The Failure

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!

Thanks a lot to upvoters, subscribers, commentors and readers! Saranghae ♥♥♥


                Throughout all the classes he had today, Yongguk could not focus at all. He was busy thinking about Daehyun. As well as Woohyun. It was totally absurd for him to find out that his enemy from high school was actually Daehyun’s brother. Like among all the people exist in this world, why must it be Woohyun? Why must it be Daehyun?

                During the last class before lunch, Yongguk was doing everything except listening to the lecturer. He was scratching his head, rubbing his temples, rubbing his chin, doodling on the paper, twirling his pen and putting his face flat on the table.

                Yongguk’s actions managed to grab the attention of the person sitting beside him. Himchan had never seen Yongguk acting like that before, even if he was a player, he always focused in class, or when he was having problems, Yongguk was always being his cool self and handled them gradually until they were solved.

                Himchan lightly elbowed Yongguk’s arm. “Yah, what’s wrong with you?” He whispered.

                Yongguk did not feel like lifting his head from the table, so his answer became muffled. “Don’t talk to me.”

                Himchan was left silent after Yongguk said that. But he just brushed it off and wanted to be like an understanding friend. Yongguk was not the type to share his problems anyway.

                After the class ended, Yongguk lazily got up and went out, followed by Himchan. Youngjae was already waiting for them outside.

                “Hey, babe. Did you wait long?” Himchan put his arm around Youngjae’s waist before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

                “Nope. I just got here,” Youngjae replied with a bright smile. “Hi, Yongguk hyung. Why do you look so down today?”

                “Don’t ask,” Yongguk said sternly while giving a sharp glance, making Youngjae shivered a little.

                “Hey, chill,” Himchan patted his shoulder.

                Youngjae cleared his throat. “Actually I have something to tell you about the guy who took Daehyun the other day. But seeing you not in the mood, I guess-”

                “What is it?” Yongguk cut Youngjae off. He really needed to know more about the boy.

                Youngjae smiled a little. “He is Daehyun’s hyung.”

                “I know that,” Yongguk said.

                “His name is Jung Baekhyun and he’s also a student here,” Youngjae added.

                “Really?” Both Yongguk and Himchan asked at the same time. Youngjae nodded confidently.

                “What a coincidence,” Himchan uttered. “Do you think he knows Yongguk?”

                Youngjae shrugged. “You know what? I’m really hungry now. Let’s go grab some food first.”

                “Where are we going to eat today?” Himchan asked Yonggguk.

                “I’m going to the cafe,” Yongguk said before starting to make his way there. Himchan and Youngjae quickly tailed behind him.

                “But I thought you don’t like eating there? You’re going to bump with someone you hate,” Himchan was confused.

                “I need to check on something,” Yongguk retorted just as they reached the entrance of the cafeteria. He carefully looked around the crowded area to find a specific person until he saw him sitting at a table with other friends. And he let out a heavy frustrated sigh.

                “Who are you looking for?” Youngjae asked.

                “Isn’t that Woohyun?” Himchan pointed to a table when he looked to the same direction as Yongguk.

                Youngjae averted his eyes to the same place. “Why Baekhyun is also eating with him? Are they friends?”

                Himchan and Youngjae turned to Yongguk for the answers. The other took a deep breath. “They’re siblings.”

                “What?!” Himchan exclaimed. “How did you know about that?”

                “I just know,” Yongguk stated bluntly.

                “So Woohyun is Baekhyun’s hyung?” Himchan asked and Yongguk nodded.

                “Then that means Woohyun is also Daehyun’s hyung!” Youngjae guessed and Yongguk nodded again.

                “Daebak! Is that why you looked so uneasy today? Daebak! How on earth are you going to date your enemy’s dongsaeng?! Daebak!” Himchan taunted him.

                “Stop that!” Yongguk pinched the bridge of his nose. “Can’t you guys give me a hand then?”

                Himchan scoffed. “Why would us? We bet you won’t get the boy, remember?”

                 Yongguk rolled his eyes. “ you. I can do this by myself,” He walked away from them.

                “Okay then. Good luck. But let’s go to lunch first!” Himchan ran to catch up with Yongguk while pulling his lover’s hand.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Yongguk went to Daehyun’s school again. This time he hid behind an electric pole not far from the gate, with his hood pulled above his head and dark shades to cover his face. He really did not want to meet the same person again. Plus, it must be weird to call it a coincidence to meet at the same place and time twice and Woohyun would suspect him for everything.

                He waited until he saw the boy walked out of the school and went to the opposite direction from him. He wanted to carry out his interrupted plan with the boy, but he made sure none of Baekhyun or Woohyun was around before he went to get the boy. “Hey, Daehyun!”

                Daehyun turned around only to get shocked seeing a guy who looked like a creeper rushing to him. He screamed and started to fasten his pace. “Daehyun, wait!” Yongguk caught up to him and grabbed his arm.

                “No! Let me go! Don’t beat me! I don’t have any money! Let me go!” Daehyun was trashing to free himself. Tears began to fall from his eyes.

                “Daehyun! It’s me Yongguk!” He pulled down the hood and took off the shades.

                Daehyun stopped struggling to glare at him. “Yongguk…? Yongguk who?” He tilted his head to the side, still sobbing.

                “I’m Bang Yongguk. Don’t you remember?” Yongguk asked but Daehyun shook his head hesitantly. “I wanted to talk to you the other day but you called me a stranger, remember?” Yongguk tried again. This kid really forgot easily. It had not been even a week since their last meeting. Maybe that was why he did not greet Yongguk when he was with Woohyun back then.

                Daehyun’s crying came to an end as he finally remembered. “Ah… You’re the stranger who looks like a serial … Are you going to me?!” He was terrified when the thought come to his mind.

                “Yes! I mean no! I mean, yes, I am the stranger who looks like a serial . Wait, what? No, I am the stranger but I don’t look like a serial . And I’m not gonna you ‘cause I’m not a serial ,” Yongguk said to Daehyun but the boy just gave him that empty stare again.

                “Okay whatever,” Yongguk paused to take a breath. “Where are you going now?”

                “I’m going to wait for Baekhyun hyung at the park near his university,” Daehyun replied while wiping his tears dry.

                “What time will he finish his class?” Yongguk took a look at his watch.


“That’s thirty minutes later. It must be boring to sit alone at the park while waiting, right?” Yongguk raised his brows at Daehyun but the boy just shrugged and jutted out his bottom lips. “So why don’t we go to eat first?”

                Daehyun frowned. “I don’t know… Baekhyun hyung told me to go there and wait for him as soon as my school ends…”

                “It’s okay. It won’t take too long, I promise. We’ll go there after we’re done eating. And your hyung won’t even know you went out with me,” Yongguk earnestly tried to convince him.

                “If it’s like that, isn’t it a lie? I don’t lie to my hyungs,” Daehyun hesitated.

                “What?” Yongguk sneered in disbelief. He did not expect the boy to be that innocent. “Of course not. It’s not a lie when you don’t tell them. You don’t have to tell them if they don’t ask, get it?” He put so much effort to gain Daehyun’s trust.

                 Daehyun looked straight at Yongguk’s eyes to see if he was telling the truth. “…Really?”

                “Yes, trust me,” Yongguk placed his right palm at his chest.

                “Okay… but we must go there before – ” Daehyun could not finish his sentence as he was jerked forward when Yongguk yanked his hand.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                Yongguk walked side by side with Daehyun to go to a restaurant he suggested. “So… do you always go home with your hyung?” He asked.

                “Uh-huh,” Daehyun nodded.

                “Do they send you to school too?”


                “Why? Can’t you do that by yourself?”

                “Of course I can! It’s just that they don’t let me,” Daehyun pouted.

                “Some caring hyungs you have…” Yongguk said with a hidden meaning Daehyun did not know.

                “Yeah… Can I ask how old you are actually?” Daehyun started to be curious about the other.

                “Sure. I’m 23,”

                “Oh? You’re older than Baekhyun hyung and Woohyun hyung. Can I also call you hyung then?”

                “Why not?” Yongguk flashed his gummy smile at the younger, making Daehyun smiled back at him.

                “One more thing, can I know why did you want to talk to me?” Daehyun asked like a kid.

                Yongguk did not expect the boy would ask him that question. Obviously, he would not tell the truth that this was just a bet. So, he had to lie, and he felt bad to Daehyun. “Can I say… I just wanted to know you and be your friend?”

                Yongguk could see Daehyun’s eyes were sparkling after he gave his reasons. “Really hyung?! You want to be my friend?!”

                “I’d love to be your friend,” Daehyun was delighted when Yongguk said that and started to sway his hand, which was hold by the latter, back and forth. Yongguk was amused by Daehyun’s cute childish act. He did not protest but just let the boy be his bubbly self.

                “Here we are. Let’s go in,” Yongguk brought Daehyun into a korean and western food restaurant before pulling the boy to a couple table near the window. He released Daehyun’s hand so that he could pull out the chair for him like a gentleman. Yongguk stood behind the chair with a charming smile plastered on his face and wait for Daehyun to come and sit there. However, Daehyun casually walked to the other chair in front of him and made himself comfortable at the seat. Well, that’s awkward.

                “What’re you waiting for? Sit down,” Daehyun told Yongguk when he saw the older was just holding the chair while gawking at him.

“Oh… y-yeah…” Yongguk slowly settled himself on the chair. He coughed a little to get rid of his failed attempt embarrassment. “So… what do you like to eat? The food here is delicious you know.”

                “I know,” Daehyun said with a wide smile.

                “Oh yeah? Do you come here often?” Yongguk asked and Daehyun nodded. The older then raised his hand to call a waiter.

                “Daehyun?” The supposed to be waiter came to their table.

                “Kyuhyun hyung! Look, I have a new friend, Bang Yongguk,” Daehyun introduced Yongguk happily to his second hyung.

                Of course, Yongguk was surprised. “Wait, he’s your hyung too?!”


                “He works here?!”

                “Actually, he owns this restaurant.”

                “What?! Why don’t you tell me before?” Yongguk almost yelled at him.

                “But you said I don’t have to tell if I’m not being asked…” Daehyun’s bright face started to change.

                “Yah yah yah yah yah yah! I’m still here you know,” Kyuhyun knocked the wooden table repeatedly. “Why don’t you ask me directly?” He was losing his patience.

                Yongguk trembled when he saw Kyuhyun’s dark look. He opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out from it.

                “Don’t have anything to ask anymore? Then, let me ask you something,” Kyuhyun put his hands on his hips. “Since when you’re friend with my dongsaeng? How do you know him? Why do you want to be his friend? How old are you? What do you do? Are you still studying?” Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes at Yongguk, leaning closer and closer to him with every question he asked.

                Yongguk could only stare at Kyuhyun without blinking, mouth agape, at those persistent questions. He could feel himself shrinking in front of the fierce man. “I… I… I…” He stuttered, did not know which one to answer first. But then he realized he could not be a coward in front of Daehyun.

                “Why do you care? It’s just between me and Daehyun,” Yongguk pretended to be cool.

                “OF COURSE I CARE! DAEHYUN IS MY DONGSAENG YOU PRICK!” Kyuhyun’s shrill voice could be heard through the entire restaurant, frightening his customers. Yongguk was speechless.

                “Get out of here!” Kyuhyun commanded.  Yongguk hastily scrambled up and bolted out of the restaurant.

                “Hyung! You scared him! I just got a new friend and you chased him out!” Daehyun let out his frustration at his hyung. He stood up to follow Yongguk but Kyuhyun was faster to hold him back down.

                “No! You stay here! He won’t be scared if he really wants to be your friend. I’m going to call Baekhyun to tell him that you’re going home with me. And you stay here until I finish my work in an hour!” Kyuhyun said firmly, leaving Daehyun at the table crossed-arms with a sullen face.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


I planned on updating this yesterday but I can't coz I was busy fangirling over this

HOLYabfwuewleongelanfwribnnjhguowrI'MNOTREADY!!! HOTDAMN! BYE ヾ(-_-;)

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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read