The Obstacle

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!


                Daehyun and Yongguk were sitting face to face in a coffee shop. The elder seemed more reserved today although he kept glancing at the boy whose eyes never left his face since they stepped into there. Maybe Daehyun was preparing to give an answer for his confession the other day and he would patiently wait for it because he didn’t want to be seen as a desperate person.

                The waiter came after a while to deliver their orders. Yongguk thanked him and pushed the plate of cheesecake and a cup of hot chocolate closer to Daehyun. “Eat a lot. If it’s not enough, we can order some more.”

                Daehyun nodded before stuffing a piece of cheesecake into his mouth. He kept staring at Yongguk because he thought that maybe if you look at a person long enough, you could know if you love him or not. But Daehyun was still clueless about his own feelings. That’s the moment when he recalled about what Baekhyun told him the other night.

                “And how should I do that?”

                “I don’t know. Just wait until you see him being close with another person. Only then you’ll know if you’re jealous or not.”

                Daehyun knew he should’ve wait for the thing to happen but he was pretty desperate to discover his true feelings towards the elder. “Hyung?”

                Yongguk looked up when Daehyun called him. “Yes?”

                “That noona over there is quite pretty,” Daehyun pointed to another table near their place.

                Yongguk turned around to have a look. “She’s…okay,” He replied nonchalantly while shrugging his shoulders although he really wanted to add ‘You’re prettier’ but he’s afraid it would sound cheesy. So he just turned back after that before sipping his hot coffee.

                “So why don’t you go talk to her?”

                In an instant, Yongguk almost spurt out his coffee but he managed to gulp it down with so much difficulty and some coughs followed after that.

                “Omo hyung! You okay?” Daehyun asked frantically.

                Yongguk nodded with eyes still shut tightly. He waited for a while until he could respond to the younger. “What do you mean by that? Are you mocking me for being a playboy back then?”

                Daehyun’s lips curved down. He suddenly felt guilty when Yongguk misunderstood his question. “No, hyung…”

                “Then, why? You know that I love you, right?” Yongguk asked while reaching for Daehyun’s hand on the table. The boy didn’t respond but just gazed at his warm hand that was enveloped in Yongguk’s. “And I’m serious about it.” Daehyun looked up when the elder stated that with a stern face. “I don’t want to be the same me who just know how to play with people feelings. I won’t ever do that to you. ‘Cause I really, really love you, Daehyun…”

                Daehyun’s breath hitched and his lips trembled. His eyes began to water as he apologized to Yongguk. “I’m sorry…”

                “Why? What’re you sorry for?” Yongguk felt worried as he saw the boy was about to cry.

                Tears started to spill from Daehyun’s eyes. “I’m sorry…I don’t know what to say…I’m sorry…if I mocked you…I’m sorry…” He said between sobs.

                “Shhh…it’s okay…You shouldn’t be sorry about that. Here, drink your hot chocolate,” Yongguk picked Daehyun’s hand and placed them around the cup. The boy sniffed and lifted the cup to take a sip.

                Yongguk took a glimpse around the shop because he’s afraid he would grab everyone’s attention with a crying Daehyun again. Thank goodness the other customers were still doing their own jobs, except for one person, which was the previous pretty girl mentioned by Daehyun. She was looking at them with a frown, wondering what would make Daehyun to cry like that. Yongguk gave her a sheepish smile as they made an eye contact. “He said you’re pretty.” The girl became awkward and turned away from them.

                “AH!” Daehyun yelped, making Yongguk quickly turned to him. “What’s wrong?” The elder asked worriedly.

                “It’s hot…” Daehyun whined as he stuck out his burned tongue before sobbing again.

                Yongguk didn’t know whether he should laugh at Daehyun’s cuteness or pity the boy or to pry the sight of Daehyun’s red tongue away because damn, that tongue inside a thick lipped wet mouth…was so… Yongguk closed his eyes and shook his head. Then he took the hot chocolate cup to blow it, reducing the temperature. “You should drink slowly,” He handed Daehyun the cup before adding, “and keep your tongue inside your mouth.”

                Daehyun finally could have a good taste of his drink that he involuntarily let out a moan at the sweet taste of the hot chocolate. Pleasure etched on Daehyun’s innocent face, it almost gave Yongguk a . He swore he was having a massive ual frustration right now because he never seen a beautiful person that looked so…able.

                Yongguk groaned and rubbed his face roughly, ran his hands through his hair, looked out the glass wall and tapped his fingers on the table. But it didn’t help when Daehyun moaned again at the rich taste of the cheesecake.

                “!” Yongguk mumbled before shoving half of his own cheesecake into his mouth to distract himself. His cake was finished in seconds and he proceeded to eat Daehyun’s.

                “Hyung…that’s mine…” Daehyun pouted but at the same time confused with Yongguk’s weird behavior.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                Kyuhyun went down to the living room after taking a nap since his restaurant was closed for today. He noticed the house was quite peaceful compared to the other days. There were just two guys who were watching TV and he slowly approached them. “Where’s Daehyun?”

                “Out,” Baekhyun answered, eyes still glued to the TV. Woohyun on the other side didn’t seem to show any interest at them.

                “With who?”


                “What?! How did I not know about this?!” Kyuhyun was surprised to hear that. It made him angry that his dongsaeng went out with that guy and nobody told him about it.

                “You’re sleeping,” Baekhyun replied nonchalantly.

                “And nobody followed them?!” Kyuhyun asked with a higher pitch making both of Baekhyun and Woohyun flinched.

                Baekhyun shook his head. “Hyunjoong hyung and Hyunseung hyung are still working,”

                “What about you two?”

                “This is my favourite show!” Baekhyun pointed to the TV like it was the most important thing ever.

                “Woohyun?” Kyuhyun called and the guy hummed in response. “I thought you hate Yongguk and love your dongsaeng so much?”

                “I do. I have warned him before they went out,” Woohyun said as he gave an ok sign with his hand.

                Kyuhyun scoffed. “That’s it?! Are we giving Yongguk a full trust now?”

                “Relax, hyung. They’re just going to the coffee shop. And nothing happened at the apartment and the zoo even when we didn’t follow them,” Woohyun reassured his hyung.

                Baekhyun almost laughed at that because nobody knew what actually happened at the zoo. But as Daehyun’s closest hyung and best friend, he needed to keep his promise not to tell them about it.

                “You know what, I’m gonna go check on them myself,” Kyuhyun muttered before he left them.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                “You didn’t possibly forget about my confession the other day, right? At the zoo? At my apartment? And at the coffee shop just now?” Yongguk asked as they were walking to Daehyun’s house.

                He was afraid if the boy took his confessions easily and made him wait for the nonexistent answer forever. Also the fact that Daehyun could simply forgot about anything made him pretty worried.

                Daehyun’s heart skipped a beat at the question. His face immediately turned red as the scenes flashed in his mind. “O-Of course I didn’t. I just…need more time I guess. This thing is really new for me,” He bit his lips, suddenly felt extremely shy in front of the other.

                “Yeah…just take your time. I’ll wait,” Yongguk smiled. He released Daehyun’s hand when they reached the front door. “So…I’ll see you again next time…”

                Daehyun nodded with a cheerful grin. “Yeah…”

                Daehyun’s sweet smile caught Yongguk out of guard and made him froze on the spot. He could stare at the boy until the smile faded but of course he wouldn’t let that happen. Daehyun’s smiling face would never be enough for him and he would make sure to make Daehyun wear that smile every time.

                Out of nowhere, Yongguk felt the sudden urge to touch the younger’s lips. He had been worshipping those plump lips all the time, wishing they would fully be his one day. A simple kiss was not that hard, right?

                “C-Can I… kiss you?” Yongguk’s request made Daehyun widened his eyes at him. Only then Yongguk realized how stupid he sounded. He never asked for a kiss before!

                Daehyun’s face flushed before nodding slowly. Yongguk felt like he was using this naïve boy just for his self-interest. But on the second thought, this was a golden opportunity. He would regret if he didn’t take it and be frustrated when he went home later. Gently, Yongguk cupped Daehyun’s cheek only with his right hand and leaned in to brush his lips with the younger.


                Kyuhyun pulled Daehyun, breaking the kiss. Yongguk gasped in horror. “How dare you!?” Kyuhyun growled at Yongguk before turning to Daehyun as he held the boy’s small face. “These pure lips have been contaminated!” He rubbed his dongsaeng’s mouth with his hand intensely that Daehyun’s head slowly tilted to the back with eyes shut tightly.

                “Yah! Stop that! You might tear his beautiful marvelous lips if you keep doing that!” Yongguk shouted but immediately coward away when Kyuhyun gave him a death glare.

                “It’s all your fault!” Kyuhyun yelled before dragging the whining Daehyun inside. “I’m going to purify your lips using all the soaps exist!”

                “And you!” Kyuhyun stopped at the door and turned around to point at Yongguk. “Don’t you ever dream of meeting Daehyun again!”

                Yongguk stood stunned and speechless by Kyuhyun’s sudden declaration. He was hoping that Kyuhyun was joking, that he was just saying it to intimidate him. But judging from his serious face, Yongguk was convinced that Kyuhyun really meant his words. And now, reality crashed upon him. He could never see Daehyun again. He could never talk to Daehyun again, bring him out to have fun, or see that beautiful smile again. But what could he do about it?

                “But hyung!” Daehyun complained from inside.

                Kyuhyun slammed the door shut and dragged Daehyun to follow him. “No buts! Now come with me!”

                Daehyun kept struggling to release his hand from Kyuhyun’s grip. “Hyung! You can’t do this to me!”

                Kyuhyun ignored his dongsaeng. He was extremely angry right now.

                “Hyung!” Daehyun used all his might to yank his hand away. Kyuhyun consequently stopped by the act when they almost reached the living room.

                Daehyun’s shouting voice grabbed the attention of Baekhyun and Woohyun, making them ran to find their dongsaeng in a hurry.

                “Did you just raise your voice at me?!” Kyuhyun exclaimed.

                Daehyun bit his trembling lips. “Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you let me see Yongguk hyung again?”

                Kyuhyun rolled his eyes as he scoffed at the younger. Woohyun and Baekhyun who just arrived there could only watch in silence. “Just look what he has done! You just raised your voice at me, you went out with him without my permission, and he kissed you!”

                Woohyun let out a gasp whereas Baekhyun didn’t know what he should do at that moment.

                “That’s because he loves me!” Daehyun said. His eyes started to become watery.

                Kyuhyun’s eyes almost popped out from his socket. “What?!”

                “Yongguk hyung loves me! He has waited for three whole weeks for my answer. He told me he never love someone as much as he loves me. He said that he will make me happy. He won’t play with my feelings,” Daehyun snapped. Kyuhyun looked really shock with that, so did the other two hyungs. They had never seen the youngest in the family to burst out his anger like that.

                “And when he asked if he could kiss me, I just agreed to it,” Daehyun continued. “Because I love him too.” He was crying now. He regretted that he could not tell it to Yongguk sooner. Only when he realized he would not meet the older man anymore, he was completely sure that he too loved Yongguk.

                Kyuhyun shook his head vigorously. “I- I don’t understand…how…” He pinched the bridge of his nose with closed eyelids. “Just…go to you room.”

                Daehyun whimpered. “B-But hyung…”

                “Go to your room!” Kyuhyun yelled loudly, causing Daehyun to jump at his place.

                The boy looked at Kyuhyun in disbelief. The other two kept changing their gaze between Kyuhyun and Daehyun. After a moment of silence, Daehyun dashed to his room, still crying hard. Baekhyun followed afterward, leaving a clueless Woohyun with a mad Kyuhyun alone.

                Baekhyun rammed open the door of their room. Daehyun was sitting on his bed. His head was hung low as he cried while staring at his hands on his lap. Baekhyun quickly got to his side and secured him in a warm hug. He rubbed his back gently, waiting for Daehyun to calm down. The boy slowly raised his hands to hug his hyung back. His face was nuzzled to the crook of Baekhyun’s neck.

                “You sure you love him?” Baekhyun asked after a while.

                Daehyun nodded. “What should I do..?” His tone was so sad that it broke the elder’s heart.

                Baekhyun sighed as he tightened his hold on Daehyun. “We’ll figure something out…”


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                “Where’s Daehyun?” Hyunjoong spoke up when the maknae was nowhere to be seen during the dinner time.

                “He’s not hungry,” Baekhyun retorted with a sullen face.

                Hyunjoong raised his brows quizzically. Daehyun had never been ‘not hungry’ when it came to dinner. He turned to Woohyun for an answer but the latter just kept his eyes downcast, looking through his meal. He then turned to Kyuhyun. That guy looked like he was in a really bad mood and ready to throw tantrums at anybody. He finally turned to look at Hyunseung who was already looking at him before shrugging his shoulders. Hyunjoong sighed heavily. “Is there something going around here? Should I know about it?”

                Baekhyun looked up at his oldest hyung. “Kyuhyun hyung got mad at him.”

                “I have a reason for that,” Kyuhyun interjected before Hyunjoong could open his mouth to talk back. “He let Yongguk kissed him.”

                “What?!” Both Hyunjoong and Hyunseung were equally shocked with the news.

                “That’s because they love each other,” Baekhyun suddenly stood up with that statement.

                “Are you on his side now?” Kyuhyun asked, feeling irritated by his dongsaengs’ behavior today.

                “Since when are we playing sides?” Baekhyun returned. “I thought you guys let him meet Yongguk as long as he’s happy. And now when he’s happy, you ruined everything!”

                “Baekhyun!” This time, Hyunjoong yelled at him because of the lack of manners in front of his hyungs.

                Baekhyun ignored him and continued with his rant. “Can’t you see he smiles a lot more lately? Can’t you see that he’s happier than ever? Can’t you see the efforts Yongguk made to get close to Daehyun? Can’t you see how much he has changed? The only thing that stands between both of them is us!”

                “Cut it out! We’re having a dinner right now!” Kyuhyun smacked the table, glowering at the younger.

                Baekhyun rolled his eyes. He was panting because he wanted to defend Daehyun but this was all he got. “You know what. I’m not hungry anymore,” With that, he left the dining table to go to his room.

                Woohyun was still clueless. He didn’t know which side he should root for. He thought Yongguk was not a good choice for his dongsaeng but at the same time, what Baekhyun said was undeniably true. He didn’t want to be a bad person who would separate Daehyun from the man he loved.

                Hyunseung scratched his head awkwardly. He sure needed to talk to Yongguk about this. He didn’t care if the person Yongguk loved was his own dongsaeng. All that matter was that Yongguk could treat Daehyun like he deserved to.

                But the biggest responsibility was of course on Hyunjoong. He was the head of family. He needed to think twice before making a decision. And this was a big problem. Some of them agreed with it but some of them didn’t. And the bad past of Yongguk wouldn’t give a help since this involved their beloved dongsaeng. Anyhow, he would definitely find a solution for this.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                “Hey, you okay?” Himchan asked when he saw his best friend was unmoved on the couch since he was back from the class in the evening. He didn’t join them for dinner and now was almost midnight.

                “I ed up. Big time,” Yongguk replied with removing his arm on his head. His closed eyes were opened only when his phone vibrated, indicating a new message was received.


From : Daehyun

I’m sorry hyung…


                Himchan took a seat on another couch. “What is it?” He asked again, wanting a clear explanation about it.

Yongguk ran his fingers through his hair in frustration as he sat up on the couch. “I knew this is going to happen. But I still did it.”


To : Daehyun

It’s not your fault. I should’ve tell your hyung first


                “Daehyun’s hyung caught me kissing his dongsaeng,” Yongguk said after he had done typing the reply to Daehyun. “And he banned me to meet him again.”

                “Really? How could he do that! It’s just a kiss! Everybody kiss! Why on earth would he ban you from meeting Daehyun just because of a simple kiss?!” Himchan almost could not believe the hyung’s cruel act. “So…what’re you going to do?”


From : Daehyun

Hyung won’t listen to you anyway. Eotteoke? I really want to see you again


                Yongguk rubbed his face that looked really tired right now. “I don’t know. I need some time to think about this.”

                “You love him, right?”

                “So much...” Yongguk shook his head with a smile like the word love itself was not enough to describe his feeling towards Daehyun.


To : Daehyun

So do I. I’ll think of something. I love you


                “Then, you have to fight for it,” Himchan uttered out of the blue, making Yongguk looked up at him. “It’s always like that. We can easily get the things we don’t need. But the one thing we need the most in our life, is really hard to get. But you need to fight for it. You should know that these are obstacles for you. If they prevent you from getting the thing that you want, and you can overcome them, you’ll find it’s worth fighting for.”

                Yongguk could see the sincerity in Himchan’s eyes as he was giving his advice. Thanks to him, Yongguk was now determined to fight for Daehyun. When he got a new message from the boy, he quickly opened it to read the content.


From : Daehyun

I love you too hyung


                Those three words, that was Daehyun’s answer. At last, after the long wait, his feeling was answered. His love was not one sided after all. He felt like screaming his lung out and jumped around the house but with the sad current situation, he could only smile the happiest satisfied smile he ever had in his life.

                “Don’t worry about it,” Yongguk muttered, eyes still glued to the phone screen. “I’ll fight for it. I’ll fight for Daehyun.”


From : Rancho

We need to talk. About you and Daehyun


                And this was what he needed right now.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


I'm sorry if I made you guys wait for so long... m( _ _ ;)m

but really i may not be able to update regularly after this. I blame the tons of projects I need to do ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ

bangdae is my ultimate otp

my second otp is daelo/lodae

and I'm having dem feels (●♡∀♡)

maybe I'll write a daelo/lodae chaptered fic later on... (〜^∇^)〜 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜〜(^∇^〜)




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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read