Kai - When other's try to steal you

♥XOXO Scenario Collection

A/N : I literally flipped when I realized I mistakenly replaced this with another oneshot and I didn't save this so I had to retype it. It's different than the original but the plot stays the same and honestly, i like this more ;) ENJOY! <3



"Ready to go?" He chimed as he entered the bedroom with you sitting down on the bed with your feet planted down on the floor, feeling slightly insecure with the way you were dressed right now. Currently you had a red velvet dress on with a white line around your waist to emphasize your frame that looked perfect to his eyes. Your hair covering your shoulders slightly along with the sleeves that reached up to your elbows without a flaw with the hem of the dress touching your knees. The only thing that bugged you was the fact that your back was exposed - not too much, but it wasn't little either.

"Angel?" His voice was soft as he walked towards you where he kneeled down before you as he looked up to meet your eyes. You sighed a little with your hands fidgeting on your lap. He reached for two of your hands carefully as he frowned at you when you didn't answer - you weren't even responding as he looked at you with a sad expression, on Christmas. "Can't I wear something that doesn't make me feel insecure?" You asked meekly and he shook his head with a grin as he stood up from the floor, retreating his hands from yours as he stood in front of you with his hands on his hips, "Really? That's why you're so worked up?"

You huffed at him as you got up from the bed to stand before him, pointing it at your dress with two of your hands, "I don't feel comfortable, Kai..."


Indeed, you was never the type to go all out in dresses or even skirts for the matter and he understood that very well. Heck, it was even hard for him to get you to wear a skirt for a job interview but that was the first and last he's seen you in a skirt. But of course, he would never for his dear life pressure you to wear something you were uncomfortable in wearing but today was Christmas and he'd want you to wear something... something special. He had bought you a dress - a beautiful one and you looked flawless in it, just as he had expected. On this day, he wanted to show his off that his girlfriend could not only rock a t-shirt with jeans but she could also rock the hell out of a stunning dress, which is something you were doing very well.

"Let me be the judge of that, angel. Turn around." With the motion of his finger in a circle, you puffed up your cheeks as you spun around once, causing your dress to float up before they landed gracefully on your lap again - it took his breath away as you faced him again. "Angel, which part of you do you feel insecure about?" He chuckled lightly, seeing that there was no reason for you to feel insecure when you looked this breathtaking.


He shook his head with a grin when you didn't respond, you had bit your lower lip instead.


His hands placed on your shoulders gently as he shook you, "Angel, I can't convince you if you don't show me where..."


Sighing, you brushed his hands off as you turned around delicately, showing him your exposed back that you felt insecure about - it was eating you alive. "There..." You sounded so nervous, so shaky that he wanted to just ensure you that you looked so beautiful, there were no words to explain to you. 

Your breath hitched when you felt his warm lips on your skin as he kissed your back. You swallowed hard and he smiled on your skin as he trailed light, feathery kisses up until he reached the back of your neck where he placed another kiss that made your body tense up. His trail of kisses continued until he reached the back of your ear where he had his lips at the side of your ear, whispering, "You don't need to feel insecure, angel. Your back is beautiful."


You didn't know what to say - he always had his way of making you feel alright again. "R-Really?"


He chuckled again, spinning you around by your waist so you were facing him. He had this glee sparkling in his eyes as he looked down on you, "I've never been more sure than anything in my life, angel."


The moment he said those words, that one simple line with that nickname he gave you, everything felt good again. Yes, you were his one and only angel considering you looked like one - which leads to why he felt insecure too on the fact that other guys would try to go after you. However, this matter was talked about before and he had easily let it go whenever a guy tries because they would always fail as he would never let anyone steal you away from him.



He felt his heart beating faster, warming up in an instant the moment your lips curled up into a small, endearing smile. He smiled wider when you tip toed, wrapping your arms around his neck while he supported you by your waist as you leaned in to peck his supple lips once with this taste of sweetness he got from your lips, "Let's go."




"I still can't believe we're wearing this..." You grumbled as you two walked down the sidewalk. He was making the two of you wear it again - the Christmas couple hats he got that was so cute at first but after getting stares from so many people - it made you feel a bit embarrassed but he didn't feel a thing. He felt proud - in fact. He pulled you to the side by your hand he was holding as he turned around to shake his head at you.


"Let me fix your hat." He whispered softly, lifting his hands to adjust the hat on your head that matched your red dress perfectly. He swept your fringe to one side and you gave him a look by narrowing your eyes at him. He simply narrowed his eyes back down on you when you gave him that look. Well, he was wearing the same hat too.


"Don't give me that look. I only make you wear this once a year, angel." He poked your nose with a grin and you tip toed, grinning at him playfully as your hands lifted up to his hat. "Let me adjust yours, then." With that, your hands pulled down his hat where it covered his eyes, causing him to gawk his mouth open with a look that told you that you shouldn't have done that but this was one of the reasons why he loved you - you were always you no matter what the occasion was. Hurriedly, you dashed into the cafe where you two were standing in front of.


Before you knew it, a soft growl came behind you as you were yanked behind until you collided with his warm chest, arms wrapping around you tight on your waist. Already you two had caused a number of people to smile at you - looking at a happy couple on Christmas was always blissful. They didn't find you two a bother, they found you two rather cute and sweet. "You're so mischievous, angel..." He growled beside your ear, causing you to giggle in his arms.


"You're so lucky we're in public." He kissed the side of your head before he released you, letting you turn around where you smiled at him with that puppy eyes of yours. He laughed when he saw that look, he had understood the silent request bubbling inside you. "Find a nice place to sit and I'll get us some warm drinks. Alright, angel?"


With a cute nod you gave to him, he had dipped down to kiss your nose, "Wait for me." As he said those words, he had turned around to walk towards the counter where he lined up with a wallet he fished out from his pocket. "Kai!" You called him out before he could even look at the menu. He looked over his shoulder, eyes greeting yours with a smile, "Yes, angel?"


You motioned him to come back to you with a hand, "Come here."


He gladly made his way towards you, standing before you as you tip toed again to fix his hat on his head. He smiled at your cute actions as he gave you a kiss on your forehead this time with a hand on the back of your head, "Thanks, angel. Be right back." He had took his leave again as he went to line up while you went on over to sit at the table by the window. You glanced at him and he was staring at you with a smile plastered on his face. You blew him a kiss and he pretended to catch the kiss, putting it into his pocket as he mouthed the words, "I'll redeem that later."


Grinning at him, you nodded, "Whatever you want."


He laughed at you before you smiled back as you let your eyes wander around as you looked out of the window with your elbow on the table, chin resting on your palm. Your eyes roamed around where you could see that there are people walking around - couples, mostly. Them with their loved ones as they walked underneath the lovely weather, the smiles they got were similar to the ones you had whenever you with him.


I'm so lucky, you thought to yourself. Years of being with Kai had only made you love him more despite the down moments you had but with that, you definitely had your up moments together. Everything was so nice, so perfect.


With a sigh, you faced forward only to lean back against your chair when a guy, somewhat the same height as Kai was standing before you as he looked at you. He was handsome, that's one - but not as handsome as the boy you loved with all your heart. You moved to placed your hands on your lap as you crossed your legs nervously, there wasn't exactly a good feeling about this. 


"M-Miss, I can't help but tell you that you look absolutely beautiful." He told you confidently, hands playing with one another as you looked at him from head to toe. You gulped as you rubbed the back of your neck. "T-Thank you, but I-"


"I think it's a Christmas miracle that I got to meet you here, miss. You are definitely an angel."


You let out an awkward laugh before your eyes looked at Kai. True enough, he was already frowning at the scene - he didn't like this one bit.


"Miss, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you out."


You gulped and that was the last thing that drove Kai to walk back towards you and the guy with his wallet shoved into his pocket as he came in between you and the guy, standing directly in front of him. "Sorry, but that's my girlfriend you're talking to." The amount of jealousy, anger and possessiveness in Kai's voice couldn't be hidden when he had also clenched his fists the moment the guy simply walked around Kai to kneel down before you. The people in the cafe were simply looking at you in awe - two flower boys completely attracted to you but you were only attracted to one, Kai.

"S-Sir, please get up." You whispered softly, not wanting to piss Kai any further as you looked at the guy pitifully on the ground.


"Please, miss. Give me a chance." He pleaded as you pointed your hand weakly at Kai. "I have a boyfriend and he's not too happy with you doing this..."


"I don't care." He had deadpanned, not caring that you were taken as he held onto your hand without your consent.


It had drove Kai to the edge as he lost it - no one calls you angel and second, no one touches you unless it was him. He had pried his hand away from yours with force to make sure the guy lost grip of your hand as he looked down on the guy who tried to woo you over. Kai was definitely not mad at you because it wasn't your fault.


But this was simply the umpteenth time a guy has tried to steal you away from him even though you clearly stated you have a boyfriend. The fact that so many guys tried to woo you over - he hated that but there was nothing he could do but protect you and make sure no other guys try to steal you away because you were his and only his. You were glad Kai understood it and you never liked it whenever other guys acted this way.


"Listen here, mister. This is my girlfriend and I know, she's an angel but she's mine. I get it that this is Christmas and miracles happen on this day but by you stealing her away from me, you're stealing my miracle and I don't appreciate that one bit. Please, respect me and my girlfriend - she's not interested and I'm definitely not either." He huffed irritatedly and you saw the disappointment in the guy's eyes but you simply blinked at the two of them. Kai had then turned his eyes on you as he held onto your hand, pulling you up gently, "Angel, we're leaving." With that, he had made you walk around the other side of the table so he could drag you out.



As you two walk along the sidewalk with his grip tight around your hand, you winced when he was gripping on a little too tight but you understood why - it must be hard to witness other people trying to steal your loved one away but you had gone through this many times. He halted his tracks in an instant upon hearing you in pain. He looked over his shoulder to see you press your lips together and he tugged you over until you two were in an alley with his back pressed against the wall as he let go of your hand. He examined your hand to notice he gripped on too tight until there were faint red marks on your hand. 


Sighing, he brought your hand to his lips as he planted a soft kiss on the back of your hand with guilt, "A-Angel, I'm so sorry... I just..."


You shook your head, taking your hand back to move it up to frame his cheeks, "I understand, Kai."


He shook his head back at you with a hiss he gave to himself, "I just can't stand it when another man touches you. I don't like it when another guy tries to claim you as mine. I knew that you wearing a dress might have caused this but I just wanted to see you in a beautiful dress after so long. I just... I'm sorry..." He had closed his eyes in shame as he let his head fall back against the wall. You gulped and shook him by his head with your hands holding onto him gently, "Hey hey hey... Look at me." You demanded softly and his eyes opened again, only to stare back into your eyes staring at him lovingly - how could he ever stay the way he's feeling with you always by his side?


"I know there are... pardon me for saying this but, 'guys going after me' but," You chuckled softly, realizing how amusing that sounds and Kai had already laughed along with you - he loved watching you smile like this. "But you're the only one for me, Kai. No matter how hard they try, you already have my heart and they'll never stand a chance. I'll definitely try to wear dresses for you in the future, even if it's not a special occasion but I'll warn you beforehand, it'll take a lot of talking, mister."


"Thank you, angel." He smiled at you in gratitude and you snickered, "I should be thanking you for keeping your cool so well. Remember that one time you punched a guy in the face?" He laughed at his own behaviour last time, but the two of you laughed it off.


His hands slowly placed gingerly on your waist, shaking his head as he grinned at you, "You are truly my angel, angel..."


You tip toed to sheepishly grin at him before you whispered on his lips, "I love you, Kai."


He had made you land on your feet without you tip toeing at him as he dipped down to brush his lips against yours with a breathy chuckle, "Merry Christmas, angel."


He nuzzled his nose with yours with love, "And I love you too."


The way your lips spread into a wider smile, it made his heart leap out of his chest. He was completely left amazed on the fact that you were his girlfriend - with you thinking the same. Noticing that you two were so close, and rather in the alley where possibly, no one could care about...


"I think it's time I redeemed my kiss." With that, he had sealed your lips with another lasting sweet kiss.




Merry Christmas indeed.





A/N : MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! ♥ Maybe I'll write about that time that Kai punched the guy in the face ;D should I ? ahaha, there are more to come guys! 

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more scenarios will be added today. happy birthday kimjongin! sorry but i rejected a few requests as well. ♥


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Y-Sensei #1
Chapter 30: yare-yare, just like her :'D
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Chapter 25: o(≧▽≦)o it's so sweeeett, i could have a diabetes
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kdramafan #7
Chapter 1: Re reading again !!
Just because it's amazing
Chapter 44: You little sweet talker! :">
Chapter 31: Awwww... why is he so sweet?! That shouldbe illegal too! Lol xD
Chapter 30: Omomomomomomomo......Lay!♥♡♥