Broken heart

Love Hate

"That's wrong. Do that again", Kris said.

"Aishh I don't get it", I said.

"Because you were not listening to what I was teaching you"


I was in the balcony with Kris. Mrs Wu asked Kris to teach me Maths so I will be stuck with him for a few hours listening to some alien language.

Tao: Wat r u doin?
Me: Sth really really boring :(
Tao: Haha thats too bad. ;) Wanna meet up?
Me: Where?
Tao: U decide :-P
Me: Hmmm...wat abo

"Yah!! Give it back to me!!", i shouted at Kris who snatched away my phone.

"You were messaging Tao when we are with a handsome guy like me?", Kris asked in disbelief.

Then he typed:
What about nowhere? Stop msging me idiot!

and confiscated my phone.

"I know this is boring for you but listen if you want to do well."

"Okaayyy", I said in a drone and blew out my bangs on my face.

After a few hours of studying, I was finally.......FREEEEEE!!!

"You okay? About yesterday's party?", Kris asked worriedly.

I just shrugged.

"I know she is a b*tch. I decided to break up with her. Tomorrow",he said.

"What! Really? But why?"

"She is just not the one for me."

"Then who is your ideal type?"

"A girl that is nice, hardworking and cheerful. Whats yours?"

"Hmmmm....a guy that is cute, friendly and caring."

"Like me?", he said and gave his proud face.

"No, like Tao", I said. 
OMG why did I just say that? Nooo! 
I covered my mouth and quickly said, "Haha I'm just kidding. Pretend you never heard that" and ran out of the balcony.

~Next day at school~

News that Kris and Crystal have broken up spread like wildfire. She is so screwed....

"You see what this is?",Tao asked and showed a half heart with this fingers.

"I dunno?"

"Its a broken heart"

"Haha who broke it?"

"You! You rejected me!", Tao said and did a fake sob.

"Me?", I said and gave a confused face. And then I remembered that Kris used my phone to reply Tao.
What did Kris say....

I checked my phone and saw it.

' What about nowhere? Stop msging me idiot!'
and then.....
'I like Kris'

"Tao i didn't text this!"

"Then who? Kris? Are you living together?",Tao asked and laughed.

"Yes we are", Kris said,and sat at his seat.

Tao looked confused and then suddenly smiled.

"Daebak! That means I can go to your house to see both of you! Hahaha", Tao said happily.

and Kris was like


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Chapter 19: O_O errghhh Mr.creep is scaryyyy
inspiritxbaby #2
Chapter 19: Omg! Update soooonnnnn!
Chapter 17: Nooooooo :(
Chapter 16: Finallyyyy!!! Finally Sae Hee realize her feelings toward Kris!! *dance*
inspiritxbaby #5
Chapter 14: update!!! bbali bbali!
inspiritxbaby #6
Chapter 6: "Noona said you are a bad boy. So I am not going to pass you the snack",
hahaha, love this line!
Chapter 13: Awwww group hugg <3
I hate crystal >:(
Chapter 10: Hmmmp :( I hope Sae Hee is going to forgive Kris
notoveryou #9
Wooo this story is great! andd Tao is sooo sweet <3
Chapter 8: Woooooo I hope things are going to get better between Sae Hee and Kris~!