The Affection

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!

                Yongguk just fell into deep sleep that Saturday evening when he got a call from Hyunseung. It took a minute for him to register what the other was trying to tell him before jolting up from the bed and made a run to the door. Good thing Himchan was there to remind him that he’s with only boxers covering his lower parts. So Yongguk had to take another minute to get fully clothed. After that, he bolted out of the apartment, ignoring all Himchan’s questions and rushed to the hospital with his superbike.

                He ran through the automatic doors of the hospital, only to stop after a few steps as he didn’t really know where he was going to. Maybe Hyunseung had told him earlier and maybe he forgot about it because he was too panicked to remember. He then rushed to the information counter, shocking the receptionist with the big helmet he’s still wearing.

                “Dae…hyun…Daehyun…” Yongguk was panting in front of the counter.

                “Excuse me?” The receptionist asked because she didn’t hear Yongguk’s muffled voice behind the helmet. “Can I help you?”

                “Yes…tell me where Daehyun is. Fast,” Yongguk said as he steadied his breaths.

                “I’m sorry but can you please take off your helmet?” She asked politely.

                Yongguk quickly brought his hands up to feel for his head. Of course, it was covered with the helmet and he took a long time contemplating whether he should remove it or not because it was embarrassing as hell. But it was not as important as Daehyun so he took it off anyway.

                “Daehyun, Daehyun, Daehyun! Tell me where he is!” Yongguk urged. He really needed to see Daehyun so bad right now. And also to get away from there as soon as possible to hide his embarrassment. “Faster, faster, faster!”

                “Yeah, alright, okay, calm down sir. But could you please tell me his surname?”

                “Surname? His surname? Why? What’s a surname? What’s Daehyun’s surname? God! His surname…” Yongguk bit his lip while tapping his chin. “Is it Lee? Lee Daehyun? No that’s too weird… Kim? No… Song? Definitely not… Bang Daehyun? But we’re not married yet… God why do I have to forgot about it right now?!” Yongguk was talking to himself in frustration. The receptionist just watched him boringly behind the counter.

                “Wait. I know this. I just have to remember about it…” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “UH-HUH!” He exclaimed, making the receptionist almost stumbled down from her chair. “It’s Jung! Jung Daehyun! Tell me where Jung Daehyun is! Palli!!”

                After wasting his time at the information counter, Yongguk continued to run to the informed room. He burst into it without waiting any longer. “Daehyun!!”

                Five pair of eyes darted to him. Yongguk froze in his place. He looked to all of them before laying his eyes on a still figure on the bed. Slowly, he turned around to close the door. Then he turned back around to bow at them. “A-Anyeong haseyo…” He bent his body longer than he should with his hands clasped tightly together at his stomach, his helmet hanging loosely on them.

                “Yongguk,” Hyunjoong called and he looked up. “Come, have a sit here,” The elder showed the vacant place on the sofa he was sitting on with Kyuhyun.

                He timidly dragged his feet and settled down at the very end of the couch with the big helmet on his lap, feeling really small in the big room. It was silence for a while since nobody wanted to start talking first. Yongguk used the chance to ask about the boy lying on the bed.

                “S-So…how’s Daehyun…?” The question was directed to Hyunjoong as he was the nearest to him.

                “He’s…okay,” Hyunjoong glanced at Yongguk before turning to look at his dongsaeng. “The doctor said he has low blood pressure. But he’s gonna be okay…”

                “He hasn’t woken up since he fainted?” Yongguk was feeling anxious with Daehyun’s condition. He really missed the boy, hoping to see his cute smile and cheerful self but then here he was, in a hospital, to see him sleeping on a bed because he had fallen sick.

                Hyunseung shook his head at Yongguk’s question while standing by the window. “He’s conscious on and off,” He sighed. “Sorry if we made you worried. It’s actually our fault not to take care of him and let him starved for days…”

                “He didn’t eat anything for days?” Yongguk’s eyes bulged out, surprised at the new fact.

                “We tried to make him eat but he didn’t want to. ‘Cause he just kept thinking of you,” Woohyun cut in as he leaned against the wall behind Baekhyun who was sitting at the side of the bed.

                Now Yongguk was the one to feel guilty. “I-I’m sorry…” But he’s also a little bit happy to know that Daehyun was thinking about him all the time.

                “We understand you love him,” Hyunjoong uttered. “But why him? Why Daehyun? Why must it be our dongsaeng?” He asked full of curiosity.

                Yongguk didn’t saw that coming. He planned to have a nice talk with the hyungs another day and not in the hospital. But since it had been brought up by the eldest, he needed to say his answer nevertheless.

Yongguk inhaled deeply, keeping his eyes downcast. “Daehyun…changed me…” He began before looking up to them. “All of you changed me. I didn’t know what’s true love until I met Daehyun...” He managed to grab all of their attentions on him. “I can’t promise you to love Daehyun forever but I’ll try because I want to love him… I don’t think I can hurt his feelings in the future. Hell, I’ll never forgive myself if I ever hurt him.  He means so much for me. I’ll love him with all my body and soul. And if anything happens in the future, I’ll always love him because no obstacles are harder than the obstacles to have him.”

All of the Jung brothers stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh. Yongguk chewed on his bottom lips, waiting for their response especially from Kyuhyun. But the latter just kept his mouth shut and had a straight face while avoiding making any eye contacts with Yongguk.

“You already thought about the future…” Baekhyun broke the silence.

                Yongguk turned to him. Baekhyun looked like he wanted an answer from him although it’s not really a question. He pursed his lips to consider on what he should say. And he decided to tell the truth. “That…I think Daehyun’s the one that I wanna marry,” He shyly said it while scratching the back of his head.

                “You want to marry him?!” Kyuhyun blurted out loud, surprised with Yongguk’s statement. It’s the first time he talked since Yongguk came and with his shrill voice, he managed to wake Daehyun from his sleep.

                The boy whimpered as he shifted on the bed when his sleep was disturbed. Baekhyun hurriedly went to Daehyun’s hair, hoping that the younger would go back to sleep. Daehyun opened an eye to see who was touching his head before closing it again. “Hyung…” He whined with a pouting mouth. His head was still a little bit dizzy and he hated it.

                Baekhyun looked at Kyuhyun, signaling his eyes towards Yongguk. Kyuhyun glanced to the said guy who was gazing at them blankly. He knew what Baekhyun was trying to tell. Sighing heavily, he stared straight to Yongguk’s eyes before cocking his head to Daehyun.

                Yongguk got the message but he still couldn’t believe it. He pointed to himself and then at Daehyun while looking at Kyuhyun with wide eyes. The elder confirmed it by nodding his head. With that, Yongguk stood up and dashed to the bed, neglecting Hyunjoong’s yelp when the helmet fell onto his foot.

                “Daehyun..?” Yongguk called with a voice almost like a whisper. Baekhyun stopped his dongsaeng’s head but his hand was still resting on top of the bed.

                Daehyun’s brows furrowed hearing the familiar tone and he’s thinking whether it was a dream or not. Slowly, he opened his tired eyes that became brighter once he recognized the person standing beside him. And that person was indeed Yongguk who was smiling at him.

                “Y-Yong…Yongguk…h-hyung…?” Daehyun forced the name out when he suddenly felt a lump in his throat. Mix of emotions surged throughout himself, making him burst out his tears.

                 Yongguk immediately gave the boy a hug. Daehyun didn’t protest. He cried harder in the warm embrace while lifting his hands to wrap them around Yongguk. He just wanted to jump onto the older man but his body was still too weak to do that.

                 Baekhyun took some steps back from the bed to give them some space. Other hyungs just watched the two in silence except for Kyuhyun. Tears began to form in his eyes. So the turned away from them, wishing he could hold the tears from falling. But Daehyun’s sobs made him hard to bear. Hastily, he got up and exited the room with his head hanging low.

                Hyunjoong’s eyes trailed behind him. He was about to stand up to follow Kyuhyun when Hyunseung went in front of him while raising his palm as a signal that he would go instead. Hyunjoong nodded his head before sitting back on the couch.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                “How’re you feeling?” Yongguk asked after they broke apart. He had helped the younger to sit up on the bed before wiping Daehyun’s wet face. All the hyungs were gone outside to give them some time together.

                Daehyun nodded. His eyes were puffy and his nose was red from the crying before. “…Good…” The dizziness was fading away after he saw the older man.

                “How could you not eat for days..?” Yongguk took a seat on a chair at the side. His hands rested on the bed.

                Daehyun averted his eyes to the blanket he was playing with. “Because I missed you…” He said faintly as he was getting all shy about it.

                Yongguk grinned. “Really? You missed me that much?” He leaned forward so that he could see the younger’s red face.

                Seeing Yongguk coming closer to him, Daehyun pulled up the blanket to his chest. His head bobbed up and down but it was just in a slight movement, Yongguk almost missed it.

                Yongguk was grinning wider, making him look like a fool. “So you really love me??”

                That question made Daehyun blushed hard. He quickly hid half of his face into the blanket. Yongguk could only hold himself from squealing at the cutie. He would love to hear the answer directly from Daehyun but this boy was too innocent and naïve about love. It was more than enough for Yongguk when the boy didn’t reject him.

                “Next time, even if you miss me so much, make sure you still eat. I don’t want you to be sick like this,” Yongguk said as if a father advising his kid.

                “I’m sorry…” Daehyun pouted. His hands fell onto his lap, still clutching to the blanket.

                “You hungry?” Yongguk asked with raised brows. Daehyun his lips as he was thinking about the answer. “Don’t say that you don’t,” Yongguk added, sounded more like an order and that made Daehyun nodded his head almost immediately. The elder chuckled before taking the tray of food that the hospital had prepared earlier and put it on the bedside table. “Open up,” He told the boy while his hand holding a spoonful of rice was waiting in front of Daehyun’s mouth.

                Daehyun obediently opened his mouth and gobbled down the food. It ridiculously tasted delicious even though it was just a plain hospital’s food. Maybe it’s because he didn’t eat for days. And Yongguk kept shoving the food nonstop like it was not enough for the small boy to eat that much.

                “How did you know I’m here?” Daehyun managed to ask before Yongguk shoved another spoon of rice into his mouth.

                “Your hyung told me,” Yongguk retorted.

                Daehyun almost choked on his food when he heard that. “They let you see me?!” He asked with bloated mouth that’s full of food. Only then he began to look around the room and there was nobody except Yongguk and him.

                “Yeah, and stop questioning. Let’s finish this first,” Yongguk muttered, his hand was already waiting in front of Daehyun’s mouth.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Hyunseung jogged as he was following Kyuhyun, not wanting to lose track of the older guy. When Kyuhyun finally stopped at the hospital garden, Hyunseung slowly approached him and took a seat at his side on a bench at there.

                He hugged him from beside, running his hand along his hyung’s arm. Kyuhyun was a very sensitive person but he would be okay when there’s somebody who could lean their shoulder for him to cry. Like right now, the tears were dripping one after another but he just looked to the ground silently.

                “Why am I like this?” Kyuhyun spoke up in a trembling voice.

                Hyunseung threw a concern look at him. “Like what hyung?”

                Kyuhyun sniffed as he wiped his tears. “Why am I feeling sad looking at him with Yongguk? The way he hugged and cried in his arms… I felt like I’m not needed anymore…”

                “You know that’s not true hyung. You know that Daehyun loves you, Daehyun needs you. It’s just he missed to see Yongguk…” Hyunseung gave his words of comfort while his hand kept rubbing Kyuhyun’s back. “You can’t cry like this again, okay?” He said and Kyuhyun turned to him. “What if Daehyun sees you right now? He’ll feel bad and guilty at you…”

                The older guy nodded his head at his dongsaeng. He knew it was true. Daehyun loved him and he loved Daehyun too. So he shouldn’t be crying when Daehyun was happy.

                “You okay, now? Want to go back to them?” Hyunseung asked carefully, afraid if the other was not ready to go yet. Kyuhyun took a while to calm himself down before agreeing to the latter. Both of them got up before walking together to Daehyun’s room.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                “Are you sure that you love me?” Yongguk asked jokingly. Both he and Daehyun were now sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing each other.

                Seeing Yongguk’s doubting face made Daehyun nodded his head eagerly to show that he’s telling the truth. However, Yongguk just pursed his lips while narrowing his eyes at the boy. “Why can’t I believe you..?”

                “No hyung. Believe me,” Daehyun clasped his hands together against his chest. “I…I…” He tried to gaze into Yongguk’s eyes but he’s too shy to do it. So he diverted down his eyes and said those three words with burning cheeks. “I love you…”

                A broad smile carved on Yongguk’s bright face when he finally heard Daehyun’s confession. An idea suddenly popped in his mind. “Then you have to kiss me, here,” He pointed at his lips smugly.

                Daehyun looked up as he’s surprised by the request. But Daehyun being an innocent boy he was, thought that he needed to do it to prove that he really loved Yongguk. Just imagining himself kissing the elder made his face flushed red. His eyes kept changing looks between the blanket and Yongguk who was patiently waiting for him to make a move. Well, it was worth waiting when Daehyun leaned forward and tilted his head up to peck his lips. It was so quick since the boy’s too shy to do it. He decided to hide his heated face in his hands so that Yongguk couldn’t see it.

                Yongguk bit his lips to hold his laugh, at the same time them to taste the warm feeling of Daehyun’s lips on his. Really, this cute boy was killing him! “I love you too~” He uttered for Daehyun to reveal only his doe eyes to look at him. And when those eyes turned to crescents, he knew the younger was smiling behind his hands.

                Yongguk chuckled before ruffling Daehyun’s hair. “I’ll ask your hyungs if I can stay here tonight. The hospital only just allow one person to stay after all.”

                Daehyun straightened up his body as his hands reached to grab Yongguk’s. “You don’t have to hyung. I’m sure they won’t let you,” He assured although there was a hint of disappointment in his voice.

                “Really? Won’t you miss me?” Yongguk squeezed Daehyun’s smaller hands while running his thumbs on the soft skin. “‘Cause I’ll miss you,” He added with a sweet smile that could melt anyone that see it.

                Daehyun was once more flustered by that statement. “I’ll miss you too… So you have to come again tomorrow. You must,” He said sternly but his face was still as cute as before.

                “Of course I will,” Yongguk sealed his promise by kissing one of Daehyun’s hands.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                When Kyuhyun and Hyunseung arrived at Daehyun’s room, there were the other siblings waiting outside. They were immersed in their own world as they played with their phones. Little conversations were held here and there.

                “What’re you guys doing here?” Hyunseung asked. “Why didn’t you stay inside?”

                “We’re just giving them some time alone. To release all the accumulated feelings towards each other,” Woohyun replied.

                “Are you okay, hyung?” Baekhyun was worried when he saw Kyuhyun’s slightly red eyes. He knew the elder must be crying just now.

                Kyuhyun nodded his head with a reassuring smile. He walked to the younger to take a seat but the door of the room was suddenly opened, making all of them stopped their acts to look at the person standing by the door.

                “Um…” Yongguk scratched his neck while timidly glancing at the hyungs. “Daehyun said…he wants Kyuhyun hyung to accompany him tonight…”

                Kyuhyun was a little bit surprised by that but he didn’t show it on his face. He was expecting Daehyun to stick to Yongguk like a glue and never let him go after they saw each other earlier. But this was absolutely better. The others didn’t have anything to complain if that was Daehyun’s request.

                “I’ve fed him the hospital’s food and the meds. So…maybe he wants to go to sleep now,” Yongguk added before waiting for them to move from their places and went into the room.

                On the bed, Daehyun was already lying down with the blanket pulled up to his chest. But his eyes were still opened although they were half-lidded like he was about to sleep in anytime.

                Baekhyun was the first one to reach him. “Rest well, okay,” He Daehyun’s head before planting a kiss on the boy’s forehead.

                “You need to get well as soon as possible,” Woohyun said and kissed his right cheek.

                Hyunseung came from the other side. “We’ll come again tomorrow,” He smiled before kissing Daehyun’s left cheek.

                “Good night,” Hyunjoong simply said after he kissed the top of Daehyun’s head.

                All four of them left the room as they waved their dongsaeng who was smiling wide at them. And finally, it was Yongguk turn to say goodbye. It was pretty awkward since Kyuhyun was in the same room with crossed arms, waiting patiently for him to get out of there.

                “Um… I should get going…” Yongguk uttered while standing at the bedside. “So…I’ll see you tomorrow, Dae. I love you,” He slowly leaned in to kiss Daehyun but stopped on the halfway as he realized Kyuhyun was watching them. He straightened himself back real fast and smiled sheepishly. Daehyun was already blushing on the bed.

                Kyuhyun sent him a death glare but he didn’t know that Yongguk would bring two fingers to his lips before he pressed them onto Daehyun’s and he kissed his fingers back after that. It happened so fast and the moment Kyuhyun could finally register what he had done, Yongguk quickly went out of the room after picking up his helmet and said goodbye to them.

                Kyuhyun sighed heavily while shaking his head. He looked at his dongsaeng who was hiding his face behind the blanket. Daehyun must be very embarrassed by that indirect kiss. It was cute that Kyuhyun involuntarily let out a laugh.

                He went to Daehyun’s bed and cleared his throat. Daehyun lowered down the blanket and smiled at him. The boy moved a little bit to the side to give some space to his hyung. Kyuhyun understood it so well so he climbed up the bed and lied down on his side to face the younger.

                “Why do you want me here instead of Yongguk?” Kyuhyun asked as he spread his arm for Daehyun to rest his head on it. The boy shifted closer so that he could nuzzle his hyung’s warm chest.

                “Because hyung’s always beside me when I’m sick,” Daehyun muttered without looking at him. “I like it when you hug me if I’m cold, I like it when you caress my head to comfort me and you’ll sing if I can’t sleep. You’re always taking care of me,” He looked up to the elder before pressing his lips to Kyuhyun’s chin. “Thanks hyung. I love you.”

                Kyuhyun grinned in happiness. Daehyun really loved him. He shouldn’t ever have a doubt about it. Maybe Daehyun would be somebody else’s after this but he would still be his dongsaeng and they would still love each other. He draped his arm over Daehyun’s small frame and kissed his head before drifting off to sleep in each other’s embraces.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


yay I updated! pls don't be mad at me if I made you wait too long...

thank you my upvoters, subscribers, commentors and readers!!! Saranghaeyo~ ♥♥♥




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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read