We loose track of time, till Min Jin knocks on my door and says, “ Hello Ms. Day, I just came to welcome you back. I have finished my work and I will be leaving now. Bye.” She looked at Yan Suk and conveyed something through her eyes, he conveyed her goodbye to him.

“ Oh dear lord what time is it?”

“Its 7.30pm” Min Jin said.

“ ! Yan Suk! You should have told me. Come one! Come on, pack up, and go home. It’s already late. I will take care of this and the rest we will do it tomorrow. By the way, we did not even have lunch! Yan Suk! You should have told me!!

Yan Suk laughed and said, “ Ms. Day, its fine, even I was involved in the work today. It was good days work for me.”

I smile at my team member who is as involved in work as I am still enjoys my tenuous working style.

I turn to Min Jin and ask her, “ Has Siwon finished his work?” I look up at the glass wall and see him glued to his laptop.

“ He has some work to finishes as well madam. He asked me to leave first.”

“ aright thanks.” I turn to Yan Suk, “ Yan Suk, lets deal with the new French team tomorrow. Let send that email to them first thing in the morning and the make sure we get Nancy Rawaq on the phone tomorrow. She has to fly from Morocco incase she decides to come to our office. So lets do this tomorrow as well. I will complete the logistics for the launch tonight.”

Yes madam.” he turns to pick up his bag and car keys. “ Ms. Day.” He called out to me.

“ Yes Yan Suk.” I say

“ Welcome back! I missed working with you for the past week.” He says with a smile and extends his hand out to me.

I could feel his genuine gratitude. I shake his hand. He smiles at min Jin and see the two out my office door. “ Yan Suk” I call out again as they leave my glassed room.

“ We need to at work early tomorrow and it is going to be long day. So make sure you sleep well.” I say and wink letting them know what their plans for the night will be.

They both shyly giggle and walk out.

I go back to my messy desk and try to clear it up. I still have a lot of work. I try to prioritize my work while I clean my desk.

*knock Knock I hear on my door. I turn around and see Siwon standing there, his shirt loose and crumpled from the hours of sitting in his leather chair, his neck tie off and his first three buttons of his shirt open from the collar.  

“ Hi” I say.

“ Hi y!” he comes forward and kisses me

Holding me in his arms, “ its just been a day and I feel like I’ve not seen you for a lifetime.”

“Oh come on, you see me all the time through that glass wall. It’s a bit creepy at times you know. You always looking at me when I work.”

“ Hey come on, even you get to watch me as well.”

“Yeah true………and I have to admit, you do look hot when you concentrate and work.” I give him a cheeky smile.

He moves his right hand to my behind and uses his left hand to tuck my hair behind my ear, “ are you trying to seduce me in the office Ms. Day?”

“ Am I? or are you with your hands on my Mr. Choi?” he smile and gives my behind a tight squeeze.

“ Ouch stop it!” I push him away, because if I let him still hold me, I would definitely pounce on him.

“ I’ve got work to do mister, so go home or work.” I playfully scold him.

“ Actually, I came here to talk to you.”

“ Yeah….what is it about? The new French team? Nancy Rawaq? Me and Yan Suk will sort it out tomorrow.”

“Dara, not work…….not Neon Lights, but….but….about us.”

“ About us? What about us?” I ask without looking up to him and still clearing up the mess of papers on my desk.

He stared at me intensely and slid his hands into his pocket. “ You have not answered my question Dara.”

I froze the minute he spoke. My throat goes dry and there is a heavy lump in my stomach. I knew exactly what question he was talking about.

I sigh, clutch the papers in my hands tightly, go around my table and sit in my leather chair. Siwon takes the seat opposite me. He stares at me so intensely that his vision could pierce through my heart and drag the answer out.

I take a few minutes to look up to his eyes. I don’t know what to tell him. I have been trying to avoid this question till I find an answer myself. Its not that I don’t want to marry him. I do, I definitely do. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, but do I want to do it now? Or am I just being in a honeymoon phase where everything about him, our relationship, and me is all rosy? I don’t want to rush into this and then regret. But deep down, I know I love this man and I would do anything. Yet, I have this small hiccup.

I finally look up. “ Siwon……im…….” I stutter.

“ Do you not want to marry me?”

“ Oh my God, Siwon, please don’t say anything like that. I love you and I would do anything to be with you. I’ve told you that.”

“ Dara you still have not answered my first or second question.”

I sigh, “ I don’t want to rush into this. Marriage is a big thing and I’m not sure, if the right one for you or this marriage is……...”

“ Why? This is my life and I have every right and the brains to make my decision and my decision is you. I want to spend my life with you. Grow grey with you, hold you hands and eat pancakes with you, travel the world with you, buy you everything you wish for, see you smile that takes my breath away, fight with you for silly things, get scolded by you, fed by you, make love to you and crave for you, have little babies with you and love you for all eternity.”

I look at his face. His genuine love for me in his eyes. “ You are going to make me cry Siwon.”

“ I don’t wan you cry Dara, I want you to give me an answer.”

“ I understand Siwon, but look at it from my point of view as well. Everyone I knew has not been very trust worthy. Starting form my dad who abandoned me because I made my own decision, then the men I worked with always wanted something ort he other form me, I don’t have a single close friend why? Because I’m afraid they may betray me. I initially had the same feeling with you. but later I realized you are different. It has been hard, yet I’m trusting you now with all my life.”

“ So good right, you trust me and you love me, then why not say that one word?”

“ Siwon, you asked me the most important question of my life, or any girl’s life, just after …..amazing . How can I answer?”

“ So would you answer me immediately if I ask for your hand in a romantic setting front of a 1000 people?”

“ No thats not it Siwon….all that I’m saying is…..this is a very tough question for me and I really need to find the answer myself before I tell you. Just give me some time. I’m doing this on my own.”

He sits straight on the chair and rubs his figures over his lips and takes a few minutes before he says something. I wait rather impatiently.

Alright Dara. I understand your point. Take your time Dara.  No matter what your answer is, I will support it. But there is one thing Dara I want to tell you, you are my lifeline now, my heart beats for you and I just cant think of a future without you.”

on hearing that my heart flies to heaven and back, yet I feel a bit guilty for pushing this man who loves me soo much to the edge of pain. I felt like telling him or rather going out the roof and screaming yes. There is a shy smile on my face and Siwon know why.

I get up from my seat and walk to him. I sit on his lap, caress his tired, worried face with the tips of my fingers. “ I love you man!!” I say and give him passionate kiss tying my hands around his neck.


So many questions in her head,

She does not know what to say,

Yet....deep inside she know the answer.


Hi everyone, here is an update.

I hope you were all suprised from the previous chapter's twist.

It was totally not planned. i got the idea just when i was writing.

Now Dara is confused. Lets help her out.

Welcome and thanks to my new lovely subcribers!


To Be



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Yoongi1230 #1
Chapter 54: Omg girl I seriously did not expect all that drama and craziness!!! But omg a bommmmmmb story!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
atoeva #2
amaaaazing perfect wooow woooow woooooow...words can't describe your story...Just OMG really wooow
assuma #3
I can't really describe your story OMG !!! it's beyond words *_____* Thank you author nim thank youuu and please read my email that I've sent to you because I want the book so badly please . Keep Going , Fighting author nim :) :) :)
shahnazsheikh #4
Chapter 55: one of the best ones i have read so far...! Keep writing...! You have a flair for it!
shahnazsheikh #5
Chapter 33: i love the story! I want the book!
Chapter 55: Thankyou so much authour-nim :):):) I love your story, keep writing :):):) I waiting your next story
fastaday #7
I've never read a fanfic that can get me addicted to it and this is the first fic that drown me into it! Omg idk what to do anymore without anymore of this. But anyway, 6 stars for you and this fic! Hope to read more of your fics! ^_^
biancsnool #8
Chapter 55: This is the best story that i read so farrrrr.....I going to read this again. Two thumbs up for you unnie! And i'm going to miss chatting with you :(. And congrats! Annyeong unnie :) saranghaeee
mrvnrky #9
Chapter 55: Thank you for this great story I think I'm going to read it again (sleepless nights are waiting for me) :)