The Clear Path

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!

                “Are you going out with Yongguk again?” Hyunjoong asked when he saw Daehyun making his way down the stairs and went to sit with his other hyungs in the living room.

                “You really love him don’t you?” Hyunseung remarked.

                “I don’t understand what make you like him so much,” Woohyun stated in disgust.

                Daehyun pouted at his hyungs’ words. He crossed his arms and leaned back against the couch as he sat between Kyuhyun and Baekhyun. “Yongguk hyung is reaaally a nice person,” He asserted.

                Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders before asking. “Since you’re dating, what does he call you?”

                Daehyun turned to him with furrowed eyebrows, thinking of an answer. “There’re many.”

                “Like?” Baekhyun leaned a little bit forward to show interest and so did the others.

                Daehyun tapped his chin while pursing his lips. “Baby…” He began counting by his fingers. “Cutie…My angel…”

                The hyungs were looking intensely at him. Their wide eyes kept changing from their dongsaeng and the counting fingers, trying to accept the cringing fact.

                The oblivious Daehyun continued to list down more of his nicknames given by Yongguk and if he started in hesitance, now he was more certain to say them very quickly. “Precious, kitten, cupcake, sugar lips, snugglebutt,”

                “Whoa whoa whoa… stop right there,” Kyuhyun cut in while lifting his palms.

                “That’s really Jepp’s style,” Hyunseung bobbed his head, not so amused.

                “What do you call him?” Baekhyun asked again.

                Daehyun thought for a moment before he realized that he didn’t give any nickname to his boyfriend. “Yongguk hyung…?” He answered with raised brows.

                “He didn’t tell you to call him something else?” Woohyun uttered. “Thank God…”

                “No, he said he likes it when I say hyung. It sounds y,” Daehyun said with a fixed expression.

                The doorbell rang indicating the long awaited person had finally come. Daehyun jumped of his seat and ran happily to the door, leaving his hyungs hanging, absolutely dumbfounded.

                “I’m going, hyung! Anyeong!” Daehyun waved before disappearing behind the closed door. The hyungs started to blink their eyes.

                “My precious dongsaeng!” Woohyun covered his face in exasperation before leaving the place, followed by Baekhyun and Hyunseung who just could sigh at the previous scene.

                When there were just the two of them left, Kyuhyun and Hyunjoong exchanged looks.

                “You think it’s time?” Hyunjoong asked.

                Kyuhyun recalled the times Yongguk had told them that he really would marry Daehyun. They had been dating for a few months now and Yongguk was trying hard to show them that he had changed, that he was worth to be their brother-in-law. He followed every word they said and never break the rules. Each time he sent Daehyun home, he would say that he couldn’t wait until Daehyun graduate. That’s because Kyuhyun said if Yongguk wanted to have , to marry his dongsaeng, or to do whatever he wanted to do with Daehyun, he would have to wait for Daehyun to finish his high school. And now, there were just a few more months for that to happen. He and Hyunjoong were busy thinking on their final decision.

                “You think?” Kyuhyun asked back. A firm nod was all he got for the answer.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                Yongguk dropped his body on the bed after he arrived home at ten. He was previously having a date with Daehyun and he enjoyed it to the fullest when it went smoothly without any kind of interruption. Maybe he had gained hyungs’ trust by now.

                After quite a while staring into nothing as he thought back about the date with Daehyun, Yongguk sat up and fished his phone from his pocket to dial a number. It took a couple of beeps before the phone was picked up by the other person.

                “Hello, Yongguk-ah,” A middle-aged woman’s voice could be heard over the phone.

                Yongguk inhaled deeply before answering. “Hello, mom…”

                “Why are you calling? Is there something wrong?”

                “No… nothing… How are you?”

                “I’m…great!” She sounded bemused. “I’m sorry… It’s just…it’s so rare for you to call me…”

                “Yeah, I know,” Yongguk scratched his head in shame. “Sorry about that, mom. I should’ve called you more often. All this while, it has always been you to call me first although you’re really busy with your work.”

                “It’s okay. I’ll be fine just to know that you’re doing well on your own.”

                “Yeah…” Yongguk was glad his mother didn’t take it to heart by his bad behavior in the past. “How’s dad?”

                “He’s fine. He’s taking a bath right now. He fell sick last week though but he’s okay now.”

                Yongguk almost forgot about the time difference. He assumed it must it must be morning time there. “Tell him to take care of himself next time.”

                “Yeah, he’ll be very happy to know that his son said that.”

                “I miss him, and you. I miss both of you…” Yongguk gathered a lot of courage to say that since he never said something like that out loud before.

                His mother was silenced for a moment probably because of the surprising confession from his son. “We miss you too, Yongguk-ah… But there’s still a few more years before we can go back to Korea. Maybe we’ll take some days off to go to you for the time being.”

                “Yeah, I understand…”

                Their conversation went silence again with both of them thinking on how they should continue it. Yongguk’s mother spoke up first. “You’ve changed a lot…”

                Yongguk pursed his lips, deciding whether to tell about the cause or not. He chose the first option. “About that, I met someone…”

                “You mean…?”

                “He changed me. He taught me that not all things can be achieved easily. And he taught me on how to appreciate our family. He made me realized that I need you more than I ever knew, mom…”

                “So you met someone special?”

                “Yeah…” A flush started rose to Yongguk’s cheeks.

                “Aren’t you going to tell me more about him?”

                “Well,” Yongguk bit his lips as this was the first time he would tell his mother about the person he loved directly. He didn’t think there’s a need to introduce his past lovers to his parents because he knew they would get dumped anyway. That’s how playboy Yongguk acted in the past. “His name is Jung Daehyun,” He began. “He’s cute and innocent, really kind and sweet, a little slow and forgetful.  And he’s beautiful. He doesn’t have parents though. He only has five older brothers. And they hate me for hitting on their dongsaeng,” Yongguk almost pouted at the last sentence.

                “Really? How old is Daehyun?”


                “Eighteen?! He’s five years younger than you! And he still goes to school! No wonder the hyungs are like that…”

                “Mom… You’re supposed to be on my side…” Yongguk whined like a kid.

                “Yeah, yeah. I know… So you really love him?"

                “Uh-huh. I love him…” Yongguk blushed so hard after saying that to his mother. He quickly changed the topic. “I’m sure you’re gonna like him when you meet him. Daehyun will like you a lot.”

                “So we really have to take some days off to see you and your lover then. You think he’s the one?”

                “Yeah…I think I’m going to marry him,” Yongguk confidently revealed his plan for the future.


                “Yes… Are you not okay with it?”

                “Yongguk-ah, he has changed you to a better person. A person like him is hard to find. You love him. And I just want you to be happy.”

                Yongguk was smiling widely on the bed. The thought of Daehyun to officially be his made him feel excited and nervous at the same time. And the fact that his parents simply trusted his choice and agreed with it could leave Yongguk to sleep with a light heart that night.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Yongguk was waiting patiently outside of Daehyun’s school. The large number of students coming out from it had been reduced after 20 minutes the school ended. But Daeyhun was still nowhere to be seen. Instead of just worrying outside, Yongguk decided to enter the building to look for the boy. He knew the way really well since he was also an ex student of the school.

                Pushing the door of Class 3-F, Yongguk spotted a familiar figure slumped in his seat with his face buried in his folded arms. Faint sobs could be heard from the distance and he knew the other was crying. The elder immediately approached the boy as he took the seat in front.

                “Dae…?” Yongguk softly Daehyun’s head, making the boy flinched in shock. He almost had a heart attack when Daehyun lifted his head and looked at him with teary swollen eyes, pink nose and wet cheeks. “Hey, baby, why’re you crying?” He asked warily while cupping Daehyun’s small face.

                A couple more of sobs and Daehyun replied with his head hanging low. “I couldn’t…answer the exam…”

                Yongguk sighed, feeling sorry for the boy. “It’s okay… You tried hard. That’s all that matters.” His thumbs wiped the tears away.

                “But I’m going to fail, I’ll not be able to continue my study and my hyungs are going to be disappointed with me…” Daehyun cried harder.

                “Shhh… You had put a lot of effort in this,” Yongguk placed his hand below the chin to lift Daehyun’s head. “You did your best. It’s just that luck was not on your side…” He said in a soothing manner, looking tenderly at the younger.

                Daehyun had nothing to say. He just sniffed and nodded at his boyfriend’s words.

                Yongguk sighed as he took Daehyun’s hand in his. He ran his thumb over the knuckles and drew circles at the back of the other hand while Daehyun just watched silently with fading sobs. “You know… I also had an intellectual disability when I was a kid.”

                Daehyun quickly averted his eyes to the older man. Yongguk remained his clam posture before continuing. “I couldn’t talk until I was five.”

                “Were you…not sad?” Daehyun asked hesitantly, squeezing back Yongguk’s hand.

                Yongguk looked up and smiled at him. “Why should I? I can talk just fine now. Even though it’s a little bit slow,” He shrugged. “We don’t need people who judge other person just because he’s different from everybody else. About what they said, we don’t have to take it personal if they don’t know us personally. You should be grateful ‘cause you have loving hyungs who love you just the way you are. And me, I love everything about you. You’re perfect in my eyes,” He brought Daehyun’s hand close to his mouth before planting a soft kiss on it.

                Daehyun flushed and smiled shyly. His heart was slowly melting by each of Yongguk’s words. Yongguk really know how to cheer him up and he found himself falling deeper and deeper to the guy in front of him.

                “Now, since you’ve taken your final exam, should we go on a date?” Yongguk wiggled his eyebrows.

                “We go on a date almost everyday.” Daehyun retorted, jutting out his bottom lip.

                “That’s because I love you,” Yongguk stood up as he tapped Daehyun’s nose. He went around the seat to take the younger’s bag before slinging it on his shoulders.

                “What’re you doing, hyung? I can carry it on my own,” Daehyun complained.

                Yongguk didn’t say anything. He just smiled and held the younger’s hand, urging him to stand up. He removed all traces of tears and fixed Daehyun’s disheveled hair. “There. All pretty. Now let’s go.”


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                They went to lunch, walked around places hand in hand, watched movies and did everything like any other couples would do. They’re having so much fun that they didn’t realize the sun had set. But today was Friday. Yongguk could take Daehyun out until ten or a little more than that.

                Both of them walked along the pavement without a specific direction. They just followed where their feet brought them as long as they could spend more time together. It was not after they came across a joyous festival which Yongguk quickly pulled Daehyun into.

                “Look, there’s a ferris wheel!” Yongguk pointed in excitement. He wanted to go there but Daehyun halted his steps.

                “It’s…it’s high…” The boy murmured while playing with his school uniform. His other hand was holding tightly to the elder’s.

                Yongguk cleared his throat. Usually, he was not the type of person who would be excited with a ride like that but when it came to Daehyun, he tried to be the opposite so that the boy could be happy around him.

                “Are you afraid of high?” He asked and Daehyun nodded timidly. “Then we don’t have to ride it,” He said and waited for Daehyun’s response.

                After a moment of a deep thought, Daehyun finally lifted his head. “We’ll ride it together, right?”

                “Of course we will,” Yongguk chuckled at Daehyun’s worried face.

                “Let’s go,” Daehyun said. “I want to try it.”

                Yongguk raised his brows. “You sure?” Daehyun pursed his lips and nodded confidently. Yongguk chuckled again. “Don’t worry. You can trust me,” He ruffled Daehyun’s hair before wrapping his arm around the boy’s waist.

                They bought the tickets and went to stand in the line. When it was their turn, Yongguk waited for Daehyun to get in first before following behind.

                They sat beside each other with Daehyun giving a firm hold on Yongguk’s hand. And the moment it moved, Daehyun instinctively clung to the elder’s arm and shutting his eyes closed.

                “Hey, Daehyun,” Yongguk called but the boy didn’t budge. “Hey, baby, look at me,” He cupped Daehyun’s face with a hand, bringing it closer to his own. The younger slowly opened his eyes as he felt the warmth breath of Yongguk on his face. Yongguk smiled. “Don’t think about how high this thing will go. Think about something else.”

                “Like what?”

                “Like the beautiful scenery you can see from up here,” Yongguk cocked his head behind the younger.

                Daehyun turned around and widened his eyes at the amazing view. He could see everything spread below with colourful bright lights and the glittering skyline. He slowly let go of Yongguk so he could turn his body to gawk at the scene.

                Yongguk smiled and changed his seat to the boy’s front. Seeing Daehyun’s beautiful face illuminated by the night lights was far better than the stunning scenery. “You like it?”

                Daehyun nodded without tearing his sparkling eyes from the sight. A smile was carved on his lips, making Yongguk pulled a little smile too.

                The wheel stopped rotating after a while to load new people. Both of them were at the highest point, enjoying the silent moment by looking at everything around them. But Yongguk thought it was perfect for a romantic time.

                “Baby…” Yongguk called softly and Daehyun turned to him. “Have you ever thought of who are you going to spend the rest of your life with?”

                “What do you mean?” Daehyun blinked his eyes adorably in confusion.

                Yongguk mentally hit his own head. He should’ve known that he needed to get things straight if talking to the boy. “I…want to spend the rest of my life with you…”

                Daehyun gaped, trying to believe what the other had said. “…really,hyung…? Are you not afraid getting tired of me…? I mean…I’m not that pretty, I’m dumb, I can’t do anything by myself…”

                “And that’s why I love you,” Yongguk cut in the latter who began talking nonsense. “I love you because you are you. I want you to be my last love…unless you don’t love me that much…” He pretended to be frustrated because Daehyun bought it all the time.

                “Hyung…” Daehyun whined, trying to avoid Yongguk from feeling down. “I don’t know... All of these relationship things are really new to me…”

                Yongguk exhaled softly before looking straight into Daehyun’s eyes. “I told you to trust me, didn’t I? And I promised you that I’ll love you forever, remember? Please, can we stay together for the rest of our lives?”

                Daehyun was left speechless for a while. Never in his life had he gone through this. Maybe he was lack of experience but a pure boy like him knew what his heart wanted. “I will…” He muttered in a low but certain voice with the most beautiful smile Yongguk had ever seen.

                Yongguk couldn’t be happier. He’s one step closer to be with Daehyun, to make Daehyun his. He only needed a little bit more patient and waited until the day would come. And with Daehyun by his side during that period of time, nothing could encourage him to give up. He was grinning widely and it was uncontrollable when the person he loved the most was right in front of him, staring at him lovingly with those beautiful eyes. Daehyun was what he wanted the most in his life and he would do anything for it. Inch by inch, he leaned in to close the gap. When his lips almost touch the other, he stopped to see his lover was already closing his eyes. Involuntarily, he couldn’t help smiling before molding their lips together.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)              


                On the way back, both of Yongguk and Daehyun were walking hand in hand like always. They spent all day together and now it was nearing 10 p.m. Daehyun who had used his energy since the morning to take his final exam was totally drained. He tried to keep his walking straight but ended up swaying in all directions. Yongguk didn’t notice it until the boy suddenly bumped his shoulder against his arm.

                “Sorry…” Daehyun mumbled nonchalantly.

                Yongguk turned to his side and saw a boy with barely open eyes. “Ah…so that’s why you’re not replying to me. I’m talking to myself all along!”

                Daehyun hummed just like what he did before when Yongguk was telling him about this and that as they were walking home. He clearly didn’t care what the elder was talking about. Yongguk sighed before stopping his track, making the boy stumbled back a little.

                “Why…?” Daehyun whined feeling irritated. He really wanted to go home fast because he felt like collapsing in any minute.

                Yongguk laughed at the pouting Daehyun with half-lidded eyes. He released the boy’s hand to shift the bag he was carrying all day to his front. It was done real quick as Daehyun couldn’t keep his balance standing by himself. He then pulled Daehyun’s hand from behind, over his shoulders before crouching down. Daehyun subconsciously just followed every move his boyfriend made him to do. When his body was fully leaned against Yongguk’s back, the older man stood up, lifting Daehyun along by hooking his hands under the younger’s thighs.

                Daehyun found a comfortable spot above Yongguk’s shoulder blade which he could rest his head before closing his eyes. And if Yongguk was not wrong, he heard Daehyun purred in content. He continued to walk like that to the Jung’s house. It’s not even that far anymore.

                Once he arrived there, Yongguk pressed the bell with his forehead and waited for Kyuhyun, usually, to open the door. It really was him, gasping as he saw the couple standing at the door.

                “Again?” Kyuhyun groaned. This was not the first time Yongguk was carrying back his sleeping dongsaeng. Yongguk shrugged with a sheepish smile.

                Just hearing that one word made Hyunjoong appeared at the spot. He shook his head before outstretching his hand to take Daehyun in his arms. The boy whimpered but tightened his grip on his hyung’s shirt and snuggled to him as he mumbled incoherently.

                Hyunjoong looked up at Yongguk. “Maybe you two really should live together. It’s easier that way,” He said casually and leave them to tuck Daehyun to sleep.

                Yongguk quirked an eyebrow, not understanding it. He turned to Kyuhyun to hand in Daehyun’s bag. “What does he mean?”

                Kyuhyun took the bag and slung it on his shoulder. “He means that you two should get married already.”

Yongguk widened his eyes in surprise. “Does that mean- I can- Daehyun and I- we can-” He stuttered because he didn’t know how to handle the sudden shocking news.

                Kyuhyun smirked and put his index finger at his mouth when Yongguk was about to shout his lungs out. “But not before he graduated!” He affirmed, pointing straight to Yongguk’s nose and gave a final smile before shutting the door close. Yongguk was currently the happiest man in the world.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


Late update I'm sorry >.<

but there's a problem with the tags on aff and I thought that maybe I should wait until it's fixed. but then I don't really know when it'll be fixed and I have taken too long to update this fic. and then I found out that my stories can only appear in one tag or two. so I delete all the other tag and just left bangdae :D

so next chap is the final chap. I hope it won't take too long to finish ^^

thanks a lot to upvoters, subscribers, commentors and readers!!! Love ya <3<3<3




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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read