The Apartment

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!

                Today would be different! That’s what Yongguk aimed. Without Daehyun knowing, he told the hyungs that he would take Daehyun for a walk at the park when in fact, he was going to take him somewhere else. His apartment. Yes, that was the safest place from being spied. He had told Himchan and Youngjae to get out of there because he insisted to spend the time alone with the boy.

                Yongguk kept smiling like a dork as he was in the elevator with Daehyun. If he was with any girl that he dated before, he would definitely attacked them right there in that moment and made out on the spot. But this was different, he was Daehyun who had a lot of evil hyungs. Yongguk didn’t want to risk his life.

                On Daehyun’s side, of course, he was excited to visit Yongguk’s apartment because he never went to his friend’s house before. This was like the first time for him. He just couldn’t keep calm in the elevator.

                Yongguk opened the door and let Daehyun in. They boy looked around the wide luxurious apartment with amazement. Now he knew that Yongguk was indeed a wealthy person, or at least a son of a wealthy person.

                “Come and have a seat here. I’ll go make you a drink,” Yongguk gestured to the black sofa and Daehyun complied with him. The boy awkwardly sat there with a straight back.

                “Hey, loosen yourself. Just make yourself comfortable,” Yongguk chuckled before going to the kitchen.

                Daehyun lay back on the couch, feeling more comfortable now. He patiently waited for the elder when his eyes caught pictures of Yongguk and a few other people on a shelf at the side of the living room. There were also a picture of Yongguk with Zelo and Jongup.

                Yongguk came out from the kitchen and placed the drinks on the low table in front of the boy. Daehyun took the chance to ask him after Yongguk settled down beside him.

                “Who’re they, hyung?”

                Yongguk turned to the shelf and grabbed the frame pointed by Daehyun. “This is Himchan and this is Youngjae. They’re a couple and they live in here, too,” He told the younger.

                Daehyun nodded his head while his mouth formed a round shape. “Then where are they?”

                “I don’t know. Going out on a date, I guess,” Yongguk put back the frame to the previous place.

                “What about that one?” Daehyun pointed to another picture.

                “Oh, they’re my parents. They live in America,” Yongguk said.

                “Really? Why don’t you live with them?” Daehyun shifted in his seat so that he could slightly face Yongguk and listened with great interest.

                Yongguk paused for a moment. “…’Cause I like here better?” He gave a question-like answer before letting out a heavy sigh. “Besides, they just care about their business. There’s no point to follow them and have a boring life in a foreign place while I can have fun here.”

                “Do you see them often?” Daehyun asked again.

                “No, not really,” Yongguk shook his head. “I haven’t met them for two years already.”

                Daehyun gasped because two years were a really long time. “Don’t you miss them?”

                “Do I miss them? Hmm…” Yongguk hummed while rubbing his chin, unsure of his own feelings to his parents.

                “You should, hyung,” Daehyun huffed and looked down to the floor. “I miss my parents a lot… although I don’t remember much about them…”

                Yongguk didn’t know what to do. Daehyun was feeling down but he just sat there and watched him being sad. He had a thought to take out his phone and search for how to comfort a sad person but that would be so hypocrite.

                The atmosphere became silent and Yongguk was sweating. But not until they heard some moans and whimpers. Daehyun curiously looked at the elder. Yongguk almost chocked on air. He clasped Daehyun’s ears in a speed of lightning and turned his head to the source of the noise.

                It must be Himchan and Youngjae ing again. Why?! He did tell them to leave before. Yongguk took the remote and turned the TV on with the loudest volume. Daehyun didn’t question anything, just looking at him weirdly. Yongguk told the boy to give him a minute before he left to the two’s room.

                Yongguk pounded to the door. “YAH! WHAT’RE YOU DOING IN THERE?!”

                It took a while for the door to be opened by Youngjae. He was a mess. “Hey, hyung.”

                “What the ?! I told you to leave, didn’t I?” Yongguk growled.

                “Yeah, but we’re just too we can’t hold it anymore,” Youngjae gave him a smug smile without a hint of guilt on his face.

                Himchan joined them after he finished dressing up. “What the hell Yongguk? You ruined our fun time.”

                “Me?! I ruined your fun time?? What about me and Daehyun??? You guys were the one that had ruined our fun ti-” Yongguk couldn’t finish his own sentence because he was worried that he would explode right then, right there.

                Yongguk clutched his head and closed his eyes to calm down. “Just…don’t bother me and Daehyun.”

                With that, Yongguk went back to the living room. Daehyun was not looking at the TV but something in his hand. Daehyun looked up when the elder reached him to slow down the TV volume.

                “What’s this, hyung?” Daehyun asked.

                Yongguk’s eyes widened looking at the thing Daehyun was holding. It was a CD case with no cover.

                “Is this a movie? Is it fun? Can I watch it?” Daehyun began to feel excited.

                Yongguk snatched it from the younger. “Uhm…this, is not a movie. This…is…adult materials…” He said hesitantly.

                Daehyun frowned. “Adult…materials?”

                Damn, Yongguk really didn’t know how to handle this. He thought that an angelic boy like Daehyun wouldn’t need to know about these things although he was already eighteen. But things like these, even the primary students had a little bit of knowledge about them. Also Jongup and Zelo who were about Daehyun’s age could be considered as experts in these things. Yongguk tried to throw a question at the boy. “Well…do you…possibly know…o…graphy?”

                Daehyun shook his head while jutting out his bottom lips.

                Yongguk sighed in relief. “You see…it’s more like photography. But it’s more…pleasuring. And it’s not pictures but a video. Only legal people can see it,” He explained confidently.

                “Why?” Daehyun asked more as he knew he didn’t really know a lot of things.

                Yongguk scratched his head when his mind found a dead end to answer the latter. “Well…”

                “Anyeong haseyo!!!” Suddenly, familiar voices could be heard from the door.

                “And what the is it now?!” Yongguk cursed before stomping to the door.

                Daehyun’s eyes trailed behind Yongguk, contemplating whether he should follow him or not. But another deep voice startled him from behind. “Hi!”

                Daehyun turned around and saw two guys standing behind the couch. “Himchan hyung and…Youngjae hyung…?”

                Youngjae quickly moved to sit beside him. “You know us?” He asked. Himchan followed suit and sat at another side of Daehyun.

                “Y-Yeah…” Daehyun replied timidly as he usually did when he met new people. “Yongguk hyung…showed me a picture of you,” He pointed to the previous picture on the shelf.

                “Ah…” Youngjae nodded. “So, your name's Daehyun?”

                Daehyun bowed at them a smiled widely. Himchan and Youngjae gawked at him.

                “Omo! So cute!” Himchan exclaimed and cupped Daehyun’s cheeks.

                “Yah! Not too hard. You might hurt this fragile boy,” Youngjae removed Himchan’s hands and hugged Daehyun closer to him.

                “Are you hungry? I can cook for you,” Himchan said eagerly.

                “A little,” Daehyun scrunched his face and patted his stomach.

                “Oh my god! I’ll cook something for cutie now,” Himchan got off the couch and went straight to the kitchen.

                Youngjae too stood up and pulled Daehyun’s hand to follow him. “C’mon, we’ll feed you cutie.”


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                “What on earth are you doing here?!” Yongguk yelled as soon as he saw Jongup and Zelo who were removing their shoes at the door.

                “Hyung, you don’t know the hardships we’ve been through,” Zelo clung to Yongguk’s arm. He looked like he was just released from a lion cage.

                “Yeah, hyung. We’re having a date at the park. And Jung Woohyun attacked us!” Jongup uttered while leaning against the wall.

                “What?! He attacked you?!” Yongguk retorted as he shoved the clinging Zelo away.

                “Yeah, like this,” Jongup gripped Yongguk’s shirt and pulled the older close to his face. “Tell me where are Daehyun and Yongguk!” He mimicked Woohyun’s voice.

                Yongguk yanked his shirt from Jongup’s grip, making the younger flinched back. “So, what did you tell him?”

                “We said that you brought Daehyun to your apartment,” Zelo stated.

                “What?! How could you tell him about it?!” Yongguk was enraged.

                “Don’t worry hyung. We don’t tell him your address. We said that it is private information,” Zelo added to convince him.

                “Yeah, and he was like - if you guys don’t make sure nothing happens to my dongsaeng in that apartment, say goodbye to tomorrow,” Jongup once again imitated Woohyun intimidating stare and pointed accusingly at Yongguk.

                Yongguk nudged Jongup’s arm away. “ my life,” He rolled his eyes before going to the living room with the other two tailing behind him.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                Yongguk was flabbergasted when he didn’t see Daehyun anywhere in the living room. Jongup put his hands on his hips. “Where did you hide him hyung?”

                “No! He was here just now!” Yongguk gestured to the couch. As he was about to continue, there were faint laughs and giggles coming from the kitchen.

                The three of them looked at each other before rushing to the place. They stopped at the entrance to observe the unexpected situation. Daehyun was squeezed between Himchan and Youngjae at the dining table. Both of the couple kept feeding the boy although Daehyun’s mouth looked like it was about to burst.

                “Omomomo…how can you be this cute?!” Himchan squealed. “Here, eat this too,” He stuffed more food into Daehyun’s mouth.

                “Yeah, you should eat a lot since you’re so thin,” Youngjae said while waiting Daehyun to gulp down all the things in his mouth to feed him again.

                The smile never left Daehyun’s face. He was so happy to be treated like that. After all the food in his mouth was swallowed, he opened his mouth again to let Youngjae feed him.

                “Aigoo…this kid is too precious!” Youngjae ruffled Daehyun’s hair when the boy was chewing the food.

                “Himchwan hywung cwookwing wis the bwest!” Daehyun said with cheeks bloated with food.

                Himchan pulled Daehyun into a tight hug. Their cheeks were pressed against each other. “Oh my god you’re so cute let me squish you!”

                “Yah! What’re you doing to my Daehyun?” Yongguk shouted and went to stand in front of them.

                “What? Daehyunie is hungry so we feed him,” Youngjae said in response.

                Before Yongguk could say anything more, Jongup and Zelo dashed to sit at the table, pushing him aside in the process. Yongguk stumbled acrossed the kitchen but he managed to hold on to the countertop to keep from falling down.

                “We’re hungry too, hyung!” Jongup tried to take a plate from another five plates on the table.

                Himchan slapped his hand. “No! This is Daehyunie’s! Go make it yourself!”

                “It’s okay Himchan hyung. I can’t finish this by myself,” Daehyun pushed some plates to Jongup and Zelo.

                Both of them gladly accepted it. They took the chance to feed Daehyun too and all Daehyun had to do was sat there like a King.

                Seeing Daehyun being happy with his friends, made Yongguk felt warm but jealous at the same time. “Did I’ve been…ignored…?” He bit his lips while vigorously shaking his head. His hand kept pounding to his chest to ease the pain in the heart.

                However, all of them turned silent when Daehyun was suddenly crying in the middle of talking and laughing.

                “What? What? Why? What did you do to him?” Yongguk went to the boy and pushed Youngjae off his seat so that he could sit there instead.

                “What? I didn’t do anything I swear!” Youngjae shouted from the floor before getting up and sat beside Jongup.

                Yongguk slowly rubbed Daehyun’s back. “Daehyun, tell me what’s wrong? Did you eat too much? Do you have stomach ache?”

                Daehyun shook his head. “No… I’m just too happy… This is the first time my friends treat me so nice… It can’t believe this is real…”

                Yongguk’s heart clenched to hear that statement. He immediately pulled Daehyun into his embrace. Himchan was already tearing up. He too hugged Daehyun from the other side. In the end, all of them gave the boy a group hugs and Daehyun found it as warm as his hyung’s.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                “Do you want to play, Daehyun?” Zelo asked and handed him the game controller. He was currently sitting on the floor with Jongup to play a video game in the living room. Zelo didn’t call Daehyun as hyung because he still had the thought that Daehyun was younger than him. And Daehyun too, found it weird when somebody else called him hyung when all this while, he was the maknae of his family. So, he just told Zelo to call him just by his name.

                After hearing Zelo’s question, Daehyun shook his head vigorously. “No, no, no. I can’t play. I don’t know how to play,” He said while waving his hand.

                Daehyun had been watching Zelo and Jongup playing the game from the back. Yongguk was seated beside him whereas Youngjae and Himchan sat on another one. Although Daehyun said like that, Yongguk knew he was craving to play too since he was watching intently from the two’s back. That was when Yongguk lightly nudged Zelo’s back with his foot and signaled him to offer Daehyun to play too.

                “It’s okay. I can teach you. C’mon, it’s easy,” Zelo persuaded earnestly but Daehyun was still hesitating.

                “I-I’m not good at games. I always lose,” The boy fidgeted as he played with his fingers.

                Yongguk noticed that Daehyun was feeling down. He knew it was all because the intellectual disability that the younger had. But why not giving the boy a chance and let him had some fun?

                “Just give it a try, Dae,” Yongguk said and smiled at the younger.

                Daehyun looked at him with a pondering expression. After a moment, he turned to Zelo and took the controller. “Can you teach me…slowly?”

                “Sure,” Zelo replied and started to explain about the game. Jongup was also helping the boy when he still hard to understand what Zelo had said to him. Sometimes, his face would be blank and Zelo had to call his name to made him came back.

                Seeing Daehyun like that, both Youngjae and Himchan threw a questioning look at Yongguk. “I’ll tell you later,” He mouthed the words in response.

                Daehyun just nodded his head in understanding although he couldn’t really grab what Jongup and Zelo were saying to him. As the game began, he really tried his best to do the things he remembered in their explanation. The opponent was Jongup who didn’t give any mercy to the boy. With the nonstop attacks, Daehyun was too slow to react and so, he lost the game.

                Daehyun sighed heavily and put down the controller on his lap. “I can never win a video game,” He said with lips turned down.

                This time Yongguk lightly kicked Jongup’s and mouthed the words, “Let him win once,” while lifting his index finger.

                Jongup gave him an ‘ok’ sign with his hand. “That’s only your first time, Daehyun. Try it again.”

                Daehyun complied and collected back his concentration. Jongup still played like before but he also gave Daehyun chances to attack him. In the end, he just pretended to be the losing party and made Daehyun as the winner.

                “YEAYYYYYYYY!!!!! I WON! I WON! I WON!” Daehyun got up and jumped happily in the living room.

                All of them were laughing but at the same time, closing their ears because of the screaming. Yongguk was the happiest to see Daehyun like that. That smile on Daehyun’s face always had a great effect on him. He wished he could make him smile everyday.

                “Yongguk hyung! I won!” Daehyun jumped onto the couch and hugged the elder, accidently kissed his neck in the process.

                The laughing Yongguk immediately shut up turned blank at the sudden intimate body contact. He didn’t even have time to respond as Daehyun quickly got off him and kept jumping in the living room. All of the others joined the hyper boy and made a chaos in the apartment, forgetting about the stoned Yongguk.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


Thanks to upvoters, subscribers, commentors and readers! Saranghae <333

...and I gonna go study for my test tomorrow. Wish me luck! ^^




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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read