The Innocent Dongsaeng

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!

                That night, Daehyun couldn’t go to sleep. He turned to the left side, to the right side, tossed his body like this and like that, but he still couldn’t sleep. His actions got aggressive by time and it disturbed the other sleeping guy in the same room.

                Baekhyun lifted his body from the bed and supported it with his elbows. “Daehyun? What’re you doing?” He asked before yawning widely and switched on the bedside lamp.

                Daehyun rumpled his blanket on rampage as he sat up on the bed. “Aish! I don’t know, hyung,” He ruffled his hair into a mess.

                Baekhyun got off his bed and moved to Daehyun’s side. “You can’t sleep? Do you want me to sing for you?” He put his palm on Daehyun’s back.

                Daehyun let out a sigh before looking up at his hyung with hesitant eyes. Baekhyun raised his brows questioningly. “Actually…something happened at the zoo…” Daehyun began to speak.

                “What was it?” Baekhyun asked but after a moment he remembered about the Yongguk guy that was supposed to bring his dongsaeng to the zoo. “Did Yongguk do something to you?!” He quickly turned Daehyun to face him to check on his body and face.

                “No, hyung,” Daehyun grasped Baekhyun’s busy hands. “But Yongguk hyung…” He paused to moisten his lips by his tongue. “…kissed me…” Daehyun almost whispered the last words, giving Baekhyun a hard way to make out what he was saying.

                “You mean…HE KISSED YOU?!” Baekhyun asked in disbelief.

                “That’s what I said,” Daehyun nodded before leaning closer to Baekhyun’s ear. “And then Yongguk hyung told me…that he loves me.”


                “Ssshhhhhh!!! Hyung!” Daehyun put his index finger at his own mouth, telling the latter to keep quiet because he didn’t want to wake the other hyungs and went through another interrogation.

                “Seriously?!” Baekhyun lowered his voice.

                “Yup,” Daehyun confirmed.

                “Then, what did you say?”

                “I…didn’t say anything. I don’t know what to say. This never happened to me before. And then Yongguk hyung said,” Daehyun grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and stared at his eyes just like what Yongguk did to him at the zoo. “It’s okay, Daehyun. Just…take your time to figure out your feeling ‘cause I took a while to figure it out too.”

                Baekhyun was surprised. He didn’t expect a playboy like Yongguk would fall in love with his innocent dongsaeng and gave him some time to respond. He thought Yongguk would’ve Daehyun in a horse cage at the zoo to get him pregnant so that the hyungs had no choice but to marry them. “So, do you love him or not?” He asked.

                “I don’t know hyung! I’ve never been in love before!” Daehyun threw the blanket above his head, wrapping it tightly around his face, making himself looked like a fluff ball. “But… I do like Yongguk hyung…” He pouted.

                “Tell me what do you feel when he kissed you,” Baekhyun brought up his legs and crossed them as he sat on Daehyun’s bed.

                Daehyun’s eyes darted everywhere to think as he his lips before saying his words. “I feel… weird…like my heart went ‘dugeun dugeun’ and my face was really hot… did that mean I love him?” He looked up at Baekhyun with a face full of confusion.

                Baekhyun shook his head. “We can’t make sure of it yet. That’s normal when the person you like did that to you. We need more proofs to prove that you love him and with that proofs you can finally prove that you love him.”

                Daehyun blinked. “…What…?”

                “Listen,” Baekhyun held Daehyun’s shoulders while looking at him intently. “The easiest way to find out whether you love a person or not, is when you feel jealous to see him being close with another person.”

                “And how should I do that?”

                “I don’t know. Just wait until you see him being close with another person. Only then you’ll know if you’re jealous or not.”


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Daehyun was watching TV alone in the living room. He had gone out with Yongguk yesterday. Things were normal except for the way Yongguk treated him like a princess and willing to do everything to please him. This had made Daehyun doubted to see Yongguk with someone else and find out if he’s jealous or not. Maybe he should wait for a bit more. So, for the time being, he thought watching every single love drama would give some help.

                All of his hyungs were doing their own stuffs in the house, resulting in a full control of the TV remote by Daehyun. It’s pretty rare for the maknae to obtain the remote since hyung’s choice comes first. Daehyun kept switching from a channel to another until he could finally choose the best love story to watch. It was a pretty cliché movie. Only that it’s not Korean, but Hollywood.

                Daehyun could barely have an idea on what the movie was all about as he was busy reading the subtitles, slowly, that he didn’t realize what the main characters were going to do in a hotel room. When the subtitles were gone, he averted his eyes fully on the scene. The only picture he could catch was a man looming over a woman on a bed before something blocked his view.

                “Gosh, Dae! Watch something else!” Kyuhyun exclaimed with his hand covering Daehyun’s eyes as he stood behind the couch. He was frantically searching for the remote to change the channel before the action scene got more aggressive.

                “It’s only a love story, hyung!” Daehyun protested while tugging on Kyuhyun’s hand from his view.

                That time, Kyuhyun spotted the remote in Daehyun’s right hand and he quickly reached for it. But his dongsaeng’s grip was too hard. Daehyun yanked the remote away when he felt a pulling force on it by his hyung.

                “Let me watch!” Daehyun yelled, still trying to clear his view.

                Kyuhyun could hear all the moans from the TV was getting louder and without wasting any time, he jumped onto Daehyun and pinned the boy down on the couch. He was struggling to secure the remote because he was only using one hand while the other was still covering Daehyun’s eyes. Daehyun groaned when he lost the battle, thanks to his hyung’s longer arm and a covered vision.

                Kyuhyun sighed in relief after he managed to turn the TV off. He sat up and looked at the pouting Daehyun. “I told you, you can’t watch something like that!”

                Daehyun pouted even more. His face was full of irritation. He stood up and stomped to go upstairs like a sulking baby that couldn’t get what he want from his parent.

                “That’s right! Go tell your other hyungs! They’ll only scold you more!” Kyuhyun yelled just before Daehyun disappeared from his sight. “Geez… I should’ve stopped them sooner when they’re talking about the other day…”


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                At first, Daehyun was going to complain to Baekhyun but then he remembered that he was not home. Now, he was knocking on his middle hyung’s door until a faint ‘come in’ sounded from inside.

                Daehyun opened the door and saw Woohyun giggling while looking at his phone. On the other side, Hyunseung was wearing a headphone as he concentrated on his laptop. He was sitting at a desk with his back facing the door.

                Daehyun was not going to complain about Kyuhyun to them because it was a common thing for him to have a fight with Kyuhyun in that house. So he decided to ask about the love matter and Hyunseung would be the best person to be asked. Besides, Woohyun didn’t seem to acknowledge him and kept giggling at his phone although Daehyun was sure he’s the one that told him to come in.

                Daehyun tapped Hyunseung’s arm, causing the man jumped in his seat before quickly turned to his back. When he saw his dongsaeng was sitting on the edge of his bed, patiently waiting for him to respond, Hyunseung changed the current tab on the internet as fast as he could. He removed his headphone and shifted his chair so that he could face the boy. “What’s up, Dae?”

                “Hyung, can I ask you something?” Daehyun uttered.

                Hyunseung felt like he was back at the workshop when Daehyun asked about the ography with the exact same sentence. “…Sure,” He nodded. “But please not about the again.”

                “How would you know if you love someone or not?” Daehyun asked innocently.

                Hyunseung raised his brows, didn’t expect for that kind of question. “Hmm… How should I say this…” He rubbed his chin while thinking for a suitable answer.

                “Why are you asking him about love? He’s hopeless,” Woohyun in.

                “Yah! I had a girlfriend before!” Hyunseung shouted, glowering at the other.

                “Then Woo hyung can tell me,” Daehyun moved to sit on Woohyun’s bed after that.

                “I’ll tell you. But look at this first,” Woohyun showed a picture of a girl in his phone. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

                Daehyun nodded. “Is she your girlfriend?” He averted his gaze from the phone to his hyung.

                “Not yet,” Woohyun was back to thumb the screen, sliding more pictures of the pretty girl. “If you love someone, you’ll be happy just to see her face,” He said as his eyes were still locked to the phone screen. “You’ll be happier when you talk to her. You’ll just be the happiest person when you’re with the one you love,” He ended with a small smile.

                Hyunseung scoffed. “Yeah… of course you can be happy by stalking a person like that.”

                Woohyun clicked his tongue in annoyance. “At least I stalk a person that I know. Not like you who keep staring at unknown girls’ at the sites all the ti-”

                Daehyun was clueless on what Woohyun was trying to say. He was even more confused when a pillow was thrown at Woohyun, cutting out his speech.

                “Did you just ing throw a pillow at my face?!” Woohyun yelled angrily.

                “Shut up ! There’s a little boy here! Don’t curse!” Hyunseung snapped back while pointing his index finger accusingly.

                “Who’re you telling to shut up dickhead! You just called me , !” Woohyun threw back the same pillow, making Hyunseung stumbled back on his chair.

                Not giving up, Hyunseung regained his composure and took the pillow. This time he stood up and flung it in an amazing speed to his prey. Woohyun was fast to dodge it and hurriedly hurled another pillow to the elder. With that, a civil war had started. Pillows were flying to all directions. Daehyun needed to actively move his body to avoid the pillows. But his hyungs were aggressive and the pillows were moving too fast. No wonder if one of them would hit Daehyun’s head in the end and sent him sprawled on the floor.

                Daehyun grunted as he removed the big pillow from his face. He was waiting for his hyungs to help him and say their sorry but both of them were too immersed to destroy each other, jumping from one bed to another while cursing continuously. Daehyun could feel his head throbbed when he sat up and because of that, a tear slipped from his eyes. He slowly got up to leave the room.

                “Dae? What happened?” Hyunjoong grasped Daehyun’s shoulder when he saw the boy coming out from the two’s room with wet eyes and cheeks.

                Daehyun pouted before looking up at his hyung with big round sad teary eyes. “Seung hyung and Woo hyung are throwing pillows at each other. And I was hit here,” He touched his forehead. “And then I fell to the floor and it hit my head here,” He rubbed the back of his head.

                “Aww…poor you my baby dongsaeng…Come here,” Hyunjoong pulled Daehyun closer and replaced Daehyun’s hand to his head softly. “But why would they throw pillows at each other?”

                “I was asking them, how to know if you love someone or not. Then they say something about stalking…staring……and …” Daehyun replied frankly.

                “Damn it both of them!” Hyunjoong mumbled while planning on what he should do to punish them. He then held Daehyun’s arm and looked straight at his eyes. “Dae, if you really want to know, you need to figure it out yourself because love can be found in many ways.” He smiled. “Get it?”

                Daehyun blinked for several times before slowly nodding his head. Hyunjoong chuckled as he ruffled Daehyun’s hair. “Good. Now you might want to go downstairs because the civil war is going to be a world war.” Hyunjoong smirked and waited for Daehyun to go down although confusion was clearly etched on the boy’s face. After that, he kicked the door opened and screamed his lung out. “HIYYAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Daehyun kept thinking about his feelings for Yongguk until he was at Yongguk’s apartment again. This time, Yongguk used his cousin to bring Daehyun there because the hyungs trusted him more than Yongguk.

                Daehyun needed to wait for Yongguk to get home since he didn’t finish his class yet. So did Himchan and Youngjae. Jongup who was forced to tag along by his boyfriend was using the toilet right now. So when he and Zelo were left alone in the living room with the TV , Daehyun took the chance to ask the other about the love matter. “Zelo…?” The said boy hummed in response without tearing his eyes from the screen. “When you’re with Yongguk hyung…are you happy?”

                “Of course,” Zelo replied.

                “Are you happy when you see his face?” Daehyun asked again.

                “What kind of question is this?” Zelo turned his head to the other.

                “Just answer it,” Daehyun whined.

                Zelo shrugged his shoulders. “Well…sometimes.”

                “Are you happy when you talk to him?”


                “Then do you love him?”

                “Yeah…wait. What kind of love do you mean?” Zelo frowned. “If you mean a romantic love relationship then no ‘cause I have Jongup hyung. I just love Yongguk hyung as a cousin.” He explained.

                Daehyun pursed his lips and turned back to the front. Zelo could clearly see the boy was in a deep thought as Daehyun rested his chin on a small pillow he was hugging all the time while playing with his fingers.

                Not long after that, the door burst opened followed by a shout. “I’m home!” Yongguk appeared in the living room with body covered with sweats and heavy breathing.

                “Yongguk hyung!” Daehyun exclaimed happily as he could finally meet the elder.

                “Hey…Dae…Hyun…” Yongguk said through the heavy pants while crouching down his body with hands on his knees, trying to regain the normal breathing.

                “What’s up with you, hyung? Looks like you’ve been chased by a lion,” Zelo commented. “Oh, wait. Is it the same lion as the one at the zoo?”

                “I…” Yongguk stuttered. Of course he wouldn’t admit that he was impatient to see Daehyun after such a long time. Well, not really. It had just been two days. But along those 48 hours, the boy couldn’t leave his mind even for a second. That’s why he dashed out of the hall as soon as the professor finished giving his lecture, not even bother to wait for Himchan and Youngjae.

                “I’m…thirsty!” Yongguk straightened up when he had stop panting. He began to walk to the kitchen but stopped at Daehyun to pat his head. “Do you want to come with me? I know you’re hungry,” He smiled.

                Daehyun nodded eagerly before getting off the couch to follow him. Zelo shook his head at the boy. Daehyun got all the answers for his questions just now right under his nose. But Daehyun being his oblivious self didn’t seem to realize it yet.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Yongguk opened the fridge and gulped down a bottle of water. Daehyun gazed at him after he settled down at the table with his hands supporting his chin and cupping his cheeks. Yongguk’s lips involuntarily carved a smile at the cute boy. He took out a big chocolate bar that he had bought for Daehyun from his pocket.

                Daehyun’s face lit up before taking the chocolate from Yongguk. The elder sat down opposite to him, enjoyed to see Daehyun happily devouring the food. He chuckled when the chocolate smudged the corner of Daehyun’s lips. Yongguk grabbed a tissue at the side of the table and cleaned it up. “Jung Daehyun, slow down.”

                At the mention of his full name, Daehyun suddenly remembered about Yongguk’s confession at the zoo. He took a good look at Yongguk who had a wide smile that never left his face, although he was still eating the chocolate. He was indeed happy to see me, Daehyun thought. So he really does love me?

                “Yongguk hyung, how do you know if you love me?” Daehyun spoke up.

                Yongguk was taken aback by that but it was only for mere seconds. He liked it when the innocent boy was curious about something. “I don’t know. I just did.”

                “But why did it happen? Why do you love me?” Daehyun asked as he the chocolate on his fingers. His other hand was still holding the chocolate bar which was already halfway eaten.

                Yongguk snickered. “’Cause you’re cute…?”

                Daehyun gasped, releasing his thumb from his mouth. “What if I’m not cute anymore?!”

                “You’re always cute for me,” Yongguk softly pulled Daehyun’s nose, resulting in a scrunched face of the boy. He noticed it was the same thing Daehyun did when he had blew his nose back then. Maybe it was another cute habit of him and his button nose.

                “Is that all? You love me just because I’m cute?” Daehyun tilted his head and looked at Yongguk with big eyes, obliviously being adorable in front of the latter.

                Yongguk chuckled and shook his head slightly.  “Daehyun…” He stared at Daehyun for a while before letting out a small sigh. “Jung Daehyun…you have shown me the meaning of true love,” He began. Daehyun finally stopped eating to give all his attention to the other.

                “Before, my heart doesn’t flutter so much when I see someone, my heart doesn’t feel warm when I see someone smiles, my heart doesn’t feel at ease when I talk to someone, and my heart doesn’t beat so fast when I think of someone. Now, you’re the cause of all of that to me. And that made me realized that I never love someone as much as I love you,” Yongguk’s heart was thumping faster and faster, moreover at the last three words. Daehyun was flustered after he heard that words for a second time from Yongguk. His face was reddening as he kept focusing on the elder’s speech.

                Yongguk took a deep breath before continuing with a sincere smile. “I have finally found what I’ve been looking for in my life. Just like finding my other half. That’s you. I will treasure you. I will make you happy. I will make you smile… And I will love you… Daehyun.”


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


#ItsBYGDay !!!

Happy birthday Yonggukie hyung~!!!

Thanks Daehyunnie <3

Now gimme my present (¬‿¬)

:D :D :D


Just a gif of Daehyun's cute scrunched face :D


Thank you so much to upvoters, subscribers, readers, and commentors! Saranghaeyo!




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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read