the escape

Love Hate

Sae Hee POV

It has almost been six months since I was kidnapped into this room. I was lying awake limply on the cold hard floor. It was especially chilly tonight and I felt frozen to the bones.I was dizzy and weak all over. I clinged on to hope desperately that one day, just one fine day, I will be able to escape from the clutches of him.

It was surprisingly quiet this night. The accomplices of Mr creeps were usually noisy outside guarding the door. I stood ever so slowly and limped to the door, muting the shouts of pain. The door creaked open and I peered from inside the room. Nobody was there!
With all my strength, I moved as fast as I could out of the place. At the end of the corridor were a series of stairs going upwards. Trying my luck, I climbed the stairs quickly but quietly. My head throbbed from moving too quickly and my left arm couldn't move at all. After climbing all the steps, there was yet another dark corridor with several rooms.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps echoing on the corridor. It was coming to my direction! I was too stunned for a moment that I couldn't think. Fortunately, I was able to myself into a nearby room just in time. I stood still for a moment, listening to the noise of the footsteps fade away. With every ounce of strength left, I looked around the room for an exit. There was a closed window in that room. It was made of glass and the only way i could escape was to break the glass. I grabbed a metal pipe that was nearby and smashed the glass with all my might. 

The shattering of glass shook the whole building. A million shards jumped in every direction. I cringed away from the explosion. Loud footsteps could be heard coming towards the room. I threw myself out of the broken window and ran as fast I could. Someone was chasing after me but I didn't care less to glimpse behind. I ran and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I ended up at a roadside breathless. It felt like my whole body was on fire. I flagged at the passing vehicles. My vision became to fade away and the whole world span around me. Soon my legs gave away and I collapsed onto the hard ground.

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Chapter 19: O_O errghhh Mr.creep is scaryyyy
inspiritxbaby #2
Chapter 19: Omg! Update soooonnnnn!
Chapter 17: Nooooooo :(
Chapter 16: Finallyyyy!!! Finally Sae Hee realize her feelings toward Kris!! *dance*
inspiritxbaby #5
Chapter 14: update!!! bbali bbali!
inspiritxbaby #6
Chapter 6: "Noona said you are a bad boy. So I am not going to pass you the snack",
hahaha, love this line!
Chapter 13: Awwww group hugg <3
I hate crystal >:(
Chapter 10: Hmmmp :( I hope Sae Hee is going to forgive Kris
notoveryou #9
Wooo this story is great! andd Tao is sooo sweet <3
Chapter 8: Woooooo I hope things are going to get better between Sae Hee and Kris~!