one day out

Lost Soul, Found Heart

They treated everyday as a regular, ordinary day after hearing Sungmin's confession. They've decided not to remember
it at all, although in the magnae's heart it will always be there...the embarrassment of his hyung..and the reality
that his favourite hyung is in love with him.

On one of the most ordinary day... on the most boring day Kyuhyun had, he looked around the house to find Sungmin.
When he went to the living room, he saw Donghae lying down on Eunhyuk's lap looking so lovey dovey.

"Hyung..." he started. "Did you see Sungmin hyung?" he asked as the 2 almost not pay attention to him.

"Sungmin hyung?" Eunhyuk asked. "Now that you mention it... I haven't seen him since this morning."

Donghae sighed as he looked at Kyuhyun. "You wouldn't see him at home the whole day... It's the time of the year..."

"Time of the year?" Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun asked.

Donghae nodded at them. "It's the time of the year where he do all his charity works. He's always busy but this time
of the year is his day off. He will not do anything but all his charity stuffs."

Kyuhyun nodded. "then...where is this charity place?" Donghae looked at his watch and think... "by this time...he'll
be out in the streets...probably asking for donations. That's what they do last year." he said.

Kyuhyun nodded and went out to look for his favourite hyung. Indeed he found Sungmin however, he's not asking for
donations instead giving hugs to the people.

Bunch of girls and boys, old and young, Sungmin hugs them tightly and with his bunny smile. Kyuhyun walked towards
him which made the older guy smile more. "Kyuhyun-ah... why are you here?"

"Why are you the only one giving hugs?" he asked in a complaining voice.

"All their donations are for the sick children, why would a weak and dying children give them hugs?"
Kyuhyun stopped at hearing this reason. So all of this are for sick children, he thought.

"but it's good that you're here. Help me promote my hug activity." Sungmin said sweetly.

"I don't want..." Kyuhyun said childishly. "You can always ask people for money why exchange it for a hug?"

"its the least I can do... At least I can exchange something from me with the money they give." he said.
"never mind... thanks for dropping by."

Sungmin was about to walk away when Kyuhyun stopped him, holding one of his arms.

"wait..." the older guy looked at Kyuhyun while waiting for the next line.
The magnae looked away feeling very cool as he say... "Where's my hug?"

Sungmin absolutely looked annoyed seeing this prince complexed expression of the magnae.
"Yah, youre so shallo-" he wanted to compain a lot but Kyuhyun suddenly hugged him which made him shut his mouth.

"You're doing very well... Lee Sungmin..." Kyuhyun whispered to his ears, which made the older guy smiled.

In the midst of their hug, a little girl tapped Kyuhyun... they looked at the little pig-tailed girl as she said...
"Oppa... Can I have a hug?" in a very cute way which melted the 2 guys' heart.
They give a hug on the little girl.

Soon, Kyuhyun found himself helping Sungmin give a hug. He didn't know why he secretly feel happy seeing he and
his hyung doing the same thing.

In the afternoon, Kyuhyun find himself sitting down in a park along with 30 sick children, watching a magic show that
Sungmin is conducting. Every trick, every illusion makes him amaze and enjoy as much as the children do. He's been clapping and cheering Sungmin who is in the stage controlling the whole show. 'This guy, youre the most beautiful
person Ive seen...and now it seems like youre the most amazing one as well.' he said in his mind.

In the mid afternoon, Sungmin did a martial arts exhibition in front of the children and teach them different chops
and kicks. He smiled delightedly whenever the children follows him and give them high fives. 'not only are you amazing,
you also have the best smile.' Kyuhyun thought as he watches them.

"Alright... who wants some ice cream??!!!" Sungmin shouted which excited the children the most.
Kyuhyun stand beside him as he distribute ice cream to the children. When all the children left to eat the ice cream,
Sungmin offered him an ice cream which he took and bit immediately.

Minutes while the ice cream, Kyuhyun saw Sungmin the cone and is having a hard time eating the ice
cream. He doesnt know why it sends him a different message so he felt really weird.
'now what? After all the cute side... why is he doing this in front of me?'

Sungmin , his index and thumb as well as it's really getting messy.

"Yah..." Kyuhyun said, to his surprise, Sungmin looked at him exactly when he the cream around his mouth.
"What?" the older guy said.

Kyuhyun's eyebrows are crossed as he said... "are you seducing me?" which made Sungmin's eyes bigger.

"What?!" he asked, breathing deeper and with a face of disbelief. 'this stinky Kyuhyun...'
"what makes you think Im seducing you? Yah... I accepted the fact that you are good looking but youre developing that
prince complex everyday, it really makes me want to kick you." he said blowing his fringes up which made Kyuhyun felt
differently again.

"See..." Kyuhyun said pointing at him. "Youre really seducing me. Who ask you to blow your fringe up?!" he said...
"and...why do you...have to eat cream like that?" he said.

"yah...this self centred egomaniac... the weather is too hot it melted your brain. Who came here to disturb me after
all?" Sungmin asked.

Kyuhyun caught his tongue and was not able to speak anymore. He just finished his ice cream and finally noticed that
Sungmin is not really sending him different message instead just having a hard time eating.

"What has gotten into my brain?" he asked himself as Sungmin continued playing with the children.

On the evening, the people from the hospital cook some food for the children, Sungmin and Kyuhyun helped them in serving
and feeding the kids. It was a fun day...but it doesnt end yet. After the dinner, Sungmin stood up and said...

"Children, did you have fun?" he said which was cheered by the children. He smiled widely, showing his deep
contentment. "Before Sungmin oppa goes home. I am going to play a piano piece for that later when you go to
bed, you can all sleep soundly. Is that ok with you?" he said.

The children were delighted as Sungmin sat down in front of the piano. Kyuhyun watches Sungmin as he played a children's
lullaby song wholeheartedly. 'this guy... he said I only see Joohyun in him. Now i can see... he is not Joohyun. He is Lee Sungmin...'
with a secret smile he said...

'and I like it more.'

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Start reading: January 19, 2019
kyuichi91 #2
Chapter 33: You must be liking Sj's songs that much, i love the way you explain it through the story.. Kyumin truly are made for each other kkkk

For your first time writing a fanfic, this is more than good.
Keep writing^^
Chapter 33: I honestly had second thoughts about reading this since I don't like seokyu that much (coming from a former seokyu shipper, straaange ^v^) but then reading it further I really liked it, the plot everything :> Author-nim jjang ^^d
DitaNiella #4
Chapter 21: Goog job author-nim ^^b
DitaNiella #5
Chapter 20: Ohh God. Kyu~~~ sweet~
KYUMIN Sweet moment
DitaNiella #6
Chapter 18: Eunhae so sweet ~(*0*)~
DitaNiella #7
Chapter 3: Seo died?!
Gwaenchana Kyu, Baby Ming here
DitaNiella #8
Chapter 2: Woww Ming is coming >.<
DitaNiella #9
Chapter 1: aish! they so sweet. -_-
MINGGGGG~ coming baby~ *3*
DitaNiella #10
good story , but i see kyu really love seo. I'll read next chap
hope kyu love min ^^