The New Friends

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!


                It was later that evening after everyone had returned home, when Kyuhyun called all of them to gather at the living room. Daehyun was seated between Woohyun and Baekhyun on the long couch whereas Hyunjoong and Hyunseung were sitting on another one. All eyes were concentrated on the person who was pacing in front of them, eager to know why they were gathered there. All of them, except one person.

                “Hmm… Let’s see… Where should I start this?” Kyuhyun stopped his pace to glare at Daehyun. The boy immediately shifted his gaze to avoid the intimidating stare.

                “What is it, hyung?” Baekhyun asked.

                “It’s about our maknae,” Kyuhyun sighed heavily while shaking his head. “He has disobeyed his hyungs,” His eyes were still fixed on Daehyun.

                “No I’m not…” Daehyun mumbled, not lifting his eyes from a small pillow on his lap.

                “Well then, does anybody know Daehyunie has a new friend?” Everybody was surprised to hear that.

                “New friend? Who is it?” Hyunjoong asked.

                “See, he didn’t tell us about it,” Kyuhyun said.

                Daehyun pouted. “But I just met him today. Well, not exactly. But I just made friend with him today!” He hugged the small pillow tightly.

                “But the problem is, you hang out with him while your Baekhyun hyung told you to wait for him at the park. And you didn’t tell us about it!  What if he kidnapped you and sold you to a bad man?? He ing looks like a drug dealer anyway,” Kyuhyun was so enraged that he did not realized he had cursed in front of his dongsaengs.

                “Really? Who’s that guy?” Hyunseung asked. They were expecting Kyuhyun to answer it but he just waited for Daehyun to tell them on his own.

                Daehyun finally looked up when he felt all eyes were on him. His hyungs were looking at him intently. He took a deep breath before telling them what they wanted to know. “All I know is that his name is Bang Yongguk,” He stated reluctantly. “And he’s… wait, how old is he again? 22? 23? Yeah, he’s 23 years old.”

                “WHAT?!” Woohyun and Baekhyun screeched at the same time, startling Daehyun in the middle.

Hyunjoong and Hyunseung were left clueless on the other side. “What? Why?” They asked.

                “Bang Yongguk?!” Both Woohyun and Baekhyun were shocked hearing the familiar name.

                “Are you talking about the stranger who looks like a serial ?!” Baekhyun exclaimed.

                “Bang Yongguk?!” Woohyun asked again.

                “Wait, you two know him?” Kyuhyun cut in but he was totally ignored. Hyunjoong and Hyunseung could only gape at the scene in front of them.

                “Did he talk to you again??!” Baekhyun grabbed Daehyun’s upper arm so that the boy was facing him.

                “You mean Bang, Yong, Guk?!” Woohyun cupped Daehyun’s face and turned it to his direction.

                “I told him to stay away from you!” Baekhyun shook Daehyun’s small body.

                “Bang Yongguk the playboy?” Woohyun squished Daehyun’s cheeks until his mouth parted and his eyes tuned to slits.

                “Playboy??!” The others looked completely bewildered.

                “Yeah! He’s the one who took away my girlfriend in high school!” Woohyun uttered, neglecting Daehyun’s whimpers to let him go.

                “But I thought she left you because you beat up people.” Hyunseung was confused.

                “No she didn’t. We just had an argument that time. And Bang Yongguk used the chance to take her from me,” Woohyun explained, releasing his hold on Daehyun’s face. Baekhyun too, broke the grip on Daeyhun’s arms.

                Daehyun rubbed his numb cheeks. He did not know whether he should believe what Woohyun said. How could Bang Yongguk be a playboy? He was absolutely a nice person in Daehyun’s eyes.

                “See Daehyun? That’s why we told you to listen to us!” Kyuhyun asserted.

                “B-but… he wanted to be my friend…” Daehyun retorted in a low voice, not looking at his hyungs.

                “You could befriend with other people than him, Dae,” Hyunjoong gave his words of comfort.

                “But… nobody wants to be my friend…” Daehyun’s lips trembled after he said that.

                Kyuhyun breathed out heavily. His heart clenched after seeing his dongsaeng was about to cry. So he decided to stop stressing the boy. “Just… listen to us Daehyun. We know what’s right for you,” He quietly left them and went to his room. The air suddenly got tense after that until Baekhyun spoke up.

                “Well, there goes our dinner for tonight. I’ll go make it for you guys,” Baekhyun volunteered. He patted Daehyun’s back before going to the kitchen.

                “Kyuhyun hyung’s right, Daehyun,” Woohyun said softly, “I’m going to help Baekhyun,” He stood up and made his way there.

                Daehyun just kept his eyes downcast. He could not say anything because he was afraid that he would cry in front of his hyungs.

                “Kyuhyun’s not mad at you, Dae,” Hyunjoong spoke up. “He’s just… frustrated. Just give him some time and he’ll be okay,” He went to Daehyun and the boy’s hair gently.

                “Why don’t you go change first? We’ll call you when dinner’s ready,” Hyunseung tugged his arm, urging him to get up. Daehyun listened to him and slowly climbed upstairs, still looking down.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Kyuhyun was reading a recipe book while lying on his bed when he heard knocks on the door. He needed some things to distract him from thinking about his youngest dongsaeng. But he also had a thought that maybe he just went a little overboard this time. Perhaps he should be a bit softer to Daehyun.

                “Come in,” Kyuhyun called.

                The door was opened slightly, enough for Daehyun to peek through the gap. “H-Hyung..?” He asked timidly.

                “Daehyun?” Kyuhyun averted his eyes from the book to look at the boy with doleful eyes still holding to his doorknob. “What’s up?” He put away the book and sat up on the bed.

                Daehyun entered the room and closed the door. “A-Are you still m-mad at me?” He asked while playing with his fingers.

                Kyuhyun sighed. “No Dae, of course not. Come, sit here,” He patted the bed on the empty spot beside him.

                Daehyun slowly walked to him and sat there with hands on his lap. “Listen, Dae,” Kyuhyun began. “I’m not mad at you. I’m just…upset… when you did that to me.”

                “I’m sorry, hyung… I didn’t mean to make you upset,” Daehyun was on the brink of tears.

                “It’s okay, Hyunie. Just don’t do it again after this,” Kyuhyun smiled lovingly at him.

                Daehyun bit his lips to hold his tears. “H-hyung…”

                “And keep in mind that your hyungs are also your friends. You’re wrong when you said nobody wants to be your friend. Because I want to be your friend. Your other hyungs want to be your friend too. We’ll always be there for you,” Kyuhyun clasped Daehyun’s hands firmly.

                “Hyung… I’m sorry…” Daehyun started to cry after Kyuhyun said that.

                “Shhh… Don’t cry. Why are you crying?” Kyuhyun immediately pulled Daehyun into his embrace. His hand was tenderly rubbing the boy’s back to calm him down.

               “I’m s-sorry, hyung,” Daehyun cried louder. “Please f-forgive me? I p-promise I won’t d-do it again.” He pleaded between sobs.

                “Okay, okay. Alright. Just stop crying, okay?” Kyuhyun continued to soothe his dongsaeng even though the crying did not seem to end soon. Daehyun buried his face to Kyuhyun’s chest while tightening his grip on the man’s shirt.

                It was always like this. Although Kyuhyun was the hyung Daehyun often argued with, but he was also the one who would lend his shoulders for Daehyun to cry his heart out, beside Baekhyun. But Kyuhyun was more like a mom to him. That’s why Daehyun still love him even though Kyuhyun would always find his fault and nag at him.

                About fifteen minutes later, another dongsaeng barged into his room. “Hyung! Have you seen Daehyun?!” Baekhyun asked nervously.

                “SHHH… He’s sleeping,” Kyuhyun whispered. Daehyun was sleeping like a baby beside him, using Kyuhyun’s arm as a pillow and his face was pressed against the elder’s chest. His hands were still gripping to his hyung’s shirt. Kyuhyun had wiped out Daehyun’s tears, remaining only puffy eyes and red nose.

                Baekhyun breathed out a sigh of relief. “Phew… He’s not there when I checked the room. And I thought he ran away!”

                “I said be quiet!” Kyuhyun whispered louder.

                “How did Daehyun turn out to be sleeping here?”

                “He just had some confessions to do,” Kyuhyun briefly answered Baekhyun’s question.

                “Ah… about the new friend?” Baekhyun asked and Kyuhyun nodded. “Did he cried?”

                “A little.”

                “Pshh… this kid…” Baekhyun moved closer to Daehyun and caressed his head. “What about dinner? Won’t Daehyun be hungry?”   

                “Oh yeah. I’ll go make it now.” Kyuhyun was about to get up when Baekhyun stopped him.

                “No, you don’t have to. Woohyun hyung is helping me to make it right now.”

                “Really? Then call us when it’s ready. I’ll wake him up.”

                “Alright, hyung,” Baekhyun went out of the room and shut the door slowly.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                “Yah! What’s wrong with you lately?” Himchan asked Yongguk as they were watching a movie at their shared apartment. Truthfully, Yongguk looked like a person who lost the purpose of his life since the encounter with the owner of his favorite restaurant, as known as Daehyun’s hyung. He was lying with his face down on the couch and one hand dangling from it, not interested in whatever movie the other was watching.

                “I don’t know… I just… don’t know…” Yongguk lazily replied to Himchan.

                “Is it because you lost the bet?”  Himchan laughed mockingly.

                That’s true. Yongguk had lost the bet to his friends. It had been two weeks and he still could not date the boy. No, he did not chicken out after Kyuhyun terrorized him at the restaurant. And he was undaunted when Woohyun found him at his department in the university only to warn him to keep his distance from Daehyun. In fact, he kept trying to tackle the boy. He went to Daehyun’s school every morning, hoping that he would have a chance to talk to the boy, but Woohyun and Baekhyun would always send and watched their dongsaeng until he disappeared in the school’s building. He planned to wait outside the school when it was time for the students to go home, but the hyung always came earlier to pick up the boy. It seemed that Daehyun did not go to the park anymore and Yongguk thought maybe his hyung did not let him to wait there alone.

                Youngjae came out from the kitchen, bringing some food along with him to join them. He sat beside Himchan and they cuddled each other. Yongguk could clearly saw them from the corner of his eyes and it was ing annoying.

                “Oh yeah, Yongguk hyung,” Youngjae suddenly spoke up. “I forgot to thank you for the meal.”

                Yongguk scoffed. He had lost the bet so he must treat them whatever they wanted to eat. And the money he spent for that was enough for him to support himself for a month. Thank goodness he was pretty loaded.

                “Annyeong haseyo!!!” Jongup and Zelo suddenly burst in.

                “Jongup? Zelo?” Yongguk looked up.

                “Why’re you here?” Himchan asked.

                “Why not? Youngjae hyung told us you’re going to watch a movie tonight since you guys are not going to the club,” Zelo uttered, moving to sit on the floor with Jongup.

                “It’s true that I told you that but I didn’t tell you to come here,” Youngjae grunted.

                “Relax, hyung,” Jongup said. “It’s not like we have school tomorrow. We have told our parents about it and guess what? They let us to sleep here!” He threw his hands up in the air, as well as Zelo.

                Yongguk did not bother to join their conversation. He just could not believe the bet would end like this. Did this mean everything about Daehyun would end too? He would just give up like that? Who would expect a playboy like him could not get an innocent boy like Daehyun?

                All of a sudden, Yongguk felt something burning up in him. Why was it so hard to get the innocent boy? Clearly, the answer was his hyungs. Would he give up just because of them? Wait, are they challenging him? Is this a challenge for him? Then, let it be. He will accept this challenge!

                “Hey, Zelo, Jongup? Can I ask you guys a favor?” Yongguk got up to sit properly on the couch while the others stared at him with a surprised look.

                “Hyung, are you sure? You? Need our help?” Zelo gazed at him with wide eyes.

                “Really? You hardly asked for our help before,” Himchan was also astonished by Yongguk’s request.

                “What is it?” Jongup wanted to know the reason Yongguk asked for their help.

                “I need you guys to be Daehyun’s friend and give me information about him,” Yongguk said stiffly.

                “Wow, are we playing gangsters or what?” Jongup snickered.

                “But why hyung? You lost the bet. Deal with it,” Youngjae chimed in.

                “I know. But I still want the boy. I want Daehyun. I’m gonna prove to all of you and his hyungs that I can make Daehyun to be mine,” Yongguk clarified full of determination.

                “Well, I’m not sure about this,” Zelo hesitated.

                “I’ll pay you.”

                “Deal!” Both Jongup and Zelo quickly agreed at the mention of money.

                “Whoa… wouldn’t it be interesting, babe?” Himchan asked his boyfriend.

                “You bet.” Youngjae chuckled.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Since Jongup was not in the same class as Daehyun, the best time to find and talk to him was during recess. They waited for about ten minutes at the canteen until they saw the boy was buying some food at the counter. Then, he slowly made his way to find an empty table before stopping at the furthest seat in the corner. And he started to eat on his own.

                “Do you think he’s a loner?” Jongup asked Zelo.

                “I don’t know…” Zelo suddenly wanted to cry seeing Daehyun was eating all alone.

                “Hey, why’re you like this?” Jongup gave a weird look at Zelo. “C’mon, let’s perform our plan now.”

                Both of Jongup and Zelo went to Daehyun’s table while carrying their lunch. Daehyun did not aware of their presence in front of him because he was too focused to his food. Zelo nudged Jongup’s arm, telling him to make a move. Jongup complied. He cleared his throat to get the boy’s attention. Daehyun quickly looked up with a full mouth. His big eyes were full of curiosity to see them there.

                “Are these seats taken?” Jongup asked with a genuine smile. Daehyun shook his head.

                “Then could we sit here?” It was Zelo’s turn to ask. Daehyun stared at them for a moment before nodding his head.

                Jongup and Zelo moved to sit in front of the boy. Daehyun was now back to eating his food, but more awkwardly since there were somebody else eating with him today.

                “Hi, my name is Zelo. And he’s my boyfriend, Jongup,” Zelo introduced themselves. Daehyun glanced at them and bowed his head before looking back down. Jongup looked at Zelo quizzically, confused about the boy’s behaviour. Zelo just shrugged at him.

                “Aren’t you gonna tell us your name?” Jongup asked although they already knew it.

                Daehyun slowly raised his head. “My name is… Jung Daehyun,” He replied shyly.

                Jongup was glad that Daehyun was responding to them. “You don’t have to be shy with us,” He chuckled. “What class are you from?”

                “3-F” Daehyun seemed to be more relaxed now.

                “I see. I’m from 3-C and Zelo is from 2-B.”

                “Ah… You guys must be smart then,” Daehyun gave a small smile that clearly showed that he was insecure and Jongup was quick to notice it.

                “No, we’re not that smart. We’re just lucky to be on the upper class. You don’t have to be embarrassed about it,” Jongup reassured him. Daehyun’s smile became wider after Jongup said that and he was less tense now.

                “So, are you always having lunch alone?” Zelo switched the topic.

                “Yeah, but I rarely have lunch,” Daehyun replied.

                Zelo raised his eyebrows. “You always skip lunch? Why?”

                “I’m not really hungry, I guess. Besides, it’s boring to eat alone,” Daehyun averted his gaze to his meal. Zelo used the chance to change concern looks with Jongup.

                “Don’t you have any friends?” Jongup asked carefully.

                Daehyun shook his head. “No.”

                “Then, could we be your friends?” Zelo stated his request to the boy.

                Daehyun’s head shoot up to look at them with twinkling eyes. “Really?”

                “Uh-huh.” Both of Zelo and Jongup smiled sincerely.

                “Yeay!” Daehyun cheered. “But promise me you won’t hate me and leave me after this,” He said full of hope.

                “What? Of course we won’t. How could we hate a cutie like you,” Zelo uttered, making Daehyun giggled when he called him cute.

                After the lunch time ended, Jongup and Zelo accompanied Daehyun to his class. They talked about this and that just to know each other better. Jongup and Zelo managed to act casual so that they did not seem like investigators digging every single information about the boy. Although that was what they were supposed to do according to Yongguk, but the elder also told them to befriend with him. So they decided to save the main motive for the later.

                “We should have lunch together again tomorrow,” Zelo suggested when they arrived at Daehyun’s class.

                Daehyun nodded eagerly. “Yes, I’d love to.”

                “Okay, see you tomorrow, bye,” Jongup said before walking away with Zelo. “Hey, what do you think when he said don’t hate him?” He asked when they were a few steps further.

                Zelo turned around to look back at Daehyun’s class. “I have no idea, but just look at him! He’s so cute!” He squealed when he saw the boy was still outside the class, waving at them cutely with a cheerful smile. He immediately lifted his hand to wave back and signaled him to go into the class.

                “He is,” Jongup retorted. “And now I feel bad for lying to him,” He sighed.

                “It’s okay hyung. We don’t have to lie about being his friends. I really want to know him more,” Zelo hold his boyfriend’s hand and smiled at him, making Jongup to feel at ease.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


thank you thank you thank you to all of you who upvote, subscribe, read and comment :D

saranghae ♥♥♥






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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read