The Life Of Daehyun's Hyungs

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!

                Hyunjoong bit his lip to hold his anger. His class was getting louder and louder as he wrote something on the whiteboard. He held it for quite a while until he had finally reached his limit.

                “SILENCE!!!” His roaring voice echoed through the whole class.

                All of the middle school students immediately stopped talking and looked down to their desks to copy what their teacher wrote on the whiteboard. Hyunjoong groaned as he turned back around and continued writing for the English lesson.

                Most of his students would see him as a strict and fierce teacher who had no mercy on them. But actually, behind his cool stern face, Hyunjoong was crying inside. He kept asking why did his life was all about dealing with noisy people. He liked to teach, but the students were hard to control. Just like how he liked to be the eldest hyung, but his dongsaengs were out of his control. He got all the power as a teacher and as an eldest hyung, but they were giving him headache.

                Just then, his sharp ears caught a whisper from a student to another friend of his. Using his inhuman speed, he threw his marker pen with the maximum force straight to the boy’s head, sending him down and sprawled on the floor.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                “Urgh…what a boring day…” Hyunseung sighed while lying on a long bench at his workshop. There were not a lot of customers today and his workers were doing all the small side jobs. He brought out his phone to play some games when a new message was received.


From : Woohyun

Something came up. I can’t pick Daehyun at school. So does Baekhyun. Pick him up at 3 will you, hyung?


                Hyunseung looked at his watch. It’s almost 3 p.m. He jumped off the bench and changed to his casual clothes. “Gikwang! I’m going home. I’ll leave you in change, alright? Close it when it’s time,” He reminded a guy who was repairing under a car at the back of the workshop. The said guy just replied with a loud yes.

                At 3 p.m. sharp, Hyunseung arrived at Daehyun’s school and parked his motorcycle near the gate. He took off his helmet and leaned against the wall with hands in the pockets. And every time the school girls walked passed him, they went all flirty by grinning and waving at him. But Hyunseung didn’t give a about it.

                “Hyung!” Daehyun shouted. He got excited when he saw his hyung’s bike as he stepped out of the school. It had been a while since he rode the bike with Hyunseung. And he really liked it.

                “Come, let me put this on,” Hyunseung took another helmet and put it on Daehyun’s head. “It’s a new one. Quite heavy,” He said while strapping it up.

                After he released his hold to get on his motorcycle, Daehyun suddenly swayed backwards with his head tilted up. “Yah, yah, yah!” Hyunseung quickly grabbed Daehyun by his waist. “Straighten your neck!”

                “Ooohhh…it sure is heavy,” Daehyun muttered while holding his head with both of his hands.

                Hyunseung waited for his dongsaeng to regain his balance. Only then he let go of Daehyun’s waist and started the engine. Daehyun got on behind the elder. “Hold me tight,” Hyunseung said and Daehyun wrapped his arms around his torso. He sped off to the road going to a different destination from their home.

                After five minutes, they stopped at a convenience store. Hyunseung removed his own helmet and did a hair flip before removing Daehyun’s and fixed the boy’s hair. Daehyun dashed into the store as soon as his head became light again. This was why he liked to go home with Hyunseung. The elder would always buy him any food that he wanted to eat. And he usually wanted ice cream.

                “Hyung, can I have two of them?” Daehyun asked while looking at the various kind of ice cream in the freezer.

                “How can you eat two at the same time? If you eat one, another one will melt away,” Hyunseung uttered.

                Daehyun pouted. He didn’t think that deep earlier. But he really wanted to eat more than one today.

                Hyunseung stared at his dongsaeng. He knew the younger was thinking on how to eat two ice creams at the same time based on his furrowed eyebrows and pouting lips. “It’s okay, Daehyunie,” He chuckled. “Just buy one first and I’ll buy another one for you later.”

                “Really, hyung?!” Daehyun beamed. Hyunseung nodded with a smile.

                “Then I want that one!” The boy pointed to a peppermint ice cream for his hyung to take it for him.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                Baekhyun arrived home two hours later. Daehyun was currently watching TV alone because Hyunseung fell asleep on the couch ten minutes after the anime show started.

                “Daehyun-ah! Can you help me? I want to try something on you!” Baekhyun exclaimed once he saw the boy hugging a small pillow in the living room.

                “But I’m watching TV right now, hyung,” Daehyun rejected.

                “It’s okay. All you have to do is sit here while I do all the works,” Baekhyun convinced him as he sat beside the boy.

                “Well, if it’s like that, okay then,” Daehyun agreed.

                Baekhyun proceeded to bring out all the cosmetics tools from inside his bag pack. He had every tools existed since he majored in make-up and hair design. He began to work on Daehyun’s pretty face without blocking the boy’s view from the TV. When it came to the commercials, Baekhyun used the chance to put the eyeliner so Daehyun had to close his eyes for a while.

                “Yeah! You, Daehyun, are my masterpiece!” Baekhyun said, satisfied after he finished his works. “Let’s take a picture of you,” He took his phone and told Daehyun to smile at the camera. The boy looked pretty as .

                “What the-” Woohyun was greeted with the sight of his pretty dongsaeng when he just got back. “Since when do I have a sister?!” He asked jokingly while cupping Daehyun’s cheek.

                Daehyun pouted at Woohyun’s statement. “I’m not a girl!”

                “Hey, take a picture of me and Dae,” Woohyun ordered Baekhyun as he wrapped an arm around Daehyun’s shoulder.

                “Don’t wanna,” Baekhyun shook his head and kept his phone inside his pocket.

                Woohyun’s lips twitched in annoyance. He rolled his eyes at the other before turning to Daehyun. “You know it’s dangerous to be this pretty. Let us continue our self-defense lessons.”

                “Again, hyung? But you almost twisted Baekhyun’s arm last time,” Daehyun complained in response.

                “But I don’t. And Baekhyun! Don’t you dare to run away!” Woohyun yelled as he saw Baekhyun was slowly walking to go upstairs

                “Why must it be me to be your model?!” Baekhyun protested.

                “Then who else?! There are just the two of you who were younger than me. And I how can I do all my moves on Daehyun?! I can’t hurt our precious dongsaeng!” Woohyun argued.

                “I’m your dongsaeng too! But you can hurt me?!” Baekhyun snapped back.

                This time Woohyun pulled Baekhyun’s neck and did a headlock to that poor guy. Daehyun squeaked in surprise. “No! Don’t hurt Baekie hyung!”

                Woohyun ignored the maknae and continued to abuse Baekhyun. Daehyun was running from one place to another around them, thinking of how to save his Baekhyun hyung, whereas Hyunseung was snoring on the couch, sleeping soundly without giving a damn about them.

                “Yah! Stop!” Kyuhyun shrieked and all of them looked up at him. “If you fight again, there’ll be no dinner for you guys.”

                Both of Woohyun and Baekhyun stopped fighting and back to be friendly with each other. The elder hugged Baekhyun lovingly and kissed his forehead. The younger just whined disapprovingly. Kyuhyun glared at them before going to the kitchen with two plastic bags in his hands to prepare for the dinner and Daehyun followed behind him.

                “What’re you gonna cook, hyung?” Daehyun asked as he sat at the countertop.

                “Well, what do you want to eat?” Kyuhyun asked back.

                “Can you make me kimchi stew?” Daehyun requested.

                “Sure,” Kyuhyun smiled at the younger before beginning his work.

                As usual, Daehyun just stared at his hyung cooking the dishes and he started to get bored. “I really want to help hyung…” He uttered.

                Kyuhyun turned to Daehyun who had a sad kitten face right now. Maybe he could give a simple task to the boy. “You want to help me?”

                Daehyun nodded vigorously with shining eyes. “Yes, hyung!”

                “Then you can cut this vegies,” Kyuhyun put the washed vegetables into a container and placed it in front of Daehyun along with a knife and a chopping board. Daehyun happily grabbed the knife and began his work.

                After a while, Kyuhyun turned to check on Daehyun. The boy was so absorbed into cutting the vegetables that he didn’t even say a single word. But he was barely halfway through cutting all of them.

                “Daehyun-ah,” Kyuhyun called and Daehyun stopped to look at him. “You don’t have to be so precise about the size,” He laughed. “And do it faster or we’ll not have a dinner but a supper.”

                Daehyun obediently listened to his hyung and began to cut the vegetables faster, not until he accidently cut his own finger. He lifted up the injured finger and saw blood dripped from it. Kyuhyun saw it too. Then they look at each other for five seconds.

                “AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Both of them screamed their hearts’ out.

                “Oh my god! Hyunie is bleeding!” Kyuhyun screeched in horror. Daehyun was already crying hard.

                Woohyun and Baekhyun rushed to the kitchen as they heard the shrill noises from the living room. “Holy- Wait! I’ll get the first aid kit!” Woohyun ran to the bathroom.

                “God! What should I do?! Should I call 911?!” Baekhyun asked in panic.

                Daehyun started to jump around because his finger was hurting as hell. He ran around the house including the living room with his cut finger held high up in the air.

                At the same time, Hyunjoong just got back from the school. During the first step into the house, he was greeted with a wailing Daehyun running around the living room.

                Kyuhyun trailed behind him. “Daehyun! Where are you going? Your blood is everywhere!” He shouted as he ran passed Hyunjoong, managing to knock a box in Hyunjoong’s hand.

                Hyunjoong gasped when the box dropped to the floor. It was the cheesecake he bought for Daehyun.

                “Yah! Daehyun-ah! Let me treat your wound!” Woohyun called out while bringing the first aid kit. He totally didn’t saw a box was in his way, making him accidently kicked it to the wall.

                Hyunjoong gasped again. He was pretty sure the cake was almost ruined inside.

                “Hyung! What should I do???” Baekhyun appeared, also running along that path. He was so busy with his phone that he didn’t realize he had stepped on a box of cheesecake.

                Hyunjoong made the loudest gasp. Blood rushed to his head and now he was boiling inside. “SHUT. THE. . UUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!”

                The house shook a little. Daehyun stopped running and Kyuhyun pulled him to hide under the table, thinking that it was an earthquake. Woohyun and Baekhyun also joined them. Hyunseung flinched and shifted on the couch before going to his dreamland once again.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


I told you, you don't have to wait for a long time :D

btw, this is a side story of Daehyun's hyungs daily life, a request from nuna_kun sweetie ^^

I hope you like it! Saranghae~ ♥♥♥






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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read