Chen - When he pranks you but it goes too far

♥XOXO Scenario Collection

Requested by : apeace


A day at work was incredibly tiring - it was wearing you out more than anything but the thought of being able to come home to the one you love, it made everything alright again. All worries and thoughts had disappeared as you drove back to your house you shared with your boyfriend, Chen. Before you reached home, you decided to drop by the nearby grocery shop that was open at all hours - it sounded like a good idea for a midnight snack as you knew he'd love it whenever you made him his favourite ice cream with biscuits topped with whipping cream with sprinkles on top.

As you bought all the items you needed to make his favourite midnight snack, you locked the car door before you held the bag of items in your hand while the other hand had your handbag on your shoulder with your keys in your hand. Balancing everything you had now, you managed to unlock the door only to see your favourite person sitting on the sofa with a book in his hands as he waited for you to get back. Almost immediately he shot up from the sofa, ditching his book just to come take your handbag and the bag of items as he closed the door behind you.

"Thanks." You smiled at him gratefully as he set down the bag along with your handbag just to pull you in for a giant hug.

"How was my baby's day at work today?" He planted a soft kiss on your forehead and you giggled, arms wrapping back around him with a grin. "It was pretty tiring but, coming back home to you makes it all worth it."

Smiling back at you, he probably noticed the ice cream tub that was partially showing. "For me?" He had two of his eyebrows raised and you nodded once proudly, "I thought I'd make your favourite ice cream snack before we sleep."

He ruffled your hair and then patted your , "Go shower, you'll feel much better. I'll handle the snack."

With that, you gave him a nod and proceeded to do so.



After you wore your pyjamas which was just a simple black v-neck shirt and a pair of grey sweats, you opened the bathroom door, leaving your towel behind as you walked out to the living room where you saw him smiling at you warmly with two cups of ice cream along with biscuits inside topped with whipping cream, coated with sprinkles on top. "It even looks tasty." You mumbled cutely, sitting down beside him and as you tried to reach for a cup, he pulled it aside.

"Nuh-uh. Someone has to blow dry their hair before they can have any."

Pouting at him slightly you shook your head, "Why?" He 'tsk'-ed, pushing them out of your reach even more before he moved to cup your cheeks, shaking your head a little. "Because someone could get a really bad headache if they don't."

Puffing your cheeks up, you stood up and patted his head lightly, "I'll be right back then."

Smiling at you triumphally as he get to eat the ice cream first, you showed him your tongue just before you disappeared back into the bathroom.



As you held onto the hair dryer, you switched it on, aiming it at your hair but the unexpected had already took place before you could even try to blink. Flour puffed out of the hair dryer, exploding all over your as you coughed a few times. Instinctively, you managed to just switch off the hair dryer and let it fall onto the sink counter. You couldn't even see properly as the flour had entered your eyes and as you coughed, you backed away from the sink until you bumped into the door behind you. Losing your balance from what the hell had just happened, you fell down onto the bathroom floor with your head knocking onto the edge of the sink counter before you fully landed on the floor.

You were too much in pain, too suffering to even scream or shout that you already knew who was behind all of this.

You knew Chen was the type of person to go around pranking people - even you, but you never knew he would take things this far.

Flour was all over in your clean hair - not to mention it was wet. You tried blinking the flour out of your eyes but it was practically impossible that it started to sting a little as you hissed, rubbing your eyes but it was making things worst, you don't even know what to do for crying out loud!

You've had your fair experience of having flour in your hair (life was crazy at camp and at the end of the day, your mom would clean it for you) but this was hell. The bump on your forehead felt painful but not as painful as the pain you felt on your . You hear a faint chuckle when you knew Chen thought you were angry or pissed or maybe even shocked but those weren't the emotions you were feeling. You were just feeling one; pain. When you felt like he was beside you, his face paled as this wasn't the outcome he had expected. He had expected you to scream at him for doing this, laugh at your own stupidity for even switching it on or at the very most, fall onto the floor like how you were but he had never expected you to be silently crying out in pain.

You were even shedding tears as your feet kicked against the cabinet before you, you just wanted the pain to be gone!

"B-Baby? Oh my god." He cried out desperately as he cocooned you in his arms, crouching down beside you. You pushed him away roughly and cried even harder - it made him feel guilty in an instant, he felt horrible. He noticed that you were rubbing your eyes which indicated that you had flour in your eyes. Almost instantly, he shot up from the ground, "D-Don't move! I'll get a small cup for your to rinse your eyes."

"Like I could go anywhere!" You manage to shout - but it wasn't loud. You ended up coughing out flour as your back leaned against the door behind you. The flour stuck at your throat made you feel nauseous as you tasted the flour in your mouth. Your vision roughly came back to you as you vaguely saw the sink in front of you. Struggling, you kneeled up even though your hurts but you managed to put an arm on the sink counter, the other hand desperately switching onto the faucet so that you could put some water into your mouth as you washed away the flour in your mouth.

When you let the water touch your tongue and enter your mouth, it felt good. It felt like things were getting a bit better as you continued doing so but your body couldn't support yourself any longer. Chen wasn't around either. Before you could even fall back onto the floor, a pair of hands had hoisted you up and you winced in pain. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Chen apologized dearly - trying to catch his breath as he ran but now he was putting you onto the sink counter as he patted your back each time you coughed out flour - it was supposed to be hilarious, but now it was eating him alive. He watched a prank video online and the reaction he saw in the video and what he was seeing now was completely different.

Seeing you in this state and seeing you in such pain - it hurt him too. His hand reached up to lightly press on the already red mark on your forehead but you swatted his hand away with a hiss, "Don't touch me." You deadpanned weakly and he gulped in guilt, a frown visible on his lips as he held onto your hand to hand you a small cup at the size of your eyes. "I... I ran to the nearby grocery shop to buy this for you."


You pushed his hand away but he made sure you held onto the cup tight. "Let me help yo-"


"You've done enough." You hissed when you felt pain stinging your body as you tried to get off the counter. "P-Please, let me-"


"Get out." You whimpered instead, failing to sound stern when you pushed yourself off the counter, nearly falling down to your knees but he held onto your waist. "Be careful..."


You looked away and he sighed dejectedly, "If I leave, will you please rinse your eyes to get the flour out of your eyes?"


Nodding once without looking at him, he nodded back. "I-I'll leave then..." With that, he stepped out of the bathroom, spinning back around to hope for you to call him back in for help but he let his lips part involuntarily when you slammed the door at his face as you tried to rinse the flour out of your eyes - this was going to take a while.

As you could finally see clearly without flour in your eyes, you put away the cup just to look around in the bathroom - it was a complete mess and the feeling of your damp hair with flour in it along with flour covering you felt like crap - you just wanted to fall asleep now. With your sleeves rolled up, you managed to get on fours with a cloth as you started wiping all the flour off the floor. It took quite an effort considering you were still injured but the sight of this makes you feel so uncomfortable.

When you tried to stand up, you were in need of help but you didn't want to call him - him pulling this prank on you is enough. Like magic, you managed to get up on your own without wincing in pain only to realize that Chen was helping you up. You looked over your shoulder to see that he was holding onto your waist. He let go of you and stepped back, "I'm... I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'm not, just go." You pointed at the door behind the two of you but you knew that wasn't what you wanted. You just wanted to hug him tight or even scream at him for what an he is. No matter how horrible a prank he'd pull on you, you'd love him nevertheless... although now you just wanted to wrap your hands around his neck. "No. I'm not going."

With a firm voice, he moved past you to put the toilet seat down and he made you sit down without making you feel pain so much before he took the cloth from your hands. "I'll clean this up. You just... sit there. Just please don't tell me to go away anymore... I feel bad enough..." This is where you felt a pang in your heart. You knew that he was just doing this for fun to create a lively and exciting relationship between the two of you but he definitely chose the wrong prank to pull at a time like this, it felt like it was already past midnight.

As he cleaned the mirror and the sink counter, he glanced at you from time to time when you stared at him. When your eyes met, you'd look away naturally and he sighed, wanting to apologize more but he knew he should just clean this up without a word.

When he was done, he put the cloth to dry as he crouched down in front of you. "Baby," He called you out and you lifted your chin to look at him blankly. He sighed as he came closer, hands holding onto yours tightly. "I'm really sorry. I just... I didn't know it would turn out to be this bad and honestly, I wished I never saw that video to prank on you like this. I won't play pranks anymore. I promise."

Sighing on how much he wanted to give up pranking just for you, you cupped his cheeks warmly this time as you lock gazes. "Chen, it's alright to pull pranks but... really? A prank like this at a time like this? Are you trying to raise my blood pressure?"

When he heard the way you talked this way, he knew you had already forgave him as he pulled you in for a tight hug - he didn't care if you were covered in flour with your hair wet - he didn't care at all.

"I'm really sorry..." He sounded so sincere, it felt like it was alright.

"I'll forgive you on one condition."

He broke the hug sharply to widen his eyes at you - he couldn't exactly believe it, "R-Really? What is it? I'll do it!"

You looked up to your hair and to the bump at your forehead before looking down to his eyes again.


He chuckled, pecking your lips before he got up from the floor. "I'll go call my mom now to ask how to get rid of flour from your hair and... I'll massage that bump in your forehead. Wait here, hmm?" With another kiss he gave on your lips, he had gone to fulfill the words he had just said not too long ago.


What to do? You still loved this guy regardless of his pranking ways. 

Indeed he was, the one and only, Chen.



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more scenarios will be added today. happy birthday kimjongin! sorry but i rejected a few requests as well. ♥


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