Suho - When you meet his parents

♥XOXO Scenario Collection


“Kitten, are you ready to go?” A knock came from outside the bathroom door, making you flinch as you stared at yourself in the mirror but you didn’t have the guts to say anything as you held in your breath. The thought of his parents flashed up in your mind, the way they would give you that icy stare because you weren’t as rich as they were, the thought of not being as high class as you could ever be as them – it all horrified you even before he told you the plan for today.

Not even the pet name he called you with could make you calm down. Kitten, was what he’d usually call you because he said how you reminded him of a lovable kitten. Cute, adorable and yet feisty and y like cat whenever you could be - a kitten was exactly what he could use to describe you and unknowingly it became a thing for him to call you kitten. Not going to lie - it sounded pretty seductive at times and at time like these, it would make you feel warm and tingly inside but now, you felt so nervous that your heart was going to explode.

Boom, into pieces.

You swallowed hard and managed to exhale, saying loud enough for him to hear, “C-Can I have a few more minutes?”

He frowned on the other end, tugging on his denim jacket and patting his jeans before staring at the door intensely that was being the barrier between him and you.

“You said that ten minutes ago. What’s going on in there?” He tried to open the door but it was locked, leaving him to sigh as he gave up on trying to budge in. “Kitten, open up. I need to know what’s going on in there.”

You hurriedly looked over to the door and pressed both of your palms against it, a small sign that you didn’t want him in. “N-No! I’ll be out in just a few minutes! Promise!”

He groaned and shook his head even though you couldn’t see it – which was pointless because you could picture it perfectly, “Don’t give me that bull. You’re just going to stay in there until I find the bathroom key to drag you out with you finally telling me what’s wrong. Now just open up and let me in.”

Knowing that he had all his points on check… how was it possible to not open the door for him? Your hands dropped with a heavy sigh, heart deflated as you unlocked the door, allowing him to hear a small click of indication that made him twist the door open to come face to face with you.

And God be damned, you blew him away with the way you looked.

You barely had any make up on with just foundation and a few pats of blush on your cheeks - that was it. The way you looked down on your dress made him wonder if the dress you were wearing made you felt insecure but it was merely impossible.

You looked incredibly stunning in this light blue pastel dress that covered up until your knees with long sleeves along with that V-cut that exposed your beautiful back.

Anyone would be crazy to say you looked bad because with your hair swept to the side that complimented the whole look – no one had the authority to say that.

He took a step forward, hands reaching to yours with a small smile, “Kitten, what’s wrong?”

Your eyes closed shut and you shook your head, “N-Nothing.”

Your voice came out in a small whisper – one that made him frown as he hated this. Where was that confident, daring woman he knew? He lured you out from the bathroom, to the bed where he made you sit on his lap with your legs at the side. His arms wounded around your waist where yours rested lifelessly on your lap, eyes still not meeting his.

“We both know that’s a big fat lie. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

It was more of a demand compared to a question, which made you lift your chin where you gazed at him sadly. His eyes softened, hands giving you a squeeze on your waist. “Kitten…” He whispered, urging you to tell him what’s really going on in your mind.

With a quiet sigh, you breathed out unstably, “I’m scared…”

He shook his head with a string of, “No no no…” before he asked, “Why are you scared?”

The moment your eyes closed and looked away, his hands shot up to frame your cheeks, bringing your head down to meet with his forehead where he whispered on your lips, “Why?”

Your eyes opened, meeting his where he really didn’t know what was going on.

What was scaring the woman he loves so much?

“I… I’m just afraid that I won’t be good enough. The evaluation, the background checks they’ve could’ve done on me – I… I can’t-“

“Shh…” He hushed you immediately, bringing you into a hug where he made this a very tight hug to make you feel comfortable and indeed, it did. You quiet down, resting your cheek on his shoulder where your arms gingerly went around his neck. He continued hushing you until he felt your body relaxing against his – which allowed him to say what he had to say.

“My parents are not like that, kitten – you and I both know that.”

“I don’t-“

“I’m still talking,” He chuckled lightly, making you huff as well as keeping quiet.

He pulled away from the hug just to look up at you slightly, his hand moving up to place it on your cheek where he delicately, “You should know that whatever you’re working as, how much you’re earning, whatever you do what you have to do – means nothing to me. All that matters is you love me, and I love you – only you. You give me your whole heart and it surprises me every day how I can love you a bit more compared to yesterday. No one can do what you can do, and to me, that’s the most valuable thing I could ever ask for. If my parents don’t see that, I’ll make them see that in you.”

You thought he was done, but he wasn’t when he whispered, “You’re the only one I love.”

As soon as he saw a smile creeping up your face, he knew he had done it. He had made you feel comfortable again as you clung onto him, face buried in his neck where you whispered, “I love you.”

You felt him kissing the side of your head, “I love you too. Shall we go now?”

With a nod you gave him as you pulled away from him to smile, “Yeah, we should.”



“I… I can’t.” You hesitated to get down from the car and he could’ve sworn that it would’ve been much easier if you two just walked so that he wouldn’t need to go through this phase of getting you out of the car. Because once again, your thoughts had corrupted your mind throughout the whole way here and now, it was back to phase one.

He sighed, “Kitten, my parents are not monster eating people. They are sophisticated-“

“That’s what scares me…” You grumbled and he got down to his knees, hands holding onto yours where he looked up at you, “C’mon, kitten. We’ve talked about this. There’s nothing to be afraid of…”

You frowned, “But what if they don’t like me?”

“They won’t.” He deadpanned and you winced, shifting backwards where it made him pull you forward to come closer until your eyes were so close – you could see the determination flaring in his eyes. Definitely, this is the man you love. “They’ll love you.”

You gulped and shifted on the seat to come out but you still sat there quietly, “R-Really?”

He chuckled and nodded, “Really.”

With him standing up along with his hands pulling you up gently out and up from the car, you stood there with your hands in his whilst he spun you around, switching places where he swiftly closed the door as well as keeping his eyes locked on yours. “Shall we?”

With a very timid nod, you smiled (well, you tried…), “Y-Yeah…”



“Mr. and Mrs. Kim will be down in a minute, sir.” The servant greeted Suho as if he was a prince and that definitely made you gape at the servant with wide eyes as Suho tugged you in. “Thanks, Jun. Did they head out today?”

The man shook his head, “No. They were waiting the whole day for this moment.”

You gulped and sighed – great…

They were waiting…

Before you knew it, you were already sitting down with just Suho beside you on the sofa, his hand intertwined with yours lovingly. You felt him rubbing your hands to keep you warm as your hands were cold, “Are you still nervous?”

With a small shaking of your head, you mumbled, “Yeah…”

“Really nervous?”

Your eyes grew wide, head shaking twice as fast, “Oh yeah…”

“Wait here, for a moment.” He whispered, pulling his hand away from yours and it made you gasp as you looked up to see that he was looking down on you. You frowned and motioned him back, “B-Babe! Where are you going?”

He snickered and shook his head, “I’ll be back, just sit here.”

You frowned and shook your head, “But…”

“Trust me,” He fixed his jacket before winking at you, “It’s safe here.”

When he left, you muttered under your breath, “Not without you…”

Just then you let out a soft scream when something crashed in the hallway. It made you shoot up from the sofa, eyes widening, ears alarmed as you walked towards the sound softly. You stood by the hallway where there were stairs but no one was there and down the hall, it was the servant earlier.

Only difference is, his hand was covered with blood along with the vase that was broken.

He grunted in pain and showed no sign of calling for help. Your instincts led you towards him as you tiptoed around the pieces of glass, crouching down in front of him where you held onto his hand. His eyes popped open upon seeing you and need he say, he felt so relieved when it was just you. You gave him a small smile and helped him up, “W-Where’s the first aid kit?” You asked politely, causing him to meekly point over your shoulder where it was in the kitchen on the first cabinet. You nodded and whispered, “Why don’t you go over there first? I’ll clean this up.”

He shook his head, “M-Madam, you’re a guest-“

“I’m a guest,” You nodded once but he was definitely surprised seeing your humble side – indeed, you were different from all the girls Suho has been with that his mother introduced before, “But I’m also human. And so are you. You’re injured so please wait there. Please?” That little squeak in your voice made him smile at you whilst nodding as he took a step back just to head into the kitchen. You glanced down on the floor where you got down on your knees, hands carefully picking up the bits of glass in your hands and with the help of the maids here, you got the place clean within a minute or two.

You peeked at the living room and noticed how there was still no one there.

Good… I still have more time to- “What are you doing there?” A voice spoke up from the stairs, making you gasp as you lifted your chin up to meet eyes with… her.

Suho’s mother.

Mrs. Kim.

She was staring down on you, eyes sharp and it made you gulp as you stammered, “I… I was cleaning up.”

She cocked an eyebrow and asked, “Cleaning?”

Before you could answer, the servant earlier came back and clarified, “Valentino knocked against a vase and as I tried to save it, it broke down with me injuring my hand. Madam helped me clean the glass up and…” He ran out of words as he wasn’t sure if he could say what he had to say but clearly, that only made Mrs. Kim a bit frustrated.


You stood up straight and reached for the servant’s hand, “I was going to treat his hand, M-Mrs. Kim…”

She raised an eyebrow and soon, a smile crept onto her face, making you flinch as you stared at her.

Suho has her eyes…

“Then treat his hand.”

You blinked at her a few times and the two of you whispered at the same time, clearly the two of you were stunned, “W-What?”

She nodded once and motioned you to do so. Your head turned to meet with the servant’s and you gulped with a tiny nod, “O-Okay…”

“T-This way, madam…” The servant spoke up a little, leading you into the kitchen where he wanted you to sit down on the stool but you made him sit down with a vague smile before you went around the counter to stand opposite him with his hand in hand with yours. He managed to grin, feeling the warm aura you were radiating.

As you were treating his hand, you were startled when a sharp voice asked, “How do you have such skills?”

Man… Her voice is enough to wake the whole world up just like that…

Your eyes flickered up to meet with hers where you gulped before you answered, “I… I had to learn on my own. I didn’t really have anyone to take care of me and… basic skills like these were essential in my daily life.”

She frowned a little, taking a seat in the corner of the kitchen where her eyes never left your figure. Considering she never said anything in return, you looked back at the servant where you lifted his hand up to blow cool air on the wounded area with a small smile, “Does it hurt?” You asked from time to time, in which he could only shake his head.

Because it was like being treated by an angel.

Or kitten, whichever.

“Don’t mind me asking, madam.” He asked politely, making you shake your head with a toothy grin as you ripped out a piece of bandage – partly with your teeth and they could see how many times you’ve been doing this before. “Ask away.” You chimed quietly before you reached for his hand again to wrap around it delicately.

But you froze completely when he asked, “W-Where are your parents?”

You gulped and let out an awkward laugh, patting his hand where you were done wrapping the bandage before your eyes moved up to meet with his. How his pitiful eyes just stared into yours as you shrugged, “I… I don’t know, actually.”

He could tell how you sounded confused, how lost you actually were and with that… you never took notice of Mrs. Kim listening as well.

“I woke up one day alone.” You stated as blankly as you could but truthfully, it was hurting you as you kept everything back into the first aid box. As you put in the tape, “And I had no one by my side ever since I was sixteen. I have my grandmother living nearby but she was only around until I was twenty-one.”

As you closed the box, “After that, I had to do what I had to do.” Your eyes glanced up to smile at the servant who was partially gaping at you, “I worked and studied at the same time. I got a scholarship somewhere in there so… it wasn’t that bad.”

In that moment, your heart skipped a beat when a familiar voice spoke up,“Mom, dad’s here.”

You stumbled backwards unintentionally when Suho came by your side, holding you by your waist when you were stunned on the fact that the whole family was here already.

Shoot… You cursed yourself. You’re officially doomed… your mind scolded.

Maybe they just got here? Your heart tried making you feel better but you let out a soft “oh…” when you were in Suho’s arms. “S-Suho…” You mumbled quietly when he kissed the side of your head, “Mom, dad – this is my girlfriend.And kitten,” Your heart leaped when he just called your pet name in front of his parents.

Your mind was screaming, God damn it Suho! Not now! It’s embarrassing!

But your heart soared, he dared to call you whatever he pleased in front of his parents…

“Meet mom, and meet dad.”

You nodded and bowed hurriedly with your hands on Suho’s arms that were around your waist. “S-Sir, M-Ma’am…”

The two of them gave a smile – in which, make you gape at them as they nodded their head in return. Mr. Kim looked rather happy to have you here, his eyes giving you a warm look and when your eyes looked over to Mrs. Kim, she motioned you with a hand of hers, “Come, dear. Let’s eat.”

"And call us mom and dad, kitten!" Mr. Kim joked as he walked out of the kitchen along with Mrs. Kim.

You were left puzzled, gulping as you watch their figures disappear. When parents walked out of the kitchen, you were still surprised, eyes popped open as if you saw a ghost and your body trembling in his arms.

Suho chuckled at this, his lips kissing your head again to bring you back.

"Oh kitten…" He cooed, biting your earlobe where he tried to make you feel relaxed but you were still too shocked to even speak. When you could speak, all you mumbled was…

“S-Suho… what just happened?”

He snickered and spun you around, coming face to face with you as he dipped down to whisper on your lips, “It means they love you, kitten. You – passed.”



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more scenarios will be added today. happy birthday kimjongin! sorry but i rejected a few requests as well. ♥


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