The Rules

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!

                Daehyun was finally discharged from the hospital after three days. Because of that, Kyuhyun decided to make a feast but it was just for their family. However, Daehyun had insisted to invite Yongguk to come over along with his other friends, Jongup and Junhong. Since it was a feast for Daehyun, Kyuhyun had no choice but to accept it.

                Yongguk was surprised at first when Daehyun called him to have a dinner at his place. Jongup and Junhong were going with him too. Daehyun had asked about Youngjae and Himchan but both of them said it would be uncomfortable because they didn’t really know the hyungs so they refused to go.

                It was the first time for Yongguk to step into the house. He’s sure if it was not for Daehyun, the hyungs would never let him into their house. He was initially sitting alone in the living room to watch Daehyun, Jongup and Junhong playing video games on the floor. Kyuhyun was preparing the dinner at the kitchen with Baekhyun. Woohyun joined him on the couch after a while.

                “I can’t believe the person I hate the most is in my house right now,” Woohyun uttered as he glanced at Yongguk.

                “You know, I never hate you. I always wanted to be your friend since high school, well, sorry for the time when I took your girlfriend, but-”

                “Shut your trap,” Woohyun cut in. “You’re just saying that ‘cause you want my dongaseng,” He clicked his tongue in disgust before playing with his phone.

                Yongguk was left speechless after that. An ex playboy like him only know how to win a girl’s heart, not a brother-in-law’s heart.

                Daehyun’s sudden scream startled him. The boy had won the game at last after so many rounds but he didn’t seem to want to stop yet. Yongguk sighed. He was craving for Daehyun’s attention since he came here and he felt like he’s invisible. He just wanted to smack Jongup and Junhong’s heads for stealing his spotlight.

                “Oh my god I’m so tired,” Hyunjoong muttered before plopping down beside Yongguk. He had finished another hectic day as a teacher. “Oh, hey Yongguk.”

                Yongguk bowed his head to the other and turned back to the front, feeling awkward. Hyunjoong loosened his tie and leaned his head at the back of the couch. Yongguk was startled again when Hyunjoong suddenly jerked up.

                “Damn, I forgot the groceries in the car,” He turned to Yongguk. “Can you go take them?”

                Yongguk blinked his eyes couple of times. He then turned to another side and saw Woohyun was still there playing with his phone. He turned back to Hyunjoong and he was sure the elder was looking right at him. But why did he ask him to do it? Why not his dongsaeng??

                After having a short staring battle with Hyunjoong, Yongguk finally nodded and got off the couch. He was handed the key and slowly made his way to the car. And there were six bags of them! He cursed the older man under his breath over and over while punching the air here and there. With a scowl on his face, he grabbed the bags aggressively before kicking the door shut.

                Yongguk carried the heavy bags to the kitchen and put it on the countertop. “Um… here… the things that Hyunjoong…h-hyung…bought,” He said to the two busy cooking men.

                Kyuhyun nodded at him while saying okay, whereas Baekhyun came to him with a big tray full of snacks and drinks.

                “Yongguk hyung, can you take these to Daehyun and his friends?” Baekhyun asked, handing the tray to the other. The confused Yongguk had no choice but to take it.

                “Okay, thanks,” Baekhyun smiled before continuing his work.

                Yongguk stood there for a moment before finally registering on what he should do. He went back to the living room and placed the tray onto the low table, telling the three school boys to eat the food.

                “Thanks, hyung!” They said at the same time although they didn’t tear the eyes from the TV screen.


                Yongguk turned around and saw Hyunseung lying on the couch. He must have just arrived home. Yongguk went to the latter to do their handshake.

                “Did you just finished you work?” Yongguk asked, standing by the couch.

                Hyunseung nodded. “Yeah. I’m so thirsty. Can you take a glass of water for me?”

                “This?” Yongguk pointed to the soft drinks that he just brought from the kitchen.

                “No. I want plain water.”

                Yongguk scoffed. “Really, Rancho? You too?”

                “What?” Hyunseung had no idea what Yongguk was talking about.

                Yongguk let out a heavy sigh. “Nothing…”

                He went to the kitchen again and asked for a glass of water, not forgetting to mention Hyunseung’s name. Baekhyun took it from the refrigerator before pouring it into a glass. Yongguk thanked him before going to deliver it to Hyunseung. Hyunjoong was nowhere to be seen now. Maybe he had gone to his room to have a bath.

                As Yongguk was about to sit back down on the couch, another voice stopped his act.

                “Yongguk,” Woohyun called. “Can you tell Kyuhyun hyung to make omelette for me?”

                Yongguk rolled his eyes at the latter. “Seriously? Why couldn’t you ask me when I went to the kitchen just now?”

                Woohyun shrugged. “I didn’t saw you just now.”

                “And why can’t you call me hyung like Baekhyun does?” Yongguk complained again while resting his hands on his hips. Hyunseung just observed the two of them without a sound.

                “Why should I call you hyung when you’re dating my dongsaeng?” Woohyun returned with a straight face.

                Yongguk huffed angrily before stomping to the kitchen. Was this really how the Jungs treated their guest? Like a slave??

                “Woohyun asked for omelette,” He stated as he arrived there.

                “Aish, that kid,” Kyuhyun grumbled. “There’s still so much to do,” He stopped peeling the potatoes to look at Yongguk. “You don’t have anything to do, do you?”

                Yongguk pursed his lips, slowly nodding his head to the elder. But his mind was like – I have nothing to do, so does Woohyun…and Hyunjoong hyung…and Rancho…

                “Then, can you give us a hand?”

                Yongguk’s eye twitched as he was holding his anger. He was safe when Kyuhyun didn’t look at him.

                “Yongguk?”Kyuhyun called, turning to him again.

                Yongguk immediately pulled a smile. “Yeah…Sure…” If you’re not kidding me…


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                The dinner went smoothly, much to Yongguk’s pleasure. He felt like crying when Daehyun treated him as he was supposed to be treated. The boy was being precious by asking him if he wanted to eat this or to eat that, if he wanted more rice and drink. Daehyun made him felt like a prince and he was resisting the urge to kiss Daehyun all over the face.

                Conversely, the enjoyable moment ended with him helping Kyuhyun to wash the dishes. Daehyun was forced to study by his hyungs since he had missed three days of school. Jongup had brought the notes and was tutoring Daehyun for the homework since they’re in the same year. Junhong also joined them, doing his own homework.

                As for the others, they were resting in the living room while watching TV. Baekhyun and Woohyun had offered to help with the cleaning but Kyuhyun casually said, “It’s okay. Yongguk’s going to help me.”

                Yongguk almost choked on his spit when he heard that. Kyuhyun smirked at him before giving a dark look like he would kill Yongguk if he didn’t follow what he said. So Yongguk once again unwillingly complied with the other.

                “Are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked as he passed a wet plate to Yongguk.

                Yongguk took it and started wiping it dry. “Huh? Y-Yeah…”

                “Did you like the dinner?”

                “Of course. It’s great.”

                “Really?” Kyuhyun turned to him. “You can be honest with me, Yongguk.”

                “Yeah, I’m telling the truth,” Yongguk nodded his head eagerly. “The dinner was awesome… besides the way I’m being treated… but I’m okay with it,” He shrugged. “At least they’re not being fake in front of me.”

                Kyuhyun turned his attention back to washing the dishes. “We’re always like that, hard to accept someone new. Especially me,” He glanced at the younger. “But I like your determination.”

                Yongguk was taken aback by that. “Well…T-Thanks..?”

                “So, for your indomitable spirit, I guess I should lend you my permission to date my dongsaeng?” Kyuhyun playfully tilted his head at Yongguk.

                “Really?!?!” Yongguk was very much surprised that he couldn’t control his excitement anymore.

                Kyuhyun closed the running tap and wiped his hands on a dry towel. He turned his whole body to Yongguk and crossed his arms. “Yeah…but there are rules!”

                “Rules…? Like what?” Yongguk’s wide smile faded, waiting for Kyuhyun to say the conditions to date his dongsaeng.

                “First, you must bring Daehyun before six on weekday and before ten on weekend. He needs to study.”

                Yongguk nodded with confidence. It’s not that hard.

                “Second, don’t take advantage on Daehyun because he’s still an innocent naïve boy. So, no until Daehyun graduated!”


                “I mean it,” Kyuhyun glared and Yongguk shut up. “Third,” He paused to look straight into Yogguk’s eyes. “You must take care of Daehyun better than I do.”

                Yongguk stared at Kyuhyun who was looking at him full of hope. It was not his hateful face like he always gave to him. Kyuhyun was trying to trust him to take care of his dongsaeng and he would be glad to do that.

                “Got it?” Kyuhyun asked.

                “Got it,” Yongguk retorted and Kyuhyun smiled the first genuine smile to him.

                Both of them continued their task with a more relaxed atmosphere. Yongguk wanted to ask something to the elder but Kyuhyun still had the dark aura that could make Yongguk felt insecure every time he tried to communicate with the other. He took a couple of glances at Kyuhyun before finally braving himself to speak.

                “So…can I pick Daehyun at school tomorrow?”

                Kyuhyun nodded without asking much. “Sure. Just don’t be late.”


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Yongguk was late. He was desperately dashing by the streets to Daehyun’s school. His mind was throwing various curses at his lecturer who decided to make a quiz today. He would be dead if the hyungs know about this. He was hoping that Jongup and Junhong were there to accompany Daehyun but as far as he remembered, both of them had a club activity today.

                When he was a few meters away from the school’s entrance, he could saw Daehyun was standing beside the gates. Yongguk stopped his feet and crouched down to take a breath. However, he quickly straightened his body after another guy came into his view. He was too focused on Daehyun that he failed to see a stranger was talking to his lover. And when that guy took Daehyun’s hand in his, caressing it softly with a smile, Yongguk’s eyes almost popped out. He began to run again, which was ten times faster than before. He arrived in no time and slapped away the guy’s hand.

                “What’re you trying to do with him?!” Yongguk pulled Daehyun to stand behind him. The boy didn’t say anything though. He just blinked at Yongguk who was trying to put the best angry face he could make.

                That guy was flabbergasted and gave a weird look to him. “Uh…nothing..?”

                “What’re you waiting for then? Get lost,” Yongguk growled making the other flinched.

                “O…kay…” That guy took a step back. He then craned his neck to see the boy behind Yongguk. “Nice meeting you, Daehyun. See ya,” He waved and left the place.

                Daehyun timidly waved back but quickly retracted his hand when Yongguk turned around.

                “That guy knows your name?” Yongguk asked in disbelief.

                “He said that he’s a senior from last year but I don’t remember,” Daehyun retorted.

                “Really? Is that all?”

                Daehyun shook his head. “Then he said that I had caught his eyes for a long time but he didn’t dare to confess.”

                “What?!” Daehyun winced from the shriek. Yongguk grabbed Daehyun’s arm to pull the boy closer. “Did he just flirt with you? What did you say?”

                “I didn’t say anything.”

                “What?!” Yongguk shook the small body. Daehyun shut his eyes as he started to feel dizzy. “You should’ve said sorry because you already have a boyfriend.”

                “Why…?” The boy whined, followed by a big pout.

                Yongguk released the boy to pinch the bridge of his nose. He sighed before looking up at the boy. “Daehyun, if any guy comes to you and flirt with you, you must tell them you’re taken. So they’ll stop bothering you.”

                “Ah…” Daehyun’s brows raised and his face brightened like he could finally understand the hardest topic in the Science subject. “Should I call him back?” He turned to the direction where the guy was last to be seen. “Ahjusshi!”

                Yongguk widened his eyes and immediately tugged Daehyun’s arm to make the younger face him again. He took Daehyun’s face between his hands, looking deeply into the boy’s doe eyes. “Dae, do you really love me? Like really?”

                Seeing Yongguk’s sad face, Daehyun hastily nodded his head.

                “Then don’t you ever talk to other people after this, especially those good-looking strangers,” Yongguk said solemnly, not realizing he was squishing the boy’s face. He could feel himself was turning into one of Daehyun’s hyungs. Maybe this is why Kyuhyun told him to not be late. Maybe this is what they’re feeling when a stranger approached their dongsaeng. He finally understood.

                “Wowkay,” Daehyun replied before his lips were pressed with something soft.

                Yongguk couldn’t hold it. Usually he would have a strong self-control but when Daehyun was around, he turned to be like a desperate guy. Those plump luscious lips were asking to be kissed from Yongguk’s point of view.

                Yongguk was losing his mind and Daehyun was losing his breath. The younger whimpered as he tried to pull Yongguk’s hands that were cupping his face. But the elder was stronger and he was eating his face hungrily like he didn’t want to stop.

                But Yongguk did stop, when Daehyun didn’t push him back anymore. He parted their lips and got a total shock to see Daehyun with closed eyes and his head tilted back. The boy’s legs became wobbly; Yongguk had to put his arms around the boy’s back to keep him from falling.

                “Daehyun! Daehyun-ah!” Yongguk shook the tiny figure vigorously. “Daehyun! Please wake up! Don’t leave me! I can’t live without you! I’ll die if you die! Literally, ‘cause your hyungs gonna kill me!”

                “Urgh… hyung… stop shaking m-”

                “Daehyun! You’re alive! Thank God, you’re still alive!” Yongguk laughed out loud and pulled Daehyun for another passionate breathless kiss.

                A passerby was about to call the police because Yongguk looked like a leader of a mafia gang who was forcing a cute school boy to have with him but she did a double take and now they looked like a ually aroused shameless couple making out in public. She shook her head as she complained about youngsters these days.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


wow I can't believe I'd update it today after all the hardships I've been through T_T /lol no

I'm going to update faster later, yes! /I'll try (¬、¬)

but lemme tell you something, this story is coming to an end omg (╥﹏╥)

the next chap is not the last chap i promise :D

lots and lots of thanks to the upvoters, subscribers, commentors and readers! Neomu neomu saranghae ♥♥♥♥♥






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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read