Sae Hee's boyfriend

Love Hate


I followed Sae Hee to the park. She sat at the same park bench she sat yesterday. She was trying to hold back her tears. I quietly sat next to her on the bench and put on my earphone right ear and put another in her ear. She jumped a bit and looked at me. I closed my eyes and leaned back. I played,_____, the song I always listen to when I was down. So I wanted to share it with her. She just sat quietly and listened to the song. Unexpectedly, the next song played and it was Super Junior's Sorry. To lighten the mood, I danced on my seat and did the sorry dance. She looked amused but did not smile. I felt like I was gaining a bit of her trust. Just then, Sae Hee's phone rang and she immediately picked it up.

"Ok sure. Where do you want to meet? I will be there soon. Bye", Sae Hee said.

Sae Hee stood up and started to leave.

"Hey wait. Where are you going?", I asked

"Its none of your business", she replied.

"Hey tell me please", I said and gave her the puppy eye.

"To coffee express", she said coldly

"With who?"

"My boyfriend"

As I watched her leave, I was too curious to sit. I paced at the park. She has a boyfriend? Who is it? Why does she not want to tell me? I was dying of curiousity. I couldn't take it anymore. Thats it. I am going to see who that is. I didn't know why i felt so curious, but i decided to just follow my instinct.

--------Coffee express--------

Sae Hee was waiting alone in the shop. She was busy talking to the workers there. She seemed very friendly with them. Maybe she works here... Then I saw someone enter the shop. Maybe that is her boyfriend. I moved closer to get a good look.

Holy crap its Tao!

I left in place in disbelief. I should have known earlier by how they kept talking and laughing when they are together.


Sae Hee POV

The next day, I woke up early so that I don't have to go to school with Kris. I woke Yoogeun up and made him wash up quickly. We went to the kitchen to see Kris and Mrs Wu already seating there.

"Your aunt had already left. Do you always bring Yoogeun to the centre before going to school?", Mrs Wu asked.


"You are so helpful to your aunt. She must be happy to have you"

I ate quickly and left with Yoogeun. Just then, Mrs Wu came sayings that Kris will be going with me. Apparently, Mrs Wu had asked Kris to help me out. I had no choice but to go to school with Kris.

Kris, Yoogeun and I left the house. We remained quiet and we walked to the bus stop.

"So we won't be going with D.O. anymore?", Yoogeun asked the obvious. He said that he missed D.O.

"Go marry him", Kris said to Yoogeun. He wasn't fond of kids and was annoyed that Yoogeun liked D.O. more than him. I parted ways with Kris, saying that we did not need to go to school together.

"Fine",Kris said curtly and left.


After lessons, Sae Hee left to her work while D.O., Tao, Jihye and I did some homework together. Then we wanted to get some ice cream. Tao suggested we go to coffee express. He said that we can also see Sae Hee there. So we all agreed. Hah! Of course you want to go there, Tao. You want to see your girlfriend...

We reached the shop and saw Sae Hee busy attending to customers. Yoogeun was sitting at the corner table, which was where he usually sat and waited to go home with Sae Hee. When Yoogeun saw D.O., he came running to him. We all sat at the corner table with Yoogeun while Tao ordered the ice cream. Sae Hee was happy to see us. Sae Hee had a 10 min break so she came and joined us.

"Sup guys",she said.

"Why do you work so hard? Have some of my ice cream", Tao said.

He fed his ice cream to Sae Hee.

"I know you two loove each other but can't you do this when dating?", I said sarcastically.

They all stared at me weirdly.

"Haha since when are we dating? We are just friends", Tao said.


Haha so Sae Hee lied to me...But why do I feel happy and relieved after Tao said that? Maybe I am jealous that I am not Sae Hee's friend. Yes, that must be it.

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Chapter 19: O_O errghhh Mr.creep is scaryyyy
inspiritxbaby #2
Chapter 19: Omg! Update soooonnnnn!
Chapter 17: Nooooooo :(
Chapter 16: Finallyyyy!!! Finally Sae Hee realize her feelings toward Kris!! *dance*
inspiritxbaby #5
Chapter 14: update!!! bbali bbali!
inspiritxbaby #6
Chapter 6: "Noona said you are a bad boy. So I am not going to pass you the snack",
hahaha, love this line!
Chapter 13: Awwww group hugg <3
I hate crystal >:(
Chapter 10: Hmmmp :( I hope Sae Hee is going to forgive Kris
notoveryou #9
Wooo this story is great! andd Tao is sooo sweet <3
Chapter 8: Woooooo I hope things are going to get better between Sae Hee and Kris~!