chapter 26*

My Bully, My Lover

Soojin's POV

"I'M SORRY!" Shinji screamed, running for her life. "STOP! I SAID I WAS SORRY!"

As soon as I caught sight of her waiting for me at the front gate of the school, I sprinted towards her. Shinji widened her eyes, instantly knowing why I was reacting this way and turned to sprint the other direction.

"SORRY ISN'T GOING TO MAKE ME FORGET THE FACT THAT YOU SPILLED MY SECRET!" I shouted after her. She was standing behind a trash can, that was now in between us. We shifted to the left and right, trying to predict what the other's next move will be.

"Come on Soojin," Shinji pleaded, hands out in front of her attempting to calm me. "Let's be reasonable and just talk about this for a second."

I straightened myself and crossed my arms. "You have one minute."

Shinji gave a breath of relief and quickly started to explain. "You should be thanking me for telling Chanyeol oppa about how you feel! You were miserable the last few days! And for good reason! But can you honestly expect me to keep quiet when I find out that Chanyeol oppa has feelings for you? You should have seen him Soojin. He was an absolute mess trying to get in touch with you. He was just as broken as you were when that announcement about Minji's engagement was made."

I cringed, a dull pain returning. It was something I tried to forget, to push far in the back of my mind. But it was useless, it was something that I wouldn't be able to forget so easily.

"Sorry," Shinji said, noticing my reaction. "Look, I am really sorry if you feel like I betrayed your trust or something. But I did it with good intentions. Do you know what I felt like doing when I find out that Chanyeol oppa liked you? I almost jumped up and down and broke Baekhyun oppa's arm from excitement. I was so happy for you! Of course I was going to tell Chanyeol oppa you felt the same! You really thought I was going to keep that a secret?"

"Um, yes!" I replied. I'll admit, I was starting to soften up and beginning to realize her position. If she found out that Chanyeol had feelings for me, I should have expected her to tell him that I did to. But still, it was just embarrassing that he knew how I felt about him before I did. That's messed up.

Shinji cautiously took a step forward towards me around the trash can. "I am really sorry."

I tried to hold my ground, but I couldn't. She was right, if anything I should thank her. I let out a grunt and threw my arms in the air. "You ."

Shinji skipped to my side and linked her arm around mine once she knew it was safe. "You love me!"

I rolled my eyes as we walked back towards school. The new semester has begun and I was not ready for school. Not to mention, I was more nervous than I was on my first day of school. Why? Because I had to face Chanyeol….

I hadn't seen him or kept in touch with him since a couple of nights ago when he left me with a kiss on the cheek. The spot where his lips touched started to burn again at the memory. How was I supposed to act when I saw him? How about the rest of the boys? Did they know?

My mind raced endlessly, my heart racing faster with every passing second.

"Soojin?" Shinji nudged me. "Did you hear what I said?"

"Huh?" I shook my head slightly and faced her. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I asked if you were still going to get tutored by Chanyeol oppa," she asked with a cheesy grin.

Oh crap, I totally forgot about that. My cheeks deepened in color, which Shinji noticed and started to squeal in excitement.

"I can't believe this is happening!" she exclaimed, clinging onto my arm tighter. "This is destiny! This is really happening! Your fate to be together is coming true!"

I groaned. "Not this again."

The familiar first bell rang and the two of us ran towards our building. I was grateful that I didn't see anyone just yet. I needed more time to prepare myself for what was to come...


Chanyeol's POV

"You wanna tell us what happened?" D.O smirked

"I already told you!" I responded, feeling a tint of color starting to rise in my cheeks.

"Yeah you did!" Baek exclaimed, hanging an arm around my shoulder with so much force to make me bend over a bit. "You gonna kiss her again when you see her?"

I shoved him playfully. "Can you quit it?" I grunted.

"Awh, is our little Chanyeol getting shy?" Suho teased.

"Just watch, Chanyeol hyung is going to be get WHIPPED!" Sehun cackled.

"It's going to be hard to get in touch with Chanyeol hyung soon," Kai continued.

"Speak of the devil, look who it is!" Baek pointed at the gate entrance where he saw Soojin sprinting after Shinji.

My stomach dropped to the bottom of my gut and I stopped breathing. "Uh…I'm going to go inside first." I grabbed my backpack off the floor and swung it around my shoulder.

D.O grabbed me before I could get very far. "Where do you think you're going?"

It was so unlike me, but I started to panic - desperate to hide before Soojin caught sight of me. I turned to D.O and my laughing friends.

"Look, you guys know me better than anyone," I started, gripping my backpack strap. "And so you already know that this is sort of a big deal. I'm still trying to figure things out alright?"

All five faces looked at me in awe, speechless.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Kai said, blinking at Sehun.

"This is serious!" Baek exclaimed, a huge smile spreading across his face.

"Chanyeol has it bad!" Suho laughed, grabbing his own backpack off the floor to head inside as well.

"Love really must change people," D.O teased.

The boys headed inside the building with me, not lightening on the teasing. I let out a breath of relief, glad that I was able to avoid Soojin for the time being. I may have been confident when I left her a few nights ago, and she may have been the only thing that's been going on through my mind and I may miss her like crazy. But the more time passed, the more it sunk in that we had feelings for each other - something that has never, not once, happened to me in my 18 years on this planet.

It was stupid for me to get so nervous and it was aggravating to see how much control I didn't have over the way my body reacted to this whole situation. I knew I couldn't deny it: I was in love with Soojin. And I needed to get used to that idea fast before I looked like an idiot in front of her.


Soojin's POV

"I wish the weather would get warmer already," Shinji complained as she took her seat in front of me.

I nodded in agreement, taking out my books. Suddenly a loud commotion rang in the hallways and seemed to be getting closer. I looked up to see the noise getting louder as Kang Minji strutted in the classroom with a number of girls trailing behind her.

"Wow, Minji!" one girl squealed. "You're so lucky!"

"Yeah, seriously," another girl added. "Congratulations!"

My stomach dropped. Minji took her seat and flipped her freshly curled locks out of her face. Her hair had grown a lot since the incident. And what I hated most was that the length suited her.

I had forgotten about Minji. I had forgotten that she was engaged to Chanyeol. I had forgotten that a public announcement was made. I had forgotten that now everyone knew about their future. I only wish it was something I could forget forever.

"Thanks girls," she said smugly. "You're all invited once the invitations come out of print."

Shinji gave me an apologetic look. I couldn't help but feel the hated burning sensation at the bridge of my nose. I realized that this was why I wasn't ready to face Chanyeol today. Because even if we knew how we felt about each other, it didn't change anything. We couldn't do anything about it. Everyone thought that he and Minji were an item, and for me to be added to that would make a huge mess. The reality of it was, until he gets everything settled with his father, there was no way we were going to be together...and that's what hurt the most: knowing our feelings for each other and not being able to do anything about it.

"You girls are invited too," Minji called to us, giving us a fake smile. "I'll make sure the invitations get hand delivered to you."

"Thanks," Shinji said sarcastically, giving Minji a dirty look.

Minji let out a small laugh annd continued to appreciate the shower of attention all of the classmates were giving her. They all cooed at how lucky she was, being engaged to the most wanted guy in all of Seoul. The more I heard, the more my heart started to pain. The tears were about to fall and there was no way I was going to let Kang Minji see.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I said quickly, getting up from my seat.

"Soojin-ah..." Shinji called after me with sad eyes, feeling helpless.

I walked out of the classroom as fast as I could without attracting unwanted attention. You said it was destiny...I hope you're right.


Chanyeol's POV


"When's the big day?"

"And you said there was nothing going on between you two!"

The comments were endless as soon as Baek, Suho and I walked into our classroom. People who wouldn't dare say a word to us before felt that it was alright to congratulate me on my unfortunate engagement. Suho and Baek gave every one a dirty look that shut them up instantly, scolding themselves for speaking.

I huffed onto my desk and hid my face in my arms.

"Don't worry about everyone," Suho comforted. "This will pass by the end of the day."

"Do you know Kang Minji?" I muffled in my arms. "She will make sure it won't!"

"So..." Baek asked cautiously. "What are you going to do?"

I looked up. "What do you mean?"

"What are you going to do?" he repeated, taking out his books. "About Minji?"

I groaned and buried my face back into my arms, not wanting to think about it.

"Baek is right," Suho started. "You and Soojin finally know about each other's feelings. It's not like you two can just start dating when the whole school thinks you're going to marry Minji after graduation."

"I mean, you can," Baek added. "But that wouldn't be news taken lightly."

I shot up and gave him a glare. How could he joke around at a time like this?

He raised his hands in defense. "I was just trying to lighten the mood."

They were right. And the more I thought about it, the more I started to panic. Soojin was the girl that I wanted to be with, she was the only girl I wanted to be with. But there was no way she could be my girlfriend, not after my so-called engagement was publicly announced. Knowing Minji, she was going to make sure everyone in the school knew about it before second period. Even if Soojin and I were secretly to date, there was no way Soojin was going to agree to that. She was too good of a person.

I kicked my desk in frustration, startling everyone in class. What am I supposed to say to Soojin? How am I supposed to act towards her without having to control how much my body wants her?

This was why I couldn't face her this morning. Depsite my confession to her a few nights ago, there was no way for us to move forward and I felt ashamed of it. I was the guy afterall, I'm suppossed to be the one to take control. But I wasn't more helpless in my life.

When did things get so complicated? With the frustration and rising anger, I couldn't stay still in my chair.

"Tell the teacher I have stuff to deal with," I told the boys as I got up and left the classroom. Suho nodded and exchanged a concerned look with Baek. They knew that I was stuck in a huge dilemma. How was I supposed to fix this?


I headed to the roof of the building, like I usually do when I need to be desperately alone. I took in a deep breath and slowly started to walk towards the edge to look down at campus. My hands were in my pockets, trying to keep warm in the still cold weather. I scanned the horizon and spotted a familiar figure on the rooftop of another building.


I squinted my eyes, making sure that I was seeing who I thought I saw.

It is Soojin.

She was on the roof of her own building. What is she doing? Wait, was she...crying? I quickly fished out my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. You better have your phone on you Lee Soojin...

I stared at her intently, watching to see if she was going to answer. She looked down at her ringing phone with a confused expression. I saw her hesitate, staring at her phone screen.

"Pick up the damn phone you idiot," I said aloud.

After a couple more rings, Soojin finally answered the call.

"Yah!" I shouted as soon as the call was picked up, startling Soojin. "What took you so long!"

"Um...sorry?" Soojin said confused.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked, still watching her.

"Shouldn't you?" she challenged.

"I needed some fresh air," I responded. "Looks like you needed some too."

Soojin looked at her phone, surprised and then started to look around her. I waved my hand, waiting for her to catch sight of me. When she did, her eyes opened in surprised and she turned quickly with her back facing me in embarrassment. I couldn't help but to let out a little laugh.

"I didn't know you come up to the roof," I said. Given, I haven't been up here in a long time, but if I had known that Soojin liked to come up here too, I would have come up more often.

"Just like you said, I needed some air," she mumbled, back still facing me.

An idea popped into my head. "Don't move." I said and hung up before she could respond. I turned and sprinted towards the door and down the stairs, a new adrenaline rush washing over me.


Soojin's POV

"What?" I said into my phone. "Hello?" I looked at the screen of my phone to see that the call had ended. "What the heck!" I turned back around to see that Chanyeol was no longer on his roof.

Just my luck. Here I am planning on avoiding him all day and I see him up here! What are the odds!

I continue to plan out my day in order to avoid him as much as possible. If I wanted to avoid him, that means I would ahve to avoid the boys too, which made me sulk. This all just wasn't fair!

Suddenly the rooftop door burst open and I turned in surprise, quickly thinking of an explanation in case it was a teacher. My eyes widen to see none other than Park Chanyeol, walking towards me with a big grin.

Holy crap. What do I do? What do I say? Should I just say hi? Are things going to be awkward? How are we--

Chanyeol pulled me into a tight hug, going from crazy thoughts to none whatsoever.

"W-What are you doing?" I stuttered, unable to break free.

"Can you just hold still?" he said, tightening his grip around my body.

I gave up and fell limp under his hold. I wanted to hug him back. It felt so nice being held by him. I felt safe, I felt protected...I felt loved. The tears were threatening to come back, realizing that this was something I was never going to call my own.

"Don't cry," he said softly, brushing the back of my head.

"Can you blame me?" I sniffled, annoyed. SO much has happened in the past month, it was starting to take a toll on my overall well-being.

Chanyeol shook his head, holding me tighter. "No."

"Then don't tell me what to do," I responded, earning another chuckle from Chanyeol. It just pained my heart more.

Chanyeol pulled away from me, keeping his hands on my shoulders. I was ready to look at anywhere but his face, but he was still close enough to be inches from my face. It became difficult to look at anywhere but his face. My heart rate became slower but stronger standing under his gaze.

"I've decided," Chanyeol said, sounding as if he couldn't be more sure.

"Decided on what?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not going to give up," he said.

"What?" I asked, still unclear of what he meant.

"You," he said softly. "Me. Us. I'm not going to give up. You know that I don't have feelings for Minji. You know how I feel about you. I'm not going to let some stupid demand my father is asking of me to ruin our chances. I'm not going to let that run my life."

"But, your dad..." I tried to reason with him. Sure, I wanted to be with him too. Sure, I wanted him to disobey his father. But that wasn't something I was going to ask of him. I can't expect him to do anything like that. I can't let him.

"No buts," he said sternly. "It's not going to be right now. And I can't say how soon it'll be. I'm just asking...will you wait?"

"W-What?" I asked. Is..he being serious?

"Will you wait for me Soojin?" he repeated sincerely, his eyes flaming. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I just need time to sort things out. I don't know how long it will take, but it will help motivate me knowing that you are waiting for me."

"I..." I was speechless. He's asking me to wait for him? Of course I was going to wait for him, for as long as I am able. But was that right to admit? If I agree, then I am establishing that there is hope for our future - a future that I cannot be so sure will exist. Am I ready to be heartbroken when that day comes? The day where everything I would have waited for came crashing down?

"Soojin," Chanyeol said softly, almost pleading. "I will fight for you. I don't care what my dad does. If it means being with you in the end, I will do everything in my power to make it happen."

My eyes started to water at his words, and it hurt hearing them. My heart was soaring with happiness but apology at the same time. If I didn't like Chanyeol, none of this would have happened. If I didn't fall for him, then neither of us would be in this position. Was I ready for this? Was I ready to risk it all? Not just me, but him too? I knew the answer almost immediately and this time, I didn't hesistate.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, holding onto him as if my life depended on it. "I'll wait for you. Forever."



i'm starting to debate on how i want this story to go
i've been changing a lot of the details in this story

nonetheless, i hope you reader are continuing to enjoy the fanfic!

please give me criticism so i make sure my next one is 230948x better!
NOTE: i will probably not start my next one until this one is finished
i want to make sure i give my undivided attention to one fanfic at a time :)

subscribe, comment, upvote. i'll love you forever <3

i love absolutely everything about these three gifs...
sehun's dougie...

luhan's "bring it on" (kyungsoo looks mad good here and chanyeol is a total derp LOL)...tumblr_n1kqzlPmMc1qgpj8fo2_500.gif
and my adorable dork jongdae <333

much love, thatxmusic

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CoalaBubble #1
Chapter 80: In Love with this story, one of the best fanfics ever!
whypcy28 #2
Chapter 14: the second gif is killing me right now
The fanfic was a good one. Sadly I'm no longer a big Chanyeol stan.
aaaelle #4
Em1412 #5
Chapter 44: This story was literally like a roller coaster of emotions and very well written. AWESOME JOB AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!
Chapter 80: REACHED CHAPTER 40 WHEW WHOOOOOOO!!!! But I still need more please!!! Update soon~ :)
Chapter 14: "She reached forward to put the ointment on my lips when I grabbed her hand to stop her. If my heart was beating this fast just by looking at her, I was most definitively not going to let her touch my lips..." HOLY MOTHER CRAP THE FEELS BROCHACHO. THAT LINE WAS PURE GOLD.
Chapter 13: Wow... Please teach me how you write... Okay but on a serious note, how long does it roughly take you to write a chapter?
Chapter 8: AcK!!!!! ALREADY GOT DEM FEELS AND IM ONLY ON CHAPTER 4.... *looks at comment below talking about chapter 41* Shiiiittt.... I have a long way to go