The Marriage

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!

                It was as he expected. Daehyun couldn’t go to college with his bad results. He went home crying after finding that out and his hyungs said nothing except of comforting words. He had disappointed them but yet they were proud of him because he at least had finished high school.

                It’s okay if he couldn’t continue his study. It’s okay if he couldn’t go further than this. It’s okay if he couldn’t receive a higher education. The hyungs would still love him and he would be free from the awful place called school.

                Therefore, to lift Daehyun’s mood back, his boyfriend had asked him out. Yongguk brought him to sit by the river, enjoying the beautiful scenery and fresh air. They sat side by side on the grass, their body pressed together with knees pulled to their chests.

                “So… what do you plan to do later on?” Yongguk diverted his eyes from the flowing water to look at his sweetheart.

                Daehyun sighed. “I don’t have any idea…” He pursed his lips to think. “Maybe I can help Hyunseung hyung at his workshop.”

                “You won’t know what to do,” Yongguk said with a playful smile.

                Daehyun pouted as he rested his chin on top of his knees. He thought of another possible idea. “Or maybe I can help Kyuhyun hyung at the restaurant,” He turned to the elder for an opinion.

                Yongguk shook his head. “You don’t know how to cook. Plus, you’re slow and oblivious. Customers will get mad,” He tried to hide his smile as he saw Daehyun’s face began to sadden.

                Daehyun’s lips curved downward, failed to think of any better idea. “I’m useless!” He exclaimed before burying his face into his hands.

                “Then marry me.”

                The voice was soft yet certain. It took a moment for Daehyun to snap his head to Yongguk, his brows furrowed quizzically. He stared at the older man to make sure he didn’t hear it wrong.

                Yongguk suddenly became serious. He had a straight face, showing that he was not joking. “Marry me, Daehyun.”

               Daehyun gaped like a fish out of water. His mouth opened and closed as he thought of an answer for the shocking proposal. He wasn’t expecting this. Not when he had just graduated from school.

                As he was thinking about an answer, he realized that he’s going to make a decision for his life. It felt strange since the hyungs would usually do that for him. “W-What ab-about…hyungs?” He stuttered, afraid if Yongguk would see him as a kid who was still relying on his hyungs in everything.

                “I’ve got their permission,” Yongguk smiled reassuringly. He then shifted his position so that he was kneeling on the ground, facing the younger. Taking the smaller hand in his, he asked for the third and final time. “So, Jung Daehyun, will you marry me?”

                Daehyun almost couldn’t believe this was happening to him. Yongguk was his first love. He had never thought for them to go this far. But his hyungs had given a green light. What was he waiting for? He always knew Yongguk was the only person he would give all his heart to. He loved the man who was kneeling in front of him, asking him to spend the rest of their lives together. And Daehyun never felt so stupid for taking a long time to answer. “Yes!”


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                It was a perfect time for Baekhyun to show his make-up skills. His dongsaeng looked stunningly gorgeous with a little blush applied on his cheeks, eyeliner that made his eyes looked more doe-like, and lip gloss on his thick plump lips. His hair was perfectly styled too, making him looked more feminine than ever.

                As for Woohyun, he was busy dressing his dongsaeng from head to toe. He needed to make sure Daehyun was the most beautiful on his important day and he did. He chose a long suit with black pants and white coat along with black vest and pink tie that fit perfectly on his dongsaeng. Same went for Yongguk’s normal suit except that his tie was red. They didn’t want the suits to be all black because it might not look like a wedding but a funeral.

                Meanwhile on the other side of the room where Baekhyun and Woohyun were busy preparing the bride, Kyuhyun was fighting himself to stop the tears that were streaming down like nobody’s business. He tried to hide it from the others but his sobs were louder than he thought.

                “Gosh, hyung! Stop weeping already. You’re not helping at all,” Woohyun shouted.

                “I know! But I just can’t stop!” Kyuhyun returned.

                “You need to stop, hyung. Or you’ll ruin the make-up I put so much effort into,” Baekhyun said nonchalantly as he was finishing with Daehyun’s face. He took a step back to admire his work. “You’re beautiful…”

                Daehyun giggled and that made him ten times more beautiful. “Thanks, hyung.”

                Woohyun did a final check on Daehyun before turning the boy to face a large mirror behind him. Daehyun himself was surprised by his own look. It was him but he felt like he was staring at a different person. A person that would start a new phase of life today. A person that would get married with the man he loved.

                Daehyun suddenly felt arms wrapped around him. He took another look at the mirror again and all he could see was Woohyun’s back. “I love you,” He heard his third hyung whispered softly.

                “I love you too,” Baekhyun muttered as he joined the hug.

                Daehyun smiled and lifted his arms to rub his hyungs back soothingly. He closed his eyes before the tears could fall down and ruin his make-up. “I love you more, hyungs. A lot more than you think,” He said sincerely.

                Faint sobs began to sound from the two. They told Kyuhyun not to cry when they also couldn’t hold back the tears. Speaking of the second hyung, Daehyun craned his neck to look behind his hyungs’ shoulders. Kyuhyun was still crying and he felt bad about it.

                Daehyun loosened the hug. Baekhyun and Woohyun who only had the remaining tears left, stepped aside to let him walked pass them to go to Kyuhyun. The boy took a seat beside the other on the sofa and immediately put his hand on Kyuhyun’s back.

                “Hyung,” Daehyun called softly. “Please stop crying. You made me feel sad on my wedding day,” He whined.

                Kyuhyun continued to dab his wet face with the tissue. He had used half of the box already, and the small basket of trash was almost full with the used tissues. “I want to stop but I can’t. I don’t even know why I am crying.”

                “Hyung,” Daehyun softly cupped Kyuhyun’s face, turning it to look at his direction. “I’m just getting married. And I hope you could be happy for me.”

                Kyuhyun stared at his favourite dongsaeng. He had just seen how beautiful Daehyun looked today. There’s spark in those innocent eyes, showing that he’s excited for the big event. But here he was, sitting and crying without knowing Daehyun’s feelings when in fact, he was indeed glad to see his dongsaeng getting married. “I am,” He nodded with a smile before pulling Daehyun into another tight hug. “I am happy for you. I love you.”

                Daehyun returned the hug but this time, the tears managed to spill from his eyes. “I love you too, hyung. So much.”

                The other two were still in the room. But they’re not crying anymore. Instead, Woohyun was busy taking pictures of himself looking extra handsome today while Baekhyun captured some photos of his masterpiece, silently cursing when Daehyun started to cry. He needed to fix that beautiful face later.

                “Daehyun-ah!” The door suddenly burst opened revealing the four of Daehyun’s closest friends. Himchan was the most excited among them all.

                They stopped halfway when the atmosphere was kind of gloomy. “Um…did we come at the wrong time…?” Youngjae asked cautiously.

                “No! Not at all! Come in!” Woohyun cheered.

                They wasted no time rushing to the bride, attacking him with hugs, praising his beautiful look, congratulating him on his wedding, and of course taking pictures together. Daehyun just gladly welcomed them and enjoyed the special treatment.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                The wedding would be held at a hotel hall. It was bathed with bright lights, the tables and chairs were covered in white with red and pink ribbons, the theme colours for the day. The guests began to fill the hall and they were welcomed by the bridegroom at the entrance, together with his father, Hyunjoong, and Hyunseung.

                “Phew…” Hyunseung exhaled after the last guests had arrived while Hyunjoong was making weird expressions to stretch his face that was getting numb from all the smiling.

                Both of them turned to search for the groom and found him pacing back and forth at the back of the hall. His father had gone to sit at the reserved table.

                “Hey, chill,” Hyunseung said as he patted Yongguk’s shoulder.

                “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one getting married,” Yongguk glared.

                “Yeah,” Hyunseung laughed to admit it. “I’m going to check on the bride,” He winked before walking away from there.

                “It’s almost time,” Stated Hyunjoong who was previously silent, just watching the two of them talking. He averted his eyes from the watch before shoving his hands into his pockets. “Are you ready?”

                Yongguk looked up at his soon to be brother in law. He knew the elder was just as nervous as him but he was good to hide it behind his cool face. Hyunjoong was gazing at him reassuringly, telling him it’s going to be fine without saying any words. Yongguk inhaled deeply before nodding his head. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

                “Good. I’ll see you later,” With that being said with a smile, Hyunjoong went off to follow Hyunseung to the bride’s room.

                Shortly after that, Yongguk’s mother approached his anxious son with a beaming face. Yongguk’s eyes caught her from a distant and he immediately lightened up.

                “Hey, mom. Where did you come from?”

                “Seeing Daehyun, of course. He looks less nervous than the first time we met,” She stated. It’s true because that time, Daehyun looked like a frightened kid that was going to meet the principal although he didn’t do anything wrong. Yongguk’s parent found it cute though. They treated the boy like their own son and Daehyun almost broke into tears, feeling as if he got his parents back.

                “Really?” Yongguk asked before nodding his head with a huff. If Daehyun was calm enough, he too needed to stop being a bundle of nerves.

                His mother chuckled at him. She knew exactly what he was feeling right now. “It’s okay, Yongguk-ah. It’s normal to be nervous on your big day,” She rubbed his back soothingly. “You should be glad you’re going to marry him. Daehyun is such a sweet and beautiful person. And when I said beautiful, I really mean it. He really is beautiful,” The few last words were whispered to Yongguk and he gulped the lump in his throat. That didn’t help to ease his feelings but he got pretty much excited by now.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                “Are you really sure about this? I mean you still can change your mind. We can cancel this marriage and run away from here.”

                “Hyung! How could you say that?!” Daehyun grunted at Hyunseung with an angry pout.

                “I’m just kidding!” Hyunseung laughed. He waited until Baekhyun was done doing the final touch on the bride before going closer to his dongsaeng. His hand softly caressed Daehyun’s cheek. “You’re beautiful.”

                Daehyun pouted even more. “I know.”

                Hyunseung snorted. “That’s because you’re my dongsaeng,” He tapped the boy’s nose, making Daehyun scrunched up his face before letting out a giggle.

                Hyunseung’s lips carved a small smile as he pulled Daehyun into an embrace. The younger tightened his arms around his hyung. He was trying to hold the tears from falling again because Baekhyun would be mad if his face was ruined once more.

                “It’s almost time,” Hyunjoong announced to all of his dongsaengs gathered in the room.

                Kyuhyun, Woohyun and Baekhyun got off from their seats to exit the room but not before giving a soft pat on Daehyun’s back who was still wrapped in Hyunseung’s arms. He was released after a while. The elder just smiled at him and followed the others to the hall.

                “Wow, the time has finally come,” Hyunjoong breathed out in a slight disbelief. He held out his hand for Daehyun to take it. “You’re going to belong to someone else after this. I’m going to hand you over to your husband…” He muttered between shaky breaths.

                Honestly, Daehyun had never seen his eldest hyung looked so agitated before. He was always calm and composed. He didn’t know this marriage would give a great effect to his hyungs. Maybe that’s why they took a long time to agree on it.

                “You’re going to be married with Yongguk later. You need to remember that he’s your husband in the future. You have to be obedient. It’s okay if you don’t listen to us anymore as long as you listen to him.”

                Daehyun only nodded at his hyung’s advice. Hyunjoong was holding firmly to his arms while gazing at him in faith.

                “I believe you can do it. You’ve been doing great at it all this while…” The elder added. “You’re a dongsaeng I could ever ask for.”

                Daehyun’s lips trembled, his eyes were glassy. “Th-Thanks, hyung. I love you so much,” He hugged the man like what he did to his other hyungs before.

               Hyunjoong squeezed the smaller body along with a kiss on top of the boy’s head. They stayed like that for a moment and Hyunjoong was the first one to pull apart. “Ready?” He asked. Daehyun inhaled a deep breath before nodding his head.

               Taking Daehyun’s hand, Hyunjoong put it around his arm. He straightened his posture and walked to the door. “Let’s go.”


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                A melodious sound resonated throughout the entire hall. All of the people in there knew it was the cue for the moment they’re waiting for. Their views were directed to the aisle, including the groom who was standing with a thumping heart on the altar.

                Yongguk was out of breath as his eyes were glued to the person walking towards him. Daehyun was beautiful? No, Daehyun was beyond beautiful. It seemed like he’s marrying an angel. Yongguk could see the one he loved was glowing brightly, fading away everything that revolved around them. He felt like the time had stopped for him to admire his other half with just the two of them in their own world.

                Daehyun’s grip tightened on Hyunjoong’s arm. It was strange for him to be the center of attention. He was initially glancing at every direction, feeling awkward with all of the invited guests but once his eyes were caught by the tall man waiting for him at the other end, nothing mattered anymore.

                Hyunjoong stopped right in front of Yongguk. He unwound Daehyun’s hand from his arm before holding it out for Yongguk to take. The groom gently grabbed the small hand and guided the owner to step onto the altar.

                Daehyun turned around, giving a final look at his hyung. They smiled at each other. He then averted his eyes to the man holding tightly to his hand. Both of them couldn’t be happier at the thought they’re going to seal their lives together in just a moment.

                “I do.”

                “I do.”

                The kiss was simple and sweet. They pulled away in seconds to stare at each other, grinning from ear to ear. Daehyun’s arms were still around Yongguk’s neck and Yongguk’s arms were still around Daehyun’s waist. They now officially belong to each other.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                “Say something before we eat,” Yongguk handed a microphone to his wife after they’re seated at a long table between his parents.

                “You mean a speech? What am I supposed to say?” Daehyun asked warily. He’s not really good in public speaking.

                “Anything you wanted to. It’s your day, remember?”

                Daehyun turned to the people in front of him who were looking expectantly to hear his words before they could eat the feast. He saw his hyungs in the front row of the tables, waving at him while doing weird gestures to show their supports. Now he knew what he would say.

                Standing up, Daehyun took a deep breath and exhaled with a smile. “I-It’s…like a dream to be here,” He cleared his throat before continuing. “I never thought that I deserve this. I grew up without my parents. My hyungs sacrificed a lot to take care of me. Even though I always give them problems. They’re really patient to deal with my attitude, they fulfill my wish, they love me, they’re my angels. I don’t think I deserve more than that until a stranger came into my life. He gives me new friends, Himchan hyung, Youngjae hyung, Jongup and Zelo,” Daehyun glanced at their table and they happily waved at him. “He gives me a new family and also, he gives me love. He actually fell in love with me. It’s like a miracle to be loved by someone else who would accept you just the way you are.”

                Daehyun looked down as he felt his hand was held tightly by his husband. They exchanged meaningful smiles and Daehyun kept his head up again. “To Baekkie hyung, you know that you’re my best friend. You’re always there for me to listen to my heart. You complain about me being hard to be woken up in the mornings, yet you still doing it just to make sure I don’t go late to school. You can quit that job from now on. I have a husband now and I don’t go to school anymore.”

                Baekhyun clasped his mouth as he was about to cry. He nodded and gave thumbs up at Daehyun. The boy returned the same gesture, also in the brink of tears.

                “Woohyun hyung, I know you love me more than anything. You would do anything for me, to protect me. You didn’t even care the effects on you. I was always worried if I’m a burden but you said that’s what hyungs do. You make me feel safe when you’re around. But now, I hope you can take care of yourself and spend more time to do things that you like.”

                Woohyun tilted his head up, hoping that the tears would go back in while Daehyun was already a crying mess.

                “Seung hyung, I don’t know if you already have this in mind but I always thought you’re the coolest person. You never say that you love me. But I always know it. You care about me as much as the other hyungs do. You’re never late if you have to pick me up at school. You know what I want, what I feel even if I don’t say it. And you would buy me ice cream every time you bring me out. That’s what I like the most.”

                Daehyun laughed a little between sniffs. What he said was true. Hyunseung tried to be cool, looking down to his lap with hair falling over his face to hide the teary eyes.

                “Kyu hyung, you said that I resemble mom. I’d say you resemble her more. You take care of me like a mom would. You cook for me, you told me to eat my medicine when I’m sick, you hold me when I have a nightmare. If mom’s last wish was for you to take care of me, then she must be so proud of you because you’ve fulfilled it.”

                Kyuhyun was the only one at that table who would cry openly without giving a damn what other people thought of him. His precious dongsaeng had touched his heart with his honest words and nothing could make him cry harder than this.

                “And Hyunjoong hyung, you’ve been through a lot in taking care of us, especially me. You always put someone else’s needs before yours. You work hard to support our family. You spent time on teaching me and I’m really really sorry I couldn’t go to college. Just know that I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I absolutely can’t repay you for all your sacrifices except to be thankful about it.”

                Hyunjoong smiled. Although his eyes were watery, he managed to hold it in. He’s the eldest in the family. He needed to look strong in front of them.

                “I love you, hyungs. Thank you so much for everything.” Daehyun finished his speech and Yongguk quickly stood up to embrace him. The guests were applauding but his hyungs were too immersed in their own waves of emotion to do anything.


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Daehyun was fidgeting as he sat at the edge of the bed even though it was his own room. Yongguk calmly took out of his coat and tie, throwing them on a chair while taking glances at his newly married wife. The time had finally come.

                They were currently at Daehyun’s house. The hyungs insisted them to stay there just for that night. Yongguk obviously knew why but not Daehyun. Yongguk didn’t give a though. They’re married now. They could do anything that they wanted. He had been patient long enough for this.

                Daehyun didn’t move when his husband took a seat beside him. “Today was great,” Yongguk spoke up.

                “Y-Yeah… it was…” Daehyun replied, still staring intently at his hands.

                “And I can end it very well that you won’t forget this day forever,” Yongguk gently held Daehyun’s chin, making the younger to look at him with hesitant yet excited eyes. He smirked before catching the plump lips in a fleeting kiss. “How’s that?” He asked coyly.

                Daehyun’s face grew red. He couldn’t say he didn’t like it. Yongguk chuckled at the adorable boy. His next move was placing a hand behind Daehyun’s head and brought him in for another kiss. He ran his tongue over the other’s lips, tugging them, put a little more force until Daehyun finally opened his mouth, letting him explore the wet cavern as much as he wanted to.

                Daehyun’s body was gradually pushed to the bed. The older man was kneeling with him between the long legs. Yongguk was eating his face like a wild beast. They only parted for a second from time to time to take a breath before making out again. Just when things began to heat up, Daehyun asked something when Yongguk pulled apart again.

                “Don’t we need to shower first?”

                Yongguk blinked once. “You want to take a shower?”

                Daehyun nodded eagerly.

                “Or you want me to take a shower?”

                Daehyun nodded again.

                “So you want to take a shower together?”

                Daehyun blinked, twice. He shook his head vigorously.

                Yongguk sighed before getting off of Daehyun. He felt like he’s going to have with a . Wait, Daehyun is a so scratch that. He felt like he’s going to have with a kid. Didn’t somebody give this kid a education? Because he definitely needed one.

                “Then I’ll go first,” Yongguk said and fled to the bathroom. He purposely did that because when Daehyun shower after him, he would get to see the younger getting out of the bathroom with wet hair, wet face, wet body. And he would be lying on the bed, his lips at the delicious sight.

                The shower was the quickest that Yongguk had ever taken in his life. He stepped out of the bathroom with a wide grin that almost made him looked like a e. However, his face immediately dropped as he saw his wife, still in the previous position, was snoring on the bed.

                Feeling like he was fooled, Yongguk jumped and stomped his feet repeatedly and full of rage that the floor might cracked if it wasn’t strong enough. Luckily, it was.

                He stopped after quite a while and approached the small figure. “Should I wake him up? No?” He took a good look at the sleeping face. It reminded him of a cute kitten that would make him feel guilty if he disturbed the sleep.

                Yongguk sighed. Maybe he should let it pass tonight. He fixed Daehyun’s position and put a pillow under the head. But the younger didn’t change his clothes yet. He must have been uncomfortable. So Yongguk decided to help.

                “Self control. Yongguk, self control. Self control, Yongguk. Bang Yongguk! Self control!” He kept chanting as he was putting the PJs to Daehyun. “I love you, you know. Why are you making it so hard on me?” He grumbled.

                The boy didn’t move much in the process since he was a heavy sleeper. But after Yongguk had finished by pulling the blanket on top of him, he mumbled something that could make his husband happy again. “I love you, Yongguk hyung.”

                The elder was surprised at first. Daehyun must be dreaming of him if he said that. Yongguk smiled and the younger’s hair before planting a kiss on the forehead. “I love you, too.”


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                “I feel like we’re doing something inappropriate.” Baekhyun said.

                “Are you sure we should be doing this?” Hyunjoong asked.

                “Can somebody tell me what’s the point of this? Really.” Woohyun was not interested.

                “Why am I being forced to do this?” Hyunseung complained.

                “Shhh…shut up! I can’t hear anything!” Kyuhyun yelled in a whisper. He pressed his ear to the door once more and beckoned the other to follow him. Reluctantly, they brought their ears closer, looking like a blob of chewing gums attached to the door of the newlywed couple.

                Just then, a loud noise could be heard from the bedroom.

                Woohyun gasped. “Did they do it on the floor?”

                “Maybe they don’t want to dirty my bed. They better be!” Baekhyun guessed since his bed was twinned with Daehyun's.

                “But it’s so loud…” Hyunjoong frowned.

                Hyunseung shrugged. “I have zero opinion about that.”

                Kyuhyun growled. “Is he being rough on my Daehyunie?! I won’t let him go easily after this. Just wait until he’s right in front of me and I’ll…”

                The door was opened suddenly which caused them to stumble into the room. Their eyes trailed from the guy’s feet to his face that was just a frown until it slowly turned to gloom in darkness.

                “My soup is boiling!” Kyuhyun scrambled up and ran to the kitchen.

                “I'll help you, hyung!” Baekhyun followed.

                “Oh! I found it! My contacts!” Woohyun picked nothing from the floor before dashing to his room.

                “Ah yes, hello. Yes, this is Jung Hyunjoong speaking…” Hyunjoong walked away with phone at his ear, pretending to talk to no one.

                Hyunseung grinned sheepishly at the frozen man full of dark aura. “Um…yeah. So…it’s not like I wanted to. I was forced…yeah…goodnight!” He too bolted through the corridor to get into his room. After aggressively knocking and kicking the door, Woohyun finally let him in after the mention of his name.

                Now Yongguk was left alone. Daehyun’s hyungs disappeared like a wind. He just wanted to get a glass of water, only to discover that he was being spied during what was supposed to be his private time with his wife while that person was sleeping soundly on the bed. Well, this was only the beginning.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


Finally! After 7 months, this story is complete! (╥_╥)

I really wanna say thank you to all the upvoters, subscribers, commentors and readers who keep this story alive. I really really appreciate it! I love you guys!

So I'm lime having 9407935878974542 bangdae fanfic ideas right now and I'm writing -32557542543 of them -_-

But I'll comeback with a new story :D

Till next time, anyeong!!! ♥♥♥

cr. to owner XD




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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read